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We celebrate Book Day on the 23

April. n that day ! two o" the most "amous writers in
the world died#
&iguel de Cer'antes (((((((((((( born in $)*+ in Alcal, de -enares! &adrid. -e had six
brothers and sisters. -is "ather (((((((( an itinerant doctor. Cer'antes ((((((((( a soldier
and he "ought in the battle o" .epanto! in $)+$. -e ((((((((((( in/ured in his le"t hand.
0rom that moment! people calle him 1el manco de .epanto2 because he couldn3t use his
le"t hand. When he was returning to 4pain "rom 0landes! his ship ((((((((((( attacked by
pirates and he (((((( captured. -e ((((((((((( capti'e "or se'en years.
&iguel de Cer'antes wrote many works but his most "amous work is Don 5uixote. -e
wrote the 6rst part in $78) and the second part in $7$).
Cer'antes died on the twenty9third o" April $7$7.
4hakespeare (((((((( born on the twenty9third April $)7+ in 4trad"ord9upon9A'on.
-e had se'en brothers and sisters. -is "ather (((((((((((((( a town o:cial. 4hakespeare
(((((((( an actor and he tra'elled to .ondon when he ((((((((((( twenty9three years old.
-e and some o" his "riends! all o" them (((((((( actors! built a theatre in .ondon. ;t
(((((((( next to the ri'er <hames. <hey called the theatre 1the =lobe2. 4hakespeare
stopped acting and continued writing theatre plays and sonnets. -is most "amous plays
are 1>omeo and ?uliet2! 1-amlet2 and 1&acbeth2. 4hakespeare died on the twenty9third o"
April $7$7.
<rue or 0alse#
4hakespeare was a soldier.
Cer'antes wrote 1-amlet2.
4hakespeare was born in .ondon.
Cer'antes wrote Don 5uixote.
4hakespeare was called 1el manco de
Cer'antes was an actor.
4hakespeare didn3t ha'e "riends.
Cer'antes was a "amous doctor.
;nteresting "act#
Cer'antes and 4hakespeare died on the twenty9third o" April $7$7 but ;t WA4@3< the same
;n Bngland! they had the ?ulian Calendar. ;n that calendar! the twenty9third o" April was the
thirteenth o" April $7$7 in our Calendar! called the =regorian calendar.
;n the year $+)2! Bngland adopted the =regorian Calendar.

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