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William Feudjio

Assignment 1


William Evans Feudjio Momo
Prof. Parker
CSIT 101
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Mobile technology
The iPhone 6 has a 4.7- inch display, while the iPhone 6 plus checks in at a
whopping 5.5 inches. But they will also have better graphics and faster processors, as well as
features that give app developers freedom theyve never had before. For the first time, Apple
is letting developers create widgets, mini- programs that are often designed to be quick and
easy to use. Apples iPhone 6 goes on sale and the lines is insane (Gross)
Using yahoo search engine. The Nexus and Moto X (2014) have a fair bit in
common, with both handsets offering great specs. The new Moto X is 2 percent wider and 4
percent wider and 15 percent thicker than the Nexus 5. The Nexus is lighter than the new
Moto X. The Nexus 5 features a plastic construction, while the Moto X has 3 different
finishes. Both of the devices come in 16 and 32 GB configurations, and neither offers a
microSD slot (Word)
Using google search engine. Apples IOS 8 addresses a serious weakness
that could allowed attackers to hijack the wireless network communication of Apple devices
and gain access to enterprise networks. The vulnerability stems Apples implementation of the
WPA2-Enterprise security protocol thats widely used on corporate wireless networks
because it allows clients to have unique access credentials. At the Defcon hacking conference
in 2012, security researcher Moxie Marlinspike launched a cloud- based for cracking captured
MS-CHAPv2 handshakes in under a day (Constantin).
William Feudjio
Assignment 1


Google search engine was better than Yahoo when searching for mobile
technology because Google gave more recent and relevant results and news about mobile
technology. Also, Yahoo results were vast and less specific. As a result, it was more difficult
to find out information on mobile technology I needed.
The above article on Apples IOS 8 vulnerability was written on
September 19
2014. It has been updated. It also relates to mobile technology and answers
my questions about the specific new information of mobile technology. The author is Lucian
Constantin. He is qualified to write about mobile technology because he is a reporter from an
IDG News service. He has written about information security, privacy and data protection.
The information is accurate, and it is being supported with facts and evidence from relevant
research. The article was written in order to inform the public.
Mobile supply chain management is gaining recognition as a major
source of cost reduction and supply chain performance improvement. Mobile technologies
such as radio frequency identification, Wi-Fi and global position system (GPS) allow for the
seamless flow of information between supply chain members. The applications of mobile
technologies in the supply chain have created a term known as SCM. Mobile SCM is a
relatively new and emerging area in supply chains, and it refers to the use of mobile
applications and devices to help conduct of supply chain activities (Chain).
With the advent of smartphones, the global mobile applications market
has increased exponentially. Mobile games have become extremely popular. Apples chart
store and Google play chart store were used to identify the various gaming designs that are
used by gamers most often. Mobile games requiring careful controls such as tilting the screen
are mostly downloaded on the iPad than on the iPhone (Hyung-Min).
William Feudjio
Assignment 1


Articles from the internet source were more easily to find and more
clear. These articles gives directly access to information needed directly from the beginning.
Meanwhile, Journal articles were more difficult to find and, they gave unspecific information
about mobile technology. Moreover, Journal articles were more time consuming than the
articles from the internet. That is, Journal articles were more expanded and gave some
irrelevant information about mobile technology. However, the journal articles were the ones
with the greater and trustworthy authors. These authors of journal articles were famous and
licensed writers, while those of internet articles were reporters and journalists.

William Feudjio
Assignment 1


Work Cited (MLA)
Gross, Doug. "6 Must-have Apps for the IPhone 6." CNN. Cable News Network, 19 Sept. 2014. Web.
21 Sept. 2014.
Word, Chris. "Moto X (2014) vs. Nexus 5." Moto X (2014) vs. Nexus 5. N.p., 18 Sept. 2014. Web. 21
Sept. 2014.
Constantin, Lucian. "Apple's IOS 8 Fixes Enterprise Wi-Fi Authentication Hijacking Issue." InfoWorld.
InfoWorld, 19 Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Sept. 2014.
Chan, Chong, Loong, Alain. International Journal of Production Research.Vol 51, No.4, 15 February
2013, 1196-1213. Print.21Sept. 2014
Hyung-Min. International Journal of Mobile Marketing. Winter2013, Vol.8 issue2, p42-54. 13p

William Feudjio
Assignment 1


William Feudjio
Assignment 1


William Feudjio
Assignment 1


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