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Science overarching idea: (topic assigned) Year Level: sessions: 2 ate:

!verall ai"s o# the $nit
At the end o# this $nit st$dents %ill &e a&le'capa&le o#:

Teaching approach assigned and short description:
(e) voca&$lar):

(e) e*$ip"ent ' reso$rces:

(e) A$stralian Science c$rric$l$" Standard (ta+en directl) #ro" the

Learning o$tco"es:
(What will students accomplish?)
Speci#ic activities session ,
(In terms of what the students will do)
Students will (respond, create, plan, design...)
Students will...
Learning o$tco"es:
(What will students accomplish?)
Speci#ic activities session ,
(In terms of what the students will do)
Students will (respond, create, plan, design...)
Students will...
Learning o$tco"es:
(What will students accomplish?)
Speci#ic activities session ,
(In terms of what the students will do)
Students will (respond, create, plan, design...)
Students will...
Attach"ents: (please provide all the hando$ts and other learning'teaching reso$rces to &e $sed and speci#) i# the) are to &e $sed in
session ,. 2 and -)

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