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Mick Mohr

Homework response 4

The person I am interviewing is a friend you also has watched the Avatar series.
Interview questions:

How do the traditional earthbenders carry themselves compared to non-benders?
Other benders?

When you think of a traditional earthbender, what is the image you see?
How have earthbenders as a whole evolved over time?
How do the specific subcategories within earthbending differ from eachother?
How much does each of the subcategories identify themselves with

Explain how pro-bending has introduced new techniques into earthbending.

Key Vocabulary:

Figured World: A large social environment that has an implied set of
regulations for expected conduct.

Domain: A domain does not require membership in a community nor does not
have to be in the same field of knowledge. It is something that links people
together whether they know it or not in terms of a shared interest.

Communities of Practice: Also referred to as learning networks, thematic
groups, or tech clubs, a community of practice is groups of people who all work
together for a common interest and improve each other along the way.

Practices of a Community: A collective assembly of knowledge and
experiences used in a community.

Artifacts: Emotions, feelings, ideas, or objects that have some sort of
significance in a culture/community/figured world.

Actor: The role that is played in a figured world or community.

Literacy Practices: The multiple ways of practicing within a community with
many ways of communication.

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