Name: Course #: ENG 101

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Name: Course #: ENG 101-

Reading Questions for Prologue by Peter y!royd

1" #ust from t$e %rst t&o 'aragra'$s( &$at do you understand about
t$e 'eo'le &$o
)isit t$e farm$ouse*
+" ,oes your $ouse $a)e a -ellar* .ou may need to loo! t$is u'( but
$o& does a
-ellar di/er from a basement* 0f t$is &ere a %-tional 'ie-e( &$y
y!royd $a)e $is -$ara-ter enter t$roug$ a -ellar rat$er t$an a
1" 2$at atmos'$ere does y!royd &ant to -reate* ,o you t$in! $e is
2$y or &$y not* ,o $is &ord -$oi-es $el' or $inder $im* Gi)e
5" 2$at did you originally t$in! &as $a''ening in t$is story* 2$en did
you -$ange
your mind* 2$y do you t$in! y!royd &rote it t$is &ay*
6" E)ery &riter -arefully -$ooses $is7$er &ords4 y!royd uses a fe&
t$at are
unusual4 ,id you stumble o)er t$ese &ords* 8rie9y( &$at do t$ey
,id t$e use of t$ese s'e-i%- &ords a/e-t $o& you felt about t$e
de :alera
#ose'$ine 8a!er
;r4 <rots!y

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