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The Early Republic Of Rome

1.Kings started to rule Rome and they helped Rome expand tremendously.

Went from a collection of hilltop villages to

large cities with public centers and temples.

One of the most famous temples is the Forum
which was the heart of Rome political life.

2.Romes last king, Tarquin the proud, was a harsh tyrant that was driven by power
and led rome to never be led by a king again.

Rome Set-up a republic which gave citizens the

right to vote for their leaders.

Voting rights was only given to free-born male

3.Two groups struggled for power in the Roman society.

The Patricians were the wealthy landowners

who held the most power.

The Plebeians were the common folk which
was the majority of people that were farmers,
merchants, and artisans

4.Patricians claimed they had the right to establish laws because of their ancestry.

The plebeians had little right to over hold

government positions.

Eventually the Plebeians Tribunes who had the
right to protect the rights of plebeians.

5.The Twelve Tablets

Before the officials would alter the rules to

suit their specific needs.

Now the laws were fact and was the basis for
roman law.

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