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Grade World History
The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.
--Mark Twain
Mr. Drake
Ofce: 321J
!e"ite: gregory#rake.wee"
$c%ool &%one: e't. ()( ((*
+witter: @Drake_,itory
!e": gregory#rake.wee"
About the course:
!elcome to your -rt year o. !orl# ,itory at /ewton /ort% ,ig% $c%ool0 +%i cla
will 1ro2i#e you wit% an e'citing o11ortunity to "etter un#ertan# to#ay3 worl# "y
tracing t%e %itorical root o. mo#ern ci2ili4ation. !e will learn eential kill a
well5kill neceary to "ecome "ot% e'1ert %itorian an# ucce.ul tu#ent.
O2er t%e coure o. t%e year you will "ecome more e'1erience# in writing
analytically6 rea#ing an# litening critically an# 1reenting your i#ea con2incingly
in many .orm. !e will make ure t%at you %a2e am1le o11ortunity to %ow your
talent an# knowle#ge in many way t%i year. Many c%allenge lay a%ea#5"ut o
#o many ac%ie2ement0
$ome o. t%e key %itorical 1erio#7unit t%at we will "e working wit% t%i year
+%e 8oman Em1ire an# Monot%eim
+%e 9y4antine Em1ire an# t%e 8ie o. :lam
Early an# ,ig% Mi##le ;ge in Euro1e
;ncient ;ian <i2ili4ation an# 9elie.
;.rican =ing#om
8enaiance an# 8e.ormation
Early ;merican <i2ili4ation
+%e <olum"ian E'c%ange
$cienti-c 8e2olution an# Enlig%tenment
!e will e'amine t%ee unit t%roug% 2ariou lene51olitical6 ocial6 economic an#
cultural5an# try to anwer ome larger %itorical >uetion:
!%at com1onent make u1 a ?great@ ci2ili4ationA !%y #o em1ire rie an#
!%at are t%e >ualitie o. ucce.ul lea#er%i17go2ernmentA
!%at are t%e common tructure o. maBor "elie. ytemA
!%y #i# ome 1art o. t%e worl# an# t%eir 1eo1le come to #ominate
!a t%e early mo#ern worl# glo"ali4e#A :n w%at wayA
Class Expectations
:n or#er .or t%i cla to .unction a a learning community6 it i eential t%at we
a#%ere to certain rule .or claroom "e%a2ior an# 1er.ormance. 9elow i a lit o.
e'1ectation6 w%ic% we may a## to a.ter #icuing t%em wit% t%e cla:
;lway come to cla 1re1are# an# on time. +%i mean com1leting t%e
rea#ing an# %omework an# %a2ing all o. your material wit% you.
<ommon courtey an# re1ect are a re>uirement o. t%i claroom. +reat your
clamate6 your claroom an# your teac%er wit% re1ect.
;lway take note w%en we are #icuing rele2ant material.
Don3t "e a.rai# to ak >uetion5our goal i to learn .rom eac% ot%er.
!%en you are in t%i claroom6 you mut gi2e t%i cla your .ull attention.
;"olutely no 1orta"le electronic #e2ice or #oing work .rom ot%er clae0
Newton High Schools Stand Against Bullying
/ewton /ort% i an acti2e anti-"ullying community. :t i our re1oni"ility to take a
tan# againt negati2e "e%a2ior. !e all %a2e t%e 1ower an# re1oni"ility to
create a safe, respectful an# caring community. During t%e -rt week o. c%ool
we will take ome time a a cla to talk a"out t%e ty1e o. "e%a2ior t%at will lea#
u towar# t%i goal.
Attendance Policy
8egular cla atten#ance i "ot% neceary an# e'1ecte#. :. you ki1 my cla6 : will
call %ome an# in.orm your %ouemater. +%ere will alo "e cone>uence .or "eing
conitently late. :. you %a2e a concern a"out getting to cla on time6 1leae 1eak
wit% me a"out it.
:. you are a"ent6 you are re1oni"le .or making u1 all work. It is your
responsiility, not mine, to e sure that you ha!e all the assignments you
#ests, $ui%%es and &ssays '(5)*
+%ee will contitute t%e "ulk o. your gra#e6 a in mot clae.
Home+or, '20)*
Mot %omework aignment will "e c%ecke# in cla an# gi2en a c%eck6 c%eck 1lu
or c%eck minu. Carger aignment will "e collecte# an# gra#e#. Cate ,! will
recei2e a ma'imum o. D*E cre#it an# mut "e %an#e# in "e.ore t%e en# o. t%e unit.
-lass .articipation/&0ort '5)*
<la 1artici1ation i eential to t%e coure an# tu#ent will recei2e e'tra
recognition .or making regular contri"ution to cla "y aking >uetion an#
%aring in.ormation. 8emem"er6 goo# 1artici1ation alo mean litening cloely to
ot%er #uring #icuion an# coo1erating #uring grou1 work an# acti2itie.

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