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1. According to the narrator Hao!een i"###
a patchwor holida!.
mainl! a religious holida!.
onl! a cultural holida!.
". Sa$hain cee%rated###
the spread o# the $elts culture across %urope.
the death o# the living.
the end o# the harvest season.
3. The &athoic ch'rch (ro!ned on the )agan rit'a"* !hich $ean" that###
it accepted them.
it didn&t approve o# them.
it ignored them.
'. Hao!een !a" %ro'ght to A$erica###
(! )rish immigrants escaping #rom povert!.
(! )rish immigrants looing #or the potato #amine.
(! )rish immigrants who wanted to conquer *merica.
+. O+er the ,ear" the har$e"" tric-"###
(ecame more popular.
turned into something di##erent.
,. So the neigh%o'r" "tarted to gi+e ### to "to) the tric-"#

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