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Narrative Structure

Our film is about a murderer/ stalker called Jessica. She is madly in love with a man
(Tom), who doesnt even know she exists. She goes insane and starts to follow and
kill anyone who stands in her way or anyone who gets too close to her lover. Our
plot does not really follow the normal structure of Todorovs Theory, but it can still be
explained through certain aspects from it.
Equilibrium: our Movie starts off with the murderer, Jessica, setting up her IPhone
to film something. This is an equilibrium because nothing bad has happened yet or at
least not to the audiences knowledge.
Disruption: she then goes to pick up her IPhone and she places it on the floor. Its
at that point, that we see a person (Sarah), on floor tied up covered in blood and
trying to escape. This is a disruption because before hand, the audience would have
been intrigued at what Jessica was doing, and maybe trying to figure out what she
was doing. They would not have known she was a killer.
In our two-minute outline, the points above are shown. Everything else is what would
happen if we filmed the rest of the 90 minute film. (According to Todorovs theory)
Realisation: because the movie is following the antagonist there is no real
realisation. But you could say that when Jessica realises that the man she loves will
never love her, she stops killing women and goes to kill him instead.
Restored order: when she goes to kill Tom he overpowers her and because Jessica
knows that she cannot kill him she kills herself instead. This restores order because
no one else will be killed.
New Equilibrium: Because Jessicas dead Toms life will go back to normal, and the
police would finally find out that there was a mass murderer out there and they did
not even know.

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