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Some rules and suggestions for writing lab reports.

1. Use MicroSoft(MS) Word for text.

2. You can add formulas or equations by hand.
3. In MS Word, you can insert ree! symbols.
". Use Origin for #lottin$ data and analysis. It is o! to use Excel
for some tas!s such as dia$rams, etc.
%. In &ri$in, you can sa'e #lots as (.bm# or (.)#$ files, so that they
can be inserted to your (.doc re#ort. *lternati'ely, you mi$ht co#y
the &ri$in $ra#h directly and #aste it to your W&+, (.doc re#ort.
-. .abel the axes and add units on your $ra#hs /here necessary.
0. Insert your $ra#hs, tables or formulas on the #a$e, /here they
are actually discussed, if #ossible. 1lease, do not stac! all of the
data tables and #lots to the bac! of the re#ort.
Fig. 1. *l/ays add fi$ure ca#tions.
2. 3ach lab re#ort should ha'e a short Introduction 4one
#ara$ra#h5 describin$ the #ur#ose of the lab and basic ideas. ,o
not )ust co#y the lab descri#tion or manual into your re#ort. *
$ood strate$y is to 4a5 read the lab manual carefully, 4b5
understand it, and 4c5 describe the essence in your o/n /ords in
a sin$le #ara$ra#h.
6. You can co#y circuit dia$rams into your re#ort from the lab
descri#tion 4do/nloadable at the course /eb #a$e5 or dra/ them
by hand.
17. *fter the introduction, there must be an Experimental section,
/here you sho/ the data you obtained and analy8e them. *ll the
tables, #lots, calculations etc should be in this section.
11. 9hen, #lease include a brief Conclusion.
12. 1lease do not for$et to include: 4a5 your Name, 4b5 the date,
and 4c5 the title of the lab on to# of the front #a$e of the re#ort.
13. 3ach lab #artner must hand in his or her o/n indi'idual
re#ort. &nly the ra/ data can be shared by the #artners. ,o not
co#y re#orts from your #artners.
1". 9he re#ort is due at the day /e start /or!in$ on the next lab.
1%. radin$ the labs.
Max. $rade is 177 #oints.
9hin$s that could result in a lo/er $rade:
1. Missin$ units;
2. Missin$ axes labels on the #lots;
3. <ot a##ro#riately rounded numbers;
". =ailure to submit the re#orts in time;
%. Some #arts of the lab missin$;
-. Missin$ ra/ data 4actual measurements5;
0. Unclear or messy re#orts;
2. 1a$es are not numbered.
1-. .ab re#orts must be submitted as a hard co#y only.

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