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The Early Republic Of Rome

Roman Expansion

grew from collection of hilltops to a city that

covered nearly 500 square miles

various kings ordered the construction of the
first temples and public centers

Roman Government

Republic form of government in which

citizens have the right to elect their leaders

free-born male citizens are the only citizens
with the right to vote

Roman Class

patricians - the wealthy landowners who held

most of the power

plebeians - the common farmers, artisans, and
merchants who made up the majority of the

Roman Leaders

patricians gained power from inheriting it,

plebeians were only citizens with the right to
vote but held very important government
tribunes were representatives that protected
the rights of plebeians from unfair acts of
patrician officials

Roman System of Law

Roman law system was based on the Twelve

(very similar to the U.S. Constitution)

established the idea that all free Romans had a
right to the protection of the law

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