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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Rev.

Teacher Candidate: Olivia Shaffer Lesson # 1
Subject/Grade: EEDA/ TMD Date and Time of Lesson:
Learning Objective: (must support unit objectives identified in TWS 3)
The students will be able to express appropriate behaviors when talking to another adult in any situation, while
addressing personal interests and abilities.

Alignment with Standards: (must support unit standards identified in TWS 3)
Identify the source and list standards (local, state, and/or national) that align with the learning objective.
EEDA Element: 6-8 Identify personal interests and abilities
SSCA Element(s) A description of appropriate student behaviors, caring community, creating character

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: (should parallel information in TWS Section 3)
The students in my class are all functioning on a pre-k or kindergarten level and have trouble with the
appropriate communication behaviors, some students like to disrupt while others do not give and take to the
conversation. This lesson will help my students in the community when they are required to talk to someone
outside of the classroom.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives: (must support unit assessments identified in TWS 3)
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each objective should be aligned with
an assessment.

Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the
Use of Formative
(TWS section 7)
The students will be able to
show the appropriate
behaviors when having a
conversation with another
adult 4 out of 5 times
Pre: Mrs. White will ask
questions to the students
regarding appropriate
behaviors that the students
need to have. Such as: Where
should you look when you are
talking to someone? How
should you talk during a
conversation? (give and take)
During: Mrs. White and I will
role play an appropriate
conversation and then an
inappropriate conversation and
ask for the differences of the
After: The students and I will
discuss the proper behaviors for
when we talk to others and the
improper behaviors, Mrs. White
and I will ask questions such as:
Where were my eyes when I
was talking to Mrs. White? Did
I interrupt when she was telling
me her story about the
At the end of my lesson,
which will be at the end of
the week, I will complete
an interest inventory with
my students, during this
time I will pull students
one by one and ask them:
What things they like?
What things they dislike?
What is your favorite
food? Where do you go to
get this food? What is
your favorite thing to
learn or do during the day
at school? This
assessment will be given
orally with picture
prompts. I will keep a
checklist of the
appropriate behaviors
that students have and
the inappropriate
behaviors that they have
throughout the
Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Rev. 2013
weekend? Did she let me speak
when she was finished?

1) Give and take
2) Eye Contact
3) Greeting
4) Positioning

Accommodations: (should parallel information in TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)
During the interest inventory, I will give students extra wait time to formulate and answer. I will also give visuals to the
students that need help with coming up with an answer.
Materials: Interest inventory, paper, pen, visual cues

1. Good morning class! Today Mrs. White and I are going to have a conversation at the front of the classroom
about our weekend.
2. Does anyone know how I should start the conversation? Good Job __________! I should say Good Morning Mrs.
White, how was your weekend?
3. Where I should stand when I am talking to Mrs. White? Thats right ________! I should stand 1-2 feet away from
Mrs. White so that she can have her own space.
4. Where should I look when I am talking to Mrs. White? Yes that is right __________! I should be looking right at
Mrs. White so she knows that I am interested in what she has to say.
5. Should I do all of the talking or should we take turns? Exactly! When having a conversation, you should take
turns in having a conversation, Mrs. White speaks then I speak then she speaks again.
6. Right now we are going to show you an example of the correct way to have a conversation. Mrs. White and I will
demonstrate the proper way to talk to each other.
7. We will then discuss with our students how that was done and what we did, by asking the same questions as
8. We will then demonstrate the incorrect way to talk to someone.
9. We will then ask for the differences that the students saw.
a. Eye contact
b. Greeting
c. Positioning
d. Taking turns
10. We will then model the proper communication again.
11. That will complete day one. *Everyday will end on the correct way!
12. On Tuesday we will address eye contact and the proper and improper eye contact in a conversation.
a. We will ask the students what was wrong with our delivery.
13. I will ask the students to show me their eyes!
14. On Wednesday we will address the Greeting, showing proper and improper.
a. I will the students to say Good Morning Ms. Shaffer.
15. On Thursday we will address the proper distance between two people, showing proper and improper.
a. I will ask the students to show me how far they should stand away from me, when talking.
16. On Friday we will address the proper communication between two people, showing proper and improper
a. I will ask the students to demonstrate this during their interest inventory.
17. At the end of the demonstration on Friday, I will pull students one by one and administer the interest inventory,
using a checklist for the proper behaviors and reinforcing with an edible.

*Procedures must include probing questions that will be asked during the lesson. Probing questions focus student
attention on important elements of the lesson and help them think more deeply about the concepts.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Rev. 2013
Activity Analysis: (must support TWS 3 and show use of TWS 1 data)

During this lesson, I will use role playing and the use of an interest inventory to demonstrate the proper behaviors one
should have, when having a conversation. The role playing aspect will bring the appropriate behaviors to life and help
the inappropriate behaviors go extinct. Mrs. White and I will demonstrate every day the correct and incorrect behaviors
and then discuss with our students what they saw for the day. This will show the students that are having difficulty with
the different aspects how to properly talk to someone.
The interest inventory will allow me to practice with the students how to have a proper conversation because I
will start with what I like to do or do not like to do and then they respond to the same question. This inventory will give
me information to plan other lessons that I can use for the rest of my clinical time.
I will not use any technology during the lesson because I want my students to communicate with me face to face
and watch face to face communications.

All information came from Olivia Shaffer and Mrs. White

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Rev. 2013

Interest Inventory:

1) Things I like to do at home are?
2) Things that I dislike to do at home are?
3) What do you like to eat? Where do you like to go to eat that?
4) What is your favorite thing to learn?
5) What is your favorite activity to do in school?

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Rev. 2013

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template Rev. 2013

Behavior Checklist

Name Greeting Eye Contact Give/Take Positioning

Full = F
Partial = P
No credit = N

If prompted put= with prompt; w/p

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