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1) In what ways does your media product, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real
media products?
My media work use forms and conventions of real media products because it is a continuity exercise.
I did this by using shot-reverse-shot, match-on-action and the 180 degree rule in my short film, this
is because these techniques are used in films in the media. As my media work has these techniques
it shows that I used forms and conventions of real media products.
2) How does your media product represent a particular social group?
My media product represents two kind of communities, this includes the middle aged group and a
gang social group. The middle aged group is represented to be mature and friendly to each other
which is portrayed as two strangers talking to each other in the middle of Lee Valley, this shows that
this type of social group behaves and interacts with anyone well. This media product also represents
a gang social group because at the end a hooded figure appears which does not mix well with the
middle aged group. This shows that two opposites of a group do not interact well with each other.
3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? (Disney, Sony,
I believe that my short film would be distributed by Universal Studios because it is a mystery/thriller
which audiences would find intriguing, which is a usual with Universal films. These would be the best
distributors for my short film because a company like Disney make films for a younger audience and
families which would not be the best direction for my film. This is because my film may scare them
because at the end you come across a hooded figure with creepy music, a teenager+ audience would
be for the best.
4) Who would be the audience for your media product?
My audience of my media product would be teenage years and above because it features horror
element which may frighten younger children so it is recommend for a teenage group. The audience
would be both boys/men and girls/women because it is not aimed at a certain gender. However,
boys/men would enjoy this film more because it has a sense of action and mystery which that
gender usually prefers, it contains no soap or drama moments which girls/women would prefer to
5) How would you attract/address your audience?
I would attract my audience by featuring a lot of mystery/action scenes in trailers, posters and
websites so it fascinates the viewer and makes them want to check it out more as it pulls you in. I
would do this through the use of mysterious moments in teasers. This would attract the audience
because it would pull the audience in with curiosity and tension which would be shown through
6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
During this project I have learnt many things about how films are made with different camera shots,
how to record effectively and how to edit a video. I learnt how to use the editing software on Serif
effectively so my film looks professional and improve the tension of the film, for example I put
horror music over the scene when the hooded figure appears. I have also learnt how to use the
camera properly to get different angles on the tri pod like the over-shoulder shot. Lastly, I learnt
how to create a website with Weebly, edit it and upload my film and other information.

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