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Nur Halim Bin Ismail

Activity 3
Madam SreeNorainee
Act 2 - Scene 1
1. How much time has passed between Act 1 and Act 2? How do you know? (Keep
watching for evidence.)
- For my opinion, I predicted that the time passed is around almost 3 months. This is
because Hamlet father died around 2 months ago, followed by the marriage of Hamlets
mother with Claudius.
2. Why is Ophelia so upset when she enters? What has happened to her? Does
Hamlet's appearance (in her telling) as a madman (a distracted lover) come as a
surprise after what we last heard him say? Why would he appear in this sort of madness
to her? Is there any possibility he really is a distracted lover responding to Ophelia's
apparent rejection of him? How well has she obeyed the commands her father gave her
in Act 1?
-She felt scared because she just meet Hamlet who appeared like a crazy man. Hamlet
also looks like a madman. This can be seen when he appeared with unbuttoned shirt
which does not show his normally good looking. He came like that because , he just
returned from meeting the ghost.
3. What is Polonius' response to what Ophelia tells him? Where are they going?
-Polonius felt regret for what he just did. Which is he, asked Ophelia tu reject Hamlets
loves. After the conversation done, they were heading to see King.
Act 2 - Scene 2
1. 1. Why have Rosencrantz and Guildenstern come to court? What is their relation to
Hamlet? What use does Claudius have for them? Does this remind you of Polonius' use
for Reynaldo? Are there any significant differences?
-Rosencrantz and Guildenstern come to court because , king wanted them to spy on
Hamlet for his strange behaviors. King chosed them because of they are one of
Hamlets good friends since childhood and also in Wittenberg University. This spy
method also been used by Polonius when he send Reynaldo to spy on his son Laertes.
2. We've now had several different explanations of Hamlet's madness: love, his father's
death, and that plus "our o'erhasty marriage" (note Gertrude's awareness of
impropriety). Are people content with these explanations? Are you?
-Gertrude felt content because knowing that her son Hamlet turned mad because of her
marriage with Claudius in several month after her fathers death. While Claudius felt not
satisfied and thinks there were another reason for the strange behaviors of Hamlet
besides of the love. Polonius also worried , but he worried just because of her son
Ophelia who caused this all things to happened and also Ophelias safety. For my
opinion, I am not feeling content for just of this reason. Because, I think that Hamlet was
no logger trust women after what his mother done, which is marrying his uncle soon
after his fathers death . The main idea that playing in my mind for Hamlets strange
behaviors is because of his father was murdered
3. What results have come from Cornelius' and Voltemand's trip to Norway? Has
Claudius' use of diplomacy rather than war been justified? What will Fortinbras be doing
next? Can we expect to see him in Denmark after all? Why?
-Cornelius and Voletmand bring news that, when the Fortinbras s uncle know that
Fortinbras wanted to attack Denmark instead of Poland, he ordered to change that plan
to against only Poland. Fortinbras obeyed his uncle ordered . As the result, he given
money to prepare their soldier for the move. Claudius used diplomatic method to
prevent from war. If the Fortinbras really wanted to attack Poland, they need to pass
trough Denmarks land first. So, if Claudius approved they will meet soon.
4. . Refer to the scene between Hamlet and Polonius. How does Hamlet behave when
he enters? Does Polonius think he is mad? Is this the way we would expect Hamlet to
act after Ophelia's description in 2.1? Why does he call Polonius a fishmonger? (It may
help to know that fishmongers' wives, and daughters, apparently because of the fish,
were assumed to be extremely fertile and thus able to conceive easily - and thus the
-When Hamlet enters the room and have and annoyed conversation with Polonius.
Hamlet also called Polonius a fishmonger because he believed that Polonius used her
son, Ophelia to maipulating him. After being called a fishmonger, he convinced that
Hamlet was totally lossing his mind. For my opinion, Hamlet was acting distraught and
sad instead of mad.
5. How does Hamlet behave initially with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern? Is it different
from the way he just acted with Polonius? How does Hamlet change when he realizes
that the two were sent for by Claudius and Gertrude?
At the first place , he was excited to met his two friends by having conversation with
them. But after knew that both of them were sent by Claudius and Gertrude to spy him,
he disappointed because they betrayed him. He already suspected there was a reason
behind that visit.
6. What connections does the content of the First Player's speech have with the
play Hamlet?
- Pyrrhus kills Priam which is his grandfather just same like Hamlet play scene which is
the Hamlets brother kills him to take the throne is the connections does connects the
content of the First Players speech and the play of Hamlet is The same thing is about a
man who is killing his own family member for his importance.
7. Read Hamlet's third soliloquy carefully. How does he use the player's response to
show how different his own position is? Is the comparison justified by what we have
seen happen in the play? He complains that he hasn't acted on his vengeance. Why
hasn't he? Why does he need the play? What will he learn from it?
- Hamlet analogs him self as a coward slave. . The ghost needs Hamlet in taking the
revenge on the Kings murder, but Hamlet is cowardly without any actions towards his
revenge mission. During the play, he detected that Claudius seen different. But he still
cannot do anything because there is no proof showing that he killed his father and the
ghost also cannot be trusted fully.
Act 3 - Scene 1
1. Read Hamlet's fourth soliloquy carefully. How is this soliloquy different from the first
two? Think about the way Hamlet's mind works within the first two - is the same thing
happening here? What is the main idea of this fourth soliloquy? (For an interesting
variant of this speech, you might want to look at the duke's version in chapter 21 of
Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - a great parody/pastiche.)
2. What happens between Hamlet and Ophelia in the so-called "Nunnery scene"? Does
Hamlet know that he's being watched? Does he determine that during the scene? Can
you spot a place where he might? (Remember how he changed his way of talking to
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.) Who is the "one" referred to in "all but one"?
-Ophelia was sent by Claudius to act and have a personal conversation between her
and Hamlet. In the act, both of them are having clash scene. This can be prove when
Hamlet denied his relationship with Ophelia .From the Hamlets dialogs , it shows that
he can felt the present of Claudius and Polonius. Where he was being sarcastic .The
one in the Hamlets dialogs referred to his uncle King Claudius. Hamlet said that
Claudius is the one who going to be killed by him.
3. What does it add to note that in talking about marriage Hamlet seems to be echoing
St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 7?
-He suggested Ophelia to go to a nunnery. This because Ophelia already have sex with
Hamlet, but Hamlet refuse to marry her. In their religion, if the woman who having a sex
but then married another man, it was a sinful thing to do.
4. How does Claudius respond to what he has seen and heard? Is he convinced that
love is the cause of Hamlet's madness? What does he plan to do about Hamlet? How
does Polonius respond? Is he willing to give up his "love" answer? What does he
propose as an additional way to find out what Hamlet is thinking? Are you surprised that
it includes spying?
-No, Claudius felt there was another reasons Hamlet behaves like that. He plans to
send Hamlet back to England . For Polonius he still with his love minded. He still thinks
that Hamlet behavior caused by his daughter Ophelia .He wanted to hear the
conversation between Hamlet and Queen. No , Im not surprised , because they already
used this technique between Ophelia and Hamlet.
Act 3 - Scene 2
1. How does the play-within-the-play (The Mousetrap) reflect the issues bothering
Hamlet? Can you identify the lines he has had inserted? (Don't worry, nobody else can
either.) Interestingly, the story of Gonzago as known outside Hamlet turns into a
revenge story, with Gonzago's son revenging his father's death. So what we've seen is
only the first few minutes of a much longer play. What lines would hit the intended
audience hardest? Although Hamlet is interested in Claudius' response, notice that so
far Gertrude has taken the strongest "hits" (except, perhaps, for the poisoning in the ear
- one of the new "Italianate" evil inventions, a way to murder someone without it
appearing to be murder). Consider also the Player King's more abstract speech in 3.2.
- Hamlet still angry with the murderer which id his own uncle. The motive for that play is
just wanted to see his uncle reaction.From that story, Gonzagos son takes on the
revenge of his father and if compare it with Hamlets situation, Hamlet did not takes his
revenge. This is because he is not ready and at that situation. From the player speech,
it reminded Queen Gratitude and reflected the plays to her. Although her husband just
died within two month her acting like nothing happened .

2. What is Claudius' mood as he stops the play? How does Hamlet respond? Hamlet
seems to have learned that Claudius is indeed guilty (if that's indeed why Claudius
stopped the play and not for some other reason). But Claudius has also learned
something from the presentation of the play. What has Claudius learned? What does
Hamlet think he (Hamlet) has learned, and what is his mood?
-King Claudius seems angry with the show. This can be seen when he asked to stop the
show and turn on the light. This anger can be seen when he stand up from his bench
and started shouting. After what Hamlet saw, he fell satisfied from his uncle anger. The
anger shows how clear , that his uncle is the ,murderer. So the story that been thought
by the Ghost are true. Claudius fell very regret for what he just done. killing his own
brother in order to take the throne. He suppose not don that stupid killing stuff, instead
there are many way to get the throne other than killing like an animal.

3. Read Hamlet's fifth soliloquy carefully.
"'Tis now the very witching time of night"
How is it different from the other soliloquies? What is the mood of the soliloquy? How do
you react to it? What is happening to Hamlet when he says "now could I drink hot

- In his 5
soliloquy , its different from other. Which is he turn to be like an angel with a
heaven hearted. Compare to other, with full with madness anger and depression. He
need to be brave to see his mother. So that he can reveal all the his uncle play in
getting the throne. From the dialog, I can feel that the revenge towards his uncle are
stillin fire.
Act 3 - Scene 3
1. What does Claudius admit in his attempt to pray? Has the play actually had an effect
on him? Why can't he ask for forgiveness?
- From the scene we can see that, the play really affected him. He fell regret for what
have he done. He fell very faulty, because of only a throne, he willing to kill his own
blood brother. Himself can feel how big the sin he just made. So he thinks, no use of
asking for forgiveness to god.
2. Hamlet seems to be getting through to Gertrude when the Ghost enters. Why does
the Ghost appear at this point? How is his appearance different from his appearances in
Act 1? Who saw him then? Who sees him now? What is his message to Hamlet?
- This is because , the moment he saw is uncle regret, he can feel if he kill him at tha
moment, he would placed in heaven . So he decided to wait until his uncle are in
tempered emotional and revengeful so at that moment is the gold time to kill his uncle.
So he will not placed in holy heaven.

Act 3 - Scene 4
1. Does Gertrude know that Claudius killed Hamlet's father?
-From the scene, actually Gertrude dont know that her present husband is a murderer
that kill her late husband. From the way of conversation between Hamlet and his mom it
show that Queen did not believe what hamlet said to her. She thought that Hamlet
talking nonsense about her late husband.

2. Hamlet seems to be getting through to Gertrude when the Ghost enters. Why does
the Ghost appear at this point? How is his appearance different from his appearances in
Act 1? Who saw him then? Who sees him now? What is his message to Hamlet?
-The appearance of the ghost is because the way he treat his mother is wrong. He
supposed to talk t his mother kindly and politely. He also need to respect her mother
feelings and treat kindly. The ghost at this time appear differently from scene 1. At this
time the ghost came in without any anger. The ghost remind Hamlet back that her
mother are not the one need to scold.

3. After the Ghost leaves, does Hamlet succeed in what he came to do? What is
Gertrude's state when he leaves? What should she do, and what should she not do?
- Afer the ghost leaves, Hamlet asked her mother to not sleep with his uncle, Claudius.
And said that all thet he just said is fake at all and dont believe him. His mother just
accept the shock .

1.1.Shakespeare, William, and Sylvan Barnet. The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of
Denmark with New and Updated Critical Essays and a Revised Bibliography.
Revised/Expanded ed. New York: Signet Classic, 1998. 35-93. Print

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