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The ARIZONAN is a electronic social media publication that covers social economic topics as they relate to Arizonans. All
data, views and opinions are offered as non-partisan information for the purpose to serve Arizonans around the state.

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According to Arizona State Revised Statues Arizona children are not protected well enough. The Arizona
State Revised Statues 13-705 and 13-1105 are laws and penalties for violent crimes committed by convict-
ed felons who can serve up to 37 years of imprisonment for committing a violent crime against a child, in-
cluding homocide. The actual penalty for murder in Arizona is 35 yrs to life imprisonment. The
A.R.S.13-705 requires the State of Arizona to pursue the death penalty for each crime of homocide wheth-
er child or adult. At this time, current legislation has no recourse beyond 37 years of imprisonment for the
murder of a child in Arizona. A convicted felon can be excused from a life term imprisonment for murder-
ing a child in Arizona, as written according to current legislation. How can legislation be so inconsistent?
Studies reveal children are no safer today than earlier years. A Recent study by USA Today, Parents Who
Murder Their Children published an increase of violent crimes against children. Approximately 400 or
more deaths of children attibutiable to their parents occurs annually in the U.S. Another interesting find-
ing, Arizonas A.R.S.36-3603 carries a sentence of 2 to 5 years inprisonment for assistive abortions or mis-
carrages. According to the Arizona State Revised Statues, it is the State of Arizonas responsibility to Pro-
mote Life of the Fetus or Embryo to be Born Alive as written in A.R.S. 36-2301.

What can be done to balance the scales and protect the life of a child? Arizonans will need to address these
issues with our policy makers, our senators and congress and legislators for solutions. According to the
CDC, Center of Disease Control and Prevention has reported thousands of cases of maltreatment of chil-
dren in our nation each year. Each year data is released to our policymakers regarding the social economic
status of our nations children to promote change and a consensus for new policies and legislation. Inter-
national organizations such as the Office of High Commission of Human Rights, UNICEF, United Na-
tions Childrens Fund and the World Health Organisation advocate an end to violence against children.
Other studies compiled by the CDC reveal to us that Arizona ranks seventh among all fifty states for vio-
lent deaths with the use of a hand gun, statistics reported from 1997 through 2007. The CDC also report-
ed for the year 1990, more than 1700 children experience abuse or neglect and 5000 children were mur-
dered between the ages of 10 and 24 years of age in the U.S. As for Arizonas children the number of
children removed from the care of their parents are ever so increasing. Maricopa County CPS reported an
increase from 28,091 to 29,832 of maltreatment cases of neglect for years 2012 and 2013 respectively.
For the same years, CPS reports a slight increase of physical abuse cases. The report also included a re-
port from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services listing Arizona with an increase of over 40%
for children in fostercare. One the nations highest number of cases for foster care cases between 2007 to
2013. Inconsistencies in laws, legislation, new public policies and programs and funding are responsible
for the problems in which Arizona children are at loss. Arizona it is time to roll up our sleeves to better
serve Arizonas children!
October Publication 1 Volume 3

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