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Name _____________________________ Date: _________________

Period: ________________ Subject: ______________

Paragraph Writing Model

1. Claim and intro - Mention the author, the title, the concept you will be talking about and
the 3 reasons you have for choosing your opinion.

I agree with Paulo Freires idea of the banking system in the book, The Pedagogy of
the Oppressed because (reason 1), (reason 2), and (reason 3).

2. Fill in any gaps. Explain Paulos idea of the banking system. What does it mean for
someone who didnt read his book?

Freire, a man who worked in education, world-wide, thought that the banking
system was ..

3. First reason. State whether you agree or not. Explain the quotation that you are using
and add an example from your life.

Freire is correct in his idea of the banking system when he writes the teacher
knows everything and the students know nothing. (Use a transitional word (For
example, For instance etc.)I have experienced this firsthand when

4. Second reason. Use a transitional phrase (In addition, Also, to add, etc. ). Then state
your second reason, use a quote from the text, then add an example from your life.

5. Third reason. Use a transitional phrase (Lastly, Furthermore, etc.). Then state your
second reason, use a quote from the text, then add an example from your life.

6. Concluding sentence. Restate your position, mention the points that you hit on, and
wrap the sentence up with a general statement about the topic.

In conclusion, Freire was correct in his idea of the banking system in his book The
Pedagogy of the Oppressed. He thought that students were treated like empty
containers and teachers had to fill them up. I feel this way because of (reason 1),
(reason 2), and (reason 3). From my own life I have seen these things happen when
(briefly mention the 3 examples you wrote about). From reading his book it is clear
that education still has a long way to go to be better for all students.

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