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Arcadia Kassel

English 12
August 20, 2014
Personality Profile
After taking the ersonality rofile ! learned that ! am a lion" A lion is leader #ho is $ery
confident and en%oys taking risks" ! agree #ith the resonse the rofile ga$e me &ecause ! am
$ery fast aced and am al#ays u for cometition" ! am not a $ery good lanner &ecause
#hen ! make lans most of the time they change so !m $ery imulsi$e" '$er the ast coule of
years ! ha$e seen that ! like to &e on my o#n and like my freedom" ! lo$e to take things on
myself and try to comlete task as soon as ! can"
At #ork #e deal #ith in%ured atrons a lot and #hen this haens ! tend to take control
and lead my eers" ! also agree that lions are not $ery good listeners" (y arents say that !
am not a good listener &ecause ! tend to tune them out #hen they are talking to me" ! usually
send more time thinking a&out the resent that the ast or future" !f #e only think a&out the
future #e don)t en%oy #hat #e ha$e in the resent"

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