Create A Flow Map (Sequence of Events) Regarding The Early Republic of Rome

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The Early Republic Of Rome

1. The main idea of this is Etruscan became king of Rome.

Hilltop villages covered 500 square


Voracious kings ordered the
Constitution of Rome's first temples.

2. The king of Rome was Tarquin the Proud.

A tyrant was driven power in 509 B.C.

A form of government called the
republic had citizens who have the right
to vote their leaders.

3. Patricians and Plebeians

Patricians are wealthy landowners who

held most power.

They are common farmers, artisans, and
merchants who made a majority of

4. Power and Social Status

Plebeians were citizens of Rome with

the right to vote.

Tribuens protect rights of Plebeians
from unfair acts.

5.Twelve Tables

A victory for the plebeians that was

forced to the creation written in law

In 451 B.C. a group of 10 officials began
writting down Romes Laws.

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