Layers of The Earth Project

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Layers of the Earth Model and Story

Name:_____________________________ Date: __________ Due Date:
Purpose: Make a 3D Model of the layers of the earth Including the Tectonic plates and
Materials: Be Creative !ecycled materials and other ideas are "cloth# paper Mache#
plastic $ottles# etc%& to reduce cost and get e'tra credit( ) points e'tra credit for not
using *tyrofoam( Common materials: *tyrofoam $all# toothpicks# paper# and paint( ***If
you need help getting materials talk to me!!!
A !" M#"EL:
$%pts E&tra 'redit: +ill $e given for creating a fully recycla$le
(our Model must:
Be 3-dimensional "3D&
.ave / main layers and additional layers
Include all 0 continents and 1 tectonic plates
Be Neat# Complete# Creative# and Colorful
All parts of the Project must *e LA)ELE" on the project(
2ou can use toothpick +ags or some other creati,e -ay to la*el each part
' "ES'.IP/I#0S 1ey:
The "escriptions 1ey must $e an attached piece of the 3ro,ect that includes a full
description of the / main layers of the 4arth( This can $e a card$oard chart# inde' cards#
!i$$on attached to the model# or some other creative idea for descri$ing each layer( 5
plain paper key +ill not $e accepta$le(
"escriptions of the 2 MAI0 Layers should include:
1. Crust
2. Inner Core
3. Outer core
4. Mantle
5. Continental Crust
6. Oceanic Crust
7. Lithosphere
8. Asthenosphere
9. Convection Currents in the Mantle
1. Ice Caps on the !orth an" #outh $oles
11 !orth A%erica& #outh A%erica& 'urope& Asia&
A(rica& Australia an" Antarctica
12 La)el 8 tectonic plates
6( Distance across "thickness&
2. *tate of Matter: *olid# 7i8uid# or *emi-plastic
3( Temperature
4. Composition "9hat materials is it made of:&
" S/#.(:
A short creati,e story a$out traveling to the center of the earth( *tart on the Crust
and descri$e your ,ourney as you travel through each layer( 9hat do you see: .o+ do
you feel: This story should $e a part of your pro,ect so that people can follo+ your
,ourney through your diagram( This story should $e as factual as possi$le( Base your
story on class notes and home+ork( *tory must $e typed or neatly +ritten(
;rading !u$ric:
3oints 4arned 3oints 3ossi$le
Model is 3 dimensional
" 6) e'tra points for using all recycled material&
6) 3oints
Layers of the earth are la*eled 3$4 points5
1. Crust
2. Inner Core
3. Outer core
4. Mantle
5. Continental Crust
6. Oceanic Crust
7. Lithosphere
8. Asthenosphere with Convection Currents drawn and
0eatly32 points5
<) 3oints
Parts on the lithosphere are la*eled 3$6points5
1) Ice Caps on the North and South oles
!) North A"erica# South A"erica# $urope# Asia# A%rica#
Australia and Antarctica
&) Label 8 tectonic plates
0eatly3! points5
<) 3oints
"escripti,e key: 37 points5
Descriptions of the / M5IN 7ayers should include:
6( Distance across "thickness&
<( *tate of Matter: *olid# 7i8uid# or
3( Temperature
/( Composition "9hat materials is it
made of:&
"escripti,e 1ey is attached to the rest of the
Project38 points5
6) points
Short Story $7 points
*hort# creative story a$out a ,ourney to the center of
the 4arth includes the 6-1 la$eled +ords
*tory is typed or neatly +ritten and attached to
<) points
/#/AL P#I0/S
6897% points:A
4296$ points : )
1) 3oints
;494!points :'
279;; points :"
26 9% points :<

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