Possessive Adjectives and Saxon Genitive - Activities

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Activities by Enrique Ferrero

his your
's my
your their
my her
its our
1. Complete these sentences using the possessives on the left:
a. These are ___________ tables. (vuestras)
b. Juan likes _______________ books. (sus)
c. You like ____________ pencils. (mis)
d. Elena has got _____________ book. (su)
e. Samuel and Ana like ___________ school. (su)
f. My dog is on ___________ bed. (su)
g. That is Marta _____________ chair. (de)
h. Those are ___________ cars. (nuestros)
i. She likes ___________ house. (mi)
j. Antonio has got ___________ pencils. (tus)
2. Join using the saxon genitive (possessive 's):
a. pen / your brother Your brothers pen
b. sister / Mark
c. Jenny / crayons
d. picture / that artist
e. sweater / our teacher
f. this dog / tongue
3. Translate into English:
a. La hermana de Mary est encima de esa mesa.

b. Cundo es el cumpleaos de esta nia?

4. Translate into Spanish:
a. Where are these womens notebooks?

b. There are three cookies for Jakes dog.

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