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the mobile station stops the transmitting of measurement reports

the BTS never get an acknowledge on a Layer 2 message after the time T200
L!" #200 is the ma$imum number of retransmissions
2. the mobile station stops the transmitting of measurement reports
the BTS never get an acknowledge on a Layer 2 message after the time T200
L!" #200 is the ma$imum number of retransmissions
%. Usually this timer N200 come with T200 during establish the SABAM message
which is in Layer 2 during the assaying the channels in the call setup(S!!"#
or during the hando$er(%A!"&%ullT!"' %A!"&hal( T!" # ' in the T)Ms will see
the N200 time out come with hando$er (ailure and with data lin* (ailure and
li*e this case can be come due to +
Lin* transmission
T)MS ( there is problem in the T)MS#
hardware issue in the Maine processer in the BTS itsel( causing delay ,
Bad -./ual UL
&. #200'means the number of resend S"(() to moble station
The value specifies the ma$imum number of retransmitting a frame
Timer T200 has e$pired #200 *1 times +MS does not respond any more,.
check if there is'
bad coverage
high interference
hardware faulty

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