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Elysium Nebula 1

Elysium Nebula World Guide

Elysium Nebula
World Guide
Version: Thursday 15. June 06
available at
Elysium Nebula World Guide
2 Elysium Nebula
The Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Elysian Nebula contains a vast number of
worlds in an unusually tight quarters. Te Ne-
bula itself is a system with over three times the
width of the Sol System, and thanks to Elvish
terraforming most of the worlds have had an
atmosphere and ecosystem for hundreds of
thousands of years.
Tere are 41 large solar object in the Elysium
Nebula. Two of these are the binary stars that
comprise the largest objects of the Elysian
Nebula; Solaris and Acheron (or Elysia I and
Elysia II). Solaris is slightly larger than Ache-
ron but has curiously fewer worlds orbitting it.
Tere are 39 planets: 22 belong to the URE, 4
belong to the NED, 1 is contested between the
two of them, 9 are Duruki worlds and a fnal 3
are uninhabited (and unterraformed).
Tis list organizes the world by orbit, showing
the kinds of orbits planets follow in Elysium
and then listing the planets in order of tightest
orbit to widest orbit. It also notes any orbitting
satellites around the worlds in question and its
appropriate politicall orientation.
If you include moons, there are considerably
more habited worlds than 36 in the Elysium
Nebula. Major space stations and other kinds
of non-planetary objects that may contain a
high enough number of lifeforms to be consi-
dered a home are also noted. n
Te Planet Overall
Like Elysia Prime, Agragon orbits around
Solaris, the frst of two suns that form the
Elysium binary star system. It is a slightly
smaller world than Agragon but the ancient
magic of the elves is still bound to it and the
gravity is artifcially similar to Elysia Primes
(or Earths). Valefar is Agragons only satel-
lite. Before the Illithid Wars, Agragon had a
second satellite (Gehenna, the more popula-
ted of the two) but the Illithids destroyed the
moon completely. Te rings that now encir-
cle Agragon are a graveyard the remnants
of a world. Te scars of having a moon with
a dozen cities completely destroyed have not
yet healed. Most Agragonians had family on
Gehenna and the attack that destroyed the
world is considered by most Agragonians to
be the most evil act the Illithids have ever
committed to. Agragon can be considered
one of the core worlds of the Elysium Nebu-
la. It is very close to Elysia Prime and trade
routes are always open between the two. It
is an industrious, moderately wealthy world
that benefts from being close to the centre of
commercial activity without being too close
to be swamped by the power of Elysia Prime.
Te planet is divided into four major land-
masses each referred to by their sector de-
signation. Sector Prime is where the capital
city lays but there is also Sector Alpha, Beta
& Gamma.
Vance City & Sector Prime
Named for the cities founder Michael Vance,
Vance City is the capital of Agragon and rep-
resents the planets bastion of power. Vance
City has one of the greatest space pilot aca-
demies in Elysium. Outside of the ICHA it is
certainly the greatest as it is the most famed
in the URE. Vance City is not as tall a city as
many of the other capitals; the builders in-
stead preferred to spread outwards and con-
nect the city with concealed underground
tunnels. In fact a good chunk of Vance City
is constructed underground, with a surface
crust built of reinforced rock-crete. Whether
this is some sort of racial psychological reac-
tion to the destruction of a world so close to
home is not certain there is some debate
that Vance was going this way before the Il-
lithid Wars anyway.
Vance is further connected to the other major
hubs of activity in the planets Sector Prime:
Tanith, Gare, Machina, Valedor to name
Alphabetical List of Planetary Objects
Elysium Nebula 3
Elysium Nebula World Guide
SOLARIS (orbiting worlds)
1. Enoch URE
2. Hayyel Leraye; Eligor URE
3. Manakel Bune; Ronove; Bereth URE
4. Liwet Purson URE
5. Agragon Valefar URE
6. Elysia Prime Bael; Agares; Vassago URE
7. Jophia Amon; Omega II (space station) URE
8. Bath Kol URE
9. Colopatiron Barbatos; Paimon URE
10. Nememiah Morax; Ipos URE
11. Vohumanah URE
12. Hades
ACHERON (orbiting worlds)
1. Marbus URE
2. Rhamiel Vepar; Sabnach URE
3. Shekinah Raum URE
4. Phoenix Azurn; Saladin; Malphas URE
5. Uretil Asmodai; Gaap; Marchosias; Stolas;
Ten-Moons (10 moons)
6. Salmissus URE
7. Beleth Shax; Vine URE
8. Isafel Selxor (URE moon) URE / NED
9. Vaul Cemeies; Amduscias NED
10. Haagenti Decarabia; Seere NED
11. Ares -
12. Procel Dantalion NED
13. Furcas Andromalius NED
1. Saleos Bifrons URE
2. Naberius Alloces URE
3. Astaroth Gemory; Ose; Amy (space station) URE
4. Orobas Androalphus; Valac URE
5. Voth -
6. Drumai DUR
7. Zukhdul DUR
1. Thorbin DUR
2. Aradhlas DUR
3. Dargor DUR
4. Khardum DUR
5. Drokar DUR
1. Dranaei aka Layover DUR
2. Fuhror aka Standby DUR
Space Stations and Nationcrafts
1. Chertkovo Nationcraft ICHA
2. Dalmatavo Starhome ICHA
3. Elektros Starhome ICHA
4. Istra Starhome ICHA
5. Kazan Station ICHA
6. Kieff Halo-World ICHA
7. Moscovisk Halo-World ICHA
8. Novobrisk Nationcraft ICHA
9. Yakutsk Station ICHA
SOL (Ancient Solar System)
1. Jupiter Europa; Ganymede; Io RCG
2. Mars Phobos; Deimos RCG
3. Saturn Hyperion; Phoebe RCG
4. Terra Luna RCG
4 Elysium Nebula
a few. Tough Vance in particular is a very
cosmopolitan city, flled with folk from all
corners of the human ethnic spectrum, the
rest of Sector Prime has a dominantly cauca-
sion population with pockets of Surroyan
infuence (see below.)
Te Industrial Chasms of Sector Alpha
Sector Alpha consists of a vast continental
strip that covers the equator of the world.
Te area here was once tropical rainforest
and its decay and eventual destruction as
the cities of the Sector Alpha grew up wi-
thin it. Te area was further ravaged by war
and bombing runs. What really crippled it
though was the whethering tide of human
industry. Te thousands of years of dying
vegetation have made the area naturally rich
in resources. Tough it was once built over
for, lumber men have found that digging
lower into the ground there are massive oil
pits waiting to be excavated. Driven by pe-
trol and rare minerals the machines of men
have drilled ever deeper into the crust in the
search of materials to make them wealthy.
Sector Alpha is a riven industrial wasteland
of factories, manufacturing facilities, che-
mical plants, oil rigs and fusion reactors.
Protected from the smog cloud and rising
dust, on tall sky-piercing citadels of plascre-
te the wealthy leaders of industry make their
homes. Here AutoDyn manufactures the
bulk of its high-tech antigrav vehicles, the
scientists of PlasmaPro experiment with
new volatile plasmerrifc combinations and
Hyperdine Mecha Systems makes some
of the most fearsome machines of war the
world has ever seen.
Surroyo and Sector Beta
Taking a cue from the neighbouring Indus-
trial Chasma the Sector Beta comprises nor-
therly island the size of Australia on the West
Hemisphere of Agragon and a far reaching
archipeligo of volcanic islands that stretch
out from the central island. Te central is-
land is named Surroyo and was predomi-
nantly settled by men of Southeast Asian ori-
gins what today might pass as having come
from Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia or
Tailand. Te Surroyans have since changed
a bit physically partly through interbree-
ding with each other but mostly because of
Equipment Purchases Agragon & Valefar
You can buy more or less anything in Elys-
ia Prime (it is the centre of the galaxy after
all). However some equipment is cheaper
than others. Below is a list of corporations
and the ease of purchase in this zone.
-2 Purchase DC Bonus
Equipment from the following manufac-
turers is cheaper because the plants are
located in the area.
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
Equipment from the following manufactu-
rers can be purchased at no penalty.
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
Equipment from the following companies
can be found but the increased difcul-
ty incurs a -2 circumstantial penalty on
purchase DCs. This is typically because
the companies below are associated with
one of the other major human powers
(ICHA or Guild).
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
Elysium Nebula World
Game rules Agragon
Agragon has an Earth-like atmosphere so PC
races can breathe naturally without requiring
the use of special breathers.
Agragon has an Earth-like gravity. This has no
special game effects or modiers.
Game rules Valefar
Valefor has a special breed of red lotus that
grows in the rich black earth that emit near pure
Oxygen. While a PC can breathe this for a short
while if breathed for too long it can become poi-
sonous and make a PC sick. A PC can breathe
Valeforian air for a number of hours equal to his
Con score. After which the lack of Nitrogen in
the atmosphere starts to sicken the individual.
The character needs to make Fortitude checks
equal to 10 plus one for each additional hour
breathed since checks started. He needs to take
a check each hour. If he fails once he is neau-
seated as per d20 Modern rules. Each further
failed check deals 1d4 points of Con damage.
Valefor has a gravity that is 1/8 that of the Earth
and characters need a low-gravity adaptation
feat to not take a -4 penalty on attack rolls and
skill checks.
Sector Alpha is a riven indus-
trial wasteland of factories,
manufacturing facilities, che-
mical plants, oil rigs and fusion
Elysium Nebula 5
Elysium Nebula World Guide
the slow dilution of the ethnic group through
intermarriage with caucasian, hindustani,
east asian, and arabo-afro folk. Surroyo is a
big exporter of pharmaceuticals and does
much of the theoretical work and design
work for companies like Azerdine Chemicals.
Azerdine actually has a dozen major research
facilities in the Surroyo sector alone.
Mostly however Surroyo and the Beta Archi-
peligo is a vast residential zone. Te com-
munity is very self-sufcient and most peo-
ple are very well-rooted in their family and
neighborhood. Each island has developed its
own stories, folklore and fables based on the
new world they have found themselves in.
Surroyo is also habited by a large number of
Kobolds a race native to the place there. Te
kobolds tend to perform a subservient role
in Surroyan society and perhaps this relati-
onship is one of the reasons most Surroyans
live so comfortably. As far as the kobolds are
concerned the cooking and cleaning for hu-
mans they lived briefy under the Illithids
and by comparison its not so bad. Plus in the
URE they even get half-a-vote. (Ok some
Kobolds are a little ofended by this but their
voice is weak and the revolution is a long way
from coming.)
Te Rugged Mountains of Sector Gamma
Rising from the ocean like the spined shell of
a great tortoise Sector Gamma is a vast rugged
mountainous area still largely forested. Te
area has been preserved in part for tourism
reasons and in part to preserve the lifestyle of
the Nattari Lizardfolk that were native to the
area. Te palaces of the lizard-folk have been
preserved (large stone ziggurats not terribly
unlike ones on Earth of Inca or Aztec design)
and humans (or sometimes the odd enter-
prising kobold or lizardfolk) will acquire and
sell tours to visit these pre-human structures.
Te mountains of Sector Gamma are some of
the least populated areas of Agragon, though
some of the mountains have seen a bit of Sur-
royan settlement in recent years because of
shrinking space. Sector Gamma also features
a nuclear weapons silo with enough deep
space lances to completely destroy orbitting
space craft. It is ironic that in order to protect
themselves from having their last moon dest-
royed Agragon has constructed weaponry
with enough power and ranged to annhialate
their one remaining moon themselves.
Valefar is still today a place that remembers
death. Te humans (20% caucasain, 40% sur-
royan, 40% other ethnic groups) that live there
are a people who dress in dark clothing and
live among the star dust of the dead. It is said
that those with psychic powers can feel the
ghosts drawn from the dead world to the world
of Valefar. Vistors dont like to stay their long.
Tey fnd the quiet disheartening. Because of
Valefars proximity with the spirit world Vale-
far attracts men and women who seek to study
the forbidden art of Necromancy. Tis adds to
the general creepiness of the moon. n
Equipment Purchases (continued)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Equipment from the following companies
can be found but the increased difcul-
ty incurs a -4 circumstantial penalty on
purchase DCs. This is typically because
the companies come from areas where
there is an embargo in place (NED) or
from an alien race who is protective of
their tech (Elvish or Duruki)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
This section is for equipment that is res-
tricted by alien government and humans
are selling legally under human law but
not so by alien jurisdiction. This sort of
equipment is really hard to come by and
is only stocked in specialist distributers.
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
A bustling market place in Sector Gam-
ma. This heavily residential area of the
world has a hefty population and the
commercial needs are widely varied.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
6 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
Astaroth is a fairly large world about one
and a half times the size of Terra. It has too
moderately sized moons (like Earths) whose
orbits are not parallel but rather are twisted at
30 degree angles from one another giving the
world the appearance of an atom. Spinning
in the opposite direction to the two moons is
the oldest space station in the Nebula. Amy
was constructed in -5000 BE during the golden
period of trade and discovery that marked the
early days of humanity in the Elyisum Nebula.
Tis was of course before the Illithid Wars, be-
fore the expansion of Humanity across all the
planets and before the formation of the United
Republic to govern all the human worlds. Be-
fore the founding of the independent coalition
as well; which started initially as a private mili-
tary enterprise. A spaceforce designed to hold
human space hence it included all manufac-
tured stations. Except for Amy of course who-
se government remained on Agragon. Agragon
was not very badly hit during the Illithid Wars.
Its wide loop and orbit and its close network of
worlds (2 moons, 1 planet and 1 moon-sized
station) mean that the system keeps largely to
itself and has little interaction with the rest of
the United Republic. It is a self-sufcient pla-
net system, very urban and when in its wide
orbits around Acheron and Solaris will spend
many years so far away that even Light-Speed
audio comm systems will take upwards of 10
minutes to get across to some worlds. Yet it is
not the most far out of the worlds. Orobas, the
frst planet settled by humans lies beyond it,
the last human world before the Duruki pla-
Astaroth is the atomic nucleus of the planetary
system. With the other three worlds whizzing
around it like crazed electrons it is no surpri-
se that Astaroth has been built up to be a stop-
over for travel going to any of the 4 principal
destinations. Whether landing elsewhere on
Astaroth, heading for Amy Station or looking
to fy to Gemory or Ose you will probably stop
over at the Astaroth space port also called the
Xavius Troyle Spaceport after the entrepre-
neur that began to build it. XT Spaceport is the
third oldest in the Elysium Nebula (the other
two older ones being on Orobas and Valac re-
spectively). It is by far the biggest spaceport in
all of the Elyisum Nebula. Te sprawling mass
covers a region the size of the North American
continental mass. Here ships come and go all
the time and in every way. It is so vast that peo-
ple live in the spaceport full time. Apartment
complexes have sprung up, shopping malls
abound and bars and taverns are reputed to be
better here than anywhere else in the Astaroth
system. Te only spaceport that comes close in
size is Omicron Station on Morax of the Neme-
miah planetary system.
On the other side of the world from TX lies a
small island called Pragma Touh. Tis island is
a vast marble estate constructed for the gover-
nor of Astaroth and its moons. Te governor is
Equipment Purchases Astaroth
Any of the equipment below can be bought
on Astaroth and its satellites. Some of the
equipment is cheaper than others though.
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Astraroth
Astaroth and its moons have an earth-like gra-
vity and atmosphere.
Amy Station has simulated gravity in most are-
as and internally has atmospheric simulators.
Elysium Nebula 7
Elysium Nebula World Guide
a grave woman named Miranda Estevez. She
is thin and lined and is reputed for her consi-
derable intellect. She is a controlled Aesir user
making her one of the few leaders in the Ely-
sium Nebula that can manifest eldritch pow-
ers. She is particularly gifted in the areas of
Divination and Technomancy. She makes her
presence known when she enters a room by
fickering the lights on and of with her mind.
Despite her petite size she is considered a lion
in the political arena.
Amy Station
5,372 years is a long time to be around in the
Elysium Nebula. Amy Station is just about as
old as the human presence itself. It was built
as a stop-over point initially for people travel-
ling from Orobas to Astaroth. In the early days
of settlement these trips occurred very rarely
maybe once or twice a cycle because of the im-
mense distance that lies between these worlds.
Even now voyages between the two only occur
when the planets move relatively close to one
another such as when they cross the centre of
the fgure 8 at about the same time. Nowadays
though Amy is no longer the principal stopping
point. Instead it is the XT station that is the arri-
val point for newcomers to the Astaroth system.
Amy instead has slowly but steadily grown from
a stop over point to a fully habitable world in
its own right. It has been constructed in a vast
moon shape but its lack of a dense core mean
that the only gravity is provided by grav-plates.
Grav-plates line the outside of the world (so you
can walk on the surface of this giant artifcial
moon) and they line all the corridors on the
interior. In fact they are built so inconsistently
in Amy that directions become meaningless.
Some corridors pull you down to Solar Nadir
and others pull you sideways and others will
put you upside down relative to the frst set.
Tere is just no telling. Amy has a fercely patri-
otic population considering themselves to be
a special blend of ICHA and URE that is, accor-
ding to them, a perfect balance gaining the best
traits from both.
Astaroth and its satellites are some of
the oldest habited worlds in the Elysium
Nebula. The monorail track at Nova York
on Gemory is a typical example of the
levels of infrastructure that exist on the
Astaroth system.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
8 Elysium Nebula
Gemory is the closer of the two moons; they
are both almost exactly the same size. Like
all worlds in the Elysium Nebula the elves
grav-stabilized it. Despite its small size it
has a super dense core so in actual fact it has
the same earth-like gravitational pull as its
parent planet Astaroth. Gemory is ultra-ur-
ban. As one of the older settlements in the
Elysium Nebula it is considerably built up
and has a very high population. Gemorians
speak their own dialect of Elysian and have
pretty unique slang. In fact most visitors to
Gemory have a very tough time understan-
ding the locals. Men and women from near-
by Astaroth, Amy or Ose are long since used
to this special way of talking. In fact in the
rest of the planetary system imitating the
curious Gemorian accents is a popular just
among people. Gemorians like to think of
themselves are a savvy, streetwise people; or
very furbo according to Gemorian slang.
Cybernetics are quite the rage among young
people suggesting once again a close con-
nection between the Astaroth system and
the ICHA where cybernetics are endemic.
Ose is the further of the two moons, further still
than Amy, whose orbit lies somewhere between
the other two. Like Gemory and Astaroth it too is
fairly urban though Osens are reputed to be the
people of the planet who are most interested in
preserving the original beauty of the worlds that
the elves had left them with. Ose has got some
wide ranges of natural parks, often in the most
unusual places, such as in the middle of big ci-
ties when suddenly the metal and girders will
give way for a dozen acres of wilderness before
reconnecting again with palaces of steel and
concrete. Ose has also pioneered the notion
of Garden Blocks. Garden Blocks are massive
apartment complexes that rise from the ground.
But instead of clearing all the soil to build the
foundation instead they temporary displace all
the living things and then replant them on top
of the building. So several stories up, protected
by a glass dome, the buildings penthouse will
be a natural garden. Tese Garden Blocks can
be very wide; some are built in big circles that
are over a mile in radius. Lizardfolk are often
employed in gardening positions to tend to the
wilderness above the Garden Blocks. n
Te Planet Overall
Bath Kol (like many of the planets terra-for-
med by the elves in ancient times) is a beau-
tiful forest-world. Bath Kol is still the site of
the greatest Elvish population in the United
Republic and is unsurprisingly the site of the
founding of the UREs largest manufacturer
of arcana and eldritch obscura: Arcane Sup-
plements. Bath Kol features many notable
features such as its captial city called simply
Te Castle which has in fact been constructed
in the style and magnifcence of a castle atop a
mighty hill surrounded by forest. Te Castle is
at the very centre of the continental land mass
of Freya. A number of smaller castles (citadels)
dot the landscape of Freya built in similar
style to Te Castle. Freya contains some hund-
red or so more modern port cities located on
major rivers and along the coastline.
Bath Kol also features Sky-Pierce, an urban city
on the most habited continent of Galvestar made
of hundreds of sky-piercing towers. Galvestar as
a whole has been more cut-down and the forest
land has dwindled partially due to some decisi-
ons made at the Gubernatorial level and partially
due to the fact that building population saturated
castles is impractical and costly. Athell Loren can
be found on an island of the coast of Freya ar-
guable the only true Elvish city left in the world.
Adventurers also will be interested in a zone
that has thus far avoided the presence of man
almost entirely. Tis area called the Deadlands
is a boggish wetland upon which it is impracti-
cal (or more costly) to build. But there is more
it is rightly avoided because the area is now
flled with zombies and ruins of a failed city of
special magnifcence.
Bath Kol, is roughly earth-sized and features
a varying range of terrain from rugged moun-
tains to frozen tundra in the poles. Despite this
there are trees everywhere (even the poles)
and it is very densely forested in most areas.
Around the equator the forests dont give out
to jungle or tropical rainforest but rather be-
come marshy and swampy (mot unlike the
Equipment Purchases Bath Kol
You can buy more or less anything in Bath
Kol. However some equipment is cheaper
than others. Below is a list of corporations
and the ease of purchase in this zone. This
chart assumes purchases are being made
in industrialized sectors or on castles. If
youre attempting to buy in Athell Loren
availability is greatly reduced.
-2 Purchase DC Bonus
AS (Arcane Supplements)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
Ruins of a failed cities can be found all
across the Deadlands on Bath Kol.
Elysium Nebula 9
Elysium Nebula World Guide
2 URE Striker Jets racing across the
vast metallic city of Sky-Pierce. It is
steeped in magic, a curious hybrid
city of arcana and technology.
Deadlands). In much of this area there is a
heavy lizardman population. Tough not as
many there are also kobold villages and temp-
les of the yuan-ti.
Te Castle (or the ambitions
of Governer Reinhard)
When humans arrived in Bath Kol some 500
years ago they started building like ants de-
vastating the forest and putting up vast metal
glinting cities. Tis area they named Galvestar
(still the most densely populated area in Bath
Kol) and it was the felling of trees in Bath Kol
that greatly incurred the ire of the elves na-
tive to the world. About a hundred years into
this expansion and Wilhelm Reinhard took
the helm of Governer of Bath Kol. Wilhelm
had grown up in part on the outskirts of
Galvestar and had an elvish nanny look after
him. She would tell him of the fora and fauna
native to Bath Kol the Chichi Plant, the great
Ironbark Trees, the sad Bath Kol Willow, the
curious Wofe rodent, the poisonous Greater
Wampyrs, the predatory Grout and the tame-
able Rolvunds. Reinhards claim to power was
a promise that the Elvish heritage and natu-
ral beauty of the world would be preserved
without sacrifcing economics.
Te truth was that the Governor had still grea-
ter ambitions. He passed a low decreeing that
the continent of Freya was protected territo-
ry (except for certain strategic locations like
along certain rivers and along the coastline
which has since been industrialized) and that
cities of metal could not be built. Wood and
stone houses, he deemed, which are not mass-
produced are acceptable with certain permits.
His ambitions reached fruition and the Gover-
nor died shortly after the passing of the Freyan
Protectionism act. His successors on the other
hand found that with a growing population
and a unrepealable law (Reinhards followers
are still today expert flibusters) the seat of gu-
bernatorial power had to construct a large city
of predominantly stone and wood at the centre
of Freya. Such was the size and magnifcence
of the castle (it is said Elves were enlisted by
the ManuCorp and Arcane Supplements to
help build it and that arcane runes protect
the stone work from wear and tear) that gover-
ner of the time (Governor Archeim) moved the
seat of Gubernatorial power to to the castle.
Since then ManuCorp and Arcane Supple-
ments have continued to manufacture and
build castles or citadels across Freya as a way of
by-passing what has come to be known as the
Reinhard Act. Te impressive castles of Bath
Kol are a direct result of the Reinhards desire
to protect the forestland he grew up with.
Tis many-towered city was once the seat
of Gubernatorial power at Bath Kol. Now
Equipment Purchases (continued)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Elysium Nebula World Guide
10 Elysium Nebula
it is simply the most active bustling city in
the world. It is a commercial wet-dream. A
place where knowledge workers make lots
of money working in the Elysian high-tech
industry or else designing slogans for mar-
keting campaigns or providing other Nebu-
la-wide services from the huge ofce-esta-
tes. With considerable disposable income
Sky-Pierce has become a place where people
can expect to buy high-priced clothing at
the height of fashion, expensive jewellery,
watches and other accessories. Sky-malls or
100-story shopping complexes are common-
place. Sky-pierce is also the home of Arcane
Supplements biggest design warehouse and
training facility. Tis is where graduates
from the Dome of Seers end up if they want
to make money. Sky Pierce is really a place
where science and mysticism have fused
perfectly. Te sky-malls are easily navigated
by means of the teleportation circles that can
be found all over the place. Psychic alarms
are often place along-side practical ones. El-
dritch tattoo parlours are popular. Enchan-
ters ofer to improve the qualities of your
mundane equipment on every street corner.
Sky-pierce used to also be the centre of the
URE for nano-tech research until the Dead-
lands incident ruined the Global Nanotetch
Researchers (GNR) and now, though still the
centre of nano-tech research, with GNR cal-
ling for Chapter XI the URE does not produce
any consumer nanotech, its generally consi-
dered too risky.
Tis is an island in which an almost all-elvish
community lives. Tats not to stay that hu-
mans cant be found there (unfortunately they
are every where these days) just that there is
a higher concentration of elves in one place
here than in just about any other place in the
Nebula right now. Te Elves here are ofially
part of the United Republic of Elysium but in
all truth the island nation of Athell Loren is
more or less self-governed. It is certainly the
only place in the nebula that has Elvish po-
litical fgures. Even so Athell Lorens elvish
population barely scratches a thousand el-
ves. Not a great number by any stretch. Athell
Loren has several wooden houses all crafted
from the bark of the ancient mystwood trees
(with dark rich near-black oaky wood) which
gives this city a sullen dark appearance. Ironic
because the elves themselves are a peaceful
celebratory people who have had misfortune
and war be their ruin.
Te Deadlands and the Destruction of Azuria
Humans have a preference for building on so-
lid ground over swamp-land but history has
shown that never-the-less people will commit
gargantuan eforts to build a city if they fnd so-
mething they like or if the feel that strategically
there might be a good reason to put a city so-
mewhere. Azuria built on a strip of swampland
that connects the Galvestar continent with the
forested continent of Freya. Precisely it is equi-
distant from Sky-Pierce and the Ash Coast along
which there are two major ports, Greyport and
Mannagra. Te idea was to build a city around a
signifcant turning point in a sky-rail that would
connect the two continents. Since real-estate
was extremely cheap in this swampland GNR
put up a major research centre very early in
the construction of the city. Te research being
done was to create a nano-colony whose capaci-
ty was to rejuvanate individual cells to maintain
youth (and maybe fnd the evasive technology
towards immortal life). Since it was a nascent
city and most major industry hadnt settled to
provide adequate jobs for the poor people that
moved in to snag cheap real estate many volun-
teered as test subjects for the ReJoov Nanocol-
ony. Te Nanoncolony responds to the human
bodies natural moisture, as long as the body is
Elysium Nebula 11
Elysium Nebula World Guide
moist it will continue to rejuvanate the cells.
When the body dies and dries up the nano-
colony shuts down preventing bodies from not
decomposing. A few years after the founding
of the city nearly a hundred years ago and the
Azurian Coastline was ravaged by a tidal wave
of epic porportions. Te power of the waves was
such that the sky-rail tower was knocked down
and many of the buildings were swept out to
see. Most of the population was wiped out in
the crashing of waves and the hundreds of test
subjects of the ReJoov Nanocolony who were
killed were sustained by the colony (which ki-
cked into overdrive since the colony is moisture
triggered and the dead were swept under water
by the force of the waves). Te Azurian Dead
rose from the waters beautiful and youthful
but dead as doornail. Tese attractive zombies
carried out their mundane tasks, acting out of
habit and ritual but with no mind to speak of.
Te top soil was complete ripped away by the
wave and the whole city was half-submerged.
Te Planetary Defense Forces were planning a
full cleaning of the cities and a rectifcation of
the terrible accident, but the attack of the dead-
ly Illithids and the Illithid wars that followed
provided too much of a distraction. It is likely
that in the period following the cities demise a
malevolant will set itself against the city the
Azurian Dead turned violent killing the survi-
vors and it is rumoured that the research in
ReJoov continues in a secret vault beneath the
city. Te swampland has since swallowed up
the city trees and vines have crept up around
the ruins. Still today the undying Azurian Dead
roam the soaked streets and the area is simply
marked as a dangerous no-go zone for people
on all maps of Bath Kol. Te area was renamed
(appropriately) the Dead Lands.
Te most popular rumour is that Director
Kraine of the Global Nanotech Researchers
who was in Azuria during the period injecting
himself with ReJoov to cheat death in the fnal
moments and managed to maintain a grip
on his mind long enough to make his way to
the GNR underground research bunker and
program the nano-colony to afect a sort of
control over the rejuvanated Azurians. With
his army of zombie slaves he re-opened the
ReJoov factory. His goals vary from a fght to
regain a former sense of purpose by giving life
and sentience to those he killed to desiring a
hostile take-over of Bath Kol.
Another popular rumour (and possibly closer
to the truth) is that there is some dark sorcery
involved and that the culprits are the Yuan-Ti
from the southern swamplands. Te connec-
tion is unknown exactly as the goals, but the
few men and women brave enough to report
on the Deadlands and go down there to in-
vestigate have had sightings of Yuan-Ti in and
around the ruins of Azuria.
Tere are the hate-mongers who think that an
elf is behind it, to overthrow the Bath Kol go-
vernment through violence or else it is the work
of NED terrorists. And there are the fusion theo-
ries. In a desperate gamble for life Director Kra-
ine may have thrown his lot in with the Yuan-Ti
for instance trading his intimate knowledge of
NanoTech for a second chance at life. n
Game rules Bath Kol
Bath Kol has an Earth-like atmosphere so PC
races can breathe naturally without requiring
the use of special breathers.
Bath Kol has an Earth-like gravity. This has no
special game effects or modiers.
A number of smaller castles (citadels) dot the
landscape of Freya. While most of them are
kept in Gothic architectural style some rare
ones reect other origins.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
12 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
Beleth is a unique system. First of all it has
two moons, but only one major orbit. Both
moons are the same distance from the plant
they circle, both follow the exact same path,
and both are within 50 ktons of each others
mass. Shax and Vine however are always op-
posite one another, 180 degrees across, on the
other side of the orbit at any given moment.
In the system, Vine was the frst body to be
colonized by humans. Vine had rich fora and
fauna, plenty of lumber and lots of natural
oils and gas. It is a jungle world and one with
a sizable population of lizardfolk and elves.
Perhaps for this reason or perhaps for others,
despite being the earliest to be colonized no
more than 10 major cities dot the verdant
world of Vine and most of the world is still
rugged jungle.
Beleth started as a small colony of Shinzo-
Taigo settlers, a minority ethnic group from
Phoebe that had developed a tight culture
and language (a hybrid tongue of old Korean
and Japanese). Te language, called Shinzo,
is still spoken in an altered form today. Many
Shinzo words enter the vocabulary of Tanithi-
ans even when they speak Elysian.
Beleth was soon settled by other Phoebans,
primarily of caucasion or mixed ethnicities,
and in the latter Elysian calendar there has
also been an infux of Phoenicians as their ca-
pital world is fairly poor by Elysian standards,
and no longer large enough to sustain their
Despite this the central city of Tanith remains
the capital, and the Shinzo infuence over the
world is near absolute. Everyone on the pla-
net learns both Elysian and Shinzo at school,
and even among people on the opposite side
of the world to Tanith, Shinzo words are con-
sidered part of the planetary culture and he-
Shax, being a rugged, rocky world that Elvish
terraforming didnt take well too, was the
last to be settled. It is curiously however, the
wealthiest of the three. Industrial Warmachi-
nes was founded there and proved to be the
Equipment Purchases Beleth
You can buy more or less anything in
Beleth and its moons. However some
equipment is cheaper than other. Machi-
nes made by WMI are cheaper here by 2
DC, however, they are military items Mil
+3, and rather large and difcult to trans-
port, normally PCs will not be buying war
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Elysium Nebula 13
Elysium Nebula World Guide
biggest exporter of powerful machines of war.
As the common soldier can be replaced with
A.I.s and sophisticated massive scale ma-
chines it makes sense that URE army would
purchase such devices in bulk. Te warma-
chines of IWM even the score when fghting
Drow daemons and Illithid ogres and robots.
Te capital city of Beleth is a uniquely tall city
with plenty of fashing lights. It is know for
technical innovation (several high-tech star-
tups come from there), but mostly it is known
for being the remaining home of the Shinzo-
Taigo ethnic group of old Phoebe. Tanith is
ruled over by a powerful stateswoman named
Yuri Fujimitsu, who is said to be able to trace
her ancestry to Vampire hunters back when
the eldritch forces were only being discover-
ed and psychic powers were in their infancy.
Certainly she is a woman with a strong mind
and a good head on her shoulders. She is also,
singularly, the eldest living person in the Ely-
sium Nebula. Life support, gene therapy and
advanced medicine have kept her alive for 212
Tanith is an urban commercial city and any-
thing can be acquired there. Te Yakuza, a
formidable gang who trace their routes to the
Terran mafa of the same name, are also based
here so the city is not without its dangers.
Port Molvos
Port Molvos is the largest city on Beleth aside
from Tanith and is located in a far region
(about 1 hour and a half by the current fastest
atmospheric craft) relative to the capital. It is
worthy of note for several reason. First of all it
contains the largest spaceport on Beleth ma-
king it commercially and tactically signifcant.
Second, it is a military city, and a stop-over for
URE troops that will be engaging and com-
batting in the conficts occuring over nearby
Isafel. As more and more cities in this sector
turn on the Republic in favour of the NED the
importance of the Molvos spaceport cannot
be underestimated. Should the NED manage
to do damage to this port, the main supply
line between the troops at Isafel and the rest
of the URE would be broken and Isafel might
be overwhelmed by NED revolutionaries.
Tanith, capital city of Beleth. Tanith was
colonized by Yurioshi Koto of the Shinzo-Taigo
people of Phoebe which in turn originated from
the Japanese isles and Korean peninsula. As
a people the Tanithians are very protective of
their culture, maintaining a strong tradition of
language despite overwhelming pressure from
the rest of the URE. Tanith itself is a reection
of the cities that the Tanithian ancestors might
have lived in back on Terra.
A IWM Crawler in maintanence on Shax.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
14 Elysium Nebula
As pointed out Shax is mainly known for de-
veloping high-tech machines of war. Like Port
Molvos is a critical city to the Civil War against
the NED so too is Shax a critical world. Te big-
gest danger to NED are the terrible hunting war
machines used by the URE troops. Tough the
URE marines are deadly beyond comparison
(each marine is worth twenty or more NED re-
volutionaries) there is no doubt that a missile
launcher or other heavy weapon will dispatch
a marine. A IWM Crawler may last much, much
longer however. Te capital city of Shax is cal-
led Nessel and it is ruled over by Governor Tof
who comes from of-moon. He reputable grew
up in Ten-Moons though it is known he travel-
led around beyond the Uretil system.
Vine, the jungle world, is inhabited by men
that have grown accustomed to the natural
world. Vine is the biggest supplier of agricul-
tural goods in the area. Te machines of Shax
are occasionally imported to perform labour
functions. Te world is so alive that machines
which break down quickly grow mossy and
overwhelmed with roots, as if always part of
the natural order. Vine has a high elvish popu-
lation. It has also been selected as a breeding
world for protecting certain Terran species.
Lions, tigers, bears, wild boar, all mannor of
Terran snakes and other animals of interest
(including sea creatures like dolphins and
whales) have been brought in by means of clo-
ning based on preserved DNA samples. Tis
makes Vines wildlife reserves especially po-
pular with the wealthy. Te capital city is cal-
led Ineth and the governor is a half-elf named
Meki. He represents the only elvish-blooded
governor in the whole of the Republic. n
Vine is so alive that machines which
break down quickly grow mossy and
overwhelmed with roots, as if always
part of the natural order.
Game rules Bath Kol
Beleth and its moons have been terraformed by
the elves. They have breathable atmospheres
and earth-like gravity.
Elysium Nebula 15
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Elysia Prime
Bath Kol
Ice Clouds of Magellan
North Ivy Gate
Agragon Vohumunah
Fuhror/ Layover
Dranaei/ Standby
East Tulip Gate
Alpha Core Gate
Gamma Core Gate
Delta Core Gate
Iota Core Gate
Dark Star Gate
Nadir Rose Gate
Beta Core Gate
West Hyacinth
South Lilac
Zenith Orchid
Palmentiero Lobago Port
Vance City & Sector Prime
Sector Alpha, Beta, Gamma Surroyo
under construction
under construction
under construction
under construction
to Khar'dum
<- million ->
l- Amduscias
l- Andromalius
l- Valefar
l- Leraye
l- Amon
l- Ronove
Omega II-l Bereth-l
l- Midpoint
Brava Spacestation-l
Bastion of Umgar The Forge of Massay
Brogni Hades Rearch Centre
Psion Dome
Crayville Vault-Town Gommorah
Jumpbay to Novobrisk
New Phoebe Correllan New Cairo
River City
The Castle Sky-Pierce Athell Loren
Deadlands Azuria Los Demonios New Sanfran
Diego Barbara
Jumpbay to Muscovisk
Amy Stations-l
Hejjat Welldiggers Canyon
Drop Point A1
AlNeer Nahaja
Nefertiti Verwe
Zollefar Adharis Moley
Passeri Adathain
Dark Storm
Zenil Tiagara Voral
Adis Haleil Sett Osiris Isthmos
Lanaris Borgouze
Tanith Port Molvos State of Sasha
Nelya Marina
Oxana Raisa
The Elysium Nebula
Elysium Nebula World Guide
16 Elysium Nebula
Te Habitats Overall
Te Coalition has a naming convention that es-
tablishes the size-class of its artifcial habitats.
Te largest of these habitats is a Halo-World.
Slightly smaller than this is something called a
Starhome and smaller still is something called
a Nation Craft. Te smallest category is Station
and refers converted satellites and orbital sys-
tems around planets.
Chertkovo, located between the New Elysian
Democracy world of Furcas and the Trash
World of Saleos, is a Nation-Craft class cons-
truction. Te Chertkovo habitats, the regions
of the station where civillians live, are known
as the Recycler Habs. Teir close proximity to
Saleos guarantee that Chertkovo shuttle are
constantly ferrying back and forth to fnd ma-
terial that can be reused or redesigned.
Chertkovo Nationcraft is pretty enormous. Na-
tioncrafts are unique constructions because
not only do they contain numerous residen-
tial habs for humans to live in, but they also
are actually fully mobile star vessels. In many
ways they can be imagined as a Colony Ship
that never landed on a planet. Te artifcial
gravity was initially provide by travelling at a
constantly accelerating 1g and then decelle-
rating 1g prior to the revolutionary develop-
ment of grav-plates. Now Chertkovo barely
moves; instead it remains in its solar fxed
position. However that doesnt mean it cant
move. Chertkovo has the power to accelerate
to speeds of up to 1.5 million miles per hour
if it needs to. Nearly as impressive as any TB
Cargo Freighter. Of course moving would be
rather difcult, since the entire Nationcraft
would have to be warned of the impending
move so that people could protect valuable
items. Chertkovo has now not moved in the
last 200 years.
Gubernatorial Habs
Chertkovo is twenty thousand miles long,
about two thousand miles wide and six
thousand miles tall. Te rear of this enormous
spaceship contains massive engines. Te front
of this craft is a zone for the very wealthy. Here
we fnd the Gubernatorial Habs, where the
Oligarch of Chertkovo makes his home. Te-
re is a considerable amount of efort put into
this area to ensure that it remains pleasant.
Te centre square of the Gubernatorial Habs
is a massive zoo, featuring human plants and
animals living in an artifcial greenhouse with
solar lamps that come on and of in crude imi-
tation of the Earths Sun. Te Chertkovo Zoo is
one of the most beautiful in all of the Elysium
Nebula and a number of other ICHA Stations
have attempted to imitate it. Beyond the zoo
are palatial housing units which seem to an-
yone that lives in the lower habs to be a phe-
nomenal waste of space. Some half a million
people live in the Gubernatorial Habs.
Commercial Habs
Between the lower end residential Habs back
near the engines, and the high-class habs of
the Gubernatorial and Zoo areas are a series
of Habs wed to an endless labyrinth of shop-
Game rules Chertkovo
Chertkovo has been grav-stabilized and the
atmosphere is simulated. The atmosphere and
gravity are both earth-like.
Equipment Purchases Chertkovo
You can buy more or less anything in
Chertkovo Nationcraft. However some
kinds of equipment are cheaper than
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
EC (Elite Crafts)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Elysium Nebula 17
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Chertkovos Commercial Habs are
an incomprehensible network of
girders, walkways, neon signs,
restaurants and multi-story labyrin-
thine shopping complexes.
ping plazas and distribution outlets. In this
area one can fnd the Chertkovo Docking
Station, the equivalent of a Space Station for
a Nationcraft. Tough most people live in the
residential habs and come visit the Commer-
cial Habs to buy and trade stuf, there are still
a fair number of tradesman that live directly
above or near their stores in the Commercial
Hab itself. Tis Hab houses some 10 to 20 mil-
lion people, though at any given moment an
additional 5 million may be found there either
working, shopping or just taking a stroll.
Residential Habs
Te residential habitats, which are also often
called Recycler Habitats by people who choose
to be derogatory as extremely tightly packed.
Tough there are some apartments that are
comfortably sized, the cost of such a place is
astronomical due to lack of space. Normally
anyone with enough money to buy a big place
will elect to go for a smaller place in the more
pleasant gubernatorial district.
Te more modern Habs have cut down com-
pletely on all wasted space. Elevators have
been removed because they occupy space; in
its place Teleportation Pads based on eldritch-
science are used to leap a tenant into his ten-
foot-by-ten-foot box of an apartment. Tele-
vision and VRNet terminals are built directly
into the walls to reduce space and the beds
are industriously manufactured UFog nanite
array units. Tis allows the bed to morph into
the ground when unneeded, or into a coach
to watch television during the day. Normally
on one wall there will be a small closet space
for clothing and personal items. One corner of
the room will actually contain a shower head
and a small drain. When the shower activation
button is pressed the UFog array doubles up as
small shower container.
Since these boxes can be teleported into via
a teleportation pad space is conserved by not
using any kind of corridors. Instead massive
grids are built 100 by 100 boxes for 10,000 in-
Elysium Nebula World Guide
18 Elysium Nebula
dividual Habs. Normally, in between each foor,
there is enough duct space to call through. Tis
is for emergency malfunction purposes. If your
teleportation pad breaks down youre only op-
tion is to request maintenance to crawl into get
access to your Hab. Te outer layer of Habs so-
metimes have windows - or even more exciting
(and expensive) open ports onto space. Some
Habs have visio-screen walls to give the illusi-
on of space. Some 30 million inhabitants live in
the Chertkovo Residential Habs.
Te Habs above are for the lower-middle to
middle classes; with upper middle classes
being able to aford a little extra space and may-
be a window. Te poor however cannot aford
anything so fancy as a UFog bed. Tey live in
the old unconverted tenements. In many cases
they have to deal with ten-to-twenty people to
a room, no place to sleep and in extreme cases
they will be forced to live in un-grav-plated
areas where they efectively foat around be-
cause of the lack of artifcial gravity. Certain
areas of Chertkovo face extreme poverty and
unfortunately teleportating and hovertrams
basically mean that it is quite possible to live
in Chertkovo all your life and never come face
to face with it. Some 10 million inhabitants live
in near absolute poverty in the slums.
Te Industrial Habs
Finally there are the Industrial Habs were the
hardworking folk of Chertkovo labour during
the day. Te Industrial Habs manufacture
spaceships, weaponry, pharmaceuticals; any-
thing an adventurer is likely to buy over in the
Commerical Habs. Te Industrial Habs are
also the Habs that contain all the space shutt-
les used for couriering back and forth from it
and the trash world of Saleos which can be
mined and search for raw materials. In fact the
Industrial Habs of Chertkovo generate huge
income for the ICHA because out in space
raw materials are hard to come buy and the
export of stuf mined or recycled from Saleos
provides Chertkovo with a tremendous oppor-
tunity. Unfortunately most of the owners of the
facilities in Chertkovo are ICHA businessmen
living afar; reaping huge profts from their for-
tunate positions and then living in luxury on
Muscovisk or Kief. n
Certain areas of Chertkovo face ex-
treme poverty
Te Planet Overall
Colopatiron is one of the earliest claimed
planets in the Elysium Nebula. Claimed by
the original Phoebans long before the Elvish
capital at Elysia Prime came under attack, Co-
lopatiron represented the frst move that hu-
manity made into the inner worlds. It was also
the frst place that humanity established an
active military basis and the frst place where
they argued (strongly) on how to divide pro-
perty lines between men and elves. Lines that
shrank away slowly over time for the elves, un-
til eventually, during the second Illithid war,
would removed entirely.
Colopatiron is a Mars-sized world of incre-
dible natural beauty. Grav-booster units
placed in strategic locations around princi-
pal cities give the impression of an earth like
gravity, but if you drift to some of the outer
cities Colopatiron is in fact a low gravity
world (about .74 earth gravity - curious be-
cause given its mass it should have a gravity
of .45 or .46 that of Earth - humans suspect
some ancient Elvish arcana is at work).
Colopatiron has two moons, both of which
are almost as beautiful as the world they cir-
cle. Barbatos, also called the White Moon,
and Paimon, also called the Green Moon. Te
White Moon, so called because of the pure
white sands of its beaches and deserts and
Green Moon because of its thick tropical ra-
inforests. Both moons are unique worlds in
their own right and have completely seperate
governments (newer and more similar to tho-
se of other planets in terms of their relation-
ship with the central Senate of the Republic)
from Colopatiron.
River City and Colopatiron in General
Colopatiron is steeped in tradition. Being one
of the oldest worlds that the ancient Phoebans
took it is the most reminiscent of Saturns Moon
Phoebe before the great war. It harkens back to
an age of wealth and strength, and Imperial
majesty. Colopatiron celebrates older holidays
and constructs buildings in an archaic style.
Equipment Purchases Colopatiron
You can buy more or less anything in Co-
lopatiron and its moon. However some
equipment is cheaper than other.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
Elysium Nebula 19
Elysium Nebula World Guide
River City, arguably the most beautiful
city in all of the United Republic.
Te style and culture of Phoebe has largely
been lost in the Elyisum Nebula. Te general
consensus was too forge new Earths and in
so doing the humans of the Elysium Nebula
adopted Terran style sky-scraper and simp-
ler box designs that are popular among na-
tions that do not have the time to build for
elegance, but rather need something sturdy
and functional.
Few people remember the days when man
was colonizing worlds for the frst time, each
new planet representing a rare opportunity to
forge a new culture and a new people. Colopa-
tirons are very homogenous and tend to stick
with one another strongly, sharing a close-knit
Tey are ethnically of European descent, or
more accurately almost all a very specifc kind
of celtic European. Red hair, freckles, pale of
skin. Te Colopatirons are methodical of pro-
cedure, and have spent vast sums of money
on beautifcation. Te Colopatirons also have
one of the largest planetary defense forces in
the Nebula. With over a hundred thousand
warships and a million troops, Colopatiron
has a small army at its disposal. Service in the
Colopatiron militia is a mandatory 3 year deal
for any graduates from high school.
One of the most breath-taking examples of
Colopatiron architecture is the River City. It
is constructed from a rarely used (replaced
by newer tougher materials) kind of Polyme-
ric Marble (imaginatively called polymarble).
Te polymarble can be easily crafted, and the
Colopatirons are specifcally fond of curving
shapes and inlaid knotwork designs. All of
this is present on every wall in River City.
Visitors tend to be stunned by the beauty of
River City.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
20 Elysium Nebula
River City is also the home of the Colopatiron
government, which has (shockingly) a here-
ditary ruler. Tis ruler (King at the moment)
has no actual power, but he is a prominent
public fgure. Instead the planet has a Prime
Minister that represents Colopatiron at the
parliament on Elysia Prime.
Because of its ancient and special magni-
ficence Colopatiron is afforded several ad-
minstrative laxities that are not available to
other planets. The fact that they have a King
is unique in the solar system.
Barbatos, the White Moon
Barbatos is a much more modern world,
with tall sky-scraper cities erected out of
the white sands that cover a vast area of the
planet. Barbatos has a special relationship
with Colopatiron in that it is the world that
actively recruits men for the Marines. Sin-
ce Colopatiron has a large standing militia,
not a small number of these end up being
recruited for the Marines. Colopatiron has
no official marine recruiting association
(perhaps more distance between them and
the rest of the United Republic) but Barba-
tos has several Marine bunkers scattered all
over the planet. When soldiers of a certain
level of skill and bravado make themselves
known in Colopatiron they are encouraged
to travel to Barbados to see what life in the
Marines has to offer them.
It is not surprising therefore that Barbatos
has a number of training boot camps nor
that its twin city is Verran in Manakel. Verran
is often used to test the physical endurance
of Marines because the mountains are high
and rugged and the air is sparse.
Paimon, The Green Moon
Paimon has a variety of different climate
zones but is probably most famous for its
tropical rain forests. The reasons for this
are three-fold. First of all, the tropical rain-
forests of Paimon are paritcularly lush and
fertile, and they cover a disproportionate
amount of the world (roughly 19%). Second
the Paimon rain-forests are protected and
therefore totally unspoiled. This means that
the rest of the planet has been converted
by a vast industrial sprawl of girdered cities
and and ultramodern buildings. Basically if
youre in Paimon youre either in a many-
level city (or Hive) or youre in the jungle.
Third of all the rain-forests of Paimon have
some of the most curious animals in the
known galaxy. This is because the Paimon
rain-forest precedes the arrival of the Elves.
That is - there was life here long before the
Elves arrived. The world was therefore never
terraformed. Since Paimon has a gravity that
is .27g the kind of creatures are very, very
curious. Long-limbed tree-hoppers, many
boned articulated snake-like things and the
infamous leaping frog-rabbit. All kinds of
unusual creatures exist in Paimon and their
zoos are very popular. Not all the creatures
are safe however. The venomous Vulpigor
and the deadly flying Wampyri are just some
of the many hazards faced by visitors to the
Rain Forest.
If you travel deep enough you may even en-
counter the protected Secheyans, a sentient
non-travelling race that live in protected
reserves in Paimon. Rules detailing Sech-
eyans can be found in both the Menace Ma-
nual and d20 Future - they are not repeated
in this game because these aliens are very
rare in the Elysium Nebula. Few ever leave
Paimon. (Not least of all because they are
generally too heavy to fly in normal gravity
conditions.) n
Game rules Colopatiron
Colopatiron and its moons have an Earth-like
atmosphere so PC races can breathe naturally
without requiring the use of special breathers.
In most areas Colopatiron has an earth like
gravity but in some of the undeveloped regi-
ons (GMs perogative) the grav-wells are not in
place and this makes it treated as a moderately
low gravity world. People without a low gravity
adaptation feat suffer a -2 on Initiative checks.
Everyone takes half damage from falling.
Game rules Barbatos
Barbatos has been probably enchanted by the
elves and has an Earthlike gravity.
Paimon has an earth-like gravity in the cities
thanks to Gravity Wells. In the rest of the world
however (in the rainforest) it is considered a
very low gravity world. People without a low
gravity adaptation feat suffer a -2 on Initiative
checks and attack rolls. Additionally everyone
takes 1/4 damage from falls.
The Paimon rain-forests are protected
and therefore totally unspoiled
Equipment Purchases (continued)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Elysium Nebula 21
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Habitats Overall
A Starhome is the second largest construction
that the ICHA produces for civillian living.
Like all other ICHA stations, Dalmatavo is a
completely man-made construct made up of a
number of habitats or Habs.
Dalmatavo is about as large as the state of New
York and has the approximate population of Ja-
pan (about 130 million people). Like with many
other habitats some of the poorer districts are
extremely crowded. Unlike many other Habi-
tats however Dalmatavo is open-topped. Tis
is due to a special force dome that contains an
atmosphere. A powerful forcefeld bubble that
allows Dalmatavo citizens to place earth and
grow stuf on top and thanks to artifcial gravity
on bottom of their artifcial world. Between the
top and the bottom lie some 750 miles of plas-
teel wherein almost everyone lives.
Tis special force dome technology is actually
restricted Duruki tech. Te Dalmatavo people
are the only ones aside from the Duruki who
can beneft from this powerful tech; and this
is only because of a special relationship the
people of Dalmatavo have with the dwarves.
Dalmatavo orbits in a fgure 8, much like the
Duruki worlds. Additionally Dalmatavo lies
in orbit between the Duruki worlds of Zukh-
dul and Drumai. As one might imagine, this
means that the Duruki often fnd it conveniant
to use the Dalmatavo Starhome as a waypoint.
In fact, in the last 200 years, plenty of Duruki
have made their homes on Dalmatavo and
now as much as 10% of the population (13 mil-
lion people) are Duruki.
Tis special location and relationship is also
the reason for the trading of travel technolo-
gy that eventually gave birth to the dominant
freighting ship manufacturer in the Elysium
Nebula. Traders Barges has its HQ in Dal-
matavo and this explains, in part, the wealth
of Dalmatavo despite being inconveniantly far
from any other habited human world.
Zenith Habs
Tere are two rich habs in the Dalmatavo
Starhome, and as might be imagine these are
the surface habitations. Dalmatavos zeni-
The breathtaking Nadir Habs. It is here
that Traders Barges was founded and
went on to become the dominant freight
company in the Elysium Nebula.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
22 Elysium Nebula
th or top surface and Dalmatavos nadir or
bottom surface. Tere is some friendly (and
not so friendly) rivalry between these two.
In terms of GDP the Nadir Hab makes more
money than the Zenith Hab because the Na-
dir Habs are also the locations of the domi-
nant number of business men as well as the
principal operating headquarters of Traders
Te Zenith Hab however is the seat of govern-
ment. Te Oligarch of Dalmatavo and his close
personal team live here. Tere is also the very
signifcant fact that the Duruki Consulate can
be found here and the Duruki Ambassador
who is a respected fgure who has tremend-
ously improved the lot of the average human
in these years by sharing technology that the
Duruki are traditionally uncomfortable with
In return the humans of Dalmatavo and the
companies of Dalmatavo have been very good
about restricting the tech they use and conce-
aling how much of it works. Tis arrangement
works well for the humans of Dalmatavo.
Nadir Habs
Te Nadir Habs are the home of Traders
Barges and are generally considered the busi-
ness mans habs. If youre rich and youre in
business (from fnance, to televsion, to infor-
mation systems and more) then chances are
youre looking to live here. It is arguably more
beautiful than the Zenith Habs (certainly they
have done a better job of organically mixing
in greenery). Both Zenith and Nadir habs are
the only locations where once can witness a
double eclipse of Solaris and Acheron. When
(once every seventeen years) Drumai and
Zhukdul both pass in front of their respective
suns, an eclipse can be seen on both stars at
the same time.
Te Nadir Habs are generally reckoned to be
the safest Habs, largely because the Cygors
hired out by the major corporate entities, con-
stantly patrol the streets ensuring that no one
is hurt and or intimidated by misbehavers.
Te Sandwich Habs
Te central area of Dalmatavo - also called the
Sandwich because it lies between the Zenith
and Nadir habs - is the poorer region. Here
we start to see some of the cellblock style
habs that dominate the lower income habs in
places like Chertkovo. Tankfully, due to a go-
vernment that imposes strong housing regu-
lations and applies diligence in helping poor
people recover by clearing debt and providing
public health care there is no extreme poverty
in Dalmatavo in the same way that there is in
Chertkovo. Never the less, the Sandwich Habs
are notoriously cramped.
As a rule of thumb there is a stereotype about
these three areas in Dalmatavo. Te stereo-
types are traditionally these:
- Zenith Habs: You are a wealthy snob who has
inherited money. You drink expensive wine
and have an unhealthy addiction to ugly art.
- Nadir Habs: You are a greedy snob. You
would not be opposed to selling your mother
to pirates if it would earn you an extra dime.
You have no heart.
- Sandwich Habs: You are under-educated and
a little stupid. After all, if you werent so stu-
pid youd be in one of the other habs.
Te Satellites
In addition to those people actually living
aboard Dalmatavo itself, there are at any given
time some 650 orbiting satellites around Dal-
matavo wherein some 15% of Dalmatavos po-
pulation can be found. Tese are people that
have decided they prefer to live away from the
hubbub of Dalmatavo. Typical satellites inclu-
de an apartment complex which is much more
spacy than on the Dalmatavo proper; a simple
spaceport; a commercial ring with shops and
utilities and other such things.
Te biggest difculty about living on a Sat-
Hab as they are called, is that quite often you
will need to buy something that quite simply
cannot be found on your Hab. When this is the
case then, you have no choice but to hop on
your short range shuttle and actually fy down
to Dalmatavo. Many Sat-Habs are geo-fxed
above the Nadir or Zenith side so that people
can more easily go to the area where they pre-
fer to shop. Sat-Habbers also often prefer to be
associated with one side or the other (Zenith
or Nadir) to avoid association with the Sand-
wich Habs. n
Equipment Purchases Chertkovo
You can buy more or less anything in Dala-
matavo Starhome. However some kinds
of equipment are cheaper than others.
-2 Purchase DC Bonus
The following manufacturers are availa-
ble discounted in Dalmatavo because the
principle manufacturing plants are loca-
ted here.
TB (Traders Barges)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
EC (Elite Crafts)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Dalmatavo
Dalmatavo has been grav-stabilized and the
atmosphere is simulated. The atmosphere and
gravity are both earth-like.
Elysium Nebula 23
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Planets Overall
Te two Duruki worlds closest to human space
are called the Infnty Worlds by the Duruki
people because of the fgure 8 orbit they trace
around the suns Solaris and Acheron. Tey are
the most urbanized worlds and both boast fair
human populations so in many respects they
are quite similar. Because of the great distance
between them and the suns they orbit they are
both very cold worlds and they have not had
the beneft of Elvish terraforming. Tey are,
however, the least cold worlds in Duruki space.
In some periods (Summer) on Drumai for in-
stance they have merely subarctic temperatures
and if appropriately dressed humans can step
outside without the beneft of advanced heated
armoured space suits.
Drumai in particular is important because it is
the world upon which the Duruki evolved from
the frostdwelling apes now commonly called
Yetis by human. Te Duruki homeworld is lar-
ger than Sol System and has a gravity that is
roughly 10% greater than Earths. Tis is Duru-
ki standard gravity and explains, perhaps, why
they evolved as a race to be shorter of stature
yet more resilient than elves and humans.
Naturally neither Drumai, the capital world
of the Duruki Empire, not farfying Zhukdul,
have been terraformed by the Elves. Tese two
worlds have been held by the Duruki before
the Elves reached this remote region of the Ely-
sium Nebula. Zhukdul is a much smaller world
than Drumai (approximately Mars sized) but
despite this has three moons called Draecos,
Brozden and Hogaard. Drumai, despite being
a very large world, is in fact moonless which
is probably the reason that the Duruki were
late developing space travel compared to the
humans and elves. Zhukdul, lacking elvish ter-
raforming, has both low gravity and a poiso-
nous atmosphere. Tankfully the Duruki have
built massive domes over the majority of the
planet withinwhich an earth-like atmosphere
exists. All areas that have been pressurized
with a safe atmosphere have also been lined
with GravPlates. Duruki GravPlates do not re-
fect human or elvish gravity but Duruki Stan-
dard Gravity like that on Drumai. (10% greater
than Earths.)
Both worlds are industrious worlds which tra-
de openly with humans. Unlike some of the
Duruki worlds further out which are fairly iso-
lationist the Infnity Worlds are noted by hu-
mans as being fairly cosmopolitan and welco-
ming. In Drumai for instance, easily the crown
jewel in the Duruki Empire one can fnd Duru-
ki, many Elves, many humans and even some
of the odd races like dragon-blooded folk, ogre
hybrids and reptillians of all kinds.
Dwallowvane the captial city of the Du-
ruki Empire boasts winding excavated
tunnels constructed in a style typical of
the Duruki race in ancient periods.
Equipment Purchases Duruki
In Duruki space some equipment will na-
turally be cheaper than other equipment.
Any Duruki Technology (that marked free-
market or restricted in the Duruki Tech
section) is available at standard prices.
Any human or Elvish freemarket techno-
logy is available at +2 Purchase DC for
reasons of rarity. Duruki favour no parti-
cular human group over another tech-
nology from the NED, the URE and the
ICHA is all sold at the same +2 Purchase
DC. Elvish restricted Technology is sold at
+4 Purchase DC. Any other kind of tech-
nology (Beyonder, Drow, Illithid and so on)
is available at a special +6 Purchase DC.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
24 Elysium Nebula
Drumai, Capital World of Durukidom
Drumai closely follows the orbit of Orobas,
the frst world that humans inhabited in the
Elysium Nebula. When humans frst arrived
it was trade with the nearby Dwarven capital
that allowed the humans to quickly build the
infrastructure needed for cities, governments
and the foundations of their new society. Dru-
mai provided military aid and information to
the fedgeling nations of the newcomers. Oro-
bas has always been close, as a world, to the
Duruki capital and it must be said that when
the United Republic of Elysium was formed
and the capital was moved away from this bor-
der between the two empires the Duruki were
slightly put of.
Drumai is an interesting world. Its thick at-
mosphere and water rich environment means
that life is certainly possible but its distance
from the suns it circles means that the water
has mostly frozen to ice and that the only orga-
nisms that can survive are those perfectly ad-
justed to the extreme cold. Duruki themselves
have much thicker skin than humans, and are
able to ignore temperatures that would make
most humans shake with biting cold.
When the Duruki began to build they tunne-
led downwards using the heat of the worlds
molten core to warm up their tunnels. Te
Duruki tunneled greedily and deeply in search
of rare metals in ancient times, oil in the ma-
chine age and fnally just because they could
in the fusion and gravity ages. Te tunnels of
the Duruki are something to see. Some under-
ground facilities are taller than the sky scra-
pers of Bath Kol.
Te tunnels of Drumai wind one way and ano-
ther way in an impossible and incomprehen-
sible labyrinth. Drumai may be the only place
that requires a 3 dimensional map to navigate.
Merely knowing which cardinal direction
(North, South, East or West) a particular lo-
cation is will certainly not be enough. You will
also need to know whether it is up or down re-
lative to where you are.
Zhukdul, First Colony of Duruki
Zhukdul the outer Infnity World, is the frst
colony the Duruki ever made. In fact their
frst efort to reach the world was spoiled by
unexpected disaster. Te spaceship failed to
return home, and the accident in deep space
marked the Duruki. Many assumed it an indi-
cation that the gulf of space was never meant
to be crossed. Nowadays the Duruki are well
spread perhaps the most well spread of any
species in the Elysium Nebula their worlds
cover a much wider distance than human
worlds and of course with their unique jump
gate technology Duruki have reached many
far and remote Solar Systems beside the Ely-
sium Nebula. Despite all this it has to be said
that most Duruki do prefer to have their feet
on solid ground.
Te frst colony of the Duruki was an interes-
ting afair. Even by the second journey the Du-
ruki had begin to send up materials to tunnel
and build in the world of Zhukdul. Early on,
before the development of force domes to re-
tain a hemisphere of pressurized atmosphere
in place, the Duruki of Zhukdul would build
everything underground so that they need
only slice of a small section. Zhukdul also is
largely an underground world.
Zhukdul has three moons called Draecos,
Brozden and Hogaard. Tese three moons are
small rocky things that lack atmospheres. Tere
is nothing to be found there but some research
stations. One of the moons is reputed to have
been a Dragon Graveyard and there is a mu-
seum there of some note and some oil rigs (the
ancient biomatter has become nothing more
in most cases than the noted black gold resting
deep below the surface of the planet). n
Game rules Drumai
Drumai has an Earth-like atmosphere. It has a
heavier than normal gravity. Duruki standard
gravity is 110% what Earths is. This means all
of your items are treated as weighing 10% more
than they actually do. This has no other additional
game effects beyond this. (The GM can at his pe-
rogative note that people new to the experience
of heavy gravity take Fort saves the rst week
that they are there or be affected adversely by
the change in environment but there is no ofcial
ruling in this regard.) Characters from Drumai do
not qualify for the high gravity adaptation feat
the gravity here is not high enough.
Game rules Zhukdul
Zhukdul has an earthlike atmosphere within
the pressurized force dome or underground.
Due to the grav-plating with pressurized zones
Zhukdul follows the same gravitational rules
as Drumai.
Outside of the pressurized force domes Zhukdul
has a poisonous atmosphere. Anyone breathing
in must pass a DC 15 Fort save each round
or take 1 point of Constitution damage. Each
round exposed to the poisonous atmosphere
increases the DC by 1. Oxygen and nitrogen le-
vels are appropriate enough however that aside
from the poisonous affect of other dangerous
gasses there are no other negative effects.
Zhukdul is considered a low-gravity world bey-
ond the force domes and all the normal low-
gravity rules are in effect. Duruki from Zhuk-
dul do not qualify however for the low gravity
adaptation feat unless special reason is given.
Most habitants of Zhukdul live in grav-stabi-
lized zones.
Elysium Nebula 25
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Habitats Overall
A Starhome is the second largest construc-
tion that the ICHA produces for civillian li-
ving. Like all other ICHA stations, Elektros is
a completely man-made construct made up
of a number of habitats or Habs.
Elektros, like Dalmatavo, does a Figure 8 Or-
bit. It does so between the United Republic
planets of Naberius (which was barely more
than an uninhabited dustball until the dis-
coveries made at Welldiggers Canyon) and
Astraroth which is orbited by a space stati-
on called Amy which is more or less of the
same age, design and style as Elektros. Since
both of these stations were constructed over
5000 years ago the national allegiances had
not yet began to form themselves in the Ely-
sium Nebula and the Independant Coalition
had not yet declared itself a distinct nation-
state from the planet bound humans. In any
case evidence suggests that Amy may indeed
have been built in orbit around Astaroth as
an intended extension for Elektros and still
today many ICHAns believe that this station
should be ICHA property since the manufac-
turer clearly belonged to a company that fell
under their collective.
Animal Menagerie
Elektros is a special space station. It is unique
in the ICHA and it has been the centre of
some of the most exciting technological in-
novations of our age. It is money from sales
to nearby Astraroth and distribution through
to all the other worlds of the United Republic
that provide the Station of Elektros with an al-
most unlimited supply of raw materials with
which to expand. It is by far the largest of the
Starhomes in the ICHA. It contains no less
than 200 million people and covers an area
of space the size of Texas. It has been cons-
tructed organically, with bits of the station
jutting out at unseemly angles. Slowly ex-
On Elektros, Cygors are not the only nano-
tech brain boosted creatures. It is a place,
that for foreignors, borders on the absurd.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
26 Elysium Nebula
panding as more and more resources are mi-
ned out of nearby Naberius to make it bigger.
So what does it sell to make all this money?
What technology did Elektros perfect to make
it the economic powerhouse of the Indepen-
dant Coalition. Well, Elektros developed the
frst advanced nanotech pieces. It is the home
of the company called Shadowjack Nanoware
and in the laboratories of Elektros the ICHA
developed the frst grav-plates to provide the
most efective artifcial gravity to date and
later they would develop the technology for
using nanite arrays to greatly improve the in-
telligence of animals. Cygors would become
one of the greatest military successes of the
ICHA, one a par with the deadly Urean Mari-
nes of the United Republic.
Tis last fact also makes Elektros one of the
creepiest places to visit, because in their en-
thusiasm for this new technology Elektros has
in fact got a host of artifcially intellectually
enhanced animals (or Nanomals as they are
sometimes absurdly called). Tese animals
are often genetically altered as well to further
enhance thinking powers, to grant human-like
vocal cords and to provide some sort of basic
manipulation tools.
Some animals are able to interact with humans
in a more or less meaningful way. Dolphins for
instance, have a natural talent for science and
arithmatic when brain boosted and a number
of Nanomal Dolphins actually work now for
Shadowjack Nanoware. Chimpanzees, mon-
keys, and any kind of fngered animal ob-
viously is able to carry out some measure of
manual labour and engage with humans in
a more or less humanoid fashion. Bears have
also often been intellectually enhanced, and
like Cygors they tend to fll mostly military ro-
les. Tere are many birds that futter through
the habs of Elektros, and dont be surprised
if they talk to you. Teyre not mimicking like
parrots, they have human sentience.
But sometimes the people of Elektros have
just gone a little overboard. Such animals as
Walrusses, Mice, and in the most extreme case
the African Grey Elephant. Tere are even ru-
mours of a highly intelligent swarm of fre ants
and of sentient tigers. In any case there are
now special rules and regulations regarding
the use of this brainiac nanotechnology. Only
Shadowjack Nanoware is licensed to carry out
such operations and now only under special
government approved conditions.
Interestingly, outside of Elektros Starhome,
non-cygor Nanomals are almost completely
unheard of. Perhaps this is because Elekt-
ros has now a community of Nanomals, or
perhaps (more likely) because outside of
Elektros no one would ever think of giving a
talking Panda a job. n
Equipment Purchases Elektros
You can buy more or less anything in
Elektros Starhome. However some kinds
of equipment are cheaper than others.
-2 Purchase DC Bonus
The following manufacturers are available
discounted in Elektros because the prin-
ciple manufacturing plants are located
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
TB (Traders Barges)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
EC (Elite Crafts)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Dalmatavo
Elektros has been grav-stabilized and the at-
mosphere is simulated. The atmosphere and
gravity are both earth-like.
Elysium Nebula 27
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Planet Overall
Elysia Prime is the capital world of the Uni-
ted Republic of Elysium which makes it more
or less the capital world in all of the Elysium
Nebula. It is an Earth sized world but it boasts
a population of about 14 billion people (over
double the current population of the Earth).
Te capital city of this world is New Pheobe
named after the Saturnian moon that once
seated the great human power in the Galaxy.
At New Phoebe seats the Urean council a
council of 9 powerful Senators that rule over
the Republic. Tese 9 Senators have near total
command of humanity in the Elysium Nebula.
In addition to this Elysia Prime is also home to
a number of other important cities including
Corellan, the ex-Elvish capital and now the hu-
man media center of the Nebula, New Cairos
the religious center of the Phoenixian cult. In
New Phoebe and Correllan are the two most
respected universities in the Galaxy so it is
often said that if you havent studied in Elysia
Prime then you simply arent special.
New Phoebe
New Phoebe is the Big Apple of the Elysium
Nebula. It is a jungle of tall and sky-piercing
pasteel and ultraglass structures (the forests
of the Elves have long since been built over in
the 375 years since the cities founding.) It
New Phoebe, The Centre of the Uni-
verse, you can see a number of the
major commercial buildings, an AutoDyn
Limousine and a gathering outside the
popular Dame Madaleine gathering hall.
Just at the fair end you can make out the
Dome of Seers wherein the study of the
Arcane Sciences and the impact of Aesir
is studied and noted and where humans
learn to push the boundaries of Psionics
and Astral Powers.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
28 Elysium Nebula
is about 320 square miles (515 sq km) in area
and boasts a population of 7 billion people. If
it werent for the fact that it is built so high it
would be impossible to live (in fact if everyo-
ne took to street level then the people simply
would not ft in the area) and generally spea-
king the wealthier you are the higher up you
live. Te lower zones tend to be dirtier and
house an urban, criminal element. Tat said
its not unkown for the rich to slum it down
below when looking for drugs, prostitutes or
other unsavoury interests. Te exception is
Kings an area of New Phoebe that has been
restructured and is on ground level and has
seen renewed popularity with the wealthy. It
may be a passing fad but a number of rich men
and women have acquired some ground-level
real estate in Kings. Tis is aided by the fact
that Kings is really close to Stephens College
and people like students to stay safe.
New Phoebe is also a commercial heaven as
well as being residentially over-populated. A
number of important companies have their
executive ofces here including AutoDyn, that
manufactures the bulk of all jetcars and jet-
bikes in the Nebula; Zenith Food Distributers,
which is the biggest comestibles conglomerate
and largest manufacturer of violet rations in
the Nebula; Elysian Arms and Armour which
manufactures a vast quantity of weapons and
is the primary provider of combat equipment
to the deadly United Republic of Elysium Ma-
rine forces and many other equally signifcant
galaxy-spanning business enterprises.
New Phoebes centre is the seat of Stephens
College one of the two most respected uni-
versities in the Nebula (the other being Laure-
lanthis Uni at Correllan also in Elsyia Prime).
Stephens is particularly noted for its maths
and sciences department and the greatest
engineers and techs come from this school. If
they can aford it of course living at the centre
of the universe is not cheap. Te other signif-
cant educational institution in New Phoebe is
the Dome of Seers a massive domed struc-
ture that caters towards the psychically gifted
and the study of the arcane. Tere individuals
can study the efects of Aesir (and test it un-
der carefully prepares safe environments to
see whether the individual takes to the drug
and fnds it enhancing, or whether it dulls his
mind) as well as learn how to do such things as
graft Arcane Tattoos, enchant Psionic Potions,
write Eldritch Scrolls and learn of the history
of Witchcraft and Daemonology.
However, possibly the most important thing
about New Phoebe is that it is the centre of
government. Te Senate resides at the Sena-
torium, a large structure built at the Apex of
the city to resemble a vast an ancient Roman
monument. White marble pillars lead up to
the circular atrium and adorning the sides are
marble (or some synthetic equivalent) statues
depicting the great Senators of the past. Each
Senator rules for 9 years at a time and is able to
re-elected up to a possible three terms. Sena-
tors must be at least 30 years old each before
coming up for election. Te seats of the Senate
go up for election one a time in rotation, one
each year. Urean gubernatorial elections are
quite complex and are discussed at greater
length in another section. Sufce it to say that
the Senators are able in many cases to secure
their positions for multiple terms and the cur-
rent seat of power has been nearly unchanged
in the last two decades.
Equipment Purchases Elysia Prime
You can buy more or less anything in Elys-
ia Prime (it is the centre of the galaxy after
all). However some equipment is cheaper
than others. Below is a list of corporations
and the ease of purchase in this zone.
-2 Purchase DC Bonus
Equipment from the following manufac-
turers is cheaper because the plants are
located in the area.
CG (Correllan Genetics)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
CC (CyberCorp)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Elysium Nebula 29
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Correllan is a city built in a huge outwords
sprawl. It has a (slightly) more liberal outlook
than its more industrial counterpart (New
Phoebe) and has been built in such a way
that the natural Ecomancy of the elves wasnt
destroyed. Te city is spread out over a 750
square mile area but has a population that
is under half of that of New Phoebe. Massive
sky-rails connect the various city hubs which
are built in designated low-foliage areas. Te
rails navigate between the 700-800 foot Elys-
ia Trees bred by the elves. Te trees are hollo-
wed out by the natural magic of the elves and
in ancient times were used as homes by the
Elves. Now these huge trees are converted
in Elvish Heritage Museums or in some rare
cases bought by particularly extravagant and
wealthy individuals to serve as second home.
In very, very rare cases an Elf has managed
to reclaim one of these trees. Despite the fact
that the forest is government owned (and sort
of protected) Correllan does have the largest
Elvish population in percentage terms than
all other cities in the human cities.
Correllan is also the location of one of the
two Ivy Leagues of the Elysium Nebula. L.U.
or Laurelanthis University is greatly famed
for its arts programmes including literature,
historical studies, media studies and econo-
mics. Media studies in particular is very po-
pulat not least of all because Correllan serves
as the Hollywood of the Elysium Nebula. If
you watch a Holovideo chances are it was
filmed and made somewhere in Correllan.
Even most news and information networks
have a base in Correllan. Not surprisingly
this goes hand in hand with a strong his-
Game rules Elysia Prime
Elysia Prime has an Earth-like atmosphere so
PC races can breathe naturally without requi-
ring the use of special breathers.
Elysia Prime has an Earth-like gravity. This has
no special game effects or modiers.
Correllan has a (slightly) more liberal
outlook than its more industrial coun-
terpart (New Phoebe) and has been
built in such a way that the natural
Ecomancy of the elves wasnt complet-
ly destroyed.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
30 Elysium Nebula
tory of plastic surgery and in more recent
years gene therapy and anti-aging skin-cell
regeneration. It is said that if youre rich en-
ough in Correllan you can live forever.
New Cairo
In the year -1207, at the height of the Illithid
wars, the planet Phoenix (which was called
New Egypt at the time) and its three moons
was going to fall to a potent invasive force.
It was saved by a man named Phoenix Assal
who would become a war hero - and would
later be deified after his passing.
Phoenix was a sorcerer of epic proportions.
He assembled an army of the willing and a
fleet and flew to support the army that was
engaged in the most desperate conflicts over
the central world of Elysia Prime.
For nearly thirty years Pheonix Assal and his
units battled and the war raged backwards and
forwards, swinging frst in favour of one side
and then the other. Pheonix gambled his life to
save over three million people towards the end
of the war (-1172), turning himself over to the
Illithids in exchange for a captured Barge.
As a symbol of their victory the Illithids froze
Phoenix in a block of psionically deafening
Null Ice and ejected him to the surface of the
Elysia Prime world. His body did not shatter
on impact as the Illithids had hoped. Instead
his resonance with the psychic realm was so
great that his frozen corpse sliced through
the earth and ended up buried in tact 600
feet below the surface of the Earth. The im-
pact killed Phoenix but his residual psychic
energy and mental power flooded out of the
ground. In the spot where he landed a gre-
at frozen sculpture of the mythical phoenix
The ice sculpture emanates heat about it.
For a 10 square mile radius about the impact
zone the earth has been turned to sand and
desert. This area has been renamed New
Cairo and is a religious hub. The city has the
Temple of the Phoenix where you can see
the Burning Phoenix itself (the heat ema-
nating ice sculpture) and receives about a
hundred thousand pilgrims a day who wish
to travel to this holy site and pay homage at
the Temple of the Phoenix. The Phoenixian
Cult represents a significant religious group
in the Elysium Nebula today.
The Temple of the Phoenix is a massive Py-
ramid and it is linked to the Temple of the
Eye in Hadas in a way too mystical to com-
prehend. With the aid of the Elvish psion Na-
tareth the Wanderer the Phoenician cult have
constructed a Way Gate to transport people
from the Temple of the Eye to the Temple of
the Pheonix and back - allowing hundreds
of millions of Phoenicians to make the holy
pilgrammage to New Cairo even though they
lack the funds to do so normally.
Other Major Cities
The planet of New Elysia contains hundreds
of other pertinent cities that cannot possibly
be covered here. These range from predomi-
nantly residential / suburban / middle-class
cities like Belleville, Yorkton and Sumer to
more urban / industrial / manufacturing ci-
ties like Carlton, Lathelle and Verdun to even
a few rare agrarian or farmed areas. The pla-
net is roughly the same size as the Earth and
has just as much range in temperature and
quality of nature.
Though many areas were forested by the el-
ves, most of these areas have been affected by
the Illithid wars or else human construction.
Being a very old world with life dating as far
back as on Earth the planet has a wealth of
natural resources and the planet has seen a
resurgence of the uses of petrol in everday
vehicles in place of more advanced human
technologies. On the whole Elysia Prime is a
very wealthy planet but none the less there
are plenty of poorer areas and districts (the
street levels of New Phoebe for instance)
and it is hard to categorize such a large and
varied thing as a fully habited planet.
Elysia Prime has three moons all of which
are quite densely populated. The moons
are Bael (known for its mineral wealth and
industrial complexes as well as for its red
sand), Agrageres (the smallest and closest of
the moon popular with a very middle-class
population because it permits proximity to
the capital world without having the same
incredibly high costs of living there) and
Vassago (known for its research facilities
and its artificial oceans terraformed by the
elves in ancient times.) n
The city has the Temple of the Pho-
enix where you can see the Burning
Phoenix itself (the heat emanating
ice sculpture) and receives about a
hundred thousand pilgrims a day who
wish to travel to this holy site and pay
homage at the Temple of the Phoenix.
Elysium Nebula 31
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Planet Overall
Enoch is very similar to Mercury in our so-
lar system. It is the closest planet that orbits
Solaris, it is similarly sized to Mercury and
it is by far the hottest planet in the system.
Enoch is a red world and it runs thick with
molten lava and burning magma. Its pro-
ximity to Solaris makes it at once unlivable
(the solar radiation leaks through even with
the protective atmospheric coating of the el-
ves) and also highly important as a strategic
Vast Solar Winds push ever outwards from
Solaris; and psionic energy can ride these
winds, thus making Enoch a nexus of power.
A great many psykers and mages make their
way to Enoch because it is the closest one
can get to the energies of the sun without
being completely incenerated.
Even travelling to Enoch is difficult. The sun
boils so hotly that most crafts unequipped
with special heat-protective ceramic plating
would merely melt away. Even the most ro-
bust space craft are badly damaged when so
close to the buring gasses of Solaris.
Fortunately, once the atmosphere of Enoch
is pierced a measure of security is acquired.
Enoch has active volcanoes - and becau-
se of the volcanoes it has mists and steam
and in turn water vapour. Though it would
ordinarily lack enough water to sustain life,
hydration plants generate sufficient water
to fill with city-scaped areas of Enoch. Hu-
mans can exist on Enoch quite comfortably
- though they often have to wear radiation
suits outside or where the walls of plascrete
are too thin.
Within this atmospheric barrier is a layer
called the Psion Dome - a vast psychic
The Tower of Zanbar. This ancient basalt
structure is one of the many towers
within which live the Fire Elves. These
Elves maintain the task of sustaining the
protective psychic dome that protects
the world of Enoch from the scorching
heat of Solaris.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
32 Elysium Nebula
forcefield has been erected around the pla-
nets to keep it relatively cool (cool enough to
sustain life) and to keep the Suns boil ener-
gy from tearing apart all the structures that
are built there.
Because this world held special significance
for the elves, there are a fair number of them
left on the planet (a people who call them-
selves Fire Elves) but with the collapse of the
Elvish Kingdoms the Fire Elves have retrea-
ted to their basalt towers and let the humans
claim the planet for their own.
Never the less, the Fire Elves of Enoch are
vital - for they are the ones (mostly) who still
sustain the Psion Dome.
Many humans seers and psykers of great
power have travelled to Enoch to learn from
the Fire Elves because something as power-
ful as the Psion Dome can be put to good use
on other worlds. Unfortunately there are not
enough humans with that level of psychic
endurance that such a device can be used
effectively in other parts of the world. n
Equipment Purchases Enoch
You can buy more or less anything in En-
och. However some equipment is chea-
per than other.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Enoch
Enoch has an Earth-like atmosphere so PC
races can breathe naturally without requiring
the use of special breathers. However the at-
mosphere is slightly irradiated and anyone
outside sufferes the effects of light radiation as
described in d20 Future page 80.
Enoch has been grav-stabilized by the ancient
magic of the elves.
Special Feat School of Fire
Benet: You have received the tutelage of the Fire
Elves of Enoch and as such have mastered the art
of controlling ames. All spells of the Fire subtype
that you can cast are treated as being Empowered
as per the metamagic feat Empower Spell.
Prerequisites: You must be able to cast at least
one spell or manifest at least one psionic power
of the Fire type.
Special: You must have spent at least one
month training in Enoch in one of the Basalt
Towers to take this feat. This is a special feat
and thus you should be sure you have your GMs
approval before taking it.
Te Planet Overall
Furcas and Andromalius form a binary pair of
orbiting moons. Furcas is the larger of the two
- though it is barely 70% of the size of Mercury.
Andromalius is smaller still - a mere 70% the
size of Furcas. Te two really orbit each other.
Since Furcas is 30% larger than Andromalius
it is typically listed as the planet while Andro-
malius is typically described as Furcas moon.
In fact this is not quite accurate. Tey are so
similar in size that they are more like each
others moons. Te pair of them are part of the
furthest outlying orbit of the Acheron system.
Tis far out into space there is very little Re-
public presence. Te two worlds gained their
independance by a sort of De Facto event. Cut
of from the URE by the NED worlds and with
the URE having no interest in controlling these
two worlds the government swapped some-
time around 270 and no one seemed to notice.
Indeed no one pays much attention to these
two outer Acheronian worlds. Tey are very
dangerous places to be - possibly the most
dangerous in human space. For a brief while
they were ruled over by a Dictator who siezed
control of the army and ruled both worlds from
a throne on Andromalius built from the skulls
of his defeated enemies. Not surprisingly the
two worlds are a haven for villains and crimi-
nals looking to hide from the law.
Midpoint Station
Midpoint Station is a large spacestation (the
size of Manhattan Island) that occupies a point
in space directly between the two worlds. From
Midpoint Station it is a 1.5 hour spacefight to
either world. Te representative of the Fur-
cas/Andromalius system can be found here
- though he is said to be a political puppet and
of little use to anyone on these worlds. Never
the less a fgurehead to communicate with the
outside world is a necessity.
Te Gangs
Gang warfare is a major problem in both
worlds. Tere are 7 principal gangs that do-
Elysium Nebula 33
Elysium Nebula World Guide
In the words of a classic science ction gure: You will never nd a more wretched hive of
scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
Equipment Furcas and Andromalius
Any of the equipment below can be bought
on Furcas and Andromalius. Some of the
equipment is cheaper than others though.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
minate the city streets of Furcas and Andro-
malius. Te majority of the gangs consist of
impressionable youngsters who tattoo them-
selves with the symbol of their particular alle-
giance. At the top of the chain are older gangs-
ters who control all the power and wealth
that is to be had on worlds like Furcas and
Adromalius (which is to say - not very much
compared to the inner worlds). As the Gangs
become more organized many of the major
ones like the Furcas South and the Kings are
spreading out across the Elysium. Places like
Naberius and neaby Procel are the frst to
have been reached by these spreading crimi-
nal groups. Another group, the Grave Diggers,
makes annual raids on Saleos, the trash world,
to collect salvage.
Brava Spacestation
Te Brava Spacestation is a large spaceport
above Furcas. It is the central place of arrival
for all interspacial travel and as such represents
the most mixed area of the two nations. Few
travellers come to Brava for personal reasons
- and those on business do well to keep a keen
eye on their ship and on their goods. Nowhere
in the galaxy is one more at risk for dressing
too fnely or being too loose with ones money.
Never give the impression of being well-to-do
in this area of space. n
Game rules Furcas and Andromalius
Furcas and Andromalius have been terraformed
by the ancient elves. They have an earth-like
gravity and atmosphere.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
34 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
In 229 Haagenti and its two moons, Decarabia
and Seere, formerly withdraw from the Uni-
ted Republic of Elysium marking the frst in a
series of secessions that would mark the New
Elysian Democracy. Haagenti has now been
free for nearly 150 years, so only the very old
remember life under Republic rule and are
pleased to be self-governing. Most men and
women that live in Haagenti consider it a vi-
tal world; the world that set the revolutionary
stage of independance. Tey are the proof that
one all-governing human entity is an impos-
sibility. Tat wherever possible humans pre-
fer to govern themselves. Haagenti itself, like
many in the Elysium Nebula, is quite green. It
is marked particularly by tall grassed prairies
and heavy rainfall. Not to mention plenty of
pea-soup mist. Decarabia is the closer and
larger of the two moons; nearly a quarter the
size of Haagenti. Seere, the other satellite of
Haagenti, follows a wider, more erratic orbit
and is about a quarter the size of Decarabia.
Haagenti is known, among other things, as a
haven for intergalactic smugglers and pirates
and for the legend of Decker Biotech - a fai-
led genetics company that inadvertently was
responsible for lycanthropy and the spread of
werewolves across the Elysium Nebula.
President Hawke and the
Capital City Lanaris
When the United Republic of Elysium needs
to negotiate with the New Elysian Democracy
it does so through the president of the NED,
democratically elected by the member planets
for a meagre two year term (with 3 possible
re-elections). Te current president (Armand
Hawke) is presiding in his second term of of-
fce. His 3 year reign, to date, has been one of
marked prosperity for the NED (save for the
soldiers at Isafel who clearly continue to sufer
at the hands of superior Republic forces). Te
presidential seat of power is located at Lana-
ris the Capital City of Haagenti (which in fact
has moved since the revolution) to be found
in the Southern hemisphere of the world built
in many tiers upon the side of a gargantuan
mountain range. Hawke has pushed deals
with the ICHA that allow for cheap trade
between Haagenti and the Duruki of the West
Hyacinth gate. Te Hyacinth Gate is in fact
only about 20,000 miles away from Haagentis
orbit, a distance that most modern craft can
Equipment Furcas and Haagenti
Any of the equipment below can be
bought on Haagenti and its moons. Some
of the equipment is cheaper than others
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Restricted Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Haagenti itself, like many in the Elysium Nebula, is quite green. It is marked particularly by
tall grassed prairies and heavy rainfall.
Elysium Nebula 35
Elysium Nebula World Guide
cover in no time. For this reason Haagenti has
an abundance of freemarket Duruki Techno-
logy and a higher than average amount of Re-
stricted Duruki Technology.
Ex-Capital of Borgouze
Borgouze used to the be where the Governor
of Haagenti presided when Haagenti was part
of the United Republic. Now it is a major com-
mercial and industrial centre, but no longer is
it a sphere of political infuence in the world.
Borgouze is also where Project Belladonna
was initiated and where the founders of De-
cker Biotech came from. Te grassy outskirts
beyond the endurium city of Borgouze pro-
bably contains the highest concentration of
Werewolves in the galaxy - though it is known
that the lupine lycanthropes have spread out
over a considerably greater area. Tere are ru-
mours as well that the infrastructure of Project
Belladonna in the city has not been destroyed
and that lycanthropes beyond the city walls
out in the grasslands have kept the data and
resources of the old Decker Biotech plant and
are even now researching. Whether they seek
to fnd a cure for their condition or to develop
new lycanthropic breeds to spread like a virus
among human kind is anyones guess.
Decarabia is a big moon - perhaps twice the
size of ours. It is circling a big planet (also
almost twice the size of ours). It is by merit
of this - not a very densely populated moon.
Like its parent world much of it is given over
to grassy prairies - but unlike Haagenti it is
a much drier planet with considerably less
water, mist and annual rainfall as a whole.
Decarabias grasslands are not green thick,
but thin, whispy and brown.
Out on these prairies the people of Deca-
rabia make out an existance of their liking.
Tey are a simple people who have returned
to working the land. Oxen, horses and big
native lizards are all used to work the land
and help transportation. It is a place vague-
ly reminiscent of the Western frontier in the
early period of expansion in the history of the
Seere is one of those moons that has mana-
ged, despite human dominance, to maintain
a strong link to the cultures that once lived
there. Tere is a sizable elvish population
(who, it should be noted, have full voting
privileges in the NED, unlike the half-votes
aforded to them by the URE) and lizardmen
population (who likewise have a full-vote
which is even more interesting since they are
permitted no votes in the URE). Tere is also
a lively kobold city called Nuttertark, possibly
the only fully kobold city in the Elysium Ne-
bula. In this city everything (chairs, houses,
utensils) is smaller and kobold-sized for
the little reptillian species. Te places has a
number of factories on the outskirts (all run
by kobolds) which produce even smaller
weapons of the generic variants. A scaled
down weapon normally deals damage as if it
were one die size smaller than it actually is.
Seere actually drifts further from Haagenti at
certain times of the year than the West Hya-
cinth gate. It has for a long time also had a
very large Duruki population. With its varied
population (elvish, duruki, lizardkin, kobold
and human) it may truly by the most racially
mixed body in the Elysium Nebula. n
Game rules Haagenti
Haagenti and its moons where terraformed
and grav-stabilized by the ancient elves. They
always have an earth-like gravity and an earth-
like atmosphere.
Haagenti is known, among other things, as a haven for intergalactic smugglers and pirates - in this case a Member of Black Raven Wing
trying to outrun local authorities.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
36 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
Hayyel, the second closest planet to Solaris,
is arguable the ugliest planet in the entire bi-
nary star system. It is a horrible hive of smoke
and toxic waste. Outside of the city centres
the air is so polluted that life does not real-
ly exist. Within the city centres humanity is
forced indoors.
Hayyel has acid rain, corrosive oceans and
makes Venus look hospitable. Never the less
its comfortable gravity - the fact that it has an
atmosphere - and its rich mineral wealth have
made it a hot-spot as an industrial zone.
If people had a choice in the matter, no one
would live in Hayyel, but instead it has a po-
pulation just short of Elysia Primes. Hayyels
main cities are Crayville, Vault-town and
Gommorah. Its moons, Leraye and Eligor,
are considerably more hospitable places to
Crayville was built in a massive fssure among-
st the bones of ancient reptillian creatures
that once covered the planet of Hayyel. It is
theorized that Hayyel once had a wider orbit
around Solaris than it currently had and that
by the time the elves discovered the world, the
Hayyel Dinosaurs (as the humans call them)
had long since died out.
However, they left precious oil, deep under-
ground, with their decomposition, and the
massive skeletons of these ancient beasts
still litter vast areas of Hayyel. Crayville was
sculpted into this trench-like recess, but
eventually grew tall enough that like a cree-
ping vine it climbed out of the crevasse and
spread upwards and skywards.
Because of Crayvilles wealth of oil its people
are incredibly wealthy - but they are restricted
in doors because outside it is impossible to
live. Manufacturing plants and factories co-
ver the city and belch thick clouds of polluti-
ve fog into the air. Te sky above Crayville is
perpetually dark with smog.
Vault Town is the capital city of Hayyel, and
is aptly named because it has the largest
Equipment Hayyel
You can buy more or less anything in
Hayyel and its moons. However some
equipment is cheaper than others.
-2 Purchase DC Penalty
Equipment from the following manufactu-
rers can be purchased more easily since
signicant manufacturing infrastructure
for these companies can be found here.
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Elysium Nebula 37
Elysium Nebula World Guide
collection of major UREan banks in the
system. It has a very active police force and
planetary defense units for this reason. The
wealth of most large Urean corporations is
hidden within this part of the solar system
and because of its fame for not disclosing
client affairs it has also become the place of
choice for criminals to keep their funds, not
least of all the funds of the Gommoran Kil-
lers (see below).
Gommorah would be just another mid-to-
large sized industrial city on Hayyel were it
not also for the fact that it is the staging the-
atre for some of the most costly pirate raids
in URE space.
Te frightening Gommoran raiders make
their home here, and though the EDK has
conducted a full inquiry into the zone they
have yet to fnd their hideout. Gommorah is a
big enough city for people to hide in - but the
Gommoran Killers (as the pirates are called)
do more than just hide here.
Tey have a secret base of operations under
the city somewhere where they have conce-
aled dozens of specially equipped raiding
Leraye and Eligor
Like the main world of Hayyel Leraye and
Elgore are very industrial urban worlds - but
unlike Hayyel they do still have some natural
vegetation and are slightly more comfortable
to live on. For this reason Leraye and Eligor
are generally very wealthy worlds. Real estate
is costly as all the rich urban industrialists of
Hayyel would rather live in Leraye or its mar-
ginally less popular brother. Tose that can
no longer aford to live there eventually make
the move to Hayyel, thus seperating the rich
in industry from the poor factory labours
forced to live in the toxicity of Hayyel. n
Game rules Hayyel
Hayyels atmosphere is completely toxic.
Players need to wear a ltration breathers
when going outside in Hayyel.
Hayyels moons have a normal, breathable at-
Hayyels is earth-sized and has earth-like gravity.
Hayyels moons have been grav-stabilized and
have normal earth-like gravity.
Girdertown; the urban centre of Crayville.
This place is an industrial wasteland
- factories, manufacturing facilities and
power plants line are stacked so close
together that the only feasible transport
is by aerial craft.
A bunch of Gomorean Killers on the job...
Elysium Nebula World Guide
38 Elysium Nebula
(The Alpha and Beta Core Gates,
The West Hyacinth Gate)
Te Gates Overall
Tough the Duurki never displayed a marked
interest to colonize or control any worlds closer
in than Drumai, Duruki can still be found in vast
numbers quite close to the centre worlds. Tis
is because the Duruki are an enterprising bunch
and not willing to lose an excellent chance at
money-making. Te Duruki have closely guar-
ded the technology that they use to develop the
powerful Jump Gates that allow spaceships to
move throug folds in space and thus allow them
to cover great distances in improbable times.
Te Duruki constructed no less than three
Jump Gates that are close in and meet human
demands. All they ask for in return is a tithe in
standard Elysian Credits for use of this control-
led Duruki technology.
Te Alpha Core Gate
Te Alpha Core is, not surprisingly, the most
used gate in the Elyisum Nebula system. It is the
only gate that is fairly close to the inner orbits of
the Solaris system. Alpha Core is typically used
to make it possible to quickly travel to and from
Elysia Prime and still reach remote locations in
a timely fashion.
Te Beta Core Gate
Te Beta Core is one of two principal jumpgates
in the Acheron system. Typically speaking, when
human traders come in through the Alpha Cen-
tauri gate then the Duruki will forward them to
the Beta Core Gate after the humans have che-
ckied in at Standby.
West Hyacinth Gate
Te West Hyacinth gate is the gate located fur-
thest to the Galactic West. In fact it was initially
built to hang about in Drokars orbit and make
it possible for Duruki to travel their, but when it
became evident that the planet showed no co-
herent travel pattern then it was moved closer in
order to proft from all the travel. In fact it is often
used by travellers in the Acheron system even
for the relatively short distance between West
Hyacinth and Beta Core. In fact this jump is so
common that this has prompted the Duruki to
produce a number of other central jump gates.
Jumpgates in Development
Te Duruki have projected plans to fnish se-
veral more gates, the frst of which should be
fnished by 388 of the Elysium Calendar and the
last of which is hoped reach conclusion in 413.
Among these projected plans are the Gamma
Core Gate close the ICHA space station of Istra.
Another one called the Delta Core gate will be
built near the space station of Dalmatovo. Final-
ly the Iota Core Gate will be built along the orbit
of Nememiah though on the opposite end of the
other two gates. With all these gates in place the
Duruki will be able to reap in massive profts on
all ICHA Cargo freighters moving things from
one part of the human galaxy to the other.
Tough not one of the inner gates, construction
has also begun on a gate called the Dark Star
Gate which would lead to the Duruki End World
of Khardum. Te progress of this development
is hindered by competing groups wishing to
control the gate and the money that would re-
sult from it.
Duruki are pretty impartial to who uses their
gates. If the target has not been convicted of a
crime on a Duruki world or gate then most likely
if they pay the fee they will be allowed through.
Most pirates are pretty indiscriminatory in who
they target so a Duruki might not wish to let one
through, also EDK Hunters might pay jumpgates
to watch for particular enemies of the state with
a reward for apprehending them. n
The Alpha Core gate is the fastest entry
into the heart of the United Republic of
Game rules Jumpgates
The Solar-Fixed Worlds have no at-
mosphere and low gravity. In areas that
have been developed for life (force dome
enclosed blocks that have a pressurized
atmosphere) the ground has Standard
Duruki Gravity (10% greater than Earth
Gravity) and a comfortable breathable
Equipment Inner Jumpgates
In Duruki space some equipment will na-
turally be cheaper than other equipment.
Any Duruki Technology (that marked free-
market or restricted in the Duruki Tech
section) is available at standard prices.
Any human or Elvish freemarket techno-
logy is available at +2 Purchase DC for
reasons of rarity. Duruki favour no parti-
cular human group over another tech-
nology from the NED, the URE and the
ICHA is all sold at the same +2 Purchase
DC. Elvish restricted Technology is sold at
+4 Purchase DC. Any other kind of tech-
nology (Beyonder, Drow, Illithid and so on)
is available at a special +6 Purchase DC.
Elysium Nebula 39
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Planet Overall
Isafel is a large world. 45% of the planet is ocea-
nic salt water. Another 20% is massive freshwa-
ter reservoirs. Te world is divided into 6 major
continents and on each major continent, where
once there were cities and houses, now there are
trenches and weapons. In 372 Isafel decided to
follow in the footsteps of Haagenti and Vaul and
seceded from the United Republic. Its govern-
ment presented its withdrawal from the Repu-
blic as a necessity. Isafel insisted on full voting
priveleges for xenolifeforms (there are many
Kobolds on Isafel), on freedom to practice their
own forms of justice and legal system as distinct
from those pushed down from the central Repu-
blican Senate and to be free of any intervention
from the Hunters of the United Republic which
had long since been in Isafel to keep an eye on
the spread of NED revlutionary ideals. Governor
Helena Carynthi submitted this formal secessi-
on to the United Republican Senate in Septem-
ber of 372. By October Ms Carynthis parlaiment
was attacked. Carynthi was captured by hunters
and put to death for conspiracy to further divide
the Republic.
Te Republic, tired of the slow weakening of its
borders to this fedgeling nation on the Achero-
nian rim worlds, sent a contingent of URE Ma-
rines and attempted to set up a puppet govern-
ment until it was assured that the revolutionaries
would not win the next general election in Isafel.
Te murder of Isafels beloved Senator and the
arrival of UREan troops on Isafelian ground was
the spark that ignited the war. NED revolutionari-
es smuggled in weapons and equipment from
nearby Vaul. Using guerilla tactics and terroristic
methodologies the NED set of bombs, sniped at
the URE marines from buildings and otherwise
engaged a difcult war of revolution.
So the URE brought in more troops. And the more
troops that the URE brought in, the more collate-
ral damage was inficted. Te more collateral da-
mage was inficted the more sympathies of the
local population began to be with the NED. By
the end of the second year of occupation the war
had been blown wide open. Not a citizen in Isafel
wants to remain with the Republic now. Te en-
tire planet has taken up arms against the Repu-
blic. If the Republic were honest with itself then
Isafel would be accepted as another loss the New
Elysian Democracy, but the Republic refuses to
lose yet another one of its border worlds. Te
republic has more supplies, better equipment,
better training and greater intelligence. Te NED
has passion and numbers. Across the planets ci-
ties burn in the fames of war and the soldiers on
both sides begin to ask themselves is this still a
world worth fghting for?
Te URE could realistically win this war in a few
months if it brought its full military weight to
bear by the Senate in typical URE indecision has
chosen not to send most of its fghting forces. In
truth the URE still faces many threats from the
outside. Aliens like the Kruthik or Illithids still
hound the borders of Elysium Nebula space and
closer in there is the lingering threat of the Drow
and their daemons. Te military needs to be at
the ready to repel more serious threats to human
security, and so undermanned for the task at
hand, the URE Marines continue to gain ground
in Isafel.
Continent of Zollefar
Zollefar is the continent which the URE Marines
frst occupied. It is the URE stronghold in the
world of Isafel. Te capital city of Niyeth once
housed by the parliamentary seat of the world
of Isafel. It is hear that Helena Carynthi ran the
planet. It is hear where she was captured by URE
Hunters and brought to justice on Elysia Prime.
It is also hear where the frst shots of war rang out
and engagement commenced in full. Te conti-
nent has since been completely bunkered up.
Big resilium and plascrete bastions have been
set up for the deployment of URE Marines and
war machines. Missile silos and air strips have
been crafted in this area. More or less the whole
continent is in the hands of the Republic mili-
tary. Perhaps most horrifying of all is the PoW
camp were captured revolutionaries are sent to
be interrogated.
Continent of Adharis, Moley and Passeri
Tese three continents are accessible by sea
from Zollefar. URE Marines have succesfully
implemented amphibious assaults on all three
coastlines. A line of trenches divides URE domi-
nated ground from NED dominated ground in
these continents. Te current standings place
the URE at about 1/3 of the way in land; these
continents are still dominated by NED revolu-
tionaries. Typically the area between the NED
trenches and the URE trenches are about
A NED Revolutionist in the trenches of Moley.
Game rules Isael and Selxor
Isafel and Selxor were terraformed by the an-
cient elves. They have an earth-like gravity and
Elysium Nebula World Guide
40 Elysium Nebula
400 yards. Te entire area of no-mans-land
will be flled with mines and automated turrets
that the NED has set up to defend them. Anti-
aircraft guns line the points behind the tren-
ches to prevent bombardment from above. Te
URE is steadily gaining ground however; using
warmachines potent enough to withstand the
terrifc explosion of the NED mines and moun-
ted with special weapons able to detect and
target submerged defensive turrets.
More deadly are the orbital drop strikes that
are sometimes employed, dropping a squad-
ron of URE Marines deep in NED lines to take
out critical revolutionary fgures often at the
sacrifce of their own lives. For all of these re-
asons, though NED currently controls the bulk
of these lands they are slowly losing ground to
a smaller but more able force.
Continent of Adathain
A rugged mountainous land, Adathain is the
place where the secret leaders of the Isafel re-
volution are hiding. Bunkered deep within the
mountains themselves the NED revolutionari-
es strive their best to formulate plans that will
help them gain ground against a clearly superi-
or foe. Here also are the major Isafelian indus-
trial centres. Since the mountains rise out from
the oceans with reckless abandon, rocky and
craggy and unassailable, amphibious assaults
are impossible and war machines cannot ope-
rate with any kind of regularity. Te only hope
the URE has in this area is to stick to bombing
runs and orbital drop strikes. Adathain is a
NED dominated continent.
North Pole and South Pole
Tere are too more continents, vaster by far
than the Antarctic continent of old Terra.
Tese vast icy pinnacles on either side of the
world are the site of very little proper fghting.
Yet here also signifcant things are occuring.
Te NED has a secret plant deep below the
ice, developing a viral weapon somewhere in
the South Pole. One they hope will give them
the necessary edge to beat the URE marines.
One that can be spread freely in the popula-
tion and will target cells that have recently
been afected by the Boost chemical. Since all
URE Marines are boost addicts the idea is to
develop a virus lethal to marines but without
afect on the common NED civillian. Should
the scientists succeed then they will have won
the war for sure.
Recent intelligence reports however have led
the URE to the discovery that there is a secret
lab in the South Pole and the hunt for it has su-
rely already begun.
Te North Pole by contrast houses a threat of
an entirely diferent sort. After the incident on
Haagenti that released the frst true Werewol-
ves into the Elysium Nebula the lycanthropic
hunters have needed to claim a place of their
own. A place where young werewolves will
have a chance to master the dark and light side
and maybe prove themselves to their parents. A
place of war and struggle and a place they will
not be detected. Tere is a coven of Werewol-
ves in the North. Protected by the frosty winds
Equipment Isael
On Selxor purchases can be made as nor-
mal according to the listed prices below.
Unfortunately on Isafel purchases cannot re-
alistically be made. The entire world is more
or less a war zone, so whatever you are able
to buy will vary wildly in price depending on
availablility in that particular period.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Elysium Nebula 41
Elysium Nebula World Guide
of the frozen north by their shaggy coats this is
a place of relative sanctuary the wolfmen have
found. Since a long strip of land connected URE
controlled Adharis with the northern pole, the
Werewolves raid the URE frontmen who check
for revolutionaries in the cold north, an unex-
pected boon to the NED, who dont know of
their involvement either. With regards to the
werewolves of the North even URE intelligence
is minimal. Just vague rumours of marines kil-
led by ravenous white wolves when they drift
too far into the northlands.
Selxor is Isafels moon. Selxor claims allegiance
to the United Republic. In truth they were sim-
ply more cautious than Isafel, waiting to see the
reaction of the URE to their brother world be-
fore acting themselves. Many, many Selxorians
are sympathetic to the Isafelian revolution and
secretly smuggle weapons and medical supplies
when they can. URE presence has gone up ten-
fold on Selxor since the war in Isafel began. Tis
and the events on the world they orbit has made
Selxorians generally resentful of the URE, but
also they understand the cost of revolution. Not
lightly will the Selxorian throw their lot in with
their dying cousins. Selxor is a world of high
tension and deep running hatred. Barfghts
between loyalists and revolutionaries occur re-
gularly across the world. Peoples political alle-
giances defne everything for them. n
Bombardement from above! The industrial
centres of the revolutionaries are kept
well hidden in the northern mountains of
Adathain. When the locations are found
the URE employs targeted bombing strikes
to cripple NED ghter production.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
42 Elysium Nebula
Te Habitats Overall
A Starhome is the second largest construction
that the ICHA produces for civillian living. Like
all other ICHA stations, Istra is a completely
man-made construct made up of a number of
habitats or Habs.
Istra is the smallest of the Starhome class sta-
tions of the Independant Coalition. Istra has
a population of about 50 million people and
was the third major construction made by the
ICHA (which at the time was actually a subu-
nit of the Phoeban Ambient Fleet Collective).
It orbits the sun Solaris in an orbit just beyond
the United Republic capital of Elysia Prime.
It tends to be more distant from Elysia Prime
than Muscovisk, the capital of the Coalition
which orbits also adjacent to Elysia Prime but
on a tighter concentric elipse.
Te Prism of Istra
Istra is shaped like a massive 8-spoked Cog,
built in the style and design of the icon of the
ICHA as depicted on their fag. At the very
centre of this cog is a structure shaped like a
diamond prism which was built in accordance
with several structures of elvish origin that al-
low the trapping and superior manipulation of
eldritch energy. Within this structure is a ce-
lebrated university of eldritch science where
young men and women of the ICHA can study
magick, psionics and meta-science.
Te Prism of Istra is a locus for psycho-magical
energy. It is the origins of the industry called
ICHA Psy-corp which produces all major el-
dritch artifacts and devices within Coalition
Space Sectors and it is also a major University
for Eldritch Science and Psionic Studies.
Outer Spoke Habs
Some of the major inhabited sectors of Istra
are in the outerspokes. Hovertrams travel into
the centre in an interconnecting asterisk pat-
tern, and a fnal outer ring line ensures that it
is very easy to travel from any one hab to ano-
ther. Te outer spoke habs are named accor-
ding to there number (Spoke 1 Habs, Spoke 2
Habs and so on).
Commercial Habs
Te outer radius of the Cog is mostly flled
with commercial habs. Since Istra is the home
of Technomancy (the art of Technomancy as
a form of Psionic Study emerged in Te Prism
shortly after its founding) it is no surprise that
a majority of these commercial habs sell goods
that have been enhanced with eldritch pow-
ers. Many of these habs are connected one to
the other with teleporation pads. Tese pads
are a major export (they rely on a permanent
teleportation circle enchantment) and places
like Dalmatavo which have many closely
pressed living grids use these pads in place
of conventional doors and corridors to access
apartments to save on space.
Te Inner Habs
Te Inner Habs are actually 4 distinct regions,
each one forming a pie-shaped quarter wedge
around Te Prism at the centre of Istra. Te
Oligarchs palace is probably the most im-
Equipment Hayyel
You can buy more or less anything on Istra
Starhome. However some kinds of equip-
ment are cheaper than others.
-2 Purchase DC Bonus
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
TB (Traders Barges)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
EC (Elite Crafts)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Istra Starhome orbits the
sun Solaris in an orbit just
beyond the United Repu-
blic capital of Elysia Prime
Elysium Nebula 43
Elysium Nebula World Guide
pressive of the four wedges; with tall spires
extending upwards and downwards in a geo-
metrically unfeasable architecture that would
be impossible were Istra not constructed in
deep space.
One of the wedges is the Starbay and it extends
for quite some distance Zenith-ways and con-
tains runways and docking stations far above
the main mass of Istra. An intricate network of
elevators transport travellers between the do-
cking stations and the Starhome.
Te third wedge is the Museum District. Tis
is an artistic district noted for its modern art
museums. Most artists of Istra are learning to
combine video feeds, technomancy and basic
holography to create peices of art that are truly
impressive. Whether its VRStudios that feature
some electrifyingly realistic entrances into
Escheresque structures or sculptures eldritch-
ly enhanced to move in a particular fashion all
of the art will serve to impress and amaze. Te
people in this district are often mad or inspired
or more likely both. Tis area is also a centre of
music and culture. Te rest of Istra has a sort
of love/hate relationship with the Museum
District. On the one hand its a unique place of
entertainment and on the other hand it some-
times attracts an unpleasant element. Cosmic
drifters drawn to areas of space where people
arent doing actual work with the belief that
anyone can be an artist. Te Museum District
has a large number of squatters.
Te fourth and fnal wedge is the Corporate
District. Many of the head ofces of signifcant
ICHA Financial Firms are based in Istra in this
area. Tis area is, not surprisingly, well barrica-
de against the nearby Spaceport and Museum
District (especially the Museum District which
is notorious for theivery, pickpockets and other
miscreants). Te Corporate District lies opposite
the Oligarchs Palaces and a central shuttle con-
nects the two directly. Te Corporate District
has a few (but not many) manufacturing ware-
houses for vehicle, spaceships and robots. Most
heavy manufacture on Istra however is actually
imported from other ICHAn stations because of
the space such factories take up. n
Game rules Istra Starhome
Istra has been grav-stabilized and the at-
mosphere is simulated. The atmosphere and
gravity are both earth-like.
Istra is also known as the
Home of Technomancy. It is
here that the hybrid psionic
science of Technomany was
rst developed.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
44 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
Te planet of Jophia is one of the most curious
in all of the Elysium Nebula. It is on a wider
orbit than Elysia Prime but is one of its neigh-
bours (the opposite side of Agragon) circling
Solaris. Jophia is a gas giant but its seems that
the Elves bred a special kind of Heliotree (trees
with deep-reaching roots and gas bags full of
Helium) that grip vast chunks of earth and
keep them foating perilously over the giant.
Te planet is easily the size of Jupiter but the
gravity up around the foating islands is earth-
like because of their distance from the gas gi-
ant. It is natural human precaution that when
the foating islands of Jophia were discovered
humans built an infrastructure of thrusters
into the base of the island should the trees ever
grow too few and the land mass start to sink.
Te ecomancy of the elves however is not to
be underestimated. Without human interven-
tion the trees will naturally replicate at a rate
that the lands should never fall. Tere must be
some 200 foating islands, varying in size from
ones you could walk around in a half-hour to
ones the size of small european nations.
Jophia and the Helio-Islands
Jophia is curiously an agricultural world and
is one of the biggest exporters of beef in the
entire Nebula. Te gas-cow, a genetically
bred bovine with an infating gas-bladder, is
allowed to roam freely between the foating
islands where is feeds on small krill-like or-
ganisms called heliotropes. Mobile slaughter-
houses will then travel across the gas-skies
of Jophia recovering the gas-cows for sale as
meat across the galaxy. Jophia, in its outer
sphere, has a curious earth-like atmosphere
and a delicate eco-system that humanity has
had the good wits to preserve up until now.
Tis goes from the lowly heliotropes to the
fat bulge-pigeons, to the deadly arrow-hawks
to the enormous cloud titans. Jophia is about
the only world where hot-air-zeppelins are in
use in many areas. Perhaps the most interes-
Game rules Jophian
Jophian islands have an Earth-like atmosphere
so PC races can breathe naturally without re-
quiring the use of special breathers.
They also have an Earth-like gravity. This has
no special game effects or modiers.
Game rules Omega II
Omega II has a synthetic atmosphere that re-
quires no rebreathers for humans. Likewise
it has an articial gravity well that gives it an
earth-like gravity.
Game rules Anon
Amon has an Earth-like atmosphere so PC ra-
ces can breathe naturally without requiring the
use of special breathers.
Amon has 2/3 the graivty of the Earth. This
makes it a low-G world but thankfully not to the
extreme that it requires a special feat. Instead
all people who grew up on Amon have a special
rule applied to them:
Low Gravity Adaptation (Feat: Initial)
This feat can only be acquired at rst level.
The character is adapted to a particularly low-
gravity world. Compared to other humans who
grew up on a normal world the character has
a +2 racial bonus to dexterity and a -2 racial
penalty on Constitution.
The capital city of Varenburg is not built on one of the oating islands of the elves but is rather a completely articial construct, made of
human ingenuity, steel and cerametal.
The gas-cow, a genetically bred bovine
with an inating gas-bladder, is allowed
to roam freely between the oating islands
where is feeds on small krill-like organis-
ms called heliotropes.
Elysium Nebula 45
Elysium Nebula World Guide
ting city in Jophia, the capital of Varenburg, is
actually not an elvish helio-island at all but a
completely man-made concrete island sus-
pended above the gas-giant by a dozen dura-
cable cords afxed to a geo-synchronous space
station (Omega II) which uses thrusters to
maintain its orbit. Varenburg is literally han-
ging in the atmosphere attached by cords to
deep-space. Te fuel costs for maintaining Jo-
phia are quite high and its no surprise that the
humans have planted numerous helio-trees all
over the base of Varenburg to help lighten the
load. Many wealthy individuals acquire rare
holiday homes in the Jophia Helio-islands.
Omega II
Omega II is actually the second star station to
be designed with the objective of sustaining
an aritifcal city in the atmosphere to house
a more sizable human population (without
risking sufcient envirionment damage that
would cause the island to fall and be engul-
fed by Jophia the gas giant). Te frst was ne-
arly fully designed before it was realized that
the construction had taken too long and the
original specs didnt meet the new require-
ments. Omega I was actually sold to ICHA
(who lacking in resources can really do a lot
with a near-complete star station). In return
the ICHA cooperated with the URE in the de-
velopment of Omega II; a vaster more stable
starship capable of sustaining a fully habited
city with sky-scrapers and all and a human po-
pulation of over 7 million people.
What resulted is a huge space station. Te only
major Urean space station to be true, with a
capacity to house over 8 million people of its
own accord. Between Omega II and Varen-
burg is over 70% of the Jophian population.
When you calculate that another 15% can be
found on the moon of Amon you realize that
the foating islands of the elves are large un-
Amon is the moon-world of Jophia. It is two-
thirds the size of the Earth and has two-thirds
the gravity. It, like so many worlds of the Elysi-
um Nebula, has been seeded by the elves and
contains a human breathable atmosphere. It is
curious that so few people live in Amon. Like
Jophia it is a primarily agricultural world, but
unlike Jophia it is pretty solid. Perhaps becau-
se there is not much to do but visit the cinema
and go to the pubs. Amon is a green planet
with vast farms and open lands. Its two-thirds
gravity has made the men of Amon taller and
more gawky than the men of most worlds. Tey
are also physically weaker on a normal gravity
world because they are completely unadjusted
to the suddenly increased weight. Te agrari-
an community of Amon is particularly noted
for its calm and peaceful inhabitants but they
are still able to defend themselves if need be.
Amon is the primary source of Jophian pla-
netary defense forces (perhaps because the
Amonians are economically worse of than the
Jophian main-landers.) n
Equipment Hayyel
You can buy more or less anything in Jo-
phia (it is close to the centre of the ga-
laxy after all). However some equipment
is cheaper than others. Below is a list of
corporations and the ease of purchase in
this zone.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Many wealthy individuals acquire
rare holiday homes in the Jophia
Helio-islands. These very light-
built houses are often kept in a
Neo Jovian style.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
46 Elysium Nebula
Te Two Stations
Stations are the smallest habitable craft in the
ICHA. Te two stations are little more than
stops, temporary facilities. Each has no gre-
ater a permenant population that a hundred
thousand people.
Kazan Station
Kazan station is fxed at 200 million miles from
the Alpha Core gate and is the frst point of ent-
ry for many people coming into Elysium Space.
Every 6 months the planet Hayyel performs its
eccentric orbit coming to less than a billion mi-
les distance in late February and July.
Kazan was built as a frst stopping point for new-
comers from Sol System so that they could re-
fuel and resupply before making the week-long
journey to the much larger station of Musco-
visk. (Which was often, in turn, a stopping point
for travelleres heading on to Elysia Prime.) Even
now that distances can be covered more quick-
ly many travellers still use Kazan Station.
Tere is a also a permanent population at the
station, genuine Kazanians. Most of these can
trace their heritage back to the frst people
ever to arrive in the Nebula. At the time Kazan
Station was ungrav-plated and thus people
preferred not to live their whole lives in the un-
pleasantness of zero-g. However since Elektros
developed these, the entire station has been
gravitically improved and a population who has
worked on the station for generations (previ-
ously living in Muscovisk) moved out to form a
permamanent residence in Kazan.
Kazan has an Oligarch and a government and is
almost impossible to immigrate to. (It is a small
station and the Kazanians value their space very
much.) As one of the two original constructions
of the ICHA it has a special place on the fag - the
small circle just across from the two suns. n
Equipment Kazak and Yakutsk
You can buy more or less anything on the
stations. However some kinds of equip-
ment are cheaper than others.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
TB (Traders Barges)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
EC (Elite Crafts)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Kazak
The stations have been grav-stabilized and the
atmosphere is simulated. The atmosphere and
gravity are both earth-like.
Kazan Station is close to Alpha Core gate and is the rst point of entry for many people
coming into Elysium Space.
Elysium Nebula 47
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Habitats Overall
A Halo-World is the largest man-made struc-
tures to be found in the Elysium Nebula.
Only two such massive worlds exist. One, the
older and smaller of the two, is the Muscovisk
Halo-World and capital station of the Inde-
pendant Coalition of Human Advancement.
Te newer and largest man-made structure
is the Kief Halo world. From a distance it
looks like a giant gray ring cycling rapidly.
A Halo-World is unique, because unlike the
other types of station that rely on the ultra-
modern Grav-Plate nanotechnology to si-
mulate gravity Halo-Worlds do not need any
Gravity at all. Halo-Worlds spin to mimic the
effects of gravity. Kieff in particular has been
sized so that the rate of rotation necessary to
produce a comfortable gravity level is appro-
ximately equal to one standard Elysian day
(26 hours). Its diameter is over 2.5 million
miles (it takes a top of the line freighter an
hour to get from one side to the other). By
tilting the axis of Kieff relative to Acheron a
convenient day-night cycle is experienced
by the inhabitants.
Kieff States
Kieff is so vast that it does not have Habs
like other stations. Instead soil and water
has been laid out to form a fully biologically
stable habitat contained in massive green-
house domes. There 6 major States within
Kieff each of which is ruled by its own Olig-
arch (though Kieff does have a Grand Olig-
arch which represents it within the ICHA
National Oligarchy). These States are mas-
sive by Coalition standards. In this respect
Kieff is much more like a planet than it is like
a construction.
State of Sasha
Sasha is the state where the Grand Oligarch
presides and is the largest State in Kieff. It
has the biggest spaceport and sees the most
traffic from travellers coming to and from the
West Hyacinth Gate. The Sasha Spaceport
was the site for a climactic battle between
a group of mercenary travellers and a blue
chromatic dragon. The devastation wreaked
by their combat is still being cleared away
and authorities are still speculative about
the reason for the combat.
State of Nelya
Nelya is the founding state of CORE Cyberne-
tics. A large number of cybernetic factories
and workshops can be found in Nelya. Not
surprisingly because CORE is based here, Kief
in general is fairly renown for its advanced
Above the Kieff Halo-World brushes past the many mooned gas giant Uretil of the United
Republic. In the distance the sun Acheron burns ercely.
Marina is named appropriately because it is largely a marine state. A massive articial
ocean has been built here and Marina is a series of interconnected islands.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
48 Elysium Nebula
cybernetics. In Nelya specifcally it is rumoured
that a lot of mundane cybernetics have become
so cheap that they are becoming fashionable
items. Among young people for instance its very
popular to have a built in music players and
some forward thinking schools are beginning
to required the use of digibrain computers.
State of Marina
Marina is named appropriately because it is
largely a marine state. A massive artifcial oce-
an has been built here and Marina is a series of
interconnected islands. Marina contains a mo-
derate population of Nano-Dolphins ported
over from Elektros. Marinas Oligarchic palace
is reckoned to be one of the most beautiful in
all of the ICHA. It is a palace that is built enti-
rely underwater with a vast glass dome around
it so that all the fsh that have been brought in
to Kief can be seen swimming about. A single
spire rises above the water containing a do-
cking station and some formal briefng rooms;
but the bulk of the Oligarchs living facilities lie
below the surface of the water.
State of Oxana
Oxana is the media-state of the Independant
Coalition. It is the ICHAs equivalent to Cor-
rellan in Elysia Prime for the United Repu-
blic. A considerable amount of ICHAn pro-
gramming is done here. It is an area where
people have a unique flm-making expertise
to accurately simulate almost any other place
in the Nebula. Plus visual efects have come a
long way. Digital artists are able to perfectly
mimic people and advanced artifcial intelli-
gence software basically means that ancient
battles can be simulated and flmed in an
entirely virtual context. Oxana Filmic Studies
University, which is quite famous in its feld,
focuses on traditional forms of art however
based on old fashioned video recordings of
live events.
State of North Raisa and State of West Raisa
Tese are the smallest two States in Kief and
at one point were a single state before they
divided. Te division was the culmination of
a series of disagreements between two major
political families vying for position of oligarch
and eager to push forward their own agenda.
Te result was that the state was in permanent
civil unrest and when bombings began to hap-
pen the other States had to step in to mediate.
Now a vast wall seperates the two states. A wall
was built between the Northwest point of the
state and the Southeast point. Te Northeast
State took the name North Raisa whereas the
Southwest one took West Raisa. Tere is still
considerably emnity in this area today. Exter-
nal Polize presence is quite high. n
Equipment Kieff
You can buy more or less anything in Kie-
ff. However some kinds of equipment are
cheaper than others.
-2 Purchase DC Bonus
The following manufacturers are available
discounted in Kieff because the principle
manufacturing plants are located here.
CC (Core Cybernetics)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
TB (Traders Barges)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
EC (Elite Crafts)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Kieff
Kieff uses centripetal force to simulate gravi-
ty and the atmosphere is simulated. The at-
mosphere and gravity are both earth-like.
Kieff is so vast that it does not have Habs like other stations. Instead soil and water has been
laid out to form a fully biologically stable habitat contained in massive greenhouse domes
Elysium Nebula 49
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Planet Overall
Liwet and its single moon Purson are the fourth
closest system to the faming sun Solaris. Its
unique atmosphere, geoformed by Elvish ma-
gics, keep it cool enough for normal life. Never
the less in the summers the many oceaned
world boils - thick clouds of steam rise from the
oceans and blanket the world in mist.
Liwet is a small world. Roughly the size of Venus,
but Elvish psicraft rooted into the core of this
world, causes it to pull with the strength of Elysia
Prime. Its moon, Purson, would be a small rock
were it not completely built over by humans to
resemble a vast star-station.
Liwet is a potent commercial hub, and a number
of signifcant companies make have major busi-
ness centres here including Azerdine Chemicals
and CyberCorps. Liwets capital of WinDal is a
many-teired neo-Venice - crafted to rise out of
the planets waters and rooted deep in the earth
below them. Other places of note include the
Barintz Arctic Station and the city of Xund.
WinDal is a completely artifcial city, built along
the equator of the planets Western hemisphere.
It rises several thousand feet from the ocean and
consists of a dozen spires connected by sky-rails,
teleportation beacons and Pactoris skippers.
WinDal is the capital city of Liwet and also
the capital of the region called Pactoris, a far
ranging collection of island that covers rough-
ly a third of the planets surface. WinDal is an
important commercial centre and the Azerdi-
ne Chemicals company has its major distribu-
tion centre in the city.
Barintz Arctic Station
Te naturally icy waters of the Barintz Polar
Cap plus the surrounding tundra was a perfect
place for humans to use to preserve the Polar
Bears, Penguins, Sea Lions and Seals imported
by the Phoeban Animals of Terra conservati-
on society.
Te Station has attempted to replicate a number
of the artic or quasi-arctic ecological zones of
old Terra in this region with mixed results. Te
area has largely been abandoned now because
some rather unexpected things have happened.
For one thing, the humans releasing the trans-
ported cryo-frozen animals were unaware that
the Barintz Pole was used as a breeding ground
by the wicked Drow during the frst Illithid War
for the voracious Displacer Beasts.
For another they did not know that a half-dae-
mon called Kraull had made its home in an icy
fortress deeply hidden at the very epicentre of
the frozen pole.
Whether the Polar Bears and the Displacer
Beasts were able to breed because of the Dis-
placer Beasts natural arcane daemon-blood or
whether the creation of the Barintz Bear was a
result of the half-daemon Kraulls diabolical ex-
periments is not known.
The Patoris Archipeligo is a series of
tropical islands connected by trade
routes run by the famous Patoris Skip-
pers. The elegant skippers are depicted
above going to and from one of the man
Pactoris harbours.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
50 Elysium Nebula
What is known however is that the 6-legged Ba-
rintz Bears with the capicity to disappear enti-
rely and swim like a fsh have made the entire
zone a declared danger zone. When the dae-
monic infuence of dark magics started to afect
the native animals of the region the Barintz Re-
search Station was set up to report on what was
going on. Te research station is still in place,
and as far as anyone knows Kraull is still active
in the region.
His fortress is well-protected and as he has made
no attempts to damage the rest of the world as of
yet, the half-daemon has not been bothered by
Liwetan authorities so far. Te Barintz Bears are
not to be trifed with - they kill for pleasure and
are larger than a normal polar bear.
Nestled into the side of a once-active volcano,
Xund is the city with the largest number of
cybersurgeons in the galaxy. Everyone in the
city (and the surrounding area - Xund is the
capital of planetary zone called Haligroun) is
adorned with mechanical eyes, legs, arms and
so on. Unlike anywhere else in the galaxy the
replacement of real limbs with prosthetics is
not an act done by those who have lost limbs
in wars, but is a fashion statement. Xund has
a curious Victorian society and members of
this society have good manners but maintain
an ascetic distance from one another as if wor-
ried that getting too close could spread germs
or something. Xund is a unique place in the
galaxy and is thus a popular place for it. Not
surprisingly, CyberCorps, the URE manufac-
turer of Cybernetics has its HQ in Xund.
It is easier to think of Purson as a space station
than as a moon. It was once just a small lifeless
rock until it was founded by the humans of
Liwet and built up in the deep of space. It has
no natural atmosphere - instead it started as a
collection of small research centres that even-
tually became mining centres when the rich
iron deposits of Purson were discovered. Slowly
but surely, on the strength of its own resources
Purson expanded to envelop the entire world in
plasteel and cerametal. Now the world is all but
hollowed out (like a Duruki world almost) and
its ragged shell forms the core of a single mas-
sive mechanized moon. It is so covered with ci-
tyscape that it is difcult to fnd any of the rocky
grey moon terrain left on the entire world. n
Equipment Liwet
You can buy more or less anything in Liwet
and Purson. However some equipment is
cheaper than others.
-2 Purchase DC Penalty
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
CC (CyberCorp)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
EC (Elite Crafts)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Liwet
Liwet has been grav-stabilized by the ancient
elves so has normal earth-like gravity.
Liwet has an Earth-like atmosphere so PC ra-
ces can breathe naturally without requiring the
use of special breathers.
Game rules Purson
Purson has been grav-stabilized by the human
grav-plates wherever there is structure, but
has very low gravity elsewhere. Humans from
the moonworld of Purson do not generally have
the low-G adaptation because there are so few
areas that are undeveloped now.
Purson has no atmosphere but in doors (and
everywhere in Purson is indoors) there is a nor-
mal earth breathable atmosphere.
Now that Purson is all but hollowed out (like a Duruki world almost) and its ragged shell forms
the core of a single massive mechanized moon.
Elysium Nebula 51
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Planet Overall
Manakel is a planet that follows a skewed eli-
ptical orbit that brings it, in certain times of
the year, closer to Solaris than nearby Hayyel.
Manakel is a planet slightly larger than the
Earth, with a rocky asteroid belt and three
moons: Bune, Ronove and Bereth. Manakel,
like the majority of the worlds of the Elysium
Nebula, was terraformed by the Elves long
ago. Active tectonic movement have made it
the world with the highest mountains in all
of the Nebula and there are vast regions of
the planet the still sufer from very bad earth-
quakes. Its mountains are famous all over the
Nebula. Tey make efective ski resorts as well
as being locations to be gawked at for their
own sake. At its highest point Ogre Mountain
juts out over a 100,000 feet from the planets
crust, making it not only the largest mountain
on Manakel, but the largest mountain in the
known galaxy. Manakels chief city of Flam-
burg is built onto a massive plateau on a very
tall spire. It is surrounded by mountains in all
directions. Most of the other major cities like
Ichabane, Gandrell and Malabee are located
on shallower areas or in the fat surrounding
big rivers. (Despite the fact that the planet is
more rugged than most, it would be foolish to
think that it was all mountainous, considerab-
le plains-lands and tundra exist that are quite
fat. Te planets of the Elysium Nebula are too
large to be homogeonous across the board.)
Flamburg is a very urban city with an active
night life and corners to fll every vice. It is a rich
city (as a capital real estate is quite high) but that
doesnt preclude it having a certain quantity of
bottom feeders. Flamburg is connected by sky-
rail to the many other nearby villages and resort
areas (where good skiing can be had) and many
tourists passing through it are advised to be wary
of pickpockets and unlicensed cabbies (eager to
make an easy buck out of an unexpecting tou-
rist). Te Greater Flamburg Area includes many
of the outlying towns like Verran Mountain Villa-
ge, Kofer Fields and Daestra Common. Te tou-
rism industry is the driving force in these areas,
and there are unsurprisingly a large number of
retail outlets to cater to all sorts of needs that
Verran Mountain Village of the GFA
(Greater Flamburg Area). This plasteel
complex caters to skiiers in the winter
and hikers in the summer. Most curious
of all on off-seasons it is used as a boot
camp for URE marines, who learn how
to stay in form even when faced with
adverse weather conditions and long
periods exposed to the elements.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
52 Elysium Nebula
the wealthy visitors may have. Flamburg has a
very large ogre and half-ogre population due to
its proximity to Bune. Manakel and Flamburg
are favoured areas for skiing across the Elysium
Nebula, not least of all because of the higher
than normal gravity.
Bune is the moon with the closest orbit to
Flamburg. It is a terra-formed moon with cu-
rious lake formation on half the world. What
it is most famous for however, are not geolo-
gical features, but for being the only place in
the Elysium Nebula that has a city built by and
for half-ogres and ogre-blooded. Tis vast city
built in the style that should (supposedly) re-
semble what Ogres may have constructed on
their homeworld is called Gormir. Here, ogre-
blooded scholars study what the Ogre race
may have been like before the enslavement
by the Illithids, Half-Ogres run for positions in
the local parliament, and on the odd occasion,
you may even see a full-blooded ogre walking
around among the cloud.
Te ogre-blooded here form a full and complete
community. Tey make their own ships, gather
food from their own farms, sell the food at their
own restaurants and even run their own law en-
forcement. Humans (brave humans) occasio-
nally come into the city as tourists but the locals
are so unwelcoming (a curious spin on traditi-
on) that theyd sooner leave. Te only human
institution that is there regularly is the EDK. A
human named Rakunk Grive is the known Hun-
ter in the area, and he is given a very large sum of
money to make sure that the ogres arent up to
anything. Rakunk and some of his men (which
Equipment Manakel
You can buy more or less anything in Ma-
nakel and its moon. However some equip-
ment is cheaper than other.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Manakel
Manakel has an Earth-like atmosphere so PC
races can breathe naturally without requiring
the use of special breathers.
Manakel has higher than normal gravity (1.3g)
and people without the High Gravity adaptation
feat take a -2 on Initiative checks. Everyone
suffers 1.5 x damage for falling.
Game rules Bune, Renove, Bereth
Manakels moons have an Earth-like at-
mosphere so PC races can breathe naturally
without requiring the use of special breathers.
Manakels moons have been grav-stabilized by
the ancient elves and have normal earth-like
Ronove is dominated by a largely Neo-Japanese population, with the second largest popula-
tion being that of people that on Earth would have been considered Pacic Islanders
Elysium Nebula 53
Elysium Nebula World Guide
are rotated regularly since working in Gormir
is considered unpleasant) are the only humans
that maintain a constant presence in Gormir.
Te rest of Bune is rather unassuming. A lot of
agricultural and farming goes on here. Bune
neeps or turnips are particularly requested.
Te capital city of Bune is called Povis and has
a very large observatory of some acclaim.
Ronove is covered by about 84% water and is
really a collection of widely spread island. Te
moon is smaller than Earths moon and it is the
smallest of the three moon. It occupies the centre
position spinning around Manakel. Ronoves ca-
pital island New Samoa is the twin city of Azardis,
Surroyo a major residential city on Agragon. Te-
re are regular fights connecting the two cities for
student exchanges and cultural swaps. Ronove is
dominated by a largely Neo-Japanese populati-
on, with the second largest population being that
of people that on Earth would have been consi-
dered Pacifc Islanders. Sumo Wrestling main-
tains a rich tradition in this part of the Nebula.
Bereth has an unusually wide orbit around
the moon (possibly an unstable orbit where
it not for spells cast by Elves in times when
they has mastered Geomancy that bind it
tightly to its master world) and therefore has
a few repercussions. Every ten years or so the
population has to migrate to the other half of
the planet to avoid the scorching hot summer.
With a thin atmosphere (typical of a moon)
Bereth has no natural protection against the
scalding sun of Solaris when both Manakel
and Bereth are at their closest proximity. Ma-
nakel has an unusual orbit, in that, sometimes,
it will pass closer to the sun than Liwett. Bereth
in turn follows a wide orbit. Te result is that
sometimes these two frequencies occur at the
same time, pushing Bereth far closer than Li-
wet, almost as close as Hayyel; but with none
of the protective wards about the inner most
planets to protect from the heat. During these
unlikely times the whole planet scorches up.
Te waters hiss with steam and things catch
fre spontaneously. Ten as the rock cool and
passes back into normal orbit, people return to
their homes.
Te people of Bereth are used to this cycle,
and the rarity is such that it does not disturb
too much. Naturally much of the buildings
constructed on this world are designed to
withstand extreme temperatures. n
Naturally much of the buildings constructed on Bereth are designed to withstand extreme temperatures, giving Bereth a rather unusual look.
Most of Bereths Farmbuildings look more like Fortresses than typical Barns.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
54 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
Marbus is the closest world to the smallers
sun in the Elysium Nebula, Acheron. It is a
small mercurial world with active volcanoes
all along it. It was not originally colonized by
the elves unlike its brother Enoch that wan-
dered so close to Solaris. However it is much
cooler than Enoch because its sun is far
weaker. For this reason humans were able
to colonize and modify parts of this world so
that it would be suitable for human life. Ne-
ver the less there are still only about a dozen
principle cities in Marbus. Lava City, at the
very apex of polar ice caps - represents the
biggest city and even it has a population of
under a million.
Marbus is a unique place because it is large-
ly untouched by the memory of war - it was
built after the Illithid wars. It also is place so
obscenely close to the Sun that it is pretty
much safe from invaders. After all, who would
choose to live there? In Lava City for instance
the pole always slightly faces the sun - this
means the sun never sets. It is always there
boiling and burning angrily in the sky.
Equipment Marbus
You can buy more or less anything in Mar-
bus. However some equipment is cheaper
than others.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Elysium Nebula 55
Elysium Nebula World Guide
The natural lava oes of Lava City pro-
vide a unique decorative element. The
intense heat of the planets core keep
the magma owing, but the buildings
and structures are maintained cool by
technomancy and protective forceelds.
Marbus is powered entirely by geothermal
energy, and because of this it is able to main-
tain some of the more power-consuming de-
vices in the Nebula, including the intricated
Marban cooling systems, the forcefields and
the grav-plates across every major city.
Marbus also houses the biggest number of
VRNet servers since power is virtually unli-
mited. When people connect to the VRNet
their bites of data almost invariably end up
in a Marban server. Marbus therefore houses
the largest community of hackers outside of
the ICHA. n
Game rules Marbus
Marbus has an articially induced Earth-like gravi-
ty in the areas of dense human population but has
a gravity of around 0.07g in undeveloped areas.
Marbus has an articially inducted Earth like
atmosphere in those areas that are developed
but people are required to bring their oxygen
with them because volcanic ash clouds make
breathing impossible outside of the cities.
Unless wearing environmentally sealed cooling
suits anyone exposed to the atmosphere of
Marbus takes 1d4 points of heat damage each
round unless they pass a DC 15 Fort save.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
56 Elysium Nebula
Te Habitats Overall
A Halo-World is the largest man-made struc-
tures to be found in the Elysium Nebula. Only
two such massive worlds exist. One, the older
and smaller of the two, is the Muscovisk Halo-
World and capital station of the Independant
Coalition of Human Advancement. Te newer
and largest man-made structure is the Kief
Halo world. From a distance it looks like a giant
gray ring cycling rapidly.
A Halo-World is unique, because unlike the
other types of station that rely on the ultra-
modern Grav-Plate nanotechnology to si-
mulate gravity Halo-Worlds do not need any
Gravity at all. Halo-Worlds spin to mimic the
efects of gravity. Muscovisk in particular is
the single oldest used man-made structure in
the Elysium Nebula. It has undergone count-
less expansions and renovations but the core
of it, the main bulk of it, was built well over 12
thousand years ago - a mind bogglingly vast
amount of time. In fact it has exchanged hands
as many times as anyone can remember. It was
frst built by the UEU (United Earth Unity) and
it orbited not far from Earth. During World War
V, the war which would set humanity back by
about four thousand years and plunge the hu-
man race into a new dark age, it was stolen by
Jovan Nationalists and it was dragged by heavy
warship (after undergoing heavy bombing) to
match Titans orbit around Jupiter.
During the Renaissance Period when Phoebe
rose to power with its steady advancements
in Fusion Technology they purchased it of the
Jovan National Party and set it around Phoebe.
When Phoebe frst discovered the Elysium Ne-
bula was already habited by Elves and Dwarves
as a show of good faith (to prove they were not
interested in taking anyones land - how wrong
that turned out to be) the massive Halo-World
was taken apart piecemeal and accelerated to
the Alpha Centauri system for jumping to the
Elysium Nebula. Tere it was reconstructed
and rechristened Te Pearl (which some still
call it today).
During the early years of the Nebula, when hu-
manity was more or less politically united - or
at the very least politically undecided Te Pearl
proved to be a frst stop bastion for travellers
entering the core worlds. Te Pearl was badly
damaged during the Illithid Wars, and when
the star feets under Commander Ivan Petrov
helped control all major Elysian Space Sectors
and commandeered the black void between
worlds it was he that set about the reconstruc-
tion of Te Pearl. He rechristened it Muscovisk
(Ivan and his feet command were descended
from NeoRussia and the names they chose
were a refection of their history and culture).
Equipment Muscovisk
You can buy more or less anything in Mus-
covisk. However some kinds of equipment
are cheaper than others.
-2 Purchase DC Bonus
The following manufacturers are availa-
ble discounted in Muscovisk because the
principle manufacturing plants are loca-
ted here.
INS (Ichan National Starships)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
TB (Traders Barges)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
CC (Core Cybernetics)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
EC (Elite Crafts)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
The Muscovan State of Zoya was founded to do medicinal and pharmaceutical work. Aesir
sales have made the area wealthy enough to maintain regular beautication treatments
- Zoya is quite scenic by evening.
Elysium Nebula 57
Elysium Nebula World Guide
He dedicated it to be not only a habitation, but
a place for research and science. A station for
Human Advancement he called it. With the
construction of Kazan Station and the Istra
Starhome it become clear that Muscovisk was
not be a unique construction in the Elysium
Nebula. When the United Republic declared
itself a single political entity spanning all the
major planets in Elysium the space stations for
Human Advancement declared themselves
politically distinct, claiming the title of an In-
dependant Coalition. By the year 3 of the Re-
public Calendar the new political group had a
name and a gubernatorial system based on the
principle outline by Ivan Petrov and his feet
command. Tey were called the Independant
Coalition of Human Advancement and thus
the ICHA was born.
Muscovisk is quite old, and thus smaller than the
other Halo-World of Kief. It is still the second
biggest artifcial habitat in the Elysium Nebula.
It has a diameter of just under one million mi-
les. It is fatter and wider however (by about 40%)
than Kief so the diference in habitable land
area is not that great. Muscovisk is tilted such
that both sides are shaded from the sun (well
one side eclipses the other from the sun every
7 hours roughly). Instead the day/night cycle is
simulated by a pulse beacon which turns on and
of at the centre of the Halo to simulate a steady
26 hour day.
Te Jumpbay to Novobrisk
Te military feet of the Independant Coalition
is primarily built in Muscovisk. Te home, the-
refore of Ichan National Starships, can be said
to be Muscovisk. Te Grand Admiral of the Fleet
is based in the more military oriented station of
Novobrisk, but bulk warship manufacture oc-
curs here. Not surprisingly there is a great need
for quick transport between the two places. A
small scale Jump Gate bought from the Duruki
and built specifcally for these two stations en-
sures a rapid journey to and from Novobrisk.
Advanced Chemical Studies
Muscovisk was initially rechristened as a sci-
ence facility so its no surprise that one of the
frst things that were tested and developed here
were pharmaceuticals to help advance the feld
of medicine. Sophos Stimulants, the dominant
drug frm in the Coalition, emerged from the
early days of Muscovisk. Not surprisngly it was
also the frst company to mass produce Aesir wi-
thin the Elysium Nebula so a number of the early
psychics came out of Muscovisk.
Te Exalted Forum of the Oligarchy
All the Oligarchs of the Independant Coalition
(there are actually 2 Grand Oligarchs from Kief
and Muscovisk as well as 6 State Oligarchs from
Kief, 3 State Oligarchs from Muscovisk, and 7
other Oligarchs of various ICHAn stations) are
collectively called the Oligarchy, and they are the
ruling body of the Coalition. Te Exalted Forum
is the place where in a fairly regular basis critical
meetings are held and decisions are made. Most
often the Oligarchs themselves will not travel to
the Forum from their own station (though the
Novobriskian Oligarch tends to do so thanks to
the jumpgate and the Kief Grand Oligarch tends
to do so to distinguish himself from the State
Oligarchs who have local matters to attend to)
and so the Exalted Forum is a giant room with
a fully immersive Virtual Reality system so that
very remote Oligarchs can interact in near real
time in an actual place.
Te States of Muscovisk
Tere are three states in Muscovisk: Ulyana,
Valentina and Zoya. As Kief was to continue to
do the, naming standard for Coalition States on
Halo Worlds is to name the State after female
painters that emerged during the Post War V Re-
naissance in Phoebes NeoRussian sectors. Ulya-
na is the largest and capital state and is where the
Exalted Forum can be found. Valentina contains
the military feet and main INS Production Fa-
cilities while Zoya is the place most noted for its
work in the advancement of medecinal, genetic
and pharmaceutical research. n
Game rules Muscovisk
Muscovisk uses centripetal force to simulate
gravity and the atmosphere is simulated. The
atmosphere and gravity are both earth-like.
A small scale Jump Gate bought from the Duruki and built specically for transport between Muscovan and Novobrisk ensures a rapid and
safe journey between these two ICHAn Homeworlds.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
58 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
Naberius was ignored by the URE for much of
the time humans have occupied it. On the sur-
face, it seems just like any other elf-terraformed
world in the Nebula, and not even a terribly
good one at that. Plant life is only found in small,
clustered oases centered on supernaturally hea-
ted springs. A few farming communities existed
on Naberius, using the oases to keep out of the
numbing cold of the planet, and it was a pair of
explorers from one of these that discovered the
now-infamous Welldiggers Canyon.
Kaspar and Jall Eriksen, brothers and would-
be prospectors, were attempting to create their
own hot spring, working on suspicions that
the elves magic was hidden underneath the
surface. By drilling down, they believed, one
could tap the elven aquifer underground and
create new oases for expanded farming com-
munities. Tere drilling equipment discovered
no aquifer, but after several tries they did hap-
pen on an underground cavern which led to a
labyrinth of caves full of elf artifacts.
In the ffty years since their discovery, Naberius
has changed dramatically as fortune-seekers
have arrived to explore the cave system. Te URE
has tried to maintain control of who has access
to the cave, but their long-absence on Naberius
created a frontier community that the govern-
ment is having a difcult time dispelling. Te
marines dispatched to the planet have found
themselves redundant to the oases militias and
have had to adjust their mission plans several
time. Te current situation has the Urean forces
stationed in Hejjat, the main port of Naberius
and the closest city to Welldiggers Canyon.
From there they can keep somewhat of an eye
on the population and tax any artifacts taken
of-world. Rampant corruption and smuggling
rings, however, make the situation undesirable
for both Naberian and Urean ofcials.
Once just another oasis-town, Hejjat has expan-
ded many times over since the Eriksens disco-
very. It now boasts a population of one million
(as opposed to its population of two thousand
half a century ago) and has three major space-
port complexes on its periphery (Alpha, Beta,
and Gamma). Te central Gardens, a public
area of meandering paths and exotic trees, are
still heated by the citys spring, but the rest of
the city is made of heavily-insulated buildings.
Because of the citys relative youth, its buildings
are small by Elysian standards (the tallest re-
aches only thirty stories) but the architecture
is still inspiring because of the arching covered
walkways that extend between buildings. Its
possible to walk from any of the space-ports to
the Gardens without ever stepping outside, a
journey of about fve kilometres, which is fortu-
nate because the uninsulated streets outside of
the city centre are scoured by blistering winds.
Tere is very little ground trafc in any Naberian
cities due to the hostility of the environment.
Te Urean ofcial Capitol Building in Hej-
jat has always been a source of contention to
Naberians. It sprang up within a year of the
appearance of Welldiggers Canyon, prior to
Welldiggers Canyon on the surface
of Naberius serves as the primary
entrance to the subterranean crypts.
Elysium Nebula 59
Elysium Nebula World Guide
which there were no government buildings
on the planet at all. Watched over vigilantly by
Urean marines, it serves as a physical remin-
der of the Big Government presence that
has suddenly appeared on Naberius. In the
Prole Riots which have rocked Hejjat in the
last decade, the Capitol Building is more often
the mobs target than even the hated customs
stations in the ports, where the URE squeezes
every credit it can from the artifact trade.
Welldiggers Canyon
When the Eriksens drilled at the site now known
as Welldiggers Canyon, it was nothing more
than a patch of empty ground. Teir survey,
however, noted that there was a slight concavi-
ty to the ground at the area and they thought it
would be a prime place to drill to the imagined
aquifer. Once they drilled twenty metres, howe-
ver, their equipment was swallowed into a giant
sinkhole. Returning with spelunking equipment,
the brothers searched through the caves and
found what appeared to be the ruins of an an-
cient elven civilization. Quickly staking a claim,
the brothers began to quietly sell of items to
of-world investors. Eventually people began to
wise up to the bumpkins who happened to fnd
the stuf and the secret of Welldiggers Canyon
was revealed. Te Eriksens were fne with this as
it meant they didnt need to transport the artif-
acts as far any more, so they set up a waystation
inside the caverns known simply as the Dark.
Te rest, as they say, is history.
Today the Dark is run by Jalls daughter Kylie
Eriksen. Her father, meanwhile, lives the life
of an eccentric millionaire on Colopatiron,
but her uncle died ffteen years ago of natural
causes in Hejjat. Te Dark lies about a kilo-
meter into the cavern of Welldiggers Canyon,
right before the caves start branching into the
elven crypts. Kaspar long ago walled of the
tunnel behind the Dark to prevent unauthori-
zed fortune-seekers to move any ships farther
into the crypts than the waystation. Kylie has
since augmented this wall with turrets for ad-
ded security and maintains a security force
known as the Keepers (as in Crypt Keepers) to
ensure that her legacy remains under family
control. No visitors are allowed into the crypts
without an ofcial guide and no groups are
allowed back out without their guide, a harsh
reminder of the frontier justice that still per-
vades Naberian society. Te URE clashes so
often with the Darkers that many inhabitants
refer to the relationship as a cold war. Howe-
ver, the Dark and the Canyon itself are private
land thanks to the Eriksens claim and the go-
vernment cant do much to curtail Kylie or her
Equipment Muscovisk
As a developing planet, Naberius is still
working on its economy. Hejjat, the Dark,
Alloces, and other urbanized areas have
plenty of equipment available because
of the inux of visitors willing to spend
plenty of credits. Outside of these places,
however, the available items are even
more limited. Ground vehicles are always
a rarity on Naberius or Alloces.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Marbus
Naberius and Alloces have been grav-stabilized
by the ancient elves and have normal earth-like
Naberius has an Earth-like atmosphere so PC
races can breathe naturally without requiring
the use of special breathers. Outside of insu-
lated buildings or the 100 metre heated radius
of the hot springs, PC races need heated suits
to survive.
Alloces has no atmosphere to speak of and
vistors who leave the protection of the Harton
Complex must where vacuum-suits.
Nowadays authorized contract-fortune-seekers enter the Dark in search for Elven-Artefacts.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
60 Elysium Nebula
One other group in the Dark deserves mention:
the Kendall Otafar, or Heritage College in el-
vish. Te elves that live in the Dark were enticed
to move their by the Eriksens early on to lend
some more mystique to their operation. It has
since become a questionable decision as the
elves have constantly raised issues about racial
heritage, claims which the URE has encoura-
ged to irk Kylie, and insist on having access to
the crypts to study their peoples remains. Te
College has so far linked the ruins to an ancient
elven legend, long thought mythical, that tells
of a world controlled by the elves which was
abandoned long ago. A group of elves who li-
ved underground were rumored to have stayed
on the planet, as they had grown to far from
the light. Tese elves are supposed to resemb-
Although only beeing 40 Years old, the
Kendall Otafar - or Heritage College as
it is beeing called by non-elves - has
obviously been under some strong
magical effect. Some people say this
naturalisation-effect is based on the
high concentration of Elven-Artifacts.
Elysium Nebula 61
Elysium Nebula World Guide
le the drow physically, though not necessarily
in temperament. Its even possible that some of
the crypt elves have survived to the present
day, but so far this is unsubstantiated.
If the URE has a light presence on Naberius
itself, it has no presence whatsoever on Al-
loces. Te moon is sparsely populated with
only a few domed complexes surrounding the
Harton Spaceport. Te diverse group of for-
tune-hunters that come to Naberius in search
of artifacts often fnd the former farming com-
munities to be stifing and boring, and an en-
trepreneur named James Harton answered this
need by building a cluster of gaming houses on
Alloces. As might be expected, the population
of the moon is tough and sly, and visitors are
encouraged to watch out for pick-pockets and
card sharks alike. n
Below: The gigantic public library of the Kendall
Otafar. This is the centre of Elven-History research.
Many fortune-seekers search the endless shelfs for
hints to lost treasures.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
62 Elysium Nebula
The Planet Overall
Nememiah and its brother world Vohu-
manah are critical planets to Urean trade.
Nememiah spends a third of its orbit in a
position almost directly half-way between
Solaris and Acheron. Half of the time it is
not in this vital strategic position, Vohumu-
nah is. These two worlds form what is called
the Gulliver Trade Route - straight between
the Solaris System and the Acheron System.
Only 30% of the year is the Gulliver Route
down (when both Vohumanah and Solaris
are not immediately available as stop over
points for barges coming through.
For this reason Nememiah and Vohumanah
have perfected their function as stopping
points for traders. They provide refuelling
services, have vast space ports, and a large
number of fancy hotels. For a quick stop
in Nememiah, most visitors will stop on
Nememiahs popular moon Morax. Morax
has the largest Space Station in the Solar
System - the second largest in human domi-
nated space and certainly has one of the top
five in galactic terms. The Omicron Space
Port swallows up roughly 1/8th of the pla-
net. (Only the truly grotesque Space Port of
Astaroth compares in size.)
Los Demonios, New Sanfran,
Diego and Barbara
Nememiah was not inhabited by Phoebans
like much of the rest of URE space. It was in-
habited by an earlier generation of explorers
representing a mixed bag of travellers. One
of the communities to have arrived was a
Terran based one that could trace its origins
to the American West Coast. The names of
the cities of Nememiah reflect these ancient
places on Terra. Los Demonios - the coun-
terpoint city to the now forgotten Los Ange-
les; New San Francisco - later simplified to
simply New Sanfran; and finally the cities of
Diego and Barbara - shortened derivatives of
the one time San Diego and Santa Barbara.
Los Demonios is the largest of the cities -
with a horrifying 25 million people crammed
into an area slightly smaller than the original
Los Angeles. Los Demonios has many sky-
scrapers, starbays and has an active criminal
Equipment Nemeniah
You can buy more or less anything in
Nemeniah and its moon. However some
equipment is cheaper than other.
On Ipos robotics are acquired at -2
Purchase DC instead of +0
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Elysium Nebula 63
Elysium Nebula World Guide
New Sanfran is noteworthy because it has the
Sanfran Station that hovers over it in geosyn-
chronous orbit and has a long elevator that
hangs in perilous defiance of gravity, from
Sanfran to the Station. This unique structure
is one of a kind in the Elysium Nebula.
Diego is a very wide city - surrounded by
open plains Diego just spread out like a
terrible concrete desert. The city of Diego
covers about 15,000 square miles and eve-
ry inch is covered in concrete. Wide two or
three story buildings are common. Sky-scra-
pers are not.
Barbara is a city by the sea. There is not much
water in Nememiah (only 17% of the planet
is covered in it) but Barbara is at a principal
location by the largest body of water (the Ne-
memian Ocean - there is only one).
Morax has the busiest Space Port of all the
planets orbiting Solaris - which is quite say-
ing something considering its just a small
moon. In fact, a good 8th of the planet is a
single solitary space port - spread out like a
cancer of girder and landing bays over the
entire area. This is because Morax has to
handle traffic to the nearby SanFran station
as well as to the local stations at Los Demo-
nios and the three major stations on Ipos.
Ipos is one of the few areas of the human
systems where humans are outnumbered by
droids. Ipos is a very clean, well maintained
area, and part of that reason is that the Ipos
governor general, Miles Ipax, is semi-cyber-
netic and has a passion for robotic acqui-
sitions. He has held his power for nigh-on
hundred and twenty years, kept alive by
the most expensive of technologies. Ipos is
a curious place because Governer-General
Ipax was once a wealthy business man and
did not relinquish control of his buisiness
once moving into politics. Instead he tried
to merge his business with politics, and
though his opponents have accused him of
wheeling and dealing (and generally using
his monopolies on local industries to have
his way) has yet to be ousted from power.
He has managed to push legislature granting
voting rights to robots and is the single big-
gest acquirer of robots in the known galaxy.
Its no surprise that many of Ipos residents
have moved out and gone to nearby Morax
or down to Nememiah. Never the less Ipos
continues to thrive, by merit of the fact that it
is quite cheap to acquire hotels and the fact
that the robots keep things quite clean. n
The Morax Omicron Space Port,
one of the largest Space Ports
in all of the URE.
Game rules Marbus
Nememiah and its moons have an Earth-like
atmosphere so PC races can breathe naturally
without requiring the use of special breathers.
Nememiah and its moons have been grav-sta-
bilized by the ancient elves and have normal
earth-like gravity.
One of the many householding robots
which can be found on Ipos. This Ichan
Robotics Model H3 aka Jeff is often also
used as a private Messenger. It is not un-
usual to see a bunch of them exchanging
private messages in public places for
their owners.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
64 Elysium Nebula
Te Habitats Overall
Novobrisk was originally designed as a military
war vessel, designed to fy out, carrying hundreds
of Capital Ships and fanked by Dreadnoughts to
unload, not only a terrifc degree of frepower but
also to be a mobile platform to recruit, train and
otherwise build up coalition military forces.
With the end of the Embargo Confict and
the adoption of greater numbers of robo-
tic and cygor forces Novobrisk dropped to
a mere 20% of its utilization. With growing
populations in the other stations Novobrisk
was increased in size, various military sec-
tions were scrapped and altered, and in its
place residential and commercial sectors
were built up. Novobrisk still does not have
the population of some of the other stations.
Novobrisk also retains its legacy of strict
military control and therefore the people of
Novobrisk tend to have some of that ordered
military mentality imparted on them.
If needed to Novobrisk could double as
an enormous warship. It is a bristling
engine of destruction mounting plenty
of guns. It is here that Delta Arms, the
primary weapons manufacture of the
Coalition, operates.
Elysium Nebula 65
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Equipment Novobrisk
You can buy more or less anything in
Novobrisk Nationcraft. However some kinds
of equipment are cheaper than others.
-2 Purchase DC
The following manufacturers are based
in Novobrisk and equipment from them is
therefore cheaper.
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
TB (Traders Barges)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
EC (Elite Crafts)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Gubernatorial Habs
Te Gubernatorial Habs were erected shortly
after it was decided that Novobrisk would ser-
ve as a non-military civillian station as well as a
military one. Tese Habs are neatly divided in
two to provide housing and work facilities not
only to the political elite (the Oligarch and his
entourage) but also for the military elite. Te
General Superior of the ICHA Armed Forces
and the Grand Admiral of the ICHA Fleet both
make their homes and work in the Gubernato-
rial Habs of Novobrisk.
Residential Habs
Novobrisk is not the youngest construction in
the ICHA but it is certainly the most recently ha-
bited of the major stations. It was frst opened to
civillian habitation in 314 which was when the
fag of the ICHA underwent its most recent alte-
ration (to add an additional circle to the lower
6 making the new number of 7 circles plus the
original 2 - for 9 major habited stations).
Because it has been around so shortly, despite a
campaign to promote Novobrisk as a new place
to live with plenty of opportunity and space,
a mere 7 million people live on Novobrisk
(though the number is closer to 10 million if
you include military personnel on tour of duty
and cygor units.) Te residential habs tend to
be more spacious than in other major stations
for this reason.
Te Commercial Habs
Unlike Commercial Habs on any other Coa-
lition Station, in Novobrisk the Commercial
Habs are also often called the Gun Range Habs
because of the number of weapons sellers, ar-
mour sellers and training facilities.
Novobrisk was initially designed as a military
station so its no surprise that people tend to
think of the place to buy weapons and ar-
mour they think of Novobrisk.
Since the weapons of the ICHA are bulk ex-
ported from Novobrisk to both NED rebels,
URE worlds (were prices for such imports
are jacked up) and other ICHAn space sta-
tions the Commercial Habs are married with
the Novobrisk spacestation and extend in a
block around it.
A large number of military grade escort
vessels accompany most freighters carrying
arms and armour. As one might imagine the-
se freighters are popular targets among cri-
minals and pirates who know perfectly well
that one good hit will allow them to equip a
veritable army with the latest combat gear.
The Robotics Habs
Though people generally think of Novobrisk
as a place to buy big guns and protective
outfits, it also a centre for robotics study.
This is of course because the ICHAs prin-
ciple interest in robotics is for military ap-
plications but as the engineers who operate
in the Robotics Habs have expanded their
knowledge of military design (and granted
extra funding) they have also advanced in
the general areas of artificial intelligence
and motor skills sophistication. Though
not nearly as advanced as Elvish Synthetics,
Robotic Biodroids made by the ICHA are be-
coming more and more life-like with each
passing year. They can think, behave and
interact as humans and from a distance, or
appropriately disguised can often be con-
fused with one.
The Military Habs
The military habs are subdivided into vari-
ous sections. Certain sections train the ICHA
Polize which are humans trained for peace-
keeping within the civillian zones. Some
sectors train the more highly trained CATT
Teams (Coalition Assault Tactical Teams).
CATT Units are primarily policing units like
the Polize but they are more heavily armed
and armoured to handle more organized cri-
minals and security threats.
There is also the cybernetic gorilla subsec-
tions which train and breed CyGors for mi-
litary and peacekeeping purposes. This sec-
tion is also accompanied by a combat robots
section where engineers design military gra-
de robots based on the latest designs from
the Engineer Habs.
Novobrisk has a direct Jumpgate to Musco-
visk. Tis Jumpgate can be used by anyone
that pays with reduced fairs for ICHAn na-
tionals n
Game rules Marbus
Novobrisk has been grav-stabilized and the
atmosphere is simulated. The atmosphere and
gravity are both earth-like.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
66 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
When the frst human settlers came in to the
Elysium Nebula they came in though the Ze-
nith Orchid gate via the nearby star system of
Alpha Centauri which the Duruki still control
today. Greeted by the Dwarves at Draenei the
helpful Dwarves sent them to Orobas which
after the First Illithid War (between the Elves
and the vile extra galactic aliens popularly cal-
led Mind Flayers) was only inhabited by ens-
laved lizardfolk and Drow the evil cousins of
the elves that attained an apotheosis of dark-
ness after the First Illithid War.
Orobas was settled quickly and quietly and the
Drow were not encountered until a few years
into the settlement. (Te Drow being few in
number were located on a distant region of the
planet and did not actually come into contact
with humans until they had a good chance to
settle in.) Nothing could have prepared the
dark elves for the combat readiness of the hu-
man race, the advancement of their frearms
or their ferocity when cornered. By this time
the humans of Orobas fully considered Orobas
their land and any lizardfolk or drow occu-
pying it had better get out of the way or fear the
wrath of human retribution.
Duruki ofered this entire planet system to
the Humans in the safe knowledge that it
was a world lost and that any damage done
to the Drow natives could only mean greater
security for the rest of the Nebula. However
among humans good news travels fast. After
the frst settlement the human sent back by a
small courier ship to bring news of the Elysi-
um Nebula to Sol System. Te Duruki always
eager to make money were more than happy
to let humans come in through the star gates.
Te humans were paying a considerable some
in equipment terms whole battlefeets ex-
changed hands just so humans could buy their
passage into the Elysium Nebula. Even today
a lot of Duruki wealth stems from this early
period of human incursion and those Duru-
ki involved in the jumpgate industry are the
wealthiest of all the dwarves. Humans soon
The Consulorium. Once the seat of power
in human Elsyian space and now a temp-
le for the Monodominist faith.
Elysium Nebula 67
Elysium Nebula World Guide
swelled to fll all of Orobas and moved further
inwards ever closer to the two stars. When
the population in Orobas brimmed to totality
humans moved on to colonize Astaroth, then
Naberius and briefy Saleos (before it was con-
verted into trash world). It was on the Solarian
orbits that the human incursion was frst felt.
Vohumanah, Nememiah, and ancient Colopa-
tiron which at that time still had a very sizable
elvish population.
Already it was apparent the human spreading,
though less violent and more diplomatic by far
than the Illithids (who had come to wage a war
and enslave all) were a danger to all the native
species of the Elysium Nebula. Te Second Illi-
thid Wars, that which the URE calls simply Te
Illithid Wars (since humanity was not present
for the frst one), came at an opportune time
for humanity. It was the excuse they needed
to build military stations on almost all of the
elvish worlds and thus establish themselves as
the dominant species of the Elysium Nebula.
Te eventual victory over the Illithids (in -47)
and the foundation of the United Republic (in
year 0) on the old elvish capital of Elysia Prime
served to efectively change the capital planet
for humanity. Until that time Orobas was con-
sidered the capital world of the Elysium Nebu-
la. Still today it has a powerful historical legacy
and it has thousands of visitors every day. In
every way it feels like an old seat of power. It
has venerability and ancestry, the oldest hu-
man world in the Elysium Nebula.
Te Consulorium and the Monodominants
According to the old habits inherited from
Phoebe of Sol System, the humans were ruled
by a council and a leader called the Prime
Consular. Te settlers of Orobas built a
Equipment Orabas
You can buy more or less anything on
Orobas and its moons. However some
equipment is cheaper than others. Below
is a list of corporations and the ease of
purchase in this zone.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Orabas
Orobas and its moons have an Earth-like at-
mosphere so PC races can breathe naturally
without requiring the use of special breathers.
Orobas and its moons have an Earth-like gra-
vity. This has no special game effects or mo-
Elysium Nebula World Guide
68 Elysium Nebula
grand structure called the Consulorium where
the council would make its gubernatorial de-
cisions. When the Orobas council was eventu-
ally dissolved in favour of the more robust Re-
publican model of the URE the Consulorium
became the working place of the governor of
Orobas. Eventually (in 107) the entire struc-
ture was bought by a Supreme Prelate of the
Monodominancy and the Consulorium has
since become one of the most infuential re-
ligious locations in the Nebula. Te Order of
the Clouds makes its principal Cathedral the
old Consulorium and they are a very powerful
order in the Monodominant Church.
Androalphus is the closer of the two moons
and, like the rest of the system, maintains a
rich history and heritage. Androns (as peo-
ple from Androalphus are often called) have
a reputation for being a bit snobbish. Tey
dress well, maintain quaint traditions and
are well very polite by the standards of the
rest of the United Republic. Androalphus is
a built up moon almost entirely dominate
by cityscape. Despite this Androalphus has
managed to retain its natural beauty to some
extent in the form of zoos, gardens, and wild-
life reserves that have been artfully integra-
ted into the cities themselves. Androalphus
is considered architecturally one of the most
attractive places to visit with in the Elysium
Nebula, so not surprisingly it gains a decent
revenue from tourism. In fact it is suspect that
Andron elitism stems in part from the fact that
this is what visitors expect them to be like and
because the Androns try as much as possible
to sell their image.
Valac is a very distant moon from Orobas
(most likely it is a far fying meteorite that got
caught in a wide unlikely orbit as it passed
close to Orobas). Te moon, like Androal-
phus, is terraformed and the technomagic of
the elves has artifcially increased its gravity
across the surface as is the case with many
moons and worlds across the Elysium Nebula.
However its distance and its small size made
early human settlers take the assumption that
in fact it would be uninhabitable. By the time
that Valac was visited for the frst time by ex-
plorers it was with incredible shock that the
humans discovered the true signifcance of
elvish terraforming. Nearly every world in the
Elysium Nebula is habitable thanks to them.
Tankfully Valac is one of those places so sig-
nifcant in the humans understand of their
new homes that they have not over-urbanized
it. It retains a good deal of wilderness and it
has one of the lowest populations in the Ely-
sium Nebula. Like Androalphus much of the
income of Valac comes from tourism. Unlike
Androalphus, Valac is not particularly known
for its culture rather as a site of historic sig-
nifcance and place of considerable natural
beauty. Possibly due to the Monodominat in-
fuence in the Orobas system in general, Valac
has an unusually high number of Monodomi-
nist Churches. n
Androalphus is considered architectu-
rally one of the most attractive places to
visit with in the Elysium Nebula, so not
surprisingly it gains a decent revenue
from tourism
Elysium Nebula 69
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Planet Overall
Phoenix is most marked historically for being
at the centre of the birth of one of the most
widespread and important faiths prevalent
in the new system. It and its moons are eth-
nically similar and share a common history
and religion.
In the year -1207, at the height of the Illithid
wars, the planet Phoenix (which was called
New Egypt at the time) and its three moons
was going to fall to a potent invasive force. Te
planet Phoenix was founded predominantly
by humans of Arabo-Afro descent and it had
been a particular opportunity for this ethnic
group to forge a new racial identity in the Ne-
bula. In a Chemical Dependancy Institution
on this world was a young 17 year old named
Phoenix Assal raving and ranting, hooked
of his mind on Aesir. When the invasion of
New Egypt the insitution was destroyed and
the people of New Egypt were sent feeing for
their lives. During this period Phoenix the boy
battled with inner daemons that came with a
bad Aesir trip and within a week of the initial
attack he recovered harder and stronger.
Phoenix was a sorcerer of epic proportions. It
is said he was able to disintegrate tanks with
his mind and erupt volcanoes with a gesture.
When he recovered from his madness, he be-
came flled with clear purpose and tranquil
clarity. He led his people to victory against
the Illithids and in his honour they renamed
the planet Phoenix. When victory was clai-
med however Phoenix did not stop for Pho-
enix was not just a hero for the people of New
Egypt but also for humanity as a whole. He
assembled an army of the willing and a feet
and few to support the army that was enga-
ged in the most desperate conficts over the
central world of Elysia Prime. On the voyage
Phoenix recounted the sights and sounds of
his travels through his soul when he tripped
too deep in New Egypt. His book Te Visions
of Phoenix is a holy text for the Pheonixian
For nearly thirty years Pheonix and his units
battled and the war raged backwards and
forwards, swinging frst in favour of one side
and then the other. It soon became appa-
rent that in many occasions only the force
of Phoenixs potent, arcane mind could hold
back the terrible tide of the Illithids. When
The Phoenicians have used the ancient
pyramid designs of Egypt as their holy
structure for their temples. The temple
at New Cairo on Elysia Prime contains
one such pyramid and as depicted
above in Hadas where once stood the
institution that hospitalized Phoenix.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
70 Elysium Nebula
the Illithids captured the world of Vohuma-
nah the Illithids came to possess millions of
living human prisoners which they threa-
tened to kill of if certain demands were not
met. When it was clear the humans could
not meet their demands (mostly tactical con-
cessions and reverse prisoner trading) Pho-
enix was so horrifed by the thought of such
butchery that he arranged for an exchange.
He few a full Battle Barge on his own to Oro-
bas and ofered to trade himself for the life
of all the men that could be squeezed onto
the Barge. Pheonix is said to have saved over
three million people that day (-1172), but
had to turn himself over to the Illithids.
Te body of Phoenix was thrust into the
world of Elysia Prime were a city has since
appeared called New Cairo of deep religious
signifcance to the Phoenicians. Tere are
a number of other places that hold special
value and have grown likewise into cities of
great importance. Places like Hadas the city
where the Chemical Dependancy Instituti-
on that housed Pheonix in his younger years
was located and AlFalad the place where
Pheonix fought his frst battle.
Hadas is the capital city of the Phoenix system
for a number of reasons. First of all it has great
Deep within the Temple of the Eye is a
Way-Gate. A special door that people
can walk through and appear within
the Temple of the Phoenix in New Cai-
ro. Some say the Gatway is keept open
by a large statue of Phoenix next to
the Gate in which parts of his soul has
been transfered during the Creation of
the Circle of Teleportation.
Elysium Nebula 71
Elysium Nebula World Guide
religious signifcance to the Phoenicians be-
cause it is the location where Pheonix Assal
spent his youth as an Aesir dependant. Se-
cond of all because Hadas has a unique link to
Elysia Prime. Deep within the Temple of the
Eye (a large pyramid at the centre of the city)
is a Way-Gate. A special door that people can
walk through and appear within the Temple
of the Phoenix in New Cairo. Tis link to the
capital world is used by the Phoenician Cult
to help people that so desire make their pil-
grammage to the Holy City of New Cairo but
also to make money for the church allowing
certain commercial voyages as well. General-
ly the day is devoted to allowing travellers of
the former variety while the night is reserved
for high paying business clients.
Te creation of the gate is something of an in-
triguing mystery. Not long after the building
of the Temple of the Phoenix on New Cairo a
wandering Elvish Psion of venerable age was
drawn to it from afar. He reputably told the
high members of the Phoenician Cult that
the intense and raw arcane energy emanating
from the place was so strong he had to see it
for himself.
Once there he explained that such energy
could do wonderful things if harnessed in the
right way. Him and a time of Phoenician psy-
kers spent many sleepless nights preparing a
permanent Circle of Teleportation to exist in
two places joined by Phoenix Assals potent
psyke. How exactly they accomplished this
is shrouded in myth and half-fact because of
the secrecy of the operation.
AlFalad is another example of a major city that
was built surrounding a place of great religious
signifcance. After Phoenix freed himself from
the Institution and single-handedly crippled a
force of Ogres in the region that would later be
called Hadas, he travelled South with a con-
tingent of URE Marines. He proved his tactical
worth at the Battle of AlFalad - likely a turning
point in the battle for it is here that the Marines
realized the potential of the young psyker and
brought him to their orbital station to discuss
the military situation. AlFalad contains a notab-
le military barracks and a very famous Museum
of War History. One of its most notable feature
is the skeleton (and rresin model) of the terrible
black dragon Arraksu whom the Illithids sided
with during the 3rd war. Tere is an alien re-
search centre of great note as well, where people
try to study and understand the curious mind of
the Illithids and question what drives them to
kill things. All things that have stemmed from
the historical backdrop of the city.
Azurn is the smallest and most densely vegeta-
ted moon of the three that surround Phoenix.
For some reason the Elvish arcane sciences
that alter worlds took a particularly strong
grip on Azurn turning it into a steamy tropical
world. Illithids used nano-tech devices to turn
the natural fora and fauna against the people
here. Small nanites were deployed, able to al-
ter the DNA of plants and animals to turn them
into fanged killing machines with a penchant
for fghts. Azurn is now a very dangerous place
flled with all manner deadly wildlife.
Saladin reacted in nearly the opposite way
to Azurn. Whereas Azurn ended up with an
overabundance of moisture Saladin ended up
with not nearly enough. It is the largest of three
moons and is predominantly desert (or tundra
at the poles) and there is very little water any-
where on the moon. Most water is imported
directly from Malphas which is something of
a water world.
Malphas is a curious world. Whereas the other
two lacked a signifcant atmosphere before el-
vish meddling, Malphas always contained a
sort of protective layer. Malphas is unique in
that it is a predominantly water covered moon
(like many worlds) but unlike many it is pre-
dominantly covered in fresh water which may
explain why many refer to it as Loch-World
or Lake World. Malphas has the furthest or-
bit around Phoenix and is roughly the size of
Earths moon, a good mean average between
the large Saladin and smaller Azurn. n
Equipment Phoenix
You can buy more or less anything in
Phoneix and its moons. However some
equipment is cheaper than others.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Phoenix
Phoenix and its 3 moons have an Earth-like
atmosphere so PC races can breathe naturally
without requiring the use of special breathers.
Phoenix and its 3 moons have been grav-sta-
bilized by the ancient elves and have normal
earth-like gravity.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
72 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
Procel is a world typical of the New Elysian
Democracy. It gained its independance from
the United Republic in 250 only a decade af-
ter the withdrawal of Haagenti. It is about
the same size as old Terra and it features
a large moon which is of similar dimensi-
ons to Terras moon. It is a rural world that
lives predominantly off of the land. Cattle
and livestock are extremely important. Like
much of the NED it has much higher petty
crime levels than the URE (though consi-
derably lower levels of organized crime).
People tend to rough, tough and proud of
themselves. They tend to take care of their
own as the saying goes. Most communities
are based around the traditional family unit,
with large families being common becau-
se children can soon help tend to the land.
In many ways Procel is a backwards world.
Home-made shotguns are popular across
the farm lands and savannah. And to keep
hungry Lizardfolk off the property some-
times even cruder implements are used like
bows or crossbows.
Te Savannah
70% of the land in Procel is open savannah.
Low grass felds that are not very good for gro-
wing crops. Te ecology is top-heavy in the
region. Tere are a large number of hunting
cats (tigers, leopards and panthers) that had
been introduce by the humans in protected
areas and large bovine herds. Te Procel Bison
is three or four times the size of a Terran one
(due in part to the richness of the oxygen). In
parts of the Savannah sauric creatures reign
- like a throwback to the early periods on the
earth with big grass-eating lizards the size of
elephants (sauropods) and small hunting li-
zards (raptors) as well is big more terrifying
lizards that resemble the famed Tyranosaurus
Rex (called the carnosaur). And yet there are
comparatively few small creatures.
Te Totem Worshipors
Procel has a large and active lizardman com-
In parts of the Savannah sauric
creatures reign - like a throwback to
the early periods on the earth with big
grass-eating lizards the size of ele-
phants (sauropods) and small hunting
lizards (raptors) as well is big more
terrifying lizards that resemble
the famed Tyranosaurus Rex
(called the carnosaur).
Game rules Phoenix
Procel and Dantalion have been terraformed by
the ancient elves. They have an earth-like gra-
vity and atmosphere.
Elysium Nebula 73
Elysium Nebula World Guide
munity which operates its own completely au-
tonomous government. Te lizardfolk of Procel
have not adopted any modern technology and
rely instead upon the sword and the arrow. It
is interesting to note that the Totem Lizardfolk
of Procel are a unique breed and cannot inter-
mix with lizardfolk from other worlds though
it is thought that they are related. Only elvish
historians have access to the records of the
elves from when they went to world-to-world
seeding planets and they do not often share
these sacred tomes with humans - so humans
have only current genetic data to make theo-
ries about the origin of lizardfolk. In any case
there are no kobold communities on Procel
which makes it fairly unique.
Dantalion, by contrast, is an atypical world in
the NED. Te moon that circulates the world
of Procel is well-watered, it is urban, it is mo-
dern and it is a hot-spot for new and exciting
cybernetic development. Te NED Organiza-
tion called Liberal Cyberworks operates out of
Dantalion and thus the system has some of the
cheapest cybernetics in the NED. Tough Li-
beral Cyberworks lacks the resources of simi-
lar ICHA and URE manufacturers LC has been
very good at imitating the very latest techno-
logies and ofering them at reduced prices
to the NED consumer - allowing even folk in
the backwater worlds at the limit of Acherons
orbits access to life-saving organ replacement
Olaf Vorcetrix
Te representative of the Procel System for
foreign afairs is Olaf Vorcetrix the Mayor of
Paratris the capital city of Dantalion. He is in-
volved in numerous activites both across the
NED and among potential external political
allies such as the Duruki and the ICHA. Unlike
Armand Hawke, president of the NED, Olaf
takes a much less hardline attitude with the
URE. He believes the only way to open trade-
lines to their closest trading partner (the Re-
public) is to stop competing and open peace-
ful negotiations slowly. He would prefer to let
the Republic keep Isafel than see continued
bloodshed in the region. Armands opinion is
that it is easy for Olaf to say - he has already
won his war for independance. Te two are
likely to compete for the position of President
in the next elections. n
Equipment Procel
Any of the equipment below can be
bought on Procel and Dantalion. Some
of the equipment is cheaper than others
-2 Purchase DC
Equipment from the following list is chea-
per because it is commonly manufactured
on Dantalion.
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
+0 Purchase DC
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Dantalion is well-watered, urban and modern - with an unique take on architecture.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
74 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
Rhameil is a classic Elysian world. Engineered
by the elves, habited initially by lizardfolk and
kobolds and with a varied terrain across its
sclupted surface. It is larger by half than Ter-
ra of old and has two orbiting moon called
Vepar and Sabnach. It is a jewel in the United
Republic, fnancially stable, economically and
socially varied with a curious mix of human
ethnic groups. Its major cities are fo all kinds.
Tiagara is built high on the plateaus of a tem-
perate continent called Foros. Zenil is an ur-
ban city of gangways and girders located on
the southern hemisphere. Voral is a doughnut
shaped city built around the rim of the vast
Lake Voral. Its moons are likewise culturally
diverse and rich places. Rhameil is best looked
at in a disected way because visiting one part
of it can be so diferent from visiting another.
Zenil is the capital city of Rhamiel and argu-
ably the least pretty. It is here that the planets
fnancial markets meet that the lives of men
and woman are changed forever by decisions
made in a frantic efort to scrape every last cre-
dit chip into corporate entities. Zenil is struc-
turally similar to Sky-Pierce the famous urban
centre of Bath Kol, but is slightly smaller and
certainly less renown for psychic learning.
Zenil does have a school of Economics of
some reputation and is also a hub for stati-
stical research across the entire Nebula. If
you need census information, gross product
information and so on you can fnd it here.
Rhamiels capital city competes with many
others for its technical profciency. Microchip
engineering and early nano-tech research is
conducted here.
Te Lizardkin native to Rhamiel lived in the
warm river systems of what is now Tiagara be-
fore the coming of man. Here the cold-blood
lizards are able to quickly change from the hot
temperature of the water under the sun, to the
cool shaded temperature of the water where
the sun cannot see.
Tis is because the Foros Mountains are struc-
turally unique. Tectonic movement has thrust
The rocks of Tiagara are truly majestic.
The sheer weight of the structures built
on these natural stone wonders would
have toppled them were it not for the Ion
thrusters supporting the substructure.
Elysium Nebula 75
Elysium Nebula World Guide
the mountains outwards in such a way that
they form jutting edifces - like rocky penin-
sulas hanging perilously over empty sky. If the
peninsulas stretch too far the weight at the end
would cause them to snap, causing an avalan-
ched and often times crushing the lizardfolk
who lived in the irrigated river basins below.

For this reason the lizardkin revered the moun-
tains as a god, able to quickly punish commu-
nities who did not behave as it wished. Tey
called this God Rhamatl and it is in part from
this name that planet derived its calling by the
Republic. Te crashing of a rocky outcropping
led to other problems. Often the river would
dam up and homes would be swept away
downstream as the river took diferent routes.
Te river goddess was the wife to the mounta-
in in Tiagaran myth. Her name was Tiagara.
Humans, struck by the majesty of these rocky
cropping decided to brave the structure of ex-
pensive residences on the far end. Cities in the
sky. Of course the added weight always called
the structures to topple so the ingenious hu-
mans have added Ion thrusters to the bottom
end of structure to provide an equal and oppo-
site force on the other side.
Te powering of these massive thrusters re-
quired the building of a vast number of efci-
ent hydro-electrical plants on the river system
below Tiagara. Te lizardkin were quickly dis-
placed from their native homes to make room
for the powerplants. Today a large number of
Lizardkin still live in the area as powerplant la-
bourers or as servants in the households abo-
ve on the mountains themselves.
Voral is the city with the greatest surface area
in all of the Elysium Nebula - or at least it
would be if you counted the lake it surrounds
as part of the size of the city itself. Lake Voral is
a rough circle about 500,000 feet in radius. Te
entire city is built as a giant circle surrounding
the lake with a big marina at the centre.
Tough there are many unique things about
the city (its structure for one, its organized
diving trips featuring exotic fresh-water fsh
from all over the Nebula and from old Terra
as well) the thing that it is most known for
however is that it is the capital of the Mono-
dominants. Monodominance is one of the
three main religions in the Republic (the
Phoenician Cult and Neomysticism being
the other two). It is a monotheistic faith, with
white-robed clergy who worship in Mono-
dominant Churches. Monodominancy is
perhaps a fusion of various old Terran mono-
theistic religions and rose to heights during
the period of Phoeban economic dominancy
in the old Sol System.
Here the Monodominant Demagogue, equi-
valent to the Pope in old Terran catholicism,
presides in a three thousand year old citadel.
His decisions and opinions are echoed across
Monodominants all over the republic.
Vepar is the larger and closer of the two moons
that orbit Rhamiel. It was once a desert planet
pooled by two small oceans but has since been
irrigated by the elvish terraforming (the ice-
caps were melted during the process). Now it
is divided between temperate forest, grassland
and remnants of the old deserts. In these areas
humans comingle with the native Kobolds. Ve-
par also has one of the larger temples of Yuan-
Ti, though obviously not so great as the one to
be found in Salmissus.
Is a distant a far-fying small moon, that is barely
trapped by Rhamiels tight orbit around Acheron.
Sabnach is the most popular space port destina-
tion - since it is furthest out and rotates rapidly
so is almost always accessible before its sibling
moon or Rhamiel itself. For this reason travellers
going to and from Rhamiel via Sabnach generate
a healthy amount of commerce. Supplies trade
and grain trade (imports from nearby Shekinah)
keep the Sabnachians wealth; many of them
have summer homes on Rhamiels wealthy city
of Tiagara. n
Equipment Rhamiel
You can buy more or less anything in Rha-
miel and its moons. However some kinds
of equipment are cheaper than others.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Phoenix
Rhamiel has an Earth-like atmosphere so PC
races can breathe naturally without requiring
the use of special breathers.
Rhamiels moons have an Earth-like at-
mosphere so PC races can breathe naturally
without requiring the use of special breathers.
Rhamiel has been grav-stabilized by the ancient
elves and have normal earth-like gravity.
Rhamiels moons have been grav-stabilized by the
ancient elves and have normal earth-like gravity.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
76 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
Two words can be used to describe Saleos. Huge
dump. Saleos was once a small human world a
bit smaller than earth with a large Hawaiin islan-
der population. It was littered with tiny islands
and large volcanoes. But with the second arrival
of the Illithids, the planet was totally destroyed
by orbital bombardment. Te land was perma-
netly scarred and what used to be a beatiful ideal
island paradise now is used as a giant garbage
dump. Owned by the United Republic of Elysium
licensed for use by the ICHA.
Garbage that cannot be recycled is brought from
all over Elysium and dumped all across Saleos
transforming it into a toxic wasteland. Although
formerly 80% water, garbage has flled up most
of the oceans. Te radiation coming from certa-
in garbage has twisted former earth sharks into
strange and bizarre creatues. Tese so called gar-
bage sharks have actually turned out to be very
efective recyclers and are not attacked unless
they pose a threat.
Drop Point A1
Although Saleos is owned by the URE they allow
any to dump garbage for a yearly fee. In fact they
even got the ICHA to build something at no ex-
pense to the URE on the planet. Drop point A1
was manuafactured by ICHA to ensure even dis-
trubution of garbage across the world to ensure it
can be used as the collosal garbage dump of the
galaxy for as long as possible. Drop Point A1 con-
sists of a giant hole and a system of crushing ma-
chines and pipes that frst make the trash smaller
and then distribute across the planet. Drop Point
A1 is usually manned by ICHA personel that got a
little to loose with laws. As such Dont make me
send you to A1 is a common threat from ICHAn
ofcers to their crew members.
Although Bifrons was not spared from orbital
bombardment, it very much less damage was
done to Saleos only moon. When Bifrons was
terra-formed, it was originally desiginated by the
Elves to be a place of relaxation and quite exercise.
Many elves vacationing there took to hoverboards
as a sport. All across the landscape half-destroyed
ramps and half-pipes lay. Now Bifrons is believed
to house many Guild refugees and many other
half-bloods and outcasts. It is also rumored that
somewhere in the moon exists a cache of dozens
of jetboards. An entire group of people interested
in the ancient skateboarder culture of old search
the charred landscape in search of the cache. n
Equipment Saleos
Nothing can be bought on Saleos however
there is a lot of scavenging to be done.
Here is a list of companies that currently
of formerly used Saleos as a dump.
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
Any character can make a search check
DC 15 to nd anything under PDC 10. The
check takes 2d4 +2 hours and you must
have some way to travel the planet. To
nd anything over PDC 10 takes a search
check DC 25 and the item needs to be re-
paired. The check takes 3d4 +6 hours.
1-2 Garbage Shark Carcass
3-4 Huge Pile of Axis Armor of all ty-
pes. Follow the scavenge rules to
nd a certain piece of armor but
instead of hours use minutes.
5-6 large collection of damaged
AD-Bright Police Cruisers
7-8 Undamaged AutoDyn Runner
9-10 Cache of PP Classic Stubbers
11-12 2 Slightly Damaged Urean
Marine Combat Armor Suits
13-14 A dead ICHAn ofcer with no gear
15-16 E2A Ogre Minigun
17-18 A collection of Dolphin Snub-
noses, Falcon Automatics and
E2A Hammer Handcannons
19 The crashed remains of a strange
20 An entrance to a tunnel that leads
back to Drop Point A1
Game rules Saleos
Saleos was given gravity by elvish terraforming
and has earth-like gravity with no game effects.
Saleos has a completely toxic atomshpere. Brea-
thing without special equipment is impossible.
Unless wearing environmentally sealed ra-
diation proof suits anyone exposed to the at-
mosphere of Soleis takes 1d20 points of radia-
tion damage each round.
Bifrons has gravity and air similar to earth with
no game effects.
Elysium Nebula 77
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Planet Overall
Of the two dozen fertile worlds controlled by
the URE only one conceals a threat potenti-
ally deadlier than the combined peril posed
by the Illithids and Kruthik. Te world is cal-
led Salmissus and like all the worlds of the
Elysium Nebula was altered in ancient times
to be lush and fertile except for along the
equator where even the science and magic of
the ancient elves was not sufcient to irrigate
the land. It is far less temperate than most
Elysian worlds as it is quite close to Acheron.
Along the equator of the world is arid desert
but north and south is lush jungle and then
subtropical rainforest. Te poles of the world
can be very cool in the winter seasons but
they too get hot in the summer (a meditera-
nean climate).
In the western hemisphere of the world, along
the borders of the equitorial desert (where it
meets the foetid swampland of Sett) lies a vast
temple called the Temple of the Serpent King.
Tis is the home of the Yuan-ti who existed
on this world long before the coming of men
and their guns and armoured vehicles. Tey
existed on this world during the brief reign of
the illithids and even before when they elves
had come (at that time the world was a bar-
ren desert all the way around). Discovering
the Yuan-ti on this world forced early enco-
unters between humanity and the snakefolk
and humans soon found that the snakefolk
used only a tiny bit of land on an otherwise
vast planet. After some communication the
humans delineated Yuan-Ti zones (at the
Temple of Sett and at two other locations an
island called Osiris and a city in the far South
called Isthmos).
The Serpent King is a powerful psyker
who uses his mental powers to do-
minate humans to his will. A number
of senators and prominent political
gures on Salmissus are actually in
fact Snake-Blood Humans.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
78 Elysium Nebula
Te humans settled the world and many for-
got of the presence of the serpent folk (so good
were they at being quiet and unmeddling). By
the second or third generation of men in the
world some humans began to have doubts
about the presence of the Yuan-Ti in what they
had come to see as their world. All too often
men would investigate the conspiracy theories
bubbling up around the Yuan-Ti would disap-
pear never to be seen from again. Too many
politicians actively defend the Yuan-Ti. Too
many politicians with rather disturbing snake-
like eyes. Is the goal of these creatures to take
over the United Republic of Elysium by inser-
ting snakeblooded humans into high ranking
positions in the human government - snakeb-
loods who are only loyal to the Serpent King
at the Temple of Sett? Some believe it. Perhaps
this is too rudimentary, too simple for this
alien race which has proven time and again
to be far more sophisticated and wily than
humanity had given them credit for in their
frst encounter. Whatever the Serpent King has
planned for the universe, one thing is for sure.
Tere are sinister machinations at work deep
in the Temple of the Serpent King and many a
would-be hero hope to expose this.
Desert of Sett, Osiris and Isthmos
Te Temple of the Serpent King is a massive ali-
en structure located deep in the Desert of Sett.
Te temple is a massive many-tiered ziggurat
within which very many of the alien serpen-
toids called the Yuan-Ti reside. Te Yuan-Ti of
Sett are traditionalists, wearing traditional ar-
mour and robes and bearing the symbol of the
Serpent King at all times. Tey are the least ap-
proachable of the Yuan-Ti and have an other-
worldly alien quality to them that disturbsmen
at a fundamental level.
To the northeast of the desert there is an island
called Osiris. Here the Yuan-Ti live in swam-
plands and craft clay ziggurats that emerge
high above the swampy surface. Like the Yuan-
Ti of the Desert of Sett they too are quite tradi-
tional; though they favour bows and crossbows
over the melee weapons of the Guardians of
Sett. Tey are less skilled with magics and psio-
nics than those who have trained in the Temple
of the Serpent King and are therefore generally
less frightening than the Desert of Sett breed.
Isthmos is a city in the far south. It is a rela-
tively modern city, with a Yuan-Ti ziggurat
at its centre. Tis is a trading post, a meeting
place between the two cultures. It is where
human diplomats visit when discussing thing
like the Yuan-Ti zoning rules and when wan-
ting to trade or otherwise interact with the
Yuan-Ti. Here Yuan-Ti have picked up human
mannerisms. Teir hips (where there snake-
like tail starts) often have belts with modern
sidearms like laser and plasma pistols shea-
thed in them. Te Yuan-Ti here have learned
technology, they are practiced with compu-
ters and they are altogether more accessible
than other Yuan-Ti.
Tat said, the Yuan-Ti of Isthmos can be consi-
dered the most sinister for they have disguised
their true loyalties to the Serpent King. Among
themselves they use their own alien speech
and mannerisms; the transformation for an
onlooker is astonishing. Tey behave comple-
tely diferent when humans are not watching.
Tey are also the ones who reintroduce sna-
keblooded men back into the fold.
Adis Haleil
Adis Haleil is the capital city of Salmissus. As
might be expected of a world in this region
of space, its dominant people originate from
Pheonix and have brought with them the
Phoenician culture and the revival of Egypti-
an themes and architecture. Adis Haleil is an
homage to the grandeur of ancient egypt. Te
senatorial palace contains a great walkway
leading up to a large and elegant chrome py-
ramid. Te walkway is fanked by large plas-
teel sculptures of ancient egyptian gods from
Anubis to Bastet. Perhaps most eerily of all is
that Sett the Snake God is depicted on his own
standing on the right side of the doors. Te
current governor of Adis Haleil is a half-Ori-
ental, half-Phoenician woman named Vella
Craye. She is rumoured to have a large albino
boa constrictor in her palace. In truth her true
loyalties lie not with the Republic but with the
Serpent King. She is the Kings eyes and ears
onto the worlds of the Elysium Nebula. Efec-
tively an entire world is under his sway. If ever
the Republic knew how far reaching the web of
corruption spun by the Yuan-Ti was, surely the
world of Salmissus would be invaded and the
temples of the Yuan-Ti razed. n
Equipment Salmissus
You can buy more or less anything on
Salmissus. However some equipment is
cheaper than other.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
Equipment from the following manufactu-
rers can be purchased at no penalty.
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Salmissus
Salmissus has an earth-like gravity and at-
Elysium Nebula 79
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Te Planet Overall
Shekinah is a moderately sized planet, about
9/10 the size of the Planet Earth. Likewise its
single moon Raum is barely larger than the
Earths moon but still quite similar in size. She-
kinah is a verdant world populated by a hard-
working people of predominantly Phoenician
faith and afro or arabo origins. Shekinah and its
moon are the two largest grain and textile ex-
porters in the known world. Raum in particular
is known for its rich cofee plantations. Some of
the major cities in Shekinah and Maur include:
Alneer, Nahaja, Nefertiti and Verwe.
Alneer is the capital city of the Shekinah sys-
tem. It is unique in the galaxy in that it still
maintains a traditional architecture and style.
Te buildings are often wood, ceramic or pro-
toclay none of this fancy plasteel or chrome
silver. Te buildings are not particularly tall, but
they make up for this in elegance. Te shape-
ly pinnacled palace of the Prince of AlNeer is
a point of galactic reference people from all
over the world come to see this monumental
structure which was reputably built entirely by
hand (no robots or machines involved). Truth
be told much of the building was done by half-
ogre or lizardkin hands, but none-the-less it is
one of the only non-mechanically aided struc-
tures of historial signifcance to the humans in
the entirety of the Elysium Nebula.
AlNeer is currently ruled over by President Ha-
bib AlMuttar who makes regular visits to Elysia
Prime to make sure the world is in compliance
with all galactic United Republic policy. Most
domestic policy is handed over to the Sheikh
Auda ibn Jad. His son, the Prince Hattal, recie-
ves the most attention in Shekinian media not
least of all because he is in a relationship with a
new lady-friend every week.
Te cofee capital of the United Republic. Grea-
ter Nahaja is several thousand acres across and is
almost entirely farm land. Here wheat is harves-
ted for bread which will be eaten in every corner
of the human galaxy. At the heart of Nahaja is a
very traditional Phoenician culture. Under a hot
sun, vendors ply their trade selling fruits, meats,
robes and jewellry. Old women who claim to see
into the future ofer glances into the beyond for
a few credits, watches and bootleg videos are
sold on hand-woven carpets and the press of
bodies - even on Sunday mornings which is a
day for rest - is everywhere. Te marketplace at
the centre of Nahaja is one of the most beautiful
in all of the nebula. Te city has a wide circu-
lar atrium where the vendors erect their stalls.
Te atrium has a cobblestone ground and each
cobblestone is a diferent shade of yellow, such
that when it is empty and seen from above it dis-
plays the symbol of a radiant sun.
Nahajas surrounding country-side is also the
biggest exporter of tobacco, two additional
The buildings are often wood, ceramic or protoclay none of this fancy plasteel or chrome silver. The buildings are not particularly tall, but they
make up for this in elegance.
Game rules Shekinah
Shekinah and Maur have an Earth-like at-
mosphere so PC races can breathe naturally
without requiring the use of special breathers.
Shekinah and Maur have been grav-stabilized
by the ancient elves and have normal earth-
like gravity.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
80 Elysium Nebula
sorts of legalized weeds, and a number of ille-
gal hallucinogenic substances. Te Shekinian
police have often tried to crack down on the
growing of illegal plants as the region is known
to be the biggest exporter of illegal drugs. Te
drug barons of Nahaja are very crafty however.
Tey spread themselves out over the vast far-
mlands, spread far and thin with a number
of contingency plans should an inspection roll
in. Te police have not yet been able to make
any major dent in the Shekinian drug trade.
Much of this stuf ends up sold to youngsters
in the streets of New Phoebe or Sky Pierce half
a solar system away.
Nefertiti, named for a beautiful Egyption queen,
is the capital of Shekinahs moon, Maur. It is in-
deed a ftting name for Nefertiti is a beautiful
city. Its exports are mainly worn manufactured
goods: jewellery, watches, shoes and other sor-
ts of clothing. Nefertiti has the largest space port
in the Shekinah system and thus sees the most
foreign trafc. Te travel lanes between it and
AlNeer are always busy, and if you expect to
take a trade barge from the one to another you
are advised to keep a close eye on your wallet
pick pockets are quite common!
Nefertiti and its surrounding region (due to the
only slight asynchronization of its orbit around
Shekinah and Shekinahs orbit around Ache-
ron) see 2 hours of day 18 hours of night per for
half the period of their orbit, and then 18 hours
of day and 2 hours of night during the other
half of the orbit. Tis means Nefertiti spends al-
most the entire orbit in either perpetual day or
perpetual night. Tese two periods are called
Night-Season and Day-Season by the locals.
Nefertiti is reputable more beautiful in Night-
Season because it is particularly well-lit by syn-
thetically intelligent hovering glow-lamps.
Verwe was once an Elvish city but due to
Shekinian humans arriving in large numbers
Elves now only make up a quarter of the po-
pulation. Already disillusioned by fnding
themselves have to adhere to the laws of
Sheikh Auda ibn Jad, and only receiving half
a vote on Urean political matters the tension
between the Elves and the local population is
mounting. Humans, being shorter lived and
being more inclined to have larger families
reproduce at a considerably faster rate. In the
last thousand years that Verwe has been part
of the United Republic the elves have seen
their own population actually dwindle (as El-
ves leave and as the birth rate drops to all new
lows) and the local human population swell
to ten times its original number. Violence has
broken out in a few occasions, Verwen police,
it is generally noted, are particularly brutal
with the elvish locals. n
Equipment Shekinah
You can buy more or less anything on
Shekinah and Maur. However some
equipment is cheaper than others.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Violence has broken out in Verwe on a few occasions, Verwen police, it is generally noted,
are particularly brutal with the elvish locals.
Elysium Nebula 81
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Tere are three worlds in the Elysium Nebu-
la that are completely devoid of life. Tey are
called Hades, Ares and Voth. Tis section deals
with each of these worlds
Hades is a dead, barren world that orbits Sola-
ris the larger of the two suns at its widest orbit.
Te entire surface is rock and it has no brea-
thable atmosphere. Tere are two research sta-
tions here - one is a Duruki one called Brogni
and the other is a Urean one called the Hades
Rearch Centre. What is beeing researched is
Top Secret, but the remote Location implies
nothing harmless... It is suspected that there
was once life on Hades, but it is long gone and
only traces of microogranisms in the dust of
Hades reveal this secret.
Whereas Hades is a dead world Ares is a world
of madness. Its molten core is so wildly active
that it has developed a thick greenhouse at-
mosphere that retains all heat. Te combined
heat of the active volcanoes and magma plus
the slow heating of the sun has made the in-
terior of the atmosphere a burning furnace.
Like Venus in the Sol System Ares is comple-
tely uninhabitable. Within the atmosphere its
temperature is the same as the surface tempe-
rature of the sun. It is suggested (though it has
never been proved) that Daemons summoned
by the Drow immune to fre have travelled to
Ares and built secret lairs for the Drow to tele-
port into. If this is indeed the case then it is by
far the most secure lair in all of the Elysium
Nebula. Ares orbits Acheron and can be found
between the orbits of the New Elysian Demo-
cracy homeworlds of Haagenti and Procel.
Voth is a giant ball of atmosphericless ice (fro-
zen to the core) that traces a fgure 8 pattern
about the two suns Acheron and Solaris. It is a
kind of seperator point between the worlds go-
verned by men and those governed by the Du-
ruki. Te icy ball is completely uninhabitable
with standard temperatures being identical to
those out in the vacuum of space. Tere are no
rumours of a secret base being built on Voth
as there are with Hades - but a big frozen ball
of ice presents plenty of opportunities to con-
eal a secret lair within. Certainly it is a more
practical location for a lair. It has no research
stations like Hades does.
Game rules Hades
Hades has gravity equal to 1/8ths of Earth.
It is considered a very low gravity world.
Hades does not have an atmosphere. When
moving about on Hades it is necessary to done
and environmentally sealed suit with a heating
system (its really cold out there!) and a brea-
thing system.
If the heating system fails the character will
take 5 points of cold damage a round and
needs to take DC 15 fort saves or be shaken by
the cold each round.
Game rules Ares
Because of its massive Core Ares has an Earth-
like gravity.
Anyone within its superheated atmosphere will
take 100 points of Fire damage per round. Addi-
tionally the surface of Ares is perpetually bom-
barded with Acid rain which deals an additional
50 points of Acid damage per round. Finally the
atmosphere is highly toxic and inhaling deals
2d6 points of Constitution damage each round
unless a DC 40 Fortitude Check is made to resist
the noxious fumes. In short, it is unlikely anyone
can survive more than a few seconds on Ares.
Game rules Voth
Voth has gravity equal to 1/20th of Earths.
It is considered a very low gravity world.
Voth does not have an atmosphere. When mo-
ving about on Hades it is necessary to done and
environmentally sealed suit with a heating sys-
tem (its really cold out there!) and a breathing
If the heating system fails the character will
take 10 points of cold damage a round and
needs to take DC 20 fort saves or be shaken by
the cold each round.
Hades Ares Voth
Elysium Nebula World Guide
82 Elysium Nebula
(Zenith Orchid and Nadir Rose)
Te Planets Overall
Solaris and Acheron, the two stars in the Ely-
sium Nebula binary star system, orbit around
one another in a constant spin cycle. Around
them several planets spin in concentric circles
and beyond them a few even spin in a fgure
8 orbit around both suns or in a wide elipse
around both suns. But the two most curious
worlds, like polar opposities to one another
are Dranaei and Fuhror. Both of these worlds
do not orbit. In ancient times they moved in
slow circular patterns pulled frst by one pla-
net and then by another. Since being colo-
nized by the Duruki however massive thruster
and stabilizer systems ensure that relative to
the two worlds Dranaei and Fuhror do not
move at all. Tey stay completely motionless
like guardians of the Elysium Nebula. Te Ely-
sium System, like Sol System, can be roughly
described as a plane with the suns and pla-
nets going ever outwards along this plane. If
we look at the system in this way then Dranaei
being the Zenithmost point of the system is
directly above the plane, hovering in defance
of physics many parsecs above the two suns.
Fuhror on the other hand is far to the galactic
Nadir, at the very lowest point and far below
the main solar plane. If we think of the Ely-
sium Nebula as on giant planet then Drana-
ei and Fuhror can be seen as the North and
South pole respectively.
Both of these worlds have been solar fxed
for a reason. Tey are the only worlds that
are perpetually, statically locked near a Jump
Gate. In fact it is very necessary that the re-
sources of an entire planet be available to
monitor the trafc coming through the jump
gates. It is here that Duruki check all trafc
going into and out of the Elysium Nebula
system. Tis allows the Duruki to keep close
tabs on the general comings and goings. In
the normal run of things the most common
jumps come from Alpha Centauri and are
made by humans who have come all the way
from Sol System looking to trade goods. Te
humans that use these two ports of entry
refer to them as Standby and Layover. Not
surprising since most new arriving humans
The Space Port of Sandalphon is the rst
port of entry for all arrivals in the Elyi-
sum Nebula. This is classic of the hard,
concrete architecture of the Duruki.
Game rules Standby and Layover
The Solar-Fixed Worlds have no atmosphere and
low gravity. In areas that have been developed
for life (force dome enclosed blocks that have a
pressurized atmosphere) the ground has Stan-
dard Duruki Gravity (10% greater than Earth Gra-
vity) and a comfortable breathable atmosphere.
Equipment Standby and Layover
In Duruki space some equipment will na-
turally be cheaper than other equipment.
Any Duruki Technology (that marked free-
market or restricted in the Duruki Tech
section) is available at standard prices.
Any human or Elvish freemarket techno-
logy is available at +2 Purchase DC for
reasons of rarity. Duruki favour no parti-
cular human group over another tech-
nology from the NED, the URE and the
ICHA is all sold at the same +2 Purchase
DC. Elvish restricted Technology is sold at
+4 Purchase DC. Any other kind of tech-
nology (Beyonder, Drow, Illithid and so on)
is available at a special +6 Purchase DC.
Elysium Nebula 83
Elysium Nebula World Guide
spend a long time delayed in either Standby
or Layover or worse even, trying to go back.
Standby (Dranaei)
Standby is the larger and busier of the two solar
fxed worlds. Sandalphon is the biggest space
port and capital city of the planet. It is the
biggest non-human spaceport in the Nebula.
Standby is the place people go to when they
want to stay of the radar. For a Duruki planet
it is fairly cosmopolitan and open, accepting of
diferent sorts of people. At the same time it is
self-governed and the URE law does not apply
here. Criminal and exiles fnd it a perfect place
to lie low for a while until their crimes blow
over and they are forgotten. A Sandalphon bar
was also the stage for the beginning of the frst
Elysium Nebula campaign ever run.
Te gate next to Standby (or Dranaei) is cal-
led the Zenith Orchid. It is one of the largest
jumpgates and has a direct link to not only
Alpha Centauri but to a number of other, now
abandoned outersystem gates. Tese systems
were lost to the Duruki during the Illithid Wars
and the Invasions of the Deadly Kruthik.
Layover (Fuhror)
Layover is Standbys little brother. It is smal-
ler and less used and by merit of this attracts
just as many thugs and criminals looking to
lie low. It can be rough place, though it is
true that the Layover Guard are reputed to
be a particularly brutal police force and that
no miscreants seeking refuge that attempt to
ply their trade on Layover often get caught
and spent much of their lives in a cold Du-
ruki dungeon. Layover, or Fuhror, is a very
small world, and therefore only accepts non-
Duruki visitors for small periods at a time.
Humans that stay longer than their Permit
of Sojourn allows will eventually get kicked
back out.
The gate next to Layover is called the Na-
dir Rose and it is actually one of the oldest
gates in the Elysium Nebula. For a long time
it could have been found lying equidistant
between the two suns, close to where all the
figure-8 planets eventually fly by. As a colo-
ny it actually predates Dranaei. When Dra-
naei was finally colonized all of Fuhror was
actually moved Nadir-words (along with the
jump gate) in order to provide a functional
alternative to Standby. In some parts of the
year, ships that came in though the Nadir
Rose gate pretty much arrived in Drumais
backyard. It is no surprise that for reasons of
security the Duruki people put some distanc
ebetween Layover and Drumai. n
Jumpgate Schedule
Alpha Core NA A B C D E F G
: Cygni System
Beta Core A NA C D E F G B H
: Eridani System
North Ivy B C NA E F G A D H
: Tau Ceti System
East Tulip C D E NA G A B E H
: Wolf359
South Lilac D E F G NA B C A H
: Groombridge
West Hyacinth E F G A B NA D C
: Alpha Centauri I
: Alpha Centauri II
Nadir Rose F G A B C D NA F
: Proxima Centauri
: Alpha Centauri II
Zenith Orchid G A D E A C F NA
: Alpha Centauri I
: Proxima Centauri
Time 1 02:00-03:00 03:00-04:00 04:00-05:00 05:00-06:00 06:00-07:00 07:00-08:00 08:00-09:00 09:00-10:00
Time 2 10:00-11:00 11:00-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-15:00 15:00-16:00 16:00-17:00 17:00-18:00
Time 3 18:00-19:00 20:00-21:00 21:00-22:00 22:00-23:00 23:00-24:00 24:00-25:00 25:00-00:00 NA
In the next few years the Duruki should
nish building a jumpgate in Sol System.
This gate will link directly to West
Hyacinth in place of the links to Alpha
Centauri I and Alpha Centauri II.
This should bring in good money for the
Duruki but many Duruki (and Elves) are
not happy as it may greatly increase im-
migration rates into the Elysium Nebula
from the human home system.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
84 Elysium Nebula
(Thorbin, Aradhlas and Dargor)
Te Planets Overall
Tese worlds are generally grouped together
because they share an orbit with three of the
major jumpgates. In fact the only way to re-
ally access these worlds is to use the jump-
gates because the distances between them
are unfathomable. It is common practice for
people to jump to the jumpgate and then
use the jumpgates gravitational slingshot to
launch themselves in orbit in the opposite di-
rection of the world. Normally this slingshot
will launch most craft at speeds near c enab-
ling them to reach the world they are seeking
very rapidly. Te Duruki intend to build two
more jumpgates for access to their most re-
mote worlds: Khardum and Drokar. As one
might imagine the worlds on the far edge of
the Elysium Nebula are not particularly large.
All three are roughly Mars sized (like Zhuk-
dul of the Infnity Worlds) and were comple-
tely atmosphereless before the arrival of the
Duruki and the building of the pressurized
force domes that now dot the harsh and cold
landscape of these worlds. Torbin and Dar-
gor each have one moon, Aradhlas have two.
Tese worlds share a similar area of space
though the distances between these worlds
are so vast that they cannot be comprehen-
ded. Tis far out the suns seem merely very
bright stars and almost all light is artifcial
on these worlds. Tere is no day time. Tey
are strange places. Te Duruki here are rat-
her more isolationist though ultimately the
proximity of the jumpgates means that they
still are able to openly and conveniantly tra-
de their goods and encounter people from all
cultures and worlds.
Torbin is the closest of the so-called Rim
Worlds that circle a massive wide orbit
around both suns of the Elysium Nebula.
Along Torbins orbit is the Jump Gate known
as the East Tulip Gate. Te East Tulip Gate is
the most popular of the Outer World Gates be-
cause there are considerable triidium reserves
(used in the synthetic metalloid called Enduri-
um) to be mined in the area of space known as
the Damocles Asteroid Belt. Te proximity of
the gate to the belt means that human mining
corporations use the gate with considerable
regularity which earns the residents of Tor-
bin a fair tithe in travel tolls. Te world is quite
well of. It is of no surprise that the further out
you go from the centre the more isolationist
the Duruki can be. On Torbin they are less
open and welcoming than the Duruki of the
Zhukdul and Drumai but none-the-less they
are not too uncosmopolitan.
Torbin is orbitted by a satellite called Brihk
that is largely uninhabited. Tere is an elvish
city to be found their protected by a Duruki
Equipment Outer Gate Worlds
In Duruki space some equipment will na-
turally be cheaper than other equipment.
Any Duruki Technology (that marked free-
market or restricted in the Duruki Tech
section) is available at standard prices.
Any human or Elvish freemarket techno-
logy is available at +2 Purchase DC for
reasons of rarity. Duruki favour no parti-
cular human group over another tech-
nology from the NED, the URE and the
ICHA is all sold at the same +2 Purchase
DC. Elvish restricted Technology is sold at
+4 Purchase DC. Any other kind of tech-
nology (Beyonder, Drow, Illithid and so on)
is available at a special +6 Purchase DC.
The mountain of Vawg on Aradhlas
was formed when an asteroid struck
the world prior to Duruki arrival. The
massive upheaved chunk of land is one
of the most unique geographical sites in
the Elysium Nebula.
Elysium Nebula 85
Elysium Nebula World Guide
style force dome and special Elvish tech-
nomagical gravity and atmosphere. Tat this
community of elves is happy to live so far
from their beloved Suns is perhaps a sugges-
tion of how far the ancient race has fallen.
Te second closest of the rim-worlds, already
we are dealing with mind-numbing distan-
ces. From one side to another then orbit of
Aradhlas is 15 light minutes across which
means at the fastest speed physically possible
it will take a quarter of an hour to cross. Sci-
entifcally possible, even using Elvish science,
without the Duruki jump gate such a journey
could take many months. Using a jump gate
Slingshot in bad season when Aradhlas is
at the opposite end of the Jumpgate it takes a
full week to travel to it.
Aradhlas has two moons. Unlike with the
other two worlds these moons are largely
inhabitied. Aradhlas has a sort of mini-sys-
tem with these three worlds trading back and
forth enough that Aradhlas has developed a
thriving short range starship industry. Te big
long distance voyagers are still made by mas-
sive Industrial plants in the Infnity Worlds
but Aradhlas industries are getting compe-
titive in the mid to short range space shuttle
Already in Aradhlas the Duruki are getting a
little Xenophobic. Tey have fewer visitors
here except for the occasional elf seeking
Asylum and the odd far travelling himan.
Aradhlas jump gate is called the South Li-
lac gate because it is solar-fxed at a point
in space that is considered Galactic South
when using the standard Elysian 3-dimensi-
onal coordinate system which include Nor-
th, South, East, West, Zenith (up) and Nadir
(down). Tese directions are often called Ga-
lactic Directions (like Galactic North or Ga-
lactic South) but in fact the term Galactic is a
misnomer because the directions are relative
to the Elysian binary star system and not to
the galaxy.
Tis is the last and furthest world to have a
jumpgate. Beyond this world there are only two
more Duruki worlds which are by far the most
unusual. Te Duruki themselves are unable
to travel much further than this without inves-
ting considerable resources in crossing the vast
void that lies between Dargor and the worlds of
Khardum and Drokar. Dargors gate is called
the North Ivy Gate and it is by far the most dis-
tant Gate that is still in the Elysium Nebula. Te
Duruki of the Ivy Gate are known for being parti-
cularly dislikable towards non-Duruki. Humans
that have the unfortunate job of trading with
Dargor often come across the Green Armoured
Ivy Gate Guards and are roughly shoved around,
poked and prodded and their Ident cards che-
cked over and over again. Tis far out Duruki are
less hospitable than in the inner worlds. Tey
run things themselves and dont feel like they
need any humanfolk about to bother them any.
Dargor has a moon called Boghardan but it
is a volcanic rock that constantly spews mol-
ten lava. It is normally uninhabited though of
course research teams and other investigators
will occasionally land there to perform some
observations or run some experiments. n
Game rules Outer Gate Worlds
The Outer Gate Worlds have no atmosphere and
low gravity. In areas that have been developed
for life (force dome enclosed blocks that have a
pressurized atmosphere) the ground has Stan-
dard Duruki Gravity (10% greater than Earth Gra-
vity) and a comfortable breathable atmosphere.
The big long distance voyagers are still made by massive Industrial plants in the Innity Worlds but Aradhlas industries are getting competi-
tive in the mid to short range space shuttle market.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
86 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
Humanity now spans a system with two suns
and over thirty major worlds; many more than
that if one counts all the space stations of the
Independent Coalition (ICHA). It is not surpri-
sing that the industry of space travel is a critical
one to the prosperity of mankind. Te worlds
of the United Republic are very distance from
one another. Te costs involved in developing
private crafts are tremendous for the URE and
often not worthwhile. For a long time the Uni-
ted Republic only manufactured bulk freighters
and commercial transport ships for travel from
one planet to another. Te Coalition however
often builds its star stations in clusters; it also
inherited a long line of starship craftsman
from the Sol System. It has patented and pro-
tected technologies which it sells to URE ship
manufacturers, like the grav-plates; and since
the Embargo Confict the ICHA has retained a
veritable monopoly on all starships.
Te curious arrangement of Uretil and its
many moons however changed this. Uretil
is the largest world in the whole of the Elysi-
um Nebula. Like Jophia, which orbits Solaris,
and Jupiter which orbits Sol. Uretil orbits the
smaller sun Acheron and is so vast (4 times
the mass of Jupiter) that the worlds that orbit
it are nearly earth-sized. Moreover there are
4 of them. 4 planet-sized moons, all in close
proximity to one another. Uretil itself cannot
truly be habited, though a number of geolo-
gical research stations exist on the periphery
of the world. However its 4 moons are all very
densely populated, and the necessity of travel
between one moon and the next has made this
part of the Nebula unique within the Republic.
It is a place that truly needs private spacec-
rafts. Families are often divided across the
moons. Every major city has a starport which
functions as the cities heart. It is not surpri-
sing therefore that the Uretil system is a hub
of commerce and the principal system for the
production of URE Starships.
Elysium Starships Co, was founded by Richard
Wells (whose son owns the company now);
whose charisma and entrepreunerial instincts
led him to cut a deal with the ICHA to trade
The Falls of Ursis on Marchosias are
the largest set of waterfalls in the enti-
re Nebula. They are a beautiful natural
wonder and only the very rich can pay
for the exclusive visits. They are own
by a private millionare named Simon
Wells, the CEO of Elysium Starships Co.
Elysium Nebula 87
Elysium Nebula World Guide
technological know-how for raw materials.
Te ES initially produced low-cost freighters
to get around the 4 moons of the Uretil system
but as the power and prestige of the company
grew ES was able to produce top of the line
starships easily able to compete with similar
ICHA models. Moreover the ES has a compe-
titive advantage. It is the only Republic based
Starship company. Many of the URE will buy
ES as a matter of national pride; not willing
to cop out and buy cheaper or superior ICHA
models; eager to support local industry. Af-
ter all there is defnitely a competitive streak
between the Republic and the Coalition.
Te four moons of Uretil are named Asmo-
dai; the smallest and closest of the moons,
Gaap; the largest of the moons, Marchosias;
the second largest and most attractive of the
moons, and Stolas; the furthest moon and
the second smallest. Each of these worlds
are codependant on one another, but all are
also unique. In addition to the 4 big moons
the planet Uretil also contains eleven lesser
moons which were never terraformed by the
elves and which are only used as research
platforms because they are little more than
rocky asteroids. One of these moons (Achil-
les) orbits Gaap. Tis is worthy of a special
note since it is evidence of the sheer size of
Uretil. Even its moons have moons! Beyond
the 11 minor moons is an asteroid belt which
forms an attractive ring around the world that
can be seen from the naked eye as far out as
Uretil orbits at about 5 AU from Acheron, a
slightly tighter Orbit than Jupiters back on Sol
System. Like Jupiter, Uretil is about 90% hydro-
gen and 10% helium (by numbers of atoms,
75/25% by mass) with traces of methane, wa-
ter, ammonia and bits of rock from collapsed
asteroids and moons. On the outskirts of the
world are a number of orbitting stations, most
of these scientifc (collecting trace elements
and performing studies) but some of these are
private or industrial. Among other things, two
noted ECS manufacturing stations are located
on the outer perimeter of Uretil. Uretil also
contains whats called the Black Storm. An
area of the planet remains perpetually dark
on what is otherwise a gasseous world that
appears streaked with red and orange. Te
Dark Storm looks like an ion storm with high
levels of eldritch activity. Some suspect that at
the centre of the Dark Storm is a jumpgate, or
an extradimensional pocket. A black dragon is
rumoured to have made his home their when
the worlds were young. In any case scientists
have not been able to travel close enough
without risking being crushed by the gravity
to gather more evidence as to what causes
the Black Storm. Despite the spinning of the
world, the Dark Storm always remains in the
same location, always facing Acheron.
Te smallest moon and one of the most
densely populated, Asmodai was an unusual
world before colonization by humans and ur-
banization. For one thing the sand and earth
of the world is naturally black and not brown.
Trace elements of iron can be found in abun-
dant quantities in the very earth itself; though
the reasons behind this are not really known.
Asmodai started as a mining world and then
becamse a manufacturing world and is now a
world of mixed disciplines. Tere is a high de-
gree of lunar pride amongst the people from
Asmodai, they consider themselves to be
Equipment Uretil
You can buy more or less anything in The
Uretil system. However some equipment
is cheaper than others.
-2 Purchase DC Bonus
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Elysium Nebula World Guide
88 Elysium Nebula
from a world of great signifcance. Te peo-
ple are known for their stif upper lip; for only
saying what is necessary and for being blunt
about their feelings. Asmodai was initially
settled by a predominantly caucasian people
but immigration from Phoenix, Shekinah and
Salmissus have made the number of people
of the Phoenician ethnicity and religion num-
ber up to about 35 percent of the population.
Te capital city of Asmodai is named Chalta-
in, and the governer Dr Claire Patel is reput-
ed to be a conservative woman of incredible
cunning and intellect.
Gaap is the largest moon. So large, in fact, that
it has a moon of its own. Achilles is nothing
more than a lumpy shaped rock. Tere are
two research facilities on Achilles, but there
is nothing of great interest there. Gaap itself
is only slight smaller than Terra of Sol System
and has not been gravitationally modifed in
any way (the gravitational diference is neglig-
able). It was terraformed however, to develop
a natural eco-system, and has a large native
population of kobolds. Gaap is the educatio-
nal heart of the Uretil system, with many well
known schools, universities and technical
training facilities. Te various companies of
the Uretil system tend to pick the cream of the
crop that come out of the Gaap schooling sys-
tem. Te capital city of Gaap is called Ellwick
and the residing governor is an old man named
Stefan van der Bek whose political views are at
odds with most everyone elses in the Republic.
Half of the Uretil system considers him a NED
Game rules Uret il
Uretil is a gas giant and its gravity is to great to
be survived by men that are not in some kind of
protected craft with grav-dampeners. It has no
atmosphere of any kind.
Asmodai, Gaap, Marchosias and Stolas all have
breathable earth-like atmospheres and have
been grav-stabilized to produce an earth-like
Ten-moons is neither grav-stabilized nor has
any kind of an atmosphere. Typically within the
mining colonies, the buildings are lined with
grav plates (not always). Outside space suits
and an air supply is need at all times.
Gaap is the educational heart of the
Uretil system, with many well known
schools, universities and technical trai-
ning facilities. Gaap has a large native
population of kobolds. The capital city
of Gaap is called Ellwick.
Elysium Nebula 89
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Marchosias is the moon with the highest cost
of living and thus has the biggest upper class.
It is the most well-kept world, with much of
its verdant greenery left over from elvish ter-
raforming stil very much intact. People of the
Uretil system try to study in Gaap in the hopes
of one day being able to live in Marchosias. As
already noted in the illustration at the begin-
ning of the Uretil section, Marchosias features
a number of natural phenomena, including
the largest waterfall in the Elysium Nebula.
Marchosias is ruled from Mount Shian, a city
near the southern pole of the moon, though it
is argued that its young governor, William Ver-
moth, has less infuence over the world than
Simon Wells, inheritor of the wealthy Starship
company ES.
Te furthest of the moons, Stolas is the least
economically stable. It is too far out to be in
the swing of the major commercial trans-
actions that occur. Most private starships,
which are the kind that do this sort of travel-
ling, take a few days to reach it. Tis means
that it is very cut of from the rest of the Ure-
til system. Furthermore its proximity to the
outer moons basically means the bulk of the
residents at Stolas are freelance miners. Not
the sort of people you want to make silly jo-
kes with. Te Uretil miners are rough, hard
people with a mean temper. It also doesnt
help the general nature of the Stolasians that
a good chunk of the world part of a massive
prison network called Te Dungeon. Te
Dungeon is reputed to be the most secure
prison in all of the Elysium Nebula, and all
of the most feared enemies of the Republic
end up there. It is certainly the biggest. Sto-
las governor is an ex-sports fgure named Di-
ego Carlos. His gubernatorial seat changes in
location periodically as the nation has three
principal cities rather than a single capital. It
is said that Diego has about as much political
clout as Lee-Anne Ruth, the Executive Prison
Warden at the Dungeon.
Collectively called Ten-Moons, beyond Sto-
las are ten major rocky moons. None of them
have been terraformed and all of them require
breating apparatus, but these ten moons each
contain a variety of minerals and natural re-
sources ranging from irons, to gold and triidi-
um. Tree of the moons have octane gasses
that bubble at the centre and large gas plants
have been built to convert the gas into a na-
tural fuel. Not surprisingly there is little law
across ten-moons and its a hazardous place to
try to survive in. Beyond ten-moons is a true
asteroid feld called the Uretil Belt. Tere are
rumours that a small drow pirate camp exists
somewhere in the Belt, picking of the miners
in Ten-Moons now and then for who-knows
what reason. Te moons are named after clas-
sic Greek heroes and from closest to furthest
are called: Calypso, Iphitus, Telemachus, Nes-
tor, Menelaus, Hector, Perseus, Laertes, Anti-
nous, Helen. n
Marchosias is the most well-kept
world, with much of its verdant greene-
ry left over from elvish terraforming
stil very much intact. People of the
Uretil system try to study in Gaap in the
hopes of one day being able to live in
Elysium Nebula World Guide
90 Elysium Nebula
Te Planet Overall
Vaul, named for the Elvish Deity of the For-
ge, has the largest iron traces of any other
world in the Elysium Nebula. In fact when
the Elves encountered the world they found
one of the smallest and densest objects in
star system. Te initial belief of the Elvish
people was that Vaul, the ball of iron, could
never be terraformed. It was too small and
too dense. Te challenge to terraform this
world however was eventually taken up by
an experienced team of Elvish Geomancers
who had in their illustrious career also been
responsible for the terraforming of every
world around Acheron from Isafel to Phoe-
nix and who had terraformed Cemeias and
Amduscias the two moons of Vaul. Tey were
not going to be stopped by Vaul on their way
out. Te process of terraforming in the case
of Vaul tooks tens of thousands of years and
never quite worked. Te world was expanded
so that it would be less dense per square ki-
lometer (and more importantly give of less
magnetic radiation) and it took many years
to cause the molten core to shake up enough
gas to form a usable atmosphere. Te elves,
guiding the transformation along with pow-
erful magics from orbital platforms were able
to get it to a point where it was habitable -
but not quite right. A mere 17% of the world
is covered in water, very little by the standard
of elvish design. Te gravitational pull of Vaul
is 125% that of the other worlds. Te men
and women of Vaul tend to be shorter, sto-
ckier and a little more muscular than most
because of the extra strain that is constantly
put on their muscles. It is the least verdant
world of all in the Elysium Nebula. No trees
have ever been properly grown in Vauls soil -
only pioneer weeds were succesfully planted
that have since evolved into a curious blue
veins that cover the rocky planet across al-
most its entire surface. Te world is, without
question, one of the most alien to humans
who visit. Which has had the efect of actual-
ly making it remarkably popular to visit. Te
The powerful anti-spacecraft guns
mounted at strategic points around the
Bastion of Umgar which served the
URE so well have made the planet of
Vaul the most secure of the worlds of
the NED by far.
Elysium Nebula 91
Elysium Nebula World Guide
blue crawler vines are exported to decorate
the pillars of wealthy mens homes all over
the nebula for their curious alien quality.
And naturally the planets rich iron deposi-
ts made it a critical exporter in the United
Republic. Which is why it hurt all the more
when, over the course of a single night, the
people of Vaul overthrew their government
and declared independance under the char-
ter initially outline by the rebels of the New
Elysian Democracy. Vaul had seceded, and
the URE reeled from this sudden and unex-
pected revolution.
Bastion of Umgar
Umgar was a military station of titanic propor-
tions used as a gathering and training point
for URE Marines on their way from URE space
to NED space. Te NED rebels sealed the mi-
litary units within with the fash-seals and re-
leased a deadly viral weapon to wipe the bar-
racks clean of URE presence during the night
of revolution in 352. Since then the bodies
have been cleared out by the military of the
new government and the mighty admantite
structure has become the new seat of power
of Vaul. Te powerful anti-spacecraft guns
mounted at strategic points around the Bas-
tion of Umgar which served the URE so well
have made the planet of Vaul the most secure
of the worlds of the NED by far. It continues
to export its vast mineral and iron wealth to
the ICHA (and to some URE folk who are pre-
pared to look the other way) and continues to
bring in a tidy proft. It is therefore the only
world in the NED that is fnancially stable. It
is, in all efects, a unique place.
Te Forge of Massay
Te city of Massay contains the largest forge
in the NED and it is they that produce every
major arms and armour that outft the re-
volutionaries of the new democracy. It was
not until Vaul turned that the URE began to
consider the NED a serious threat to internal
Te great continental mass
With such a low percentage of water on Vaul
it is no surprise that all major land masses
are interconnected somehow. Te major
landmass contains the civillian population of
Vaul. As a planet it is not overtly given over to
fghters in the revoution as it was at a time.
Te URE has relinquished in its belief that it
will be easily conquered again and thus the
people have started to live in a relative calm.
Te swarthy people of Vaul have fragmen-
ted their government such that each city is a
law unto itself and is ultimately very diverse
from any other. Crime levels tend to be fair-
ly high in Vaul and even the most tranquil
citizen is volatile compared to other people
of the Nebula. Te continental mass of Vaul
is stereotyped as being a hectic sprawl of ho-
verbikes and bars that stretch across the dark
asphalt-like road paved from the very living
rock itself.
Cemeias is the smaller and closer of the two
moons that orbit Vaul. Cemeias was the last
of the two moons to fall to NED control and
was a fnal bastion of the URE for a long time
after Vaul fell. Te fall of Cemeias was some-
what inevitable. Not only were people revol-
ting but it came under attack from the entirety
of Vauls planetary defense feet. Cemeias is
now the least secure in its identity with some
voices crying out that things were safer under
the URE.
Amduscias is a large moon, roughly three
times the size of Terras moon in Sol System.
It represents a classic world of the New Elysi-
an Democracy. Unlike Vaul it is not nearly so
wealthy, and the people have acclimatized
themselves to living simple lives directly of
the land. In many areas beasts of burdens are
favoured over grav-vehicles or robots. Tat
said, the moon, under the protection of Vaul,
is able to be more accepting of outsiders than
some of the outer NED planets. Cowboy hats
and boots are popular apparel, as in much of
the NED. n
Game rules Cemeies and Amduscias
Cemeies and Amduscias the moons have an
earth-like atmosphere and gravity.
Game rules Vaul
Vaul has an earth-like atmosphere so breathing
there requires no special apparatus. However
it is a high density heavy world and it is trea-
ted as a High Gravity World for the purpose of
racial adaptation feats. Additionally everything
weighs 25% more which means players can
carry less according to their carry weight.
Equipment Uretil
Any of the equipment below can be bought
on Vaul and its moons. Some of the equip-
ment is cheaper than others though.
-2 Purchase DC
Equipment from the following list is chea-
per because it is commonly manufactured
on Vaul.
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Elysium Nebula World Guide
92 Elysium Nebula
The Planet Overall
Vohumunah, like Nememiah - is ideally po-
sitioned as stopover point for trading freigh-
ters travelling to and from the two suns in the
Elysium Nebula. It sees less traffic than Ne-
memiah and there are a number of reasons
for this. For one thing Vohumunah has no
moon. The biggest space port on Nememi-
ah is on its moon Morax. The lack of a moon
means that all ships have to dock planet side
and this is often more fuel costly because of
the greater height of the atmospheric layer
they have to pierece when leaving. Neme-
miah also has a spacestation that orbits geo-
synchronisly over New Sanfran.
Economists of the United Republic point to
the fact that the Shekinah grain harvest oc-
curs principally in the peroid of the Gulliver
trade cycle when Nememiah is crossing. Ne-
ver the less Vohumunah sees its fair share of
traffic - and many traders prefer to take the
Guillver Trade Route when Vohumunah is
in cycle because it is a much more attractive
Palmentiero is a large city with a very old-
Terran european aesthetic. It has cram-
ped building, narrow streets and plenty of
houses constructed in stone or cement. This
is because Palmentiero was one of the ear-
lier areas landed on by humans and a lot of
this area was built up with the help of the
local Lizardmen. Their ability to move and
place large blocks made them ideal to aid in
the construction of housing.
The lizardmen are still very active in the
region and this city represents one of the
greatest efforts of human / native integrati-
on in the Elysium Nebula. True, most of the
lizardmen are dock-workers, helping people
unload and reload their spacecraft - but ne-
ver the less the population of Palementiero is
nearly 60% lizardman and that has to count
for something.
As the city was forced skywards by an ab-
undant population, the government never
ruined the natural aesthetic of Palmentiero
with sky-scraper but instead chose to build
up the city with natural plascrete bridges
Elysium Nebula 93
Elysium Nebula World Guide
and tall structures made of neo-traditional
Lobago Port
Roughly positioned on the opposite side of
the planet as Palmentiero, Lobago is ano-
ther major port on the world. Lobago is
ruled over by a reformed pirate and has
some very curious rules at the gubernatorial
level. Kobolds and Lizardfolk here are affor-
ded full voting priveleges in local elections
(half priveleges in planetary and senatory
elections by merit of the fact that local rules
cannot change the laws at higher levels).
Lobago is a much more urban and modern
city than Palmentiero and arguable less at-
tractive for it. However it is the more popu-
lar destination for people that are living on
Vohumunah and its not uncommon when
in Palmentiero or other areas on that side of
the globe to say theya re saving money to go
to Lobago.
Lobago also has one of the largest sporting
Arenas and their city Kickball Team is recko-
ned to be one of the best, not just on the pla-
net, but in the whole solar system. n
Equipment Vohumanah
You can buy more or less anything in Vo-
humunah. However some equipment is
cheaper than others.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
Equipment from the following manufactu-
rers can be purchased at no penalty.
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
EC (Elite Crafts)
TB (Traders Barges)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Game rules Vohumunah
Vohumunah has an Earth-like atmosphere so
PC races can breathe naturally without requi-
ring the use of special breathers.
Vohumunah has an Earth-like gravity so PCs
can walk around comfortably.
Palmentiero is a large city with a very
old-Terran european aesthetic. It has
cramped building, narrow streets and
plenty of houses constructed in stone
or cement. This is because Palmentiero
was one of the earlier areas landed on by
humans and a lot of this area was built up
with the help of the local Lizardmen.
Elysium Nebula World Guide
94 Elysium Nebula
Yakutsk Station was originally built as a re-
search facility just outside the Ice Cloud
of Magellan. This gasseous collection of
icy meteorites and frozen space dust is the
home to the largest number Dragons in the
Elysium Nebula. Dragons, are by and lar-
ge, the most inexplicable alien creatures
in the Nebula. Not least of all because they
can live for millions of years (which means
they dont really want to waste time with
short-lived human types) but also because
they are the only species to have reputed-
ly evolved not on a planetoid. Here in the
Magellan Cloud, it is said the first Dragons
originated. Initially as simple cold-resistant
and vacuum resistent serpentoid bacterium
living off space dust but eventually into the
titanic behemoths that exist today. No doubt
the high concentrations of eldritch energy in
the Magellan Cloud have contributed to this
evolutionary fluke.
Te people of Yakutsk Station have developed a
sort of amicable relationship with certain dra-
gons (dragons are notoriously foul-tempered
however and a minor agreivance could foul up
the whole relationship - and these are the so cal-
led good Metallic Dragons! Te chromatics are
best avoided altogether, the only thing they think
humanoids are good for is food!). Tis is the cent-
re for Dragon studies in the Elysium Nebula.
Not surprisingly the resident Oligarch of Ya-
kutsk is dragon-blooded. Tis helps seal relati-
onships between the Dragons and the Humans
of the station somewhat. Tere is a fair popu-
lation of half-dragons, and dragons in human
form are always welcome aboard Yakutsk. n
Game rules Yakutsk Station
The stations have been grav-stabilized and the
atmosphere is simulated. The atmosphere and
gravity are both earth-like.
Depicted above Zhukdul has just eclip-
sed Acheron, which otherwise shines
ever brightly on Kazan Station.
Elysium Nebula 95
Elysium Nebula World Guide
Equipment Kazan and Yakutsk Station
You can buy more or less anything on the
stations. However some kinds of equip-
ment are cheaper than others.
+0 Purchase DC Penalty
CC (Core Cybernetics)
DA (Delta Arms)
ACD (Axis Civilian Defense)
APA (Axis Professional Armour)
SS (Sophos Stimulants)
INS (Ichan National Starships)
IR (Ichan Robotics)
TB (Traders Barges)
OT (OmniTech)
SN (Shadowjack Nanoware)
IPC (ICHA PsyCorp)
Generic (generic no-name brands)
+2 Purchase DC Penalty
AutoDyn Vehicles
CG (Correllan Genetics)
CC (CyberCorp)
E2A (Elysium Arms and Armour)
EC (Elite Crafts)
LAI (Laser Arms Industry)
PP (PlasmaPro)
AC (Azerdine Chemicals)
HMS (Hyperdine Mecha Systems)
ES (Elysium Starships Co)
AS (Arcane Supplements)
LC (Liberal Cyberwork)
GA (Greeneld Arms)
PB (Protectorate Bodysuits)
+4 Purchase DC Penalty
Duruki Freemarket Technology
Elvish Freemarket Technology
RGP (Reclaimers Guild Products)
+6 Purchase DC Penalty
Elvish Restricted Tech
Duruki Restricted Tech
Illithid Technology
Drow Technology
DA (Daemon Artifacts)
Beyonder Technology
Many private Enterprises - some small,
some gigantic - try to make prot of the
resources which can be found in the
Magellan Cloud.

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