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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Dear Families,

Please take the time to review your childs progress report together, with your child. Please see the
helpful information below in order to understand how your childs progress report and report card
scores relate to their performance in the classroom.

If your child receives a Satisfactory in a learning behavior category on their progress report, they
could still require teacher reminders and/or supports in order to meet that specific given behavioral
expectation. Please keep in mind that it is only the second month of school and at this early point in
the year most students will continue to need reminders and/or supports in order to demonstrate
successful understanding of the expected learning behaviors. This is a completely normal part of
adjusting to the rigorous demands of a full day program.

If your child does receive a Satisfactory in an academic or learning behavior category on the
progress report, they could potentially receive an I or W in an academic area or a 1 or 2 in a
learning behavior area on their report card; depending on the amount of support they still need in
order to demonstrate successful mastery/understanding of the specific academic skills or behavioral
expectations. Receiving a Satisfactory in any given category on the progress report does not
indicate that they will automatically receive a 1 in the same category on their report card.

We hope that you will find this information helpful while reviewing your childs interim progress report. If
you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact your childs teacher. Also, please look for a
letter to come home with the report card in November further explaining and detailing how your
childs performance has been assessed in each specific academic area.

The Worthington Kindergarten Team
The Quarterly Progress Report uses two categories to define your childs academic and behavioral
performance: Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory. For the purpose of the Interim Progress report, HCPSS
defines these codes as the following:

Satisfactory - currently meeting or exceeding expectations
Needs Improvement - currently not meeting expectations

The Quarterly Report Card uses a letter code (I,W,N) to define academic performance and a numeric
code (1,2,3) to define behavioral performance. For the purpose of the report card HCPSS defines these
codes as the following:

*Academic Performance:
Independent Students successfully meet or complete the required tasks independent of
teacher support/assistance.
With Assistance Students successfully complete the required tasks with any amount of
teacher assistance (minimal or ample).
Not Apparent at this Time Students are not able to demonstrate mastery of a required skill
even with teacher assistance.

*Behavioral Performance:
1 Outstanding: indicates that a student demonstrated a consistent, positive performance
that goes above and beyond general classroom/school rules and expectations with minimal to
no reminders/supports.
2 Satisfactory: indicates that a student demonstrated a standard performance that meets
the general classroom/school rules and expectations with some reminders/supports.
3 Needs Improvement: indicates that a student consistently needed several reminders
and/or redirection from adults about learning behavior expectations and that development in
this area is needed.

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