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Jakarta , 17 September 2014

PT Mega Auto Finance


Dear Sir /Madam

I am writng to inquire about he posible opurtunity to work in your company. Being a ful time
ambitous acounting student studying in the last year of Bachelors in majoring in Acounting at
Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia. I had an interenship at one of the organisations of
independendent asurance, tax and advisory firms, Certified Public Acountant . I also worked as a
acoounting staf in a retail company for less than 2 years. I can do work
efective and eficient. Besides I am sincere, punctual and poses god communication skils
which wil help me in strengthening the company's raport with the clients.

I am a hard working person, persistent and god with numbers. I am comfortable both working
within a team environment and on individual tasks. I believe my skils combine with my
educational background, could make me a god. I have agreat desire to work to achieve my goals
with commitment and determination. I believe that I wil be able to provide new ideas and great
contribution to your companys goal and vision as an staf and gain valuable experiences with your

To fulfil my aplication Ienclosed my Curiculum Vitae I hope my qualification and experience
merit your consideration and lok forward to your eply. Thank you for your kind atention and
consideration and Ilok forward to hearing from you son.


Ferdinand Sirait

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