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RELEASE DATE: September 25, 2014

SUBJECT: Windster named JCAA D!!! "#a$er %& t'e Wee(

S)URCE: C%a*' "epe Ara+%n, ,--.0/00, E0t1 ,/,, %r *e## at /15.,-,.2/2/
HERKIMER, NY For the second consecutive week, a Herkimer Generals mens soccer la!er was named N"#$$
%III National &la!er o' the (eek) *his weeks reciient was sohomore "ermaine (indster +Rotterdam, Holland,)
(indster, a -i.eral $rts / 0ciences1 General 0tudies ma2or at Herkimer #olle3e, tied his season4hi3h in
assists a3ainst North #ountr! #ommunit! #olle3e with three) *he mid'ielder also added a 3oal, helin3 the
Generals de'eat the 0aints 546 'or the teams ei3hth win o' the season) *o date, the catain has seven 3oals and 76
assists) His 76 assists rank 'ourth in the nation and 'irst in the Re3ion III)
His Head #oach &ee $ra3on said, 8"ermaine has .een tremendous 'or us in the 'irst art o' the re3ular
season) He continues to attack with a 3reat deal o' ace which has resulted in ositive thin3s 'or this team on
Photo Attached: An action shot and head shot of Jermaine Windster.

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