FRSA Kay Hill Film Examiner For The International Baccalaureate

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RSA Connectors is a new and growing network of RSA Fellows
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new Fellows who want to find out more and get involved, and who
help local Fellows to organise events and collaborate on projects.
If you have any queries about the RSA Connector programme or if
your country does not yet have its own RSA Connector and you
would like apply to become one, e-mail Laura Southerland.
Latest RSA Connectors:Chris Kesihai (Bulgaria), David Santandreu
Calonge (China), Konstantinos M Pitychoutis (Greece), Kay Hill
Previous additions: Ali Serim (Turkey), Fernando del Ro (Spain),
Jonathan Robbins (Singapore) and Lin Grist (Canada), Fred Chak
(Hong Kong, China), Irwin Cruz (Philippines), Isilda Almeida-Harvey
(Portugal), David Burns (Paris/Strasbourg, France) and Geof Cox
(Brittany, France), Michael Tyrimos (Cyprus), Katie Boswell (San
Francisco, USA), Joao Fonseca da Silva (Uruguay), Gabriel Wer
(Guatemala), Jose Berrocal (Costa Rica), Sidney Rose (Sweden)
and Joseph O'Reilly (Thailand), Julian Williams (Dubai) and Paul Kawachi (North Korea).

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and Joseph O'Reilly (Thailand), Julian Williams (Dubai) and Paul Kawachi (North Korea).
Need support for your Fellows' meetings, network or projects? Go to the new Fellowship resources page for
ideas, guidance, how-tos and other support.
RSA Connectors - by country
Visit the RSA Australia website
Paul Vittles
City: Sydney
About: Paul Vittles is the current chairman of RSA in Australia and New Zealand. Paul
is a researcher, consultant, coach and mentor. His passion is helping people and
organisations to set and achieve their goals. Paul has particular expertise in facilitating
visioning workshops and vision-led change programmes. He also delivers keynote
presentations and masterclasses on his specialist topic of 'Creating and Delivering An
Inspired Shared Vision'. Also available from Paul: 4 pro bono visioning workshops per annum for social
Email Paul at
Daniela Krautsack
City: Vienna
About: Interests - interacting with inspiring minds whose sky is not the limit.
Inspirations - travelling the world; art, culture and creative industries. Challenges -
understanding the purpose of life. Responsibilities: sharing knowledge, motivating the
Email Daniela at
M Niaz Asadullah
About: I work in the area of international development and have recently moved from
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Oxford to Kuala Lumpur. As an economist and an educator, my challenge is to help
policymakers understand the causes of under-performance of education systems in low
and middle income countries and suggest appropriate reform measures. I also work on
social policies that deal with youth issues and female education. As an RSA connector I
expect to promote debates on how to leverage the education sector to deliver
economic growth and human development, particularly in Bangladesh. In this regard, I look forward to
opportunities to build on the work of the other RSA fellows in South-East Asia region and the countries
where I have lived (UK, India, Bangladesh and Malaysia). Visit M Niaz Asadullah's website at
Email at
Alain Ruche
City: Brussels
About: My key interest is to promote and contribute to community networks of
practice for meaningful social change with a view to improving general wellbeing and
awareness. My sources of inspiration are mutual understanding, empathy, experience,
improvisation and silence. I believe in slow thinking.
Email Alain at
Chris Kesihai
City: Sofia
About: I've worked as an educator and mentor, mostly in Asia, for over a decade, but
in the last few years have gravitated towards the technology startup world. I'm now
working on projects of my own, and have enjoyed support getting started from the RSA
Catalyst program. The startup community in Sofia is very dynamic and exciting, and
there are many opportunities for the RSA to offer help and support here - as well as for
many talented people here to contribute to the Skills Bank. When I'm not startup-ing, I'm a couchsurfer and
can also be found on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Email Chris at
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Lin Grist
City: Guelph (Toronto)
I have been a Fellow since 2002 and have lived on both sides of the pond, currently in
Canada. My key interests are civic engagement & 21st century democracy and social
Challenge is helping to build strong and vibrant communities.
Email Lin at
David Santandreu Calonge
City: Hong Kong
About: David Santandreu Calonge is currently Director of the Da Tong Project (Hong
Kong Baptist University). The Da Tong Project seeks to be a catalyst for
transformative and impactful projects and research across disciplines. He is also
Visiting Professor at Sungkyunkwan University (Korea), where he teaches Design-
thinking strategies and branding courses. His previous positions include Senior
Coordinator (Learning and Teaching), RMIT University (Australia), Associate Director,
Office of Education Development and General Education (EDGE, City University of Hong Kong). David
received multiple awards: Teaching Excellence Award in 2004, International Award for Innovative use of
Technology in Teaching and Learning (USA, 2005). David was bestowed Knight in the Order of Academic
Palms by the French Prime Minister in 2008 and was awarded the International Trophies of the French
Abroad by the French Senate (2008). David was co-awarded the 2012 Australia Open Universities Nova
Awards for Quality and Innovation in Instructional Design. Key interests - innovative curriculum designs,
and disruptive innovations in Education. He is currently working on a project exploring the impact
disruptive technologies will have on faculty, learning/teaching and universities around the world.
Email David at
Mark Havenhand
City: Shanghai
About: Key interests: environment, sustainability, working with China, creativity,
balance. Challenges - influencing without resources or power. Responsibilities -
knowing what's possible and likely. Networks - trying to get something started in
China! Cultural, creative, intellectual and actual. Inspirations - Beauty. A Peaceable
Kingdom (Hicks).
Email Mark at
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Carlos Largacha Martinez
City: Bogot
About: Social change towards a more humane society through complex-quantum
thinking, humanistic management, diversity/inclusion, with the challenge of changing
mental models to achieve it. My networks include the Society for Organizational
Learning, Management Innovation and Exchange MIX, and Humanistic Management
Network/Center. And here is my hack on Non-accumulative capitalism: social
incentives as the ultimate end.
Email Carlos at
Costa Rica
Jose Miguel Aguilar Berrocal
City: San Jos
About: Jose studied Psychology, has a Masters in Projects Management, and is
currently enrolled in LSEs Development Management Master Program as Chevening
Scholar. Jose first started organizing Punk Rock Concerts as fundraisers for social
causes. He worked as Social Development Advisor for local governments and as
consultant for the EU in Central American Border Zones. He then founded the NGO
Fundacin Accin Joven (FAJ) using his own savings. FAJ uses participatory methodology to prevent school
dropouts of at-risk students in public high schools. It has developed alliances with the Costa Rican
Ministries of Education, Welfare, Culture, Security, and private firms. The Government recently declared it
as Organization of Public National Interest. Jose achieved a reform of the University Volunteering Law, is
an ASHOKA Fellow, was named National Peace Builder by the Ministry of Justice and elected by the local
business newspaper as one of the 40 most successful young people in Costa Rica. He regularly works with
Ministers of Education and Welfare designing social policies for at-risk youth.
Email Jose at
Michael Tyrimos
City: Nicosia
About: Born in Cyprus, Michael always envisioned an entrepreneurial future for his
country. Following the completion of his studies and advisory duties in some of the
UKs most dedicated enterprise-driven organizations such as NACUE, EntrepreneurFirst
and others, he returned home aiming to create the first Cypriot integrated
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entrepreneurial ecosystem. Parallel to his venture, Synups, he co-founded the Cypriot
Enterprise Link, which in less than a year inspired a plethora of young Cypriots to an entrepreneurial
mindset, while supporting the creation of new initiatives such as Hack{Cyprus}, the first ever hackathon in
the country, and currently the launch of the StartUp Cyprus campaign.
Email Michael at
Czech Republic
Alexandra Bockova
City: Ostrava
About: Passion for photography, especially documenting the social. Living interest in
sustainable urban living and community development, active promoter of public space
and goods. The biggest institutional inspiration I see is in the work of the RSA. The best
insight on Czech society I acquire from the work of a Czech sociologist, Mr. Jan Keller.
Chair of a civic association encouraging art and creative work of emerging
photographers and artists. Current challenge is a university course on Creative Photography, starting this
autumn 2012 at the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Email Alexandra at
Vicki Therkildsen
City: Copenhagen
About: Vicki Therkildsen is an experienced journalist presently working in broadcast
journalism with The Danish Broadcasting Corporation and has a book coming out in
September 2012 - an investigative journalistic tale of a Danish murderer. She has great
knowledge of the media and gender issues and is currentling looking into doing a
documentary, starting a feminist network and almost certainly a number of other
things. With almost 20 years of experience doing voluntary work on national, european and international
level Vicki looks forward to helping RSA-fellows navigate in her home country, Denmark.
Email Vicki at
Mika Aaltonen
City: Helsinki
About: I think the Western materialist dream is fulfilled - and we are looking for the
next one: a second renaissance driven by individualism and the 'flat society', thats
how I am driven too.
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Email Mika at

David Burns
City: Paris, Strasbourg
About: Ive worked for most of my career in and around the headquarters of some of
the biggest and oldest companies on the planet. Strategy, deal-making, governance.
Lots of financial leverage.
In the last couple of years I have begun to get involved in smaller and/or newer outfits.
Bringing them on, making them stronger, getting them to the point where they can
create livelihoods for more people. Sometimes I just invest, sometimes I take on a part-time executive or
non-exec role, and I also work as a trustee for various education-related charities.
Perhaps my favourite activity right now is a little engineering company which is developing new
environmentally-sound packaging technology: I am a shareholder, and act as their Finance Director.
Although they would never admit it, I think they like to have me around because I get things organised,
and do what they see as the boring work. Not my view of course! Im British and French and flit back and
forth between the two countries, which is un-ecological; however in these times when the Continent is
almost entirely cut off, it makes me feel I can play a useful role for the RSA as a France Connector. Or
should it be Britain Connector? Tell me how you want to connect
Email David at
Geof Cox
Region: Brittany
About: I live in rural central Brittany and work internationally on social enterprise
development, focusing especially on creating sustainable livelihoods in poor or
otherwise disadvantaged communities.
My interests also include environmentalism and sustainability; culture, heritage and
conservation; music, literature, arts and crafts; education; open source and online
communities; current affairs - especially these days grassroots alternative economics like the 'Occupy'
and 'Indignados' movements - and international partnerships. Contact my website or my profile.
Email Geof at

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Ulf Brandes
City: Berlin
About: Key interests - organisational approaches to sustainability. Challenges - our
"homo oeconomicus" conditioning. Responsibilities - balance consulting, research and
family. Networks - like-minded people in Berlin. Inspirations - progress is possible
After many years in international technology and business management I started
working with like-minded people in Berlin to help organisations transform for innovation, sustainability,
and human values.
Email Ulf at
Konstantinos M Pitychoutis
City: Athens
About: Konstantinos is currently a lecturer in English, the professional development
coordinator of the Saudi INTERLINK Language Center at Al Yamamah University and a
teacher trainer at PROFILE Teacher Education Centre. He is also a visiting tutor of the
TEFL course in the English Faculty at the University of Athens and a fellow of the Royal
Society of Arts. Before joining Al Yamamah University, Konstantinos was a lecturer of
the division of ESOL at IST College, University of Hertfordshire and previous to that, an ESOL instructor at
London Computer College. As an active member of the TESOL community, he has served as chairman of
TESOL Greece (2008-2010), he has chaired numerous international, bi-national and national ELT
conferences, and he is currently a member of TESOL International Association's Professional Development
Committee (2014-2017).
Email Konstantinos at
Sujit S. Nair
City: Bangalore
About: Sujit is the co-founder and vice chair of British South India Chamber of
Commerce. He is a serial entrepreneur who is passionate about education and
enterprise promotion in India. His passion for enterprise promotion in India has seen
him working through a number of organisations to help to foster better conditions for
ambitious Indian entrepreneurs who want to take their company to the next level. He is
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in the process of working with the RSA to engage other influential and highly networked RSA Fellows who
are interested in working in India and contributing their knowledge and expertise to bring about a change
in a developing country. Key interest Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Indian Politics.
Email Sujit at
Kimihito Okubo
City: Tokyo
About: Kimy is a graduate of Waseda University in Japan and is an expert in branding
and thought leadership. His cross-cultural experience spans different continents and he
has extensive knowledge and experience in communications and marketing. His key
strengths are in leadership and business motivation skills, focusing on generating the
best, most creative, innovative solutions and ideas.
Email Kimihito at
Laos and Vietnam
Paul Brown
City: Vientiane, Laos
About: Being an RSA Fellow means for me taking the great historical contribution that
the RSA
has made and applying its relevance in developing countries. The mix of shared
knowledge (against the modern trend of intellectual property ownership) and
entrepreneurial endeavour that is evidenced in the RSA has an immense place to play
in countries that might envy what the West has done but have little understanding of how such
development was powered by social process. I see the role of Connector as not only being responsive to
other Fellows within SE Asia but also looking out for opportunities to actively connect the work of the RSA
to the countries in which I live and work (Vietnam, Ireland and England): and to engage with not only the
expatriate communities but actively promote the developed understandings of the RSA within civil society.
In countries where the idea of people associating freely together for common purposes is viewed
suspiciously, but where the force of them doing so is guardedly recognised as being a power for the
countrys development, the RSA values have a great deal to offer. As Connector it is my intention to
demonstrate that in whatever imaginatively productive ways might be possible.
Email Paul at
Robert Lloyd
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City: Kuala Lumpur
About: My key interests are in education, the environment , the performing arts and,
having spent most of my life in either the UK or Malaysia, I am interested in the links
between the two countries and what each can learn from the other. My current
responsibilities include the development of international education. I am concerned by
the challenges posed in achieving international mindedness amongst young people,
intercultural understanding, human rights and environmentally sustainable development.
Email Robert at
Graham Gurr
City: Gozo
About: I am artistically focused. Motivated by social development. Responsible by
example. Interactive professionally. Inspired by original and innovative ideas.
Email at Graham
Mark Johnson
About: I have recently moved from London to Mauritius where for an undefined time I
have decided to follow some of my ideas and dreams away from the corporate world,
and to become a Geography teacher and direct my skills in a more contributing way for
a few years. I am under no illusions that it will be easy and am prepared to fail, but
sometimes we perhaps need to look at our own sustainability as well as that of the
world around us. I believe that good education at the start has at least the potential to
undo many of the trenchant and increasing problems we see across the world, that are being driven by
both ignorance and greed. I dont however, just mean the push for English and Maths to ensure people can
get reasonable jobs, but a broader education, where people can start to understand the nature of our
environment, how our planet works, and how we have all evolved together to co- exist within it, leading to
our rich cultures and arts.
I see my role as Connector as an opportunity to be part of the core RSAs Global network, promoting its
philosophy, knowledge and programmes. I also want to use my knowledge and skills within the framework
of the RSA to support local projects, ideas and individuals in Mauritius to engage with a wider community
and a worldwide Fellowship.
Email Mark at
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Eidi Cruz-Valdivieso
About: I have worked for many years amongst some of the poorest communities in
Mexico, mainly in the areas of community involvement, co-creativity, mentorship and
communications. I studied Psychology in Mexico, and later at the London School of
Economics, where I continued learning about organisational psychology, intellectual
capital, co-creation and social entrepreneurship. During the years I lived in London I
also studied acting. My passion is for social transformation, art and creativity to find a
common platform, which can encourage others to create new possibilities, expressed in tangible actions.
Currently Im leading a programme that promotes creativity and innovation by incentivizing some of the
best social entrepreneurs around the world. Im also building a platform that allows these social
entrepreneurs to meet and find synergies which together can have even greater social impact.
Email Eidi at
Richard Kastelein
City: Groningen
About: To me, being an RSA Fellow means being part of a global network of change
agents for good. Social Entrepreneurship is my passion and I firmly believe we can
change the world for the better, but only by changing the way we tackle current and
future problems; through outsourcing and crowdsourcing innovation itself. The power of
many minds is much more powerful than the power of one. As a publisher, editor and
writer I have been in communications most of my life, but I also have built some of the world's largest
hackathons in San Francisco and London as well as started up half a dozen companies in the TV and
Internet sectors. With a global network of innovators - in both the technology and creative sectors, it's my
goal to pull together those resources for social projects in the future.
Email Richard at
North Korea
Paul Kawachi
City: Beijing
About: My interests are in developing sustainable low-cost open learning solutions for
rural development, using open educational resources and cloud technologies linked to
open universities and individualised resource designers. I am a Professor of
Instructional Design and Editor of Asian Journal of Distance Education.
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Email Paul at
Tom Morgan
City: Bergen
About: Tom lives in the heart of beautiful Bergen, Norway. A scholar-practitioner
background in design, working across disciplines with an ethos of collaboration and
creativity. Previously leading the design of a transdisciplinary Masters programme in
Creative Leadership and is a Founder of The Curiosity Bureau; a UK/Nordic partnership
of FRSA scholar-practitioners, immersed in forward-thinking research, which informs
and enriches open events and work commissioned by others. Key interests are wide spread from
establishing cultural connections, locally focused programmes for healthy futures, to building creative
enterprise. Tom is particularly curious about how groups of people, with different specialties, work
together to design the previously unknown and how our curiosity can lead us to enlightened spaces.
Connect with Tom via Linkedin or follow him on twitter @curiositybureau.
Email Tom at
Muhammad Asif Qureshi
City: Karachi/Glasgow
About: Linking science with the Arts has always been fascinating and yet challenging
for me. However, the RSA platform helps to bridge the two effectively. Networking with
"the men in power" in an attempt to achieve an enlightened 'Global Society' is my
ultimate aim.
Email Muhammad at
Irwin Cruz
City: Manila
About: I am currently an arts journalist based in Manila and a teacher at a local
university. I have lived in Guatemala, Germany, Italy, Thailand, and Spain and have
worked for various local and international publications. My interests are in new and
social media, the visual arts, cultural policies, and regional integration, while networks
include the media, the arts and the academe.
Email Irwin at
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Alexandra Krawiec
City: Poznan
About: Alexandra Krawiec has worked as a University Lecturer, Strategic Business
Adviser and a PR specialist. She was a Managing Director of MF Philharmonic Hall and a
President of the Living Art foundation. She is the founder of PrimeSolutions, a company
bringing together science and industry. Within PrimeSolutions she initiated PrimeIdea,
a media project specialising in documentaries. She is an author of Passion for Life, a
documentary featuring David Attenborough. Alexandra is convinced that everybody can make a difference,
and that working together for a good cause makes us all happier.
Email Alexandra at
Isilda Almeida-Harvey
City: Lisbon/Lewes
About: I work in the Culture and Heritage sector and throughout my career I have
mainly worked on the development and creation of new learning and community
engagement services in Museums and Archives. I chose to work in this sector because I
wanted to make a difference to people's lives and ways of thinking. Being an RSA
fellow is an opportunity to do that in a wider and even deeper scale.
My interests include Continuing Professional Development, partnerships, funding, audience development
and engagement. My responsibilities are to be creative, empower and widen access. I am Portuguese, I am
based in the UK and my professional and academic networks are cross sector and spread between the two
countries. Inspirations: I draw inspiration from people, their memories, passions and experiences and from
everything that symbolizes that. My challenge is that there isnt enough time to do everything we dream
Email Isilda at Follow Isilda on Twitter: @ESROlearning.
Janina Radulescu
City: Bucharest
About: Communication professional, public affairs twitterer - @JaninaRadulescu, fellow
member of the RSA & the Transatlantic Network 2020, CIPR graduate, enthusiast of
innovation & creativity-boosting practices.
Email Janina at
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Claire Reilly
City: Moscow
Saudi Arabia
Mamoon al-Azami
City: Jeddah
About: Mamoon has 40 years of experience in multinational community development
worldwide - in locations from Bangladesh to Hackney and Manchester. He has
delivered courses/lectures for NGOs from 50 countries and was President of the Islamic
Community Centre in north London. He is also a keen footballer and cricketer.
Email Mamoon at
Jonathan H Robbins
About: My key interests are releasing the talents and capacities of people to succeed.
Challenges include creating a twenty-first century assessment paradigm and moving
from competencies to the Capacity for personal mastery.
My networks are BERA, IAEA, Linked-In and RSA Networks. Inspirations include people,
poetry, photographs and prayer.
Email Jonathan at
South Africa
Barbara Bester
City: Cape Town
About: Barbara lives in Cape Town and has worked in the field of strategic
communications for more than 20 years in South Africa and internationally. Key
interest in bringing together Fellows for collaborative working relationships, within
South Africa, to become involved with community and urban projects important to the
ongoing, transformational growth of the country.
Email Barbara at
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Fernando del Ro
City: Madrid
About: I am an economist who has lived in Madrid and Istanbul. I co-founded
Hervideas, a not- for-profit consultancy which promotes a more emphatic, intelligent,
and inclusive economy through guidance to companies and social innovation studies. I
trust in technological and social innovation to guide the evolution towards a happier
society where people are able to undertake work they really enjoy in order to develop
their true potential and contribute to a better society. My interests include development economics,
cultural dialogue, happiness economics, science, technology, history, philosophy, photography, and
Email Fernando at
Sidney Rose
City: Stockholm
About: I have been an international educator and consultant since 1980; and have
worked in many countries and cultures. I embrace and celebrate the differences in
culture and tradition. I am interested in the delivery of the highest possible standards
of education to students in the 21st century, particularly in developing countries. I have
a huge network of educators globally and aspire to the sharing of skills and resources
to improve world standards of education.
Email Sidney at
Joseph O'Reilly
City: Bangkok
About: Originally from Australia Ive been living in London, working for a number of
global public interest organisations and causes for the last thirteen years. Ive spent
the last few years leading Save the Children UKs work on education around the world
and recently moved to Bangkok to help grow Save the Childrens efforts and influence
on education across Asia.
Needless to say Im passionate about expanding learning and educational opportunities. I have specialist
interests in literacy and reading and in increasing children in the developing worlds access to and use of
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better quality books. Im the founder of First Read, which aims to provide parents of very young children in
developing countries with material and skills to develop emergent literacy. Im also interested in design
and especially in how it can be used to improve public spaces and buildings and am keen to find a way to
work with others to improve the public realm of my new home town of Bangkok. Im a keen cyclist too and
would love to help Bangkok become a cycling city I like a challenge and find out from fellows where
cycling is already established or emerging in other parts of Asia. You can find out more about what Im up
to on my blog or connect via Linkedin.
Email Joseph at

Ali Serim
City: Istanbul
About: Ali Serim is a distinguished and nationally recognised development
professional with a proven record of both private sector engagement and advocacy in
new market entry, development goals, business intelligence, constituency building,
strategic growth, private sector engagement, capacity building, financial management,
public relations and overall stimulation of economic growth in the Turkish market.
Published and respected throughout the Istanbul community, a diligent leader with a reputation for
successfully contributing to the growth of Turkeys expanding private sector and providing substantive and
intellectual leadership. As a heritage activist Ali Serim is promoting activities and discussions for the
formation of a new strategic plan which will shape the future of the museums of Turkey over the next
decade as well as working for the expansion of the private sector involvement and donor base with a
special effort directed at identifying the next generation of leaders. He campaigns to underline the
importance of museums to make education more interesting as they bring students into contact with the
abstract form of what they learn in school and underlining museums as a major tourism attraction hence
they help in boosting a country's economy.
Email Ali at
South Korea
Roger Thompson
City: Suwon
About: To me, being an RSA Fellow means being a force for change and the
advancement of mankind. Originally from Canada I am a Fellow of the Inter-University
Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, an assistant professor at Kyung Hee University,
a military reformer and the author of two books on corruption in the U.S. Navy. If I
could change something about society it would be to help people realize that it is OK to
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challenge the propaganda and programming that they are exposed to in their early years. Far too many
people, even in democracies, simply believe everything they were taught in school, and never question the
status quo. Our civilization will never make true progress if most of our people don't question what their
history teachers told them in high school.
Email Roger at
United Arab Emirates
Julian Williams
City: Dubai
About: Julian Williams is Group Quality Assurance Director for a group of international
schools in Dubai. He has been an international teacher, school leader and consultant
for over 30 years in the UK, Malawi, Colombia, China and the UAE. He is also a
doctoral student with a keen interest in school leadership and improvement and
education for social responsibility. He has a wide portfolio of other interests in
education and training including: meeting special educational needs and EAL in the mainstream classroom;
teacher CPD and ownership of appraisal; stakeholder partnerships as a vehicle for sustainable change;
bridging academic/vocational divisions and entrepreneurship and Can Do thinking in education. Networks
include the IB, CIE, Cambridge ESOL and Linked-In. Challenges include clearing my in-tray and maintaining
a healthy family life/work balance. He has not yet succeeded.
Email Julian at

United States
Katie Boswell
City: San Francisco
About: Katie has worked in public policy and international development in the UK,
India and US. She is currently International Program Manager for One World Children's
Fund in San Francisco, an organization which believes that local communities are best
suited to solve problems affecting children in their communities. She is interested in
the interaction of the local and the global, as new technologies reshape our lives but
vast power imbalances remain. Katie holds an MA in History from the University of Cambridge and is
currently studying for an MSc in Development Management from the Open University. In her spare time,
she enjoys learning Hindi, reading and travelling.
Email Katie at
United States
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Kay Hill
City: Orlando, Florida
About: Kay is a filmmaker, writer and educator. Her passion is education and the arts -
in all forms. She loves sharing thoughts, ideas and opportunities with people and
welcomes the chance to learn something new every day. She has been a fellow of the
RSA for many years, initially in the UK and now in the USA. Kay's experience includes
being a Board Advisor to the National Geographic All Roads Project - providing funding
to indigenous and under-represented film makers across the world; a documentary film maker with over
200 credits; Co-owner of Florida Film Academy; Founding producer of Culture Fest; UK School Governor
and Film Examiner for the International Baccalaureate. Key Interests - encouraging social change and
cultural understanding through a creative lens; visualising changing cultures through the arts; promoting
the importance of Arts in Education and building opportunity between global creativity and commerce, with
a particular interest in the role of the creative thinker in science and industry.
Email Kay at

United States
John Oakley
City: Washington state; Oakham (Rutland, UK)
About: To leverage my international and enterprise experience to introduce the use of
appropriate technologies that enable communities to communicate and collaborate on
projects that support the growth of local employment and wealth creation.
Email John at
United States
James Thai
City: New York
About: James Thai is a Bay Area native who grew up in Danville, California. He won
the Sam Ramon Valley Unified School District Art Competition before enrolling in the
Universitys undergraduate Textile Design program. A detailed textile designer, who
works within all areas of surface design; he was selected to debut his leather burnt
textile work in the Academy of Art Fall 2013 Show during New York fashion week and
was then a finalist in the first RSA-US SDA Awards. He is an RSA-US Diebold Fellow and is currently
interning with an international New York design firm.
Email James at
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Audrey Dralega
About: I volunteered to be a connector for the RSA because I enjoy the exploration of
new ideas and discussion that comes from networking with a wide variety of people. I
enjoy the cut and thrust of debate, I am good at linking people with similar ideas and
goals. The RSA is a great sounding board for those at the very start of an idea or
process, a support network for those incubating and needing to refine ideas through
discussion and a great platform for spreading information on initiatives that will impact
society positively. I can't think of anything better! I see being a Connector as being the link between
fellows overseas, and an advocate for the wider reach of RSA initiatives in an increasingly inter-linked
world. Fellows can connect with me on any issue at all as I see the role of the connector as being just that.
Email Audrey at
Joao Fonseca da Silva
City: Montevideo
About: Joao Fonseca da Silva, born in Portugal but currently residing in Uruguay, is a
PhD student at the University of Cambridge. Joao has a wide range of interests from
creativity and serendipity to more fundamental issues such as social, economic, and
environmental sustainability. Do get in touch with him if you are planning to move to
Uruguay or just visiting.
Email Joao at
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