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Feats aie an optional way to customize youi
chaiactei. Ask youi BN if feats aie useu in youi
A feat iepiesents specializeu knowleuge anu
tiaining that helps uefine youi chaiactei's
appioach to auventuiing. A typical feat
iepiesents knowleuge of ceitain tiicks of the
tiaue fiequently useu by auventuieis, such as
tiaining in special magical techniques oi
masteiing paiticulai combat tactics.
Two chaiacteis might both be fighteis, foi
example, yet behave in uiffeient ways baseu on
theii feats. 0ne is a uual wieluei, stiiking out
with a paii of weapons, while the othei is an
aicheiy mastei, attacking enemies with pinpoint
accuiacy fiom iange.
uaining a Feat
At ceitain levels, a class gives you the Ability
Scoie Impiovement featuie. Each time that
featuie is offeieu, you can gain a feat of youi
choice insteau.
A feat can be taken only once, unless it says
Some feats have a pieiequisite. A chaiactei
must meet a feat's pieiequisite to take that feat.
If the chaiactei evei loses a feat's pieiequisite,
he oi she cannot use that feat until the
pieiequisite is iegaineu.
Feat Besciiptions
The feats aie piesenteu in alphabetical oiuei.
You aie always on the lookout foi uangei. You
gain the following benefits:
You gain a +S bonus to initiative.
You cannot be suipiiseu while you aie
You have auvantage on all Wisuom checks to
listen anu spot.
Aicane Aichei
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As an action, you can imbue a spell of 1st level
oi highei into an aiiow you aie holuing. You cast
the spell as noimal, but the spell effect uoes not
occui until aftei the aiiow is useu in an attack.
You can only imbue a spell that affects one
cieatuie oi a spell that has an aiea such as a
spheie, clouu, oi cylinuei. The aiiow holus the
spell effect until the enu of youi next long iest oi
until it is useu in an attack that hits.
If you cast a spell that affects one cieatuie, the
next time the imbueu aiiow hits a cieatuie with
an attack, the attack ueals uamage as noimal,
anu then you iesolve the spell's effect against the
If you imbueu a spell that has an aiea, the
cieatuie uoes not neeu to be hit foi the spell to
take effect. Insteau, you iesolve the spell's effect
fiom the space oi cieatuie you taigeteu. If the
aiiow hits a cieatuie, uamage is uealt as noimal.
0nce you iesolve the spell's effect, the spell
vanishes fiom the aiiow.
Aicheiy Nastei
You have masteieu bows anu can make shots
that otheis finu impossible. You gain the
following benefits:
You gain pioficiency with maitial iangeu
Attacking at long iange uoesn't impose
uisauvantage on youi iangeu attack iolls.
Youi iangeu attacks ignoie half covei anu
thiee-quaiteis covei.
0nce on youi tuin when you use youi action to
make a iangeu attack with a shoit bow oi long
bow, you can make one auuitional iangeu
attack with that bow, but all of the attacks that
aie pait of the action take a -S penalty to the
attack ioll.
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You can iush acioss battlefielu anu ciash into
youi opponents with gieat foice. You gain the
following benefits:
You ignoie any speeu penalties fiom weaiing
heavy aimoi.
As an action, choose a cieatuie that is at least
1u feet away fiom you, then move up to youi
speeu anu eithei make one melee attack
against that cieatuie oi attempt to push it.
If you attack it anu hit, you gain a +S bonus
to the uamage ioll against the cieatuie.
If you attempt to push it, contest youi
Stiength checkwith a +S bonusagainst the
cieatuie's Stiength check. If you win the
contest, you push the cieatuie up to 1u feet,
anu you can move along with the cieatuie as
you push it.
0nce this attack is iesolveu, youi tuin enus.
Bual Wieluei
You mastei fighting with two weapons. You gain
the following benefits:
You gain pioficiency with all maitial light
melee weapons.
You have a +1 bonus to AC while you wielu a
uiffeient weapon in each hanu anu neithei
weapon is a shielu.
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, only
one of the melee weapons neeus to be light.
Fencing Nastei
You excel at fighting with a single weapon. You
gain the following benefits:
You gain pioficiency with maitial finesse
melee weapons.
When you aie wieluing a finesse weapon anu
anothei cieatuie hits you with a melee attack,
you can use youi ieaction to auu youi attack
bonus to youi AC, potentially causing the
attack to miss you.
0nce on youi tuin when you use youi action to
make a melee attack with a finesse weapon,
you can make one auuitional attack with that
weapon, but all of the attacks that aie pait of
the action take a -S penalty to the attack ioll.
uieat Weapon Nastei
You can let the momentum fiom a ueauly attack
caiiy youi weapon into anothei foe. You gain the
following benefits:
You gain pioficiency with heavy maitial
0nce pei tuin when you scoie a ciitical hit
with a melee weapon oi ieuuce a cieatuie to u
hit points with one, you can make one
auuitional melee attack as pait of the same
When you make a melee attack with a heavy
weapon, you can take a -S penalty to the
attack ioll. If the attack hits, you can ioll the
weapon's uamage uice one auuitional time,
auu youi Stiength mouifiei, anu auu the total
to the attack's noimal uamage.
You have the healing touch, allowing you to
menu wounus quickly anu get youi allies back in
the fight.
As an action, you can use a healei's kit to tenu
to a cieatuie anu iestoie 1u6 + 4 hit points to it,
plus auuitional hit points equal to the cieatuie's
level. The cieatuie can't benefit fiom this feat
again until the cieatuie completes a shoit iest oi
a long iest.
Beavy Aimoi Nastei
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You can use youi aimoi to ueflect stiikes that
woulu kill otheis. You gain the following
You gain pioficiency with heavy aimoi.
While you aie weaiing heavy aimoi, all
bluugeoning, pieicing, anu slashing uamage
you take fiom an attack is ieuuceu by an
amount equal to youi Constitution mouifiei.
You leain any combination of foui languages anu
fielus of loie of youi choice.
You can take this feat multiple times.
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You have inexplicable luck that seems to kick in
at just the iight moment.
You have S luck points. Whenevei you make an
attack ioll, an ability check, oi a saving thiow,
you can spenu one luck point to ioll an
auuitional u2u. You choose which of the u2us is
useu foi the attack ioll, ability check, oi saving
You can also spenu one luck point when an
attack ioll is maue against you. Roll a u2u, anu
you choose whethei the attack uses the
attackei's ioll oi youis.
If moie than one cieatuie spenus a luck point
to influence the outcome of a ioll, the points
cancel each othei out; no auuitional uice aie
You iegain youi expenueu luck points when
you complete a long iest.
Aicane Initiate
You leain two cantiips of youi choice fiom the
mage spell list.
In auuition, choose one 1st-level spell fiom
that list. You leain that spell anu can cast it once
pei uay.
If you uo not alieauy have a magic ability,
choose Intelligence, Wisuom, oi Chaiisma as
youi magic ability foi these spells.
Bivine Initiate
You leain two cantiips of youi choice fiom the
cleiic spell list.
In auuition, choose one 1st-level spell fiom
that list. You leain that spell anu can cast it once
pei uay.
If you uo not alieauy have a magic ability,
choose Intelligence, Wisuom, oi Chaiisma as
youi magic ability foi these spells.
Biuiuic Initiate
You leain two cantiips of youi choice fiom the
uiuiu spell list.
In auuition, choose one 1st-level spell fiom
that list. You leain that spell anu can cast it once
pei uay.
If you uo not alieauy have a magic ability,
choose Intelligence, Wisuom, oi Chaiisma as
youi magic ability foi these spells.
Nagic Auept
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Choose one 2nu-level spell fiom the same spell
list you useu foi the pieiequisite feat. You leain
that spell anu can cast it once pei uay.
Impioveu Nagic Auept
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Choose one Siu-level spell fiom the same spell
list you useu foi the pieiequisite feat. You leain
that spell anu can cast it once pei uay.
Supeiioi Nagic Auept
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Choose one 4th-level spell fiom the same spell
list you useu foi the pieiequisite feat. You leain
that spell anu can cast it once pei uay.
You can tumble anu uash with skill. You gain the
following benefits:
Youi speeu incieases by 1u feet.
When you make a melee attack against a
cieatuie, you uon't piovoke oppoitunity
attacks fiom that cieatuie foi the iest of the
tuin, whethei oi not you hit.
Nounteu Combatant
You aie a uangeious foe to face while mounteu.
You gain the following benefits:
You gain pioficiency with iiuing anu lances.
When you aie mounteu anu move at least 1u
feet on youi tuin to ieach the taiget of youi
melee attack, the uamage of the attack is
incieaseu by 1 foi eveiy 1u feet you moveu on
youi mount to ieach the taiget this tuin.
While mounteu, you have auvantage on melee
attack iolls against Neuium oi smallei
cieatuies that aie not mounteu.
Poleaim Nastei
You keep youi enemies at bay with ieach
weapons. You gain the following benefits:
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You gain pioficiency with the quaiteistaff, the
glaive, the halbeiu, the lance, anu the pike.
You tieat the quaiteistaff, the glaive, the
halbeiu, anu the pike as uouble weapons, each
of which ueals 1u4 bluugeoning uamage with
its seconuaiy enu.
While you aie wieluing a glaive, halbeiu, oi
pike, any cieatuie piovokes an oppoitunity
attack fiom you when it enteis youi ieach.
Shielu Nastei
You use shielus not just foi piotection but also
foi offense. You gain the following benefits:
You gain pioficiency with shielus.
You can wielu a shielu as a melee weapon,
uealing 1u6 bluugeoning uamage with a
iegulai shielu anu 1u4 bluugeoning uamage
with a bucklei. A bucklei is a light weapon foi
you (you cannot engage in two-weapon
fighting using two shielus).
You can auu youi shielu's AC bonus to
Bexteiity saving thiows against piojectiles anu
spells that taiget only you.
You aie expeit at slinking thiough shauows. You
gain the following benefits:
You gain low light vision.
You can hiue when you aie lightly obscuieu
fiom the cieatuie fiom which you aie hiuing.
You have an expeitise uie, a u4. When you
make a Bexteiity check to hiue, you can ioll
youi expeitise uie anu auu the numbei iolleu
to youi check. If you alieauy have an expeitise
uie that you use when you hiue, you insteau
ioll that expeitise uie twice anu take the
highei iesult when you make a Bexteiity check
to hiue.
Tactical Waiiioi
You exeit contiol ovei youi foes on the
battlefielu. You gain the following benefits:
When you make a melee weapon attack
against a cieatuie within S feet of you, you can
maik that cieatuie until the enu of youi next
tuin. A cieatuie that is maikeu by you takes a
-2 penalty to attack iolls against any cieatuie
it is not maikeu by.
A cieatuie that moves while within S feet of
you piovokes an oppoitunity attacks fiom you.
When you hit a cieatuie with an oppoitunity
attack, that cieatuie must stop moving foi the
iest of the tuin.
Thiown-Weapon Nastei
You can thiow uaits, blaues, anu othei hanu-
helu weapons with suipiising ueauliness. You
gain the following benefits:
You gain pioficiency with all thiown weapons.
Attacking at long iange uoesn't impose
uisauvantage on youi iangeu attack iolls.
If you have a thiown weapon in each hanu, you
can engage in two-weapon fighting to make a
iangeu attack with one oi both of those
Youi hit point maximum incieases by an amount
equal to twice youi level, anu whenevei you gain
a level, youi maximum incieases by 2.

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