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DHHS is a community of lifelong learners held to high standards of academic scholarship, integrity, self-discipline, and


Desert Hills High School
Mr. Eaton

Course Description: There are two basic goals in theatre education: finding meaning in works of theatre art through the
study and appreciation of theatre as an art form, and constructing meaning in works of theatre art through the study
and skill development of theatre techniques in the creation of theatre art. To these concepts this course adds depth as
well as breadth through the study of dramatic unity, comparison and integration of art forms, analysis and critique of
performances, and understanding of context and the effect of history and culture on character action. (See USOE State
Core for Theatre Foundations)

Course Requirements: Students are required to have a three-ring binder for a portfolio. This portfolio will stay with
them while involved in theatre at Desert Hills High School. This binder should be divided for notes, recoding ideas, and
various written work. Journal responses to class activities will be part of this portfolio. These will be checked twice a
quarter. Students will need pencils, pens, and the book from the library Respect for Acting by Uta Hagen. There will be
a few reading assignments from this text. Students are required to read two plays a quarter and complete a play
reading response. These responses will be part of their portfolio.

Grading in the Course: Assignments are based on a 100 point scale unless otherwise stated. Quizzes may be based on a
per-quiz question (ten questions=ten points). Tests will be on a 100 point scale unless otherwise noted. This is a
performance class so class performances are assessments of skills learned and then applied. Attendance on preview
and performance dates is part of the grade. If a student is unprepared on the assigned date, points will be deducted
from the grade. Students need to be prepared on the assigned day. The grading scale for this course will be:
93-100 = A, 90-92 = A-, 87-89 = B+, 83-86 = B, 80-82 = B-, 77-79 = C+, 73-76 = C, 70-72 = C-, 67-69 = D+, 63-66 = D, 62
and below = F.

Course Attendance: Theatre is a hands-on, learning-by-doing art form. Attendance in class is required. Each student
receives three (3) points for being on time and class participation. A tardy will result in the loss of a one (1) point. Being
a positive, active participant in class will result in positive results. Negative comments, rudeness, or lack of respect will
result in a conference with the teacher and possible class removal. The attendance policy of Desert Hills High School and
the Washington County School district will be followed.

Please sign and return this portion.
We have read and discussed the course requirements, attendance, and grading for Theatre Foundations II.

_________________________________________________ _____________
Signature of Student Date

__________________________________________________ _____________
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

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