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August 2014 1


Inventory strategy to increase efficiency and decrease waste

Reducing in-process inventory and associated carrying costs

Items are created to meet demand, not created in surplus or in
advance of need

August 2014 2

Centers on the elimination of waste - from raw material to

Production of the minimum number of units, which eliminates
the need for inventory

Production strategy to improve a business' return on investment

August 2014 3
Origin : JAPAN

Initially known as : Toyota Production System

Taiichi Ohno : father/originator of JIT

Scenario After Second world war
Taiichi Ohno Examined American

Devised a new system based
on elimination of waste.

August 2014 4

Flexible resources
Cellular layouts
Pull production system
Small-lot production
Quick setups
Uniform production
Quality at the source
Supplier networks

August 2014 5
JIT implementation design

Design Flow Process
Total Quality Control
Stabilize Schedule
Kanban Pull System
Work with Vendors
Work with Vendors
Improve Product Design
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JIT across organizations

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Reduced Setup time.
Funds tied up in inventories can be used elsewhere.
Storage area used up can be utilized.
Production scheduling and work hour consistency is
synchronized with demand.
Supplies come in regular intervals throughout the production
Risk of inventory breaking/expiring is reduced largely.
Inventory flow becomes simpler and easier to manage.

August 2014 8

It makes re-working very difficult in practice, as inventory is kept
to a bare minimum.

There is a high reliance on suppliers.

Organization would not be able to meet an unexpected
increase in orders.

A natural disaster could interfere with the flow of goods to the
company from suppliers, which could halt production almost at

August 2014 9
August 2014 10

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