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Chapter 2: Project Board

Choose ONE of the following options.

1. Create a poster illustrating things you do
throughout the day. Include at least 12
activities that you do. (You can also include
things that you do not do.) For each activity,
make sure to include an illustration.
2. With a partner, perform a skit in which you
discuss which activities you like to do and
which you do not like to do. Between you
and your partner, you should discuss at least
20 activities that you either like or dont like.
You will need to perform your skit for the
class or record it for us to watch later.
3. Make a childrens book that has simple
phrases about the life of a character. You
should use 12 different activities and
animations (drawings, pictures, etc.) to show
all the things the student does.
4. Create a video: Une journe de la vie
dun(e) lve. (A day in the life of a
student.) In your video you must highlight 12
different activities that your student
participates in throughout the day, and use the
correct form of each verb and activity. You
may work with a partner for this project.
5. Write a postcard to your 4-year-old French
cousin to explain what a day looks like for an
American. In your postcard describe 12
different activities that you do (or dont do)
each day. Your postcard should be decorated.
6. Write a song and perform it live or record it
and play it to the class describing the different
things you do during the day. You should
include at least 12 different activities.

No matter which project you choose, make sure your grammar is correct and you conjugate your
You may choose to work with a partner for any of these projects; however if you do, you must
describe 20 activities, instead of 12.p

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