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Risk assessment in clinical

Mauricio Ronderos & Mark I. Ryder
All persons are not equally susceptible to periodontal
diseases and do not respond equally to periodontal
therapy. In a classic longitudinal study of a population
with no access to dental care and poor oral hygiene,
Loe et al. (121) observedenormous variabilitybetween
individuals in their rates of periodontal disease pro-
gression. Inthis fairly homogeneous population, some
persons developed disease at very rapid rates, while
others had little or no progression. Similar variability
inthe response to periodontal treatment has beenwell
documented. Hirschfeld & Wasserman (88) followed
600 patients from a private periodontal practice for an
average of 22 years and divided them according to the
number of teeth lost during maintenance therapy. In
all, 83% of the patients were classied as being ``well
maintained'' (lost 3 teeth during the follow-up
period), 12.6% ``downhill'' (lost 49 teeth), and 4.2%,
despite receiving frequent periodontal therapy, were
consideredto have an``extreme downhill'' response to
therapy (lost 10 teeth). Comparable results were
reported by similar long-term studies (68, 134). These
studies reported on what teeth in the mouth were
more likely to be lost and the impact of furcation
involvement on the long-termoutcome of periodontal
therapy. However, little was known at the time regard-
ing the risk factors that may affect the overall patient
response to therapy. Such information would help
the clinician to establish more accurate prognoses.
The purpose of this paper is to review the available
literatureregardingfactors that maybeassociatedwith
the overall response of patients toperiodontal therapy.
Behavioral risk factors
Tobacco use and smoking
It is now well established from a large body of epi-
demiologic evidence that cigarette smoking is the
major preventable risk factor in the incidence and
progression of periodontal disease (24, 75). Cigarette
smoking is related to periodontal disease in a dose-
related manner (69, 76, 77, 132), and appears to exert
its most deleterious effects on areas in direct contact
with smoke, such as the lingual aspect of maxillary
teeth (84, 228). In addition, the few studies that have
examined the relationship of cigar and pipe smoking
have demonstrateda similar deleterious effect of these
tobaccoproducts onthe patternof periodontal disease
(3, 110). This deleterious relationship between smok-
ing and periodontal disease is seen in smokers
regardless of their overall levels of plaque accumula-
tion. However, the specic microbial ora in smokers
may shift to a more pathogenic prole (83, 229).
There are conicting reports regarding the effects
of smoke on the qualitative and quantitative makeup
of periodontal pathogens (29, 47, 177, 215). Recent
reports have shown that the rate of recovery of such
harmful pathogens from relatively shallower pockets
is greater in smokers (54, 82). These ndings suggest
that tobacco smoking itself may promote the devel-
opment of local environments that favor growth of
such pathogenic species. In addition, substances in
smoke such as cotinine may also promote the patho-
genic activities of periodontal ora (200). Tobacco
products may also exert a deleterious effect on the
periodontium by impairing the normal defenses of
the host response (36, 149, 179) and/or by stimulating
the destructive effects of the host response (79, 173).
Amidst this growing knowledge of the critical role
of tobacco use in periodontal disease, it is no surprise
to the clinician that the smoking patient would not
respond as well to a variety of periodontal therapies if
the patient continued the smoking habit. This gen-
eral clinical opinion is supported by a growing body
of literature that demonstrates the poorer response
of smokers to a variety of periodontal procedures (6,
176). These procedures include scaling and root
planing, ap surgery, a variety of regenerative and
mucogingival procedures, and implants. From these
Periodontology 2000, Vol. 34, 2004, 120135 Copyright
Blackwell Munksgaard 2004
Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved
treatment studies, it is evident that tobacco use will
adversely affect long-term prognosis in the presence
or absence of periodontal treatment.
In recent years, there have been several lines of
published evidence that dramatically point to the
benets of smoking cessation in periodontal treat-
ment and prognosis. The rst line of evidence comes
from a series of epidemiologic studies that compare
theperiodontal destructionincurrent smokers, former
smokers, and non-smokers (never smoked). The
results from these studies indicate the level of period-
ontal destruction in former smokers lies somewhere
betweenthe level of periodontal destructionof current
smokers and non-smokers (25, 26, 80). These results
imply that the progressive damage seen in smokers
can be retarded or halted with smoking cessation.
The second line of evidence of the benets of smok-
ing cessation to periodontal treatment outcomes
comes from longitudinal studies of the periodontal
treatment response to surgery between current smo-
kers, former smokers, and non-smokers. These stu-
dies demonstrate that while the clinical response to
ap surgery is poorer in smokers when compared to
non-smokers, the clinical response of former smo-
kers is similar to non-smokers as long as the former
smokers do not resume their smoking habit (77, 102,
201). These types of studies demonstrate that smok-
ing cessation can markedly improve the prognosis
and outcomes of periodontal treatment.
The most important determinant of treatment out-
comes in clinical periodontics is patient compliance.
Regardless of the type of initial periodontal therapy
rendered, patients with poor oral hygiene who fail to
comply with the recommended recall schedules are
more likely to have less favorable results (21, 163,
194). Lack of compliance with smoking cessation
programs may also have a deleterious effect on the
outcome of periodontal therapy.
Despite the efforts of clinicians to modify patient
behaviors, many patients have poor plaque control.
Plaque has a central role in the initiation of gingival
inammation (120) and calculus formation (232), and
poor plaque control has been shown to have a dele-
terious effect on the success of periodontal treatment,
including regenerative procedures (127, 163). Among
patients with poor oral hygiene, the compliance with
maintenance care may be even more important at
predicting long-term stability and preventing future
disease. Some data suggest that, despite poor oral
hygiene, long-term stability of the periodontal con-
dition can be achieved in most patients if they are
compliant withashort-interval maintenanceprogram.
Ramfjord et al. (182) reported that plaque scores were
not a major determinant of post-treatment probing
depths or clinical attachment levels in patients receiv-
ing periodontal maintenance therapy every 3 months
for 8 years. Other longitudinal studies of populations
receiving maintenance therapy also suggest that pla-
que scores are a poor predictor of periodontal disease
progression(84, 101). However, it is likely that patients
who do not comply with their oral hygiene regimens
are also inconsistent in their compliance with the
recommended recall schedules.
Periodontal maintenance therapy prevents or
minimizes the recurrence and progression of period-
ontal disease, reduces the incidence of caries and
tooth loss, and may prevent the progression and limit
the morbidity of other conditions found within the
oral cavity (5, 13, 14, 28). Patients who comply with
the recommended periodontal maintenance therapy
intervals experience less attachment loss and lose
fewer teeth than patients who are erratic in their
compliance or those who do not receive mainte-
nance care (21, 22, 49, 98, 162, 235, 239). Becker et al.
(20) reported that patients with periodontal disease
who refused periodontal therapy lost an average of
0.36 teeth per year (not including teeth determined
to be hopeless during initial examination). Among
patients who received initial therapy but did not
receive maintenance care the corresponding annual
rate of tooth loss was 0.22, and among those who
received initial and maintenance therapy the annual
rate of tooth loss was 0.11 (21, 22).
Patients who comply with periodontal treatment
and maintenance therapy are generally able to retain
teeth with initially questionable to hopeless prognosis
for a long time (40, 88, 134, 135). For instance, Chace
&Low (40) retrospectively studied data from166 fairly
compliant patients who were seen for periodontal
maintenance therapy every 3 months for 40 years.
Only 12% of the teeth initially classied as having a
questionable prognosis (i.e. teeth with PD 6 mm,
mobility, poor crown-to-root ratio, class II or III fur-
cation involvements) were extracted during the fol-
low-up period. The average survival rate for the teeth
extracted was 8.8 years. These data suggest that when
patients comply with a recommended program of
periodontal maintenance care, they have an excellent
chance of retaining most of their teeth. Unfortuna-
tely, while the rates of compliance vary from one
dental practice to another, patient compliance is
generally poor (63, 158, 161, 217). Wilson et al. (238,
240) reported that 2034% of patients who receive
Risk assessment in clinical practice
periodontal therapydonot comebackfor maintenance
care, 4849% are erratic in their compliance, and only
1632% are fully compliant with the recommended
maintenance schedules. Unfortunately, little is known
regarding how to predict patient compliance. Smo-
kers tend to be less compliant than non-smokers in
keeping their periodontal maintenance schedule
(98, 139). Younger patients have also been reported
to be less compliant (158, 160, 165); however, others
have reported better compliance among younger
individuals (41) or no association between age and
compliance (49, 139). Gender (41, 49, 139, 159) and
baseline periodontal status (63, 107, 139) have been
found to be unrelated to patient compliance.
Periodontal maintenance therapy intervals ranging
from weeks to years have been documented to be
appropriate for given groups of subjects (119, 162,
194). In general, shorter recall intervals lead to better
clinical outcomes. Some studies suggest that 2-week
recall intervals yield better clinical results than 3- or
6-month intervals (162, 235). However, there is large
patient variability in the required recall intervals, and
the use of very narrow intervals is neither feasible in
clinical practice nor required for most patients (119).
It is recommended that patients without a history
of periodontal disease should receive periodontal
maintenance therapy every 6 months, while patients
with a history of periodontitis should receive period-
ontal maintenance therapy every 3 months (5). How-
ever, these guidelines should be considered a starting
point. The clinician should tailor the procedures and
intervals of periodontal maintenance therapy based
on the susceptibility and risk factors for future dis-
ease of each individual patient.
Important clinical predictors of disease activity are
bleeding on probing and, to a lesser extent, residual
probingdepth(10, 43, 72, 115). Langet al. (115) reported
that in patients previously treated for severe period-
ontitis, 30% of the sites that bled on probing on four
consecutive recall visits lost attachment. The corres-
ponding percentages for sites bleeding on three,
two, one, or none of the four recall appointments
were 14%, 6%, 3%, and 1.5%, respectively. Long-term
stability of periodontal patients is also determined by
the quality of maintenance care (1315).
Systemic risk factors
Diabetes and glycemic control
There is an extensive body of literature that points to
an emerging ``two-way relationship'' between dia-
betes/poor glycemic control and periodontal diseases.
Specically, the severity of the diabetic condition,
whether insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or non-
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is related to the
incidenceandseverityof periodontal disease(213, 218,
224). Conversely, there is evidence that the severity of
periodontal disease may affect the level of glycemic
control in diabetic patients (74, 145, 214, 218). It has
been proposed that this effect may be due in part to
the role of the chronic bacterial load and chronic
inammation that is characteristic of periodontal
diseases. Products of the bacterial load and products
of the inammatory response could enter the sys-
temic circulation, leading to an increase in the resis-
tance to insulin. This would result in an elevated
blood glucose, which in turn could react with hema-
togenous proteins such as hemoglobin to form glyco-
sylated hemoglobin. Further glycation and oxidation
of proteins and lipids would then lead to formation of
advanced glycation end products that could promote
sequelae of diabetes such as local destructive inam-
matory responses and tissue damage (114).
For the dental practitioner, an important area of
clinical research centers on improving glycemic con-
trol (as measured by the levels of glycosylated hemo-
globin) through periodontal therapy. Studies using
combinations of debridement, local irrigation, and/
or systemic antibiotics on both NIDDM and IDDM
patients have shown small, but in some cases signi-
cant, reductions in glycosylated hemoglobin after
periodontal treatment (74, 145, 214, 218). Due to the
potential confounding effects of systemic antibiotics
such as tetracycline in not only reducing periodontal
pathogens but also inhibiting tissue destructive
metalloproteinases (such as collagenase), studies on
larger diabetic populations need to be conducted
in the future. Nevertheless, from these early interven-
tion studies, it appears that reducing pathogens and
inammation in periodontal disease may have bene-
cial systemic effects on the diabetic patient.
The effect of diabetes and poor glycemic control
on periodontal treatment outcomes is also unclear at
this time. One study demonstrated that the clinical
outcomes from nonsurgical therapy were similar
between diabetic and non-diabetic patients (220).
However, similar comparisons of clinical outcomes
between diabetic and non-diabetic patients after sur-
gical therapy have yet to be published. Since poor
glycemic control can adversely affect wound healing
and can lead to a more pathogenic bacterial plaque,
the dental practitioner may wish to consult with the
patient's physician to optimize the glycemic control
prior to periodontal therapy.
Ronderos & Ryder
HIV infection
The consequences of HIV infection continue to be a
worldwide health concern. While new infection rates
have declined among some high-risk groups, they
continue to rise in other populations throughout
the world (174). The advent of new therapies such
as highly active retroviral therapy (HAART) appears
to be extending both the lifespan and the quality of
life for those HIV-infected patients who have access
to these therapies (44, 174, 187). With the advent of
HAART therapies, the incidence of some oral mani-
festations of HIV infection such as oral candidosis,
hairy leukoplakia, and necrotizing forms of period-
ontal disease appear to have declined in recent years
(39, 52, 137). However, as patients become resistant
to these therapies, these oral manifestations may
begin to rise again in HIV-infected populations.
It is important to keep in mind that HIV-infected
patients may present with common forms of period-
ontal disease such as chronic periodontitis. Epide-
miologic studies have shown a higher prevalence of
bone loss and attachment loss in HIV-infected
patients accompanied by a greater degree of gingival
recession and shallower probing depths compared to
control populations (18, 125, 138, 154, 243). However,
the effects of HIV infection on the long-term prog-
nosis of the dentition in chronic periodontitis remain
unresolved. On the one hand, a more rapid progres-
sion of bone loss and attachment loss in a HIV-
infected periodontal patient may imply a poorer
prognosis for the dentition when compared to the
HIV-negative patient. Several studies have shown
that HIV-positive patients can tolerate dental proce-
dures such as scaling and root planing and tooth
extraction (53, 67, 124, 175, 188). However, the types
of dental procedures (particularly periodontal surgi-
cal procedures) that can be performed may become
more limited during severe immunosuppression at
later stages of the HIV infection (195). These limited
treatment options may adversely affect long-term
prognosis. On the other hand, in the HIV-infected
periodontal patient the pattern of relatively shallower
probing depths accompanied by gingival recession
may make these areas easier to maintain with home
care to control plaque accumulation. Thus long-term
studies are needed to determine how HIV infection
affects long-term periodontal prognosis.
It has been hypothesized that osteoporotic persons
are at increased risk for developing periodontitis (73).
The role of osteoporosis in the etiology of periodontal
disease is not fully understood. While some reports
suggest the lack of a signicant association between
these two conditions (56, 126, 236), most observa-
tional studies support the possible role of low skeletal
bone mineral density as a risk indicator for period-
ontitis (94, 146, 221, 230, 231). In a cross-sectional
evaluation of a large sample of U.S. adults, Ronderos
et al. (191) found that, after adjusting for confoun-
ders, females with high calculus scores and low
femoral bone mineral density had signicantly more
clinical attachment loss and recession than females
with normal bone density and similar calculus scores
(P < 0.0001). Meanwhile, no associations were
observed among women with low or intermediate
levels of calculus. The clear interaction between cal-
culus and bone mineral density suggests that in the
presence of local irritants (i.e. calculus), osteoporosis
and, to a lesser extent, osteopenia increase the risk
for periodontal attachment loss. Based on these
results one could speculate that the increased risk
for periodontitis present among osteoporotic and
osteopenic persons may be prevented or attenuated
by frequent calculus removal.
Since estrogen depletion is an important risk factor
for the development of osteoporosis (for review, see
Lindsay (118)), it is important to consider the role of
estrogen as a possible underlying cause for the asso-
ciation between periodontitis and low skeletal bone
mineral density (100). In postmenopausal women,
estrogen supplementation prevents loss of skeletal
(38) and alveolar bone mineral density (97, 172),
and may also be protective against gingival inam-
mation (157, 185) and clinical attachment loss (185,
191). The effect of steroid hormones as metabolic
mediators of the expression of cytokines may be a
plausible explanation for the protective effect of
estrogen supplementation against bone loss, infec-
tious diseases, and periodontitis (99, 166, 167, 216).
Adequate calcium intake also prevents osteoporosis
and may prevent periodontitis (109, 156). It is possi-
ble that hormone replacement therapy, calcium and
vitamin D supplementation, and other medications
used to prevent low bone density have positive effects
on the outcomes of periodontal therapy. Some studies
suggest that alendronate, an effective medication for
the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, may
have a positive effect on the outcome of periodontal
treatment (27, 184, 189, 241, 242).
In light of the current information, patients with a
diagnosis of osteoporosis or osteopenia should be
advised about their possible increased risk for devel-
oping periodontitis and the importance of frequent
Risk assessment in clinical practice
periodontal maintenance visits. Patients at high risk
for osteoporosis or osteopenia should be encouraged
to be evaluated by their physicians. It is possible that
medications used for the treatment and prevention
of osteoporosis may also prevent alveolar bone loss,
and enhance the results of regenerative procedures
and periodontal therapy.
Familial and genetic risk factors
In the past it was believed that periodontitis was
strictly caused by environmental factors. It is now
widely accepted that only a portion of the variability
of disease in the population can be attributed to
environmental exposures, while the remaining varia-
tion is attributed to differences in host susceptibility.
Differences in host susceptibility are ultimately
determined by genetic variations. Research indicates
that genetic variations inuence the risk for aggres-
sive and chronic periodontitis.
Aggressive periodontitis tends to cluster within
families (23, 33, 130, 199), and a single/major locus
autosomal dominant gene is involved in the etiology
of the disease (130). Some human leukocyte antigen
(HLA) and interleukin (IL)-1b polymorphisms have
been found to be associated with an increased risk
for aggressive periodontitis (51, 103105, 219). How-
ever, such associations have not been conrmed by
more specic linkage studies (198, 234). No specic
genetic tests have been proven to predict the devel-
opment of aggressive periodontitis or the outcome of
periodontal treatment among affected individuals.
However, based on the strong evidence of familial
aggregation and a dominant mode of disease trans-
mission, clinicians should encourage siblings and
close relatives of patients with aggressive periodon-
titis to receive a periodontal evaluation. Preventive
periodontal therapy and close monitoring is espe-
cially important among young relatives of patients
diagnosed with aggressive periodontitis.
Familial aggregation studies also support the idea
that chronic periodontitis tends to cluster within
families (19, 42, 183, 227). This supports the use of
family history of periodontitis as a risk factor for the
development of future periodontal disease. While
some studies indicate that most of the similarities
within families should be attributed to shared envir-
onmental exposures and behaviors (19, 42, 183),
others also support the role of inheritance as a reason
for familial clustering. Michalowicz et al. (140143)
in two large independent samples of adult twins
found that the similarities in the periodontal condi-
tion within pairs of monozygous (i.e. identical) twins
were greater than the similarities found within pairs
of dizygous (i.e. fraternal) twins. This nding sup-
ports the notion of disease heritability. Both studies
concluded that approximately 50% of the population
variance of periodontitis in adults could be attribu-
ted to genetic differences. Since there is evidence
demonstrating a correlation of the periodontal con-
dition among family members (e.g. siblingsibling,
parentoffspring), closer monitoring may be indi-
cated for persons with a familial history of period-
ontitis. It is possible that patients with a strong family
history of periodontitis are more susceptible than the
average patient and therefore more likely to develop
recurrent or refractory cases of periodontitis.
Various candidate genes including tumor necrosis
factor (TNF)-a polymorphisms, HLA antigens, and
FcgR genotypes have been evaluated for their associa-
tion with chronic periodontitis, but the results have
beenequivocal (45, 62, 71, 106). Byfar, themost studied
candidate genetic region has been the one contain-
ing the IL-1 gene cluster. Studies of this region have
led to the development of the Periodontal Suscepti-
bility Test (PST), the only genetic susceptibility test
for severe chronic periodontitis that is commercially
available. The PST test evaluates the simultaneous
occurrence of allele 2 at the IL-1A 4845 and IL-1B
3954 loci. A patient with allele 2 at both of these loci
is considered to be ``genotype-positive'' and there-
fore more susceptible to developing chronic period-
ontitis. The rationale for this association is that
persons with this combination of alleles tend to pro-
duce more IL-1 in response to a bacterial challenge,
and therefore will be predisposed to have more
inammation and more tissue destruction (58,
108). The development of the PST test was initially
based on the ndings of Kornman et al. (108) who
reported that the composite IL-1 genotype was more
frequently found among a group of 18 non-smoking
patients with periodontitis as compared to controls.
Among this small sample of Northern Europeans, the
odds of being genotype-positive were 6.8 times
higher among subjects with severe periodontitis as
compared to controls with mild or no disease. This
association became non-signicant when smokers
were included in the analysis. Furthermore, neither
of the two alleles was independently associated with
disease. These ndings have not been consistently
supported by subsequent research. While some stu-
dies support an association between the IL-1 com-
posite genotype and periodontitis (133), others have
reported no association (131) or inconsistencies in
the specic alleles found to be associated with period-
ontitis. Gore et al. (70) found allele 2 of IL-1B 3954,
Ronderos & Ryder
but not the composite IL-1 genotype, to be more
prevalent in patients with severe chronic periodonti-
tis. Similar lack of consistency is observed in studies of
aggressive periodontitis. Most studies indicate that
allele 1 of IL-1B 3954 is the predominant genotype
among aggressive periodontitis patients (51, 170,
233) while others have reported no associations
(89). The lack of consistent results leads to doubts
regarding the applicability of the PST in clinical
When evaluating the validity of the IL-1 composite
genotype test as a risk assessment tool for the clinical
practice, one should consider its accuracy in predict-
ing the development of periodontal disease. Being
genotype-positive is neither necessary nor sufcient
for the development of periodontitis. A large propor-
tion of patients with periodontitis test negative for the
composite genotype. For example, wide variations in
the percentages of genotype-negative periodontitis-
positive patients have been reported: 33% (108), 55%
(169), 62% (37, 136), 67% (55), and 80% (203). In
addition, an important proportion of patients with
healthy periodontium or mild disease have been
reported to be genotype-positive: 23% (108), 35%
(223), and 42% (169). Furthermore, there appears
to be signicant racial variability in the prevalence
of the composite IL-1 genotype, which raises ques-
tions regarding the applicability of the test to patients
of different ethnic backgrounds. The reported preva-
lence of genotype-positive persons has been 2343%
among Caucasian and Hispanic groups (12, 34, 50, 70,
108, 116, 133, 136), 815% among African-Americans
(233), and only 2.3% among Chinese (11).
The clinical applicability of a genetic test is also
dependent on the accuracy of the test at predicting
treatment outcomes. The available information indi-
cates that the PST test may not be a predictor of the
response to scaling and root planing (55), the outcome
of root coverageprocedures (35), theshort-termresults
of regenerative procedures (50), or dental implant fail-
ure (190, 209, 237). However, there is debate regarding
the effectiveness of the test at predicting long-term
stability during maintenance therapy. DeSanctis &
Zucchelli (50) reported no differences between geno-
type-positive and negative patients in their response
during the rst year after guided tissue regeneration
procedures. Nevertheless, from the second to the fth
postoperative years, genotype-positive patients lost
45% of the attachment gained during the rst year,
whereas genotype-negative patients with similar oral
hygiene only lost 19%. A 14-year cohort study of
patients initially diagnosed with moderate to severe
periodontitis suggested that teeth fromIL-1 genotype-
positive patients were 2.7 times more likely to be lost
during maintenance care compared to genotype-
negative patients (136). Genotype-positive patients
lost 27 of 386 teeth (7%), whereas genotype-negative
individuals lost 16 of 657 teeth (2.4%). The authors
concluded that knowledge of the patient's IL-1 gen-
otype was important in identifying patients with high
risk for tooth loss, which would be of value in devel-
oping a treatment plan. These results should be eval-
uated with caution because teeth and not persons
were used as the unit of analysis, making the statis-
tical interpretation of the results unreliable. The
results from this study also indicated that individual
tooth prognosis determined at baseline, smoking his-
tory, tooth mobility and crown-to-root ratio were
stronger independent predictors of tooth loss than
the genotypic information. An independent effect of
the genotype status, after statistical adjustment for
oral hygiene and pockets, on the percentage of sites
withbleeding onprobing during maintenance therapy
has alsobeennoted(116). By contrast, Cattabriga et al.
(37) reported no differences in bone levels or tooth
loss between genotype-positive and genotype-nega-
tive patients with moderate to severe periodontitis
who were followed during 10 years of maintenance
therapy. Genotype-positive patients lost 3.9% of their
teeth during the 10-year follow-up, indicating that
maintenance therapy at 3-month intervals is effec-
tive in attaining long-term stability among genotype-
positive patients with periodontitis.
Based on the lack of consistent results from asso-
ciation studies, the need for more specic genetic
linkage studies, the limited information on positive
and negative predictive values, and the limited gen-
eralizability of the test, the introduction of the com-
posite IL-1 genotype test as a risk assessment tool for
periodontitis susceptibility may be premature. It is
possible that the test may have some applicability
among non-smoking Caucasians. It has been sug-
gested that genotype-positive patients may need
more aggressive therapy and more frequent mainte-
nance visits than genotype-negative patients. At the
present time there is no strong evidence to support
the modication of maintenance schedules or treat-
ment regimens based on the results from this test.
The profession is only beginning to understand the
role of specic genes in the pathogenesis of period-
ontal diseases. In the future, genetic testing may
prove useful for identifying people at increased risk
for periodontitis, and for predicting treatment out-
comes. Information regarding individual susceptibil-
ity and patient-specic understanding of the
physiopathology of the disease may become a very
Risk assessment in clinical practice
important way to tailor treatment plans and to max-
imize the effectiveness of preventive strategies.
Psychological factors
For the past 50 years, psychological factors in gen-
eral, and stress in particular, have been postulated as
risk factors for the incidence and progression of per-
iodontal diseases (144). One classical hypothesis for
the role of stress in periodontal diseases was that it
caused parafunctional habits such as bruxism and
clenching that led directly to loss of the periodontal
attachment apparatus in the absence of other factors
and/or acted as a cofactor in the progression of per-
iodontal diseases (202). While this possible relation-
ship has not received much attention in the literature
of the past 10 years, previous investigations have
failed to demonstrate a clear relationship between
stress-derived parafunctional habits and periodontal
diseases (59, 93). However, in the past several years,
there has been an emerging interest in the role of
other psychological factors and periodontal diseases
(4, 9, 57, 65, 150). These recent epidemiologic studies
point to a possible relationship and/or association
between psychological states such as emotional
stress and depression and periodontal diseases.
Perhaps the most intriguing of these recent studies
centers on the relationship of stress itself, as well as
coping strategies to stress, to the incidence and
severity of periodontal diseases. Several studies have
examined relatively large populations for a possible
connection. The general trend in these studies is that
while either self-reported or diagnosed stress per se
was not directly related to periodontal disease, an
inability to develop a successful coping strategy for
stress was indeed correlated to the incidence and
severity of periodontal diseases (64, 65). For example,
more successful coping strategies would include
rational problem-solving approaches, while less suc-
cessful coping strategies would include emotional
responses such as passive aggression. Several the-
ories have been proposed for the higher incidence
of periodontal diseases in patients with high stress
and inadequate coping strategies (30). It has been
shown that such high stress/low coping patients
have elevated systemic levels of cortisol (64). Ele-
vated levels of cortisol can suppress several host
response mechanisms such as T-helper cell function,
antibody production and activity, and neutrophil
function (64). A suppressed host response to period-
ontal infections could make a patient with stress and
inadequate coping strategies more susceptible to
periodontal breakdown (65). In addition, subjects
with stress and inadequate coping strategies as well
as subjects with clinical depression may also have
less oral health motivation, poorer home care levels,
and more plaque accumulation (9, 48, 65, 150). This
increased intraoral bacterial load could also make
such a patient more susceptible to periodontal
As this area is further explored, the implications for
the practitioner in managing patients with stress and
depression may become more signicant. As with
smoking, psychological factors such as stress and
depression may adversely affect treatment outcomes
(57). However, studies that examine treatment out-
comes in patients with stress and inadequate coping
strategies have yet to be published. Despite this
paucity of literature on the relationship or associa-
tion of stress to prognosis and treatment outcomes,
the dental practitioner may nevertheless decide to
refer patients with potentially important psychologi-
cal problems to the appropriate professional for
assistance and counseling. Reducing psychological
depression and improving coping strategies for
stressful life events may improve periodontal prog-
nosis and treatment outcomes.
With increasing age, loss of clinical attachment and
alveolar bone support become more prevalent,
extensive, and severe (2). However, aging per se is
not likely to be a predisposing factor for periodontal
disease. Loss of both periodontal attachment and
alveolar bone are not fully reversible with treatment,
and represent the cumulative amount of tissue des-
truction. The strong association between age and
periodontal destruction reported in cross-sectional
studies is mostly due to the effect of age as surrogate
for the length of exposure to etiologic factors. Long-
itudinal studies conducted in untreated populations
and groups with regular access to dental care indi-
cate that young and older adults loose periodontal
support at very similar rates (31, 87, 96, 153, 168).
Age-related differences in soft tissue wound heal-
ing have been well documented in the medical lit-
erature (66). The slower healing observed in the
elderly may be due to decreased or delayed inam-
matory and proliferative responses. Animal studies
indicate that macrophage and broblast functions,
capillary growth, collagen synthesis, and degrada-
tion (i.e. remodeling) can be affected by aging (66).
Studies in humans also indicate that epithelization
rates (60, 91), strength of wounds during early heal-
ing phases (197), and inammatory response of
Ronderos & Ryder
elderly patients are reduced. However, the clinical
impact of these differences in soft tissue wound heal-
ing appears to be small (222). It is not clear whether
these differences in healing are due to aging or to
concomitant conditions (e.g. vascular diseases, dia-
betes, osteoporosis, nutritional deciencies) that
occur more frequently in older populations (225).
Limited information also suggests that increased
age may be associated with slower bone healing after
fractures (17), dental extractions (7, 8), placement of
intraosseous implants (207, 208), and bone grafting.
It is possible that the success of bone grafts may be
associated with the age of the person receiving the
graft and also, in the case of allografts, with age of the
donor. Animal studies indicate that human-derived
demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft from older
donors is less likely to have strong bone-inducing
activity (164, 203) and the amount of bone formation
induced by bone morphogenetic protein tends to
decrease as the recipient's age increases (92, 152).
Furthermore, in rats the number of viable osteopro-
genitor cells in bone marrow decreases with increas-
ing age (95, 178). However, the validity of animal
models of aging is questionable and, to our knowl-
edge, such ndings have not been corroborated in
The experimental gingivitis model has been used
to assess whether the onset of gingivitis, and the
healing of inamed gingiva after periodontal instru-
mentation, is affected by aging. After discontinuation
of oral hygiene measures, younger subjects tend to
develop clinical signs of gingivitis faster than older
persons (226). However, age does not appear to have
a signicant effect on the resolution of gingivitis after
mechanical debridement and reinstitution of oral
hygiene (90, 226). Furthermore, the patient's age
has not been found to inuence the clinical response
to periodontal surgery or maintenance therapy (1, 15,
117). By contrast, age differences in healing response
after surgical extraction of third molars have been
well documented. Teenagers and young adults (i.e.
<25 years) are less likely to have residual periodontal
defects on the distal aspect of the second molar after
extraction of impacted third molars than older per-
sons (111113).
Although aging does not appear to affect the out-
come of periodontal therapy, age is a very important
factor that should always be considered when asses-
sing patient susceptibility. The prognosis of a 25-
year-old patient with generalized moderate chronic
periodontitis is less favorable than the prognosis of a
55-year-old patient with similar environmental risk
factors and the same severity and extent of period-
ontal destruction. Although the prevalence and
severity of attachment loss increases with age, per-
sons with more aggressive types of periodontitis are
generally young. The particular diagnosis of a patient
should also be considered. Not every type of period-
ontitis has the same prognosis. Patients with loca-
lized aggressive periodontitis tend to respond more
favorably to therapy than patients with generalized
aggressive periodontitis. Gunsolley et al. (78) studied
the clinical response of 40 patients with localized and
48 patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis
for 4 years after initial diagnosis. Despite treatment,
the patients with the generalized disease continued
losing attachment, while the patients with localized
disease responded favorably to periodontal therapy.
Systemic diseases that affect the treatment out-
come or increase the risk of complications are fre-
quently found in older individuals. Medications,
reduced salivary ow, depression, physical and men-
tal impairments, and reduced access to health care
are some factors that may have a deleterious effect
on the oral health status of the elderly. Vital informa-
tion can generally be obtained from the medical his-
tory; but such information is not always accurate. For
instance, approximately 40% of the cases of diabetes
mellitus in the United States are undiagnosed (210).
Given the deleterious effect of poorly controlled dia-
betes on the progression of periodontal disease and
the outcome of periodontal treatment, clinicians
should consider medical evaluations for patients
whose destruction or response to treatment is worse
than expected after considering other factors.
Microbiological risk factors
Modications of the host response by such factors as
stress, metabolic conditions, tobacco, and systemic
health may have major adverse effects on treatment
outcomes and prognosis. However, the clinician
must also consider the role of microorganisms as
the primary etiologic agents for periodontal diseases.
Such microorganisms may include not only specic
pathogenic bacterial species in adherent bacterial
plaque, but also microorganisms that may invade
the periodontal soft tissues. In addition to bacteria,
colonization by viruses may also affect treatment
outcomes and prognosis (211). In the past century,
the understanding of the role of bacteria per se has
evolved from a ``nonspecic plaque hypothesis'',
where plaque quantity was the major etiologic factor
of periodontal diseases, to a specic plaque hypoth-
esis, where the presence of individual bacterial
Risk assessment in clinical practice
species or groups of species in elevated numbers
and proportions in the plaque may lead to the onset
and progression of periodontal diseases (122). The
use of rapid identication techniques such as DNA
probe analysis and PCR amplication have enabled
researchers and clinicians to observe the effects of
specic bacteria on treatment outcomes and prog-
nosis. It should, however, be considered that even
with these newer technologies, there remains a pro-
portion of bacteria in plaque that has yet to be fully
characterized. New technologies such as 16S rDNA
analysis have enabled clinical researchers to identify
new species of bacteria that may also play a central
role in the progression of periodontal disease and the
response to treatment (46, 171, 196).
Well over 500 species of bacteria have been detec-
ted in the oral ora and some of them most certainly
play a role in periodontal pathogenesis. In the past
10 years the majority of studies have focused on a
small subset of these microorganisms that are believed
to be etiologically important. These species include
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromo-
nas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythensis (Bacterioides
forsythus), Prevotella intermedia, and Treponema
denticola. Several studies have shown that elevated
numbers of one or more of these bacterial species
either within the patient or within individual sites
correlate with future increases in pocket depth and
clinical attachment loss (75, 86, 128, 129). In addi-
tion, poorer clinical responses to therapy have been
reported in patients who initially harbor elevated
numbers of pathogenic bacteria such as A. actinomy-
cetemcomitans, P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, and
T. forsythensis (61, 87, 147, 155, 212). Other studies
have found that the initial presence of A. actinomy-
cetemcomitans, P. gingivalis, and P. intermedia may
have limited predictive value in treatment outcomes
(32, 204). The successful reduction of these bacterial
species through various combinations of mechanical
debridement, antibiotics and surgery appears to in-
uence the long-term clinical results of therapy (86,
147, 151, 186, 192, 205, 206). The prognostic and
predictive value of microbial testing for all patients
with periodontitis appears to be unresolved (16).
However, microbial testing and subsequent bac-
teria-reduction approaches may have particular
value in treating periodontitis patients who do not
respond to conventional therapy and continue to
show attachment loss (i.e. patients who have refrac-
tory cases of periodontitis) (16, 193).
Several investigators have proposed a treatment
approach based on not only reducing or eliminating
pools of these potentially pathogenic bacteria from
periodontally involved sites, but also from other
potential niches in the oral cavity that may harbor
these species. This treatment approach has been
termed ``total disinfection.'' Larger scale studies are
warranted to determine the particular value of this
approach (181). However, recent studies using this
approach have demonstrated sustained suppres-
sion of bacterial species in initially deeper sites with
sustained improvement in clinical parameters (180).
In the future, therapeutic approaches such as total
disinfection and specic microbial diagnosis coupled
with specic antimicrobial therapy may play a larger
role in improving treatment outcomes and prognosis.
Summary and conclusions
In this review, the potential adverse inuences of a
variety of factors on periodontal prognosis and treat-
ment have been discussed. The factors include poor
compliance, age, genetics, microbiology, smoking,
diabetes, stress, HIV infection, and other factors.
While each of these factors alone may have a detri-
mental effect on prognosis and treatment outcomes,
it should be kept in mind that the presence of any of
these factors alone or in combination does not auto-
matically imply that there will be poorer treatment
outcomes. In other words, the presence of any of
these risk factors alone or in combination cannot
predict treatment outcomes with complete accuracy.
Perhaps the best way to understand the impact of
these factors in periodontal prognosis and treatment
outcomes is to compare periodontal diseases with
cardiovascular diseases. The risk of developing car-
diovascular disease and the prognosis of patients
with cardiovascular disease is related to a variety of
risk factors. Some of these risk factors such as age,
smoking, stress, presence of a specic microbiota,
genetics, diabetes, etc., are similar to the periodontal
disease risk factors discussed in this paper (128). In
cardiovascular diseases, the presence of these risk
factors may have an additive effect on a patient's
overall risk and prognosis. In order to reduce the
likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease and
improving prognosis, patients are encouraged to
reduce and/or eliminate as many of these risk factors
as possible. The dental practitioner should employ
similar risk factor reduction strategies to reduce the
potentially additive adverse effects of risk factors dis-
cussed in this paper. Such strategies may include
smoking cessation programs, stress reduction pro-
grams, microbial testing followed by antimicrobial
treatment, patient motivational programs to improve
Ronderos & Ryder
compliance, etc. By identifying and reducing these
risk factors, the dental practitioner may help increase
the likelihood of an improved prognosis and out-
come for periodontal treatment.
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Risk assessment in clinical practice

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