Aptitude Test

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There are 50 questions in the following pages. Each question has four alternatives.
Please read each question carefully and indicate the right answer by marking (ighlight in
!ellow" in the relevant bo# in the $nswer %heet.

1. Which word is least like the other three?
A) Tiny B) Large C) Miniature D) Sall

!. "and is to #lo$e as "ead is to %
A) "air B) &eck C) 'arrings D) "at

(. Which one does not )elong to the grou*
A) Cu)e B) +ectangle C) "e,agon D) Triangle
-. ./ you rearrange the letters 0AB'+1 what would you ha$e the nae o/?
A) Autoo)ile B) Town C) Anial D) 2egeta)le

3. Which nu)er does not )elong in the /ollowing se4uence?
15 !.5 -5 65 175 (!58.
A) 9our B) &ine C) :ne D)Si,teen

7. Which word is the o**osite o/ AWA;'?
A) Dreaing B) +esting C) Aslee* D)+ela,ed
<. "aer is to &ail as &eedle is to %
A) Thread B) Sew C) Shar* D) Stitch
=. >ou are using a two?liter )ucket to carry water. "ow any tri*s to the well will )e
necessary to /ill a nine?liter )ucket?
A) - B) -.3 C) 3 D) 3.3
6. Train is to length as Tower is to %
A) Colour B) De*th C) "eight D) Width
1@. Which acti$ity does not )elong to the grou*?
A) Au* B) +ead C) Aog D)Ski
Con/idential ',celSo/t

11. Which nu)er does not )elong to the /ollowing nuerical se4uence?
! - 7 = 6 1! 1-
A) ! B) - C) 6 D) 1!
1!. Which o)Bect does not )elong in the grou*?
A) Satellite B) Sun C) Clanet C) Coet
1(. Sunil is )oth the !3th )est and the !3th worst athlete on his tea. "ow any athletes
are on his tea?
A) !3 B) 3@ C) 31 D) !7
1-. >ou /orget to wind your watch and it sto*s at -.@@ C.. on Monday. "ow any hours
would it )e o// at 11.@@C on Tuesday.
A) Se$en B) Thirteen C) &ineteen D) Twenty 9i$e ') Thirty one

13. :ne hundred )usiness*eo*le gather at a eeting. =3 o/ the carry a cellular *hone5 =@
o/ the ha$e a )ee*er5 <3 o/ the s*eak at least two languages and <@ o/ the wear a
suit. There/ore5 a certain nu)er o/ the ha$e all o/ the a)o$e% a cell *hone A&D a
)ee*er A&D s*eak at least two languages A&D wear a suit. :ut o/ these 1@@
)usiness*eo*le5 what is the least *ossi)le nu)er who ha$e all o/ the a)o$e?
A) 1@ B) 13 C)1= D) !@
17. 2iBay lost his *art?tie Bo)5 which reduced the net /aily incoe )y !@D. "is wi/e
Maya decided to work o$ertie to co*ensate /or the lost incoe. :ther things )eing
e4ual5 )y what *ercentage ust her net salary increase in order to arri$e at the sae net
/aily incoe as they had )e/ore Aoe lost his Bo)?
A)!@D B) !3D C) (@D D) -@D

1<. What would )e the ne,t nu)er in this series?
!8..-8.=... 17 ... (! ... ??
A) 7- B)67 C) -6 D) 37
1=. #randa sent +a soe oney /or his )irthday. +a s*ent all o/ it in /i$e stores. .n
each store5 he s*ent +s.1.@@ ore than hal/ o/ what he had when he cae in. "ow uch
oney did he get /ro granda?
A) +s.<.3@ B) +s.!3 C) +s. (@ D) +s.-7 ') +s.7!
16. Which one o/ the /ollowing /i$e is least like the other /our?
A) Mu)ai B) Colo)o C) London D) Dhaka
!@. >our teenage daughter Salona and her /riend Mona in$ented a secret al*ha)et. >ou /ind
a note that Salona wrote /or Mona using this secret code. Salona tells you that it says%
Con/idential ',celSo/t

"i Mona5
>esterday5 ?????? asked e out. Salona
>ou des*erately want to know who the guy is5 )ut she wonEt tell you. Can you /igure
out his nae /ro the note?
Ls Fc$B5
T)d/)o4Bt5 FBo/s$ Bd)4 u) c,/. DB*c$B.
"is nae is%
A)Mathews B)Marcus C) Michel D)Martin
!1. A grou* o/ ladies eet /or an a/ternoon tea *arty. They )ring all their cats. .n all5 there
are !! heads and <! /eet. "ow any ladies and how any cats are in the roo?.
a) 7 ladies and 17 cats
)) < ladies and 13 cats
c) = ladies and 1- cats
d) 6 ladies and 1( cats
e) 1@ ladies and 1! cats
!!. Mahesh took a test o/ a certain nu)er o/ 4uestions5 each 4uestion ha$ing the sae
$alue. "e answered 1@ 4uestions incorrectly. This resulted in an accuracy score o/ 7@D.
"ow any 4uestions were in the test?
A)13 B)!@ C) !3 D) (@ ') (3
!(. Se$en disks??#5 "5 L5 :5 C5 S5 F??are )eing inserted in a CD *layer. The order in which
the disks are *layed is su)Bect to the /ollowing restrictions ? L ust )e *layed )e/ore
)oth : and F. ',actly two disks ust )e *layed )etween # and C one o/ which ust )e
L. " cannot )e *layed /irst. ? ./ L and : are *layed consecuti$ely5 which one o/ the
/ollowing cannot )e true ?
A) S is *layed second
B) # is *layed second
C) L is *layed third
D) : is *layed /orth
') " is *layed si,th
Con/idential ',celSo/t

!-. Because o/ winter stor daage5 the cost o/ a *ound o/ a**les at the local su*erarket
has increased -@ *ercent while the cost o/ a *ound o/ oranges has increased !@ *ercent.
There/ore5 a**les are now ore e,*ensi$e than oranges. ? The arguentEs reasoning is
4uestiona)le )ecause the arguent /ails to rule out the *ossi)ility that ?
A) )e/ore the stor5 a**les had increased in *rice less than oranges
B) )e/ore the stor5 a**les had already )een ore e,*ensi$e than oranges
C) )e/ore the stor5 oranges were signi/icantly ore e,*ensi$e than a**les
D) a**les will /all )ack to their noral *rice ore 4uickly than oranges will
') consuers will reduce their *urchases o/ a**les until the *rice /alls to )elow that o/
!3. A rancher is constructing a /ence )y stringing wire )etween *osts !@ /eet a*art. ./ the
/ence is -@@ /eet long5 how any *osts ust the rancher use ?
A)!! B) !1 C) !@ D)!-
!7. .n tra$eling /ro city A to city B5 Aohn dro$e /or 1 hour at 3@ *h and /or ( hours at 7@
*h. What was his a$erage s*eed /or the whole tri* ?
A) 3@ B) 3( 1G! C) 33 D) 37 ') 3< 1G!
!<. The se$enth nu)er in a se4uence o/ nu)ers is (1 and each nu)er a/ter the /irst
nu)er in the se4uence is - less than the nu)er iediately *receding it. What is the
/ourth nu)er in the se4uence ?
A) 13 B) 16 C) (3 D) -( ') 31
!=. There are /i$e e*loyees??#5 "5 .5 A5 and ;??in an o//ice. +uours s*read through the
o//ice according to the /ollowing rulesH +uours can )e *assed in either direction
)etween A and ;. +uours can )e *assed /ro # to "5 /ro " to .5 and /ro . to ;. A
ruour )egun )y " that reaches A will )e known )y all the /ollowing e*loyees
A) A B) # C). D) ;
!6. Mana$5 twel$e year old5 is three ties as old as his )rother. "ow old will Mana$ )e
when he is twice as old as his )rother?
A) 13 B) 17 C) 1= D) !@
(@. Man has no choice )ut to seek truth5 he is ade co/orta)le and /rustrated without
truth?? thus the 4uest /or truth is *art o/ what akes us JJJJJJJJ ?
A) no)le B) di//erent C) huan D) intelligent ') aggressi$e
(1. Car I tra$elled /ro A to B in (@ inutes. The /irst hal/ o/ the tri* was co$ered at 3@
*h5 and the second hal/ at 7@ *h. What was the a$erage s*eed?
A) !@@G11 B) -@@G11 C) 3@@G11 D) 7@@G11 ') <@@G11
Con/idential ',celSo/t

(!. Although the )uildings and streets o/ this sall )each town a**ear . . . . . . 5 the *ro*erty
$alues are 4uite . . . . . . ?
A) e,*ensi$e . . stee*
!. dila*idated . . high
C) artistic . . *edestrian
D) re/ur)ished . . low
') 4uaint . . reasona)le
((. ./ it takes !@ years /or a tree to grown 1 eter Kassue constant rate o/ growth). "ow
long would it take /or the tree to )ecoe 3 eters in height? (starting from 0 meters)
A)- years B) 1@@ trs C) 1@@ years D) !@ years
(-. A Bet uses =@ gallons o/ /uel to /ly (!@ iles. At this rate5 how any gallons o/ /uel are
needed /or a <@@ ile /light ?
A) 13@ B) 133 C) 17@ D) 1<@ ') 1<3
(3. Su**ose hal/ the *eo*le on a )us e,it at each sto* and no additional *assengers )oard
the )us. ./ on the third sto* the ne,t to last *erson e,its the )us5 then how any *eo*le
were on the )us ?
A) !@ B) 17 C) = D) 7 ')
(7. +aesh )ought soe a**les at a cost o/ 7@ *aise each and soe oranges at a cost o/ 3@
*aise each. ./ he *aid a total o/ +s. -.1@ /or a total o/ = a**les and oranges5 how any
a**les did +aesh )uy ?
A) 1 B) ! C) ( D) 3 ') 7
(<. A town has a *o*ulation growth rate o/ 1@D *er year. The *o*ulation in 166@ was
!@@@. What was the *o*ulation in 166! ?
A) 17@@ B) !!@@ C) !-@@ D) !-!@ ') -@@@
(=. What would )e the ne,t grou* o/ letters in the series?
A) enae B) ekLe C) el,e D) eae
(6. The *rice o/ an article was cut !@D /or the sale. By what *ercent ust the ites )e
increased to again sell the article at the original *rice.
A) !@D B) !3D C) (@D 13D
-@. Milind was )oth 1(
highest and 1(
Lowest in a s*elling test. "ow any *eo*le were
in the contest.
A) 1( B) !3 C) !7 D) !=
-1. An Alsatian is a ty*e o/
A) tree B) Anial C) Machine D) Cro/ession
Con/idential ',celSo/t

-!. .t is i*ortant that you adhere to the cur/ew set )y your *arents. ./ you stay out too late5
they ay )ecoe worried and call the *olice. Choose the ost /itting de/inition /or the
word in italics.
A) .gnore B) Withstand C) Stick D) Tolerate
-(. ./ you were counting your e,*ected winnings on the way to the casino5 you would )e%
Biting the hand that /eeds you.
A) Cutting all your eggs in one )asket
B) Counting your chickens )e/ore they are hatched.
C) Walking the thin red line.
--. Which o/ the /ollowing is least like the other three
A) A**le B) Cotato C) Carrot Corn
-3. Which o/ the /ollowing are not like the other three
A) A B) Z C) N D) E
-7. .n a row o/ students )e/ore a counter5 there are 1- students standing )e/ore Su)hash. ./
Su)hash was standing 3@
/ro the end o/ the row5 how any students were *resent in
the row.
A) 7- B) 77 C) 7< D) 73
-<. The su o/ two nu)ers is =@ and three ties one nu)er is e4ual to /i$e ties the
other. 9ind the nu)er
A) 3@.(@ B) -@.-@ C) !3.33 D) 7@.!@
-=. ./ e$erything were red5 what colour would a school )us )e?
A) red B) white C) >ellow D) green
-6. 11@D o/ <3 is%
A) =!.3 B) =1.( C) 7<.3 D)1=3
3@. A is son o/ B and C is )rother o/ A. ./ D is the sister o/ B5 how is D related to C?
A) Aunt B) Mother C) Sister D) Daughter
Con/idential ',celSo/t


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