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Altus Student

CC Pathway
Lesson 12
My College Plan
I am currently planning on attending Mesa Community College in San
Diego, California. I would like to pursue a degree in Architecture or Interior
Design at an Associates Degree level. I feel that once I have completed this
level of education, I can egin my career while I continue to pursue an
education at a four!year university for a "achelors Degree. #he ene$t to
this plan is that I will e ale to start working in my chosen $eld sooner than
if I simply attended a four!year university and then egan looking for work.
#he drawack is that I will not e ale to complete as many credit
units%hours as &uickly if I am working and going to school.
I plan on eing successful in community college y eing responsile
for my own well!eing and scholastic success. I will e working part!time and
living at home. #his will allow me to save money to help pay for school when
I transfer to a university. I plan to get help with the transfer process y
visiting with my community college counselor at least once a semester and
also meeting with an advisor or counselor at the school to which I will e
transferring. #his will also allow me to e'plore all of my options when it
comes to transferring, such as which school will e the right $t for me.
I will de$nitely e transferring to a four!year school once I have
completed my Associates Degree. I am currently interested in California
State (niversity, )ong "each, San *rancisco State (niversity, and California
State (niversity, Sacramento. I would like to earn my "achelors Degree at
one of these schools and continue to pursue a career at an architecture or
interior design $rm. Someday I hope to open my own design company
speciali+ing in eco!friendly uilding materials and practices and creating
spaces that work harmoniously with the local landscape.

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