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Espaol Dos

Haga Ahora
What is the difference between PUDE and PODRA

Translate to Spanish:
When I am an adult (adulto/a) I will be able to be an
astronaut (astronauta)
When I was young, I could poop (hacer caca) in my
My name is Flash and I can run faster than (use ms
que) light (luz).

Palabra del da
Las uas

Las chicas les gusta pintar la uas

Quiz Friday on verb PODER
Be able to use in the yo form of the
o Present tense: yo puedo
o Past tense: set period of time: Pude
o Past tense: something you used to be able to do:
o Future tense: Yo Podr
o Vocab from the power point. Head stand, when I
was young etc.

Qu vamos a hacer hoy?
Revisar la tarea
PODER listening and reading activity

Homework: Poder worksheet.

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