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Started: 4/6/2014 6:30 AM View Properties/Attachments Reply
Posts : 3
[HELP] STM32F4 generate PWM 3 channel shift phase 120 degree!
Hi all!
I want to control 3 phase motor (I get HDD motor fromold HDD), and now I can generate 3 PWM signal on
3 channels but they are same, not shift phase 120 degree!
Please help me!
I use STM32F4 discovery board and Keil!
Thanks all
Posted: 4/6/2014 6:48 AM View Properties/Attachments Reply
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If you need 3 Phase at 50/50 duty, you could use toggle mode, programming the phase shift into the "Pulse"
Posted: 4/6/2014 7:21 AM 2 View Properties/Attachments Reply
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/ / STM32F4- Di scover y TI M4 Tr i - Phase Out put PD. 12, PD. 13 and PD. 14 -
sour cer 32@gmai l . com

#i ncl ude " st m32f 4xx. h"

/ / ******************************************************************************

voi d RCC_Conf i gur at i on( voi d)
/ * enabl e per i pher al cl ock f or TI M4 */
RCC_APB1Per i phCl ockCmd( RCC_APB1Per i ph_TI M4, ENABLE) ;

/ * GPI OD cl ock enabl e */
RCC_AHB1Per i phCl ockCmd( RCC_AHB1Per i ph_GPI OD, ENABLE) ;

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Forum- [HELP] STM32F4 generatePWM 3 cha... - STMicroelectronics!&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D75800084C20D8867EAD444A5987D47BE638E0F&currentviews=59[23/04/2014 18:00:48]
/ / ******************************************************************************

voi d GPI O_Conf i gur at i on( voi d)
GPI O_I ni t TypeDef GPI O_I ni t St r uct ur e;

/ * GPI OD Conf i gur at i on: TI M4 on PD12/ PD13/ PD14 LED */
GPI O_I ni t St r uct ur e. GPI O_Pi n = GPI O_Pi n_12 | GPI O_Pi n_13 | GPI O_Pi n_14;
GPI O_I ni t St r uct ur e. GPI O_Mode = GPI O_Mode_AF;
GPI O_I ni t St r uct ur e. GPI O_Speed = GPI O_Speed_2MHz;
GPI O_I ni t St r uct ur e. GPI O_OType = GPI O_OType_PP;
GPI O_I ni t St r uct ur e. GPI O_PuPd = GPI O_PuPd_NOPULL;
GPI O_I ni t ( GPI OD, &GPI O_I ni t St r uct ur e) ;

/ * Connect TI M4 pi n */
GPI O_Pi nAFConf i g( GPI OD, GPI O_Pi nSour ce12, GPI O_AF_TI M4) ; / / PD12 TI M4_CH1
GPI O_Pi nAFConf i g( GPI OD, GPI O_Pi nSour ce13, GPI O_AF_TI M4) ; / / PD13 TI M4_CH2
GPI O_Pi nAFConf i g( GPI OD, GPI O_Pi nSour ce14, GPI O_AF_TI M4) ; / / PD14 TI M4_CH3

/ / ******************************************************************************

voi d TI M4_Conf i gur at i on( voi d)
TI M_Ti meBaseI ni t TypeDef TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e;
TI M_OCI ni t TypeDef TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e;
i nt Pr escal er , Per i od;

Pr escal er = ( ( Syst emCor eCl ock / 2) / 20000) ; / / 20 KHz t i mebase, assumes APB1
H/ 4 TI MCLK4 H/ 2

Per i od = 20000 / 1; / / 1 Hz - 1 second on, 1 second of f dut y

/ / The t oggl e hal ves t he f r equency, a phase shi f t of 90 degr ees ( 1/ 4) i s 180
degr ees ( 1/ 2)

/ * Ti me base conf i gur at i on */
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Per i od = Per i od - 1;
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Pr escal er = Pr escal er - 1;
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Cl ockDi vi si on = 0;
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Count er Mode = TI M_Count er Mode_Up;
TI M_Ti meBaseI ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e) ;

/ * Out put Compar e Toggl e Mode conf i gur at i on: Channel 1, 2 & 3 */
TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_OCMode = TI M_OCMode_Toggl e;
TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Out put St at e = TI M_Out put St at e_Enabl e;
TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_OCPol ar i t y = TI M_OCPol ar i t y_Hi gh;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = ( Per i od / 6) ; / / CH1 60 + 0 Degr ees
TI M_OC1I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = ( Per i od / 6) + ( Per i od / 3) ; / / CH2 60 + 120
Degr ees
TI M_OC2I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = ( Per i od / 6) + ( ( Per i od * 2) / 3) ; / / CH3 60
+ 240 Degr ees
TI M_OC3I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

/ * TI M4 enabl e count er */
TI M_Cmd( TI M4, ENABLE) ;

/ / ******************************************************************************

i nt mai n( voi d)
RCC_Conf i gur at i on( ) ;

GPI O_Conf i gur at i on( ) ;

TI M4_Conf i gur at i on( ) ;

whi l e( 1) ; / * I nf i ni t e l oop */

/ **************************************************************************/


/ **
* @br i ef Repor t s t he name of t he sour ce f i l e and t he sour ce l i ne number
* wher e t he asser t _par amer r or has occur r ed.
* @par am f i l e: poi nt er t o t he sour ce f i l e name
* @par am l i ne: asser t _par amer r or l i ne sour ce number
* @r et val None
voi d asser t _f ai l ed( ui nt 8_t * f i l e, ui nt 32_t l i ne)
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Forum- [HELP] STM32F4 generatePWM 3 cha... - STMicroelectronics!&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D75800084C20D8867EAD444A5987D47BE638E0F&currentviews=59[23/04/2014 18:00:48]
/ * User can add hi s own i mpl ement at i on t o r epor t t he f i l e name and l i ne
number ,
ex: pr i nt f ( " Wr ong par amet er s val ue: f i l e %s on l i ne %d\ r \ n" , f i l e, l i ne)

whi l e ( 1)
#endi f

/ **************************************************************************/
Posted: 4/16/2014 10:30 AM View Properties/Attachments Reply
Posts : 3
Hi Clive, I tested and your code is ok, and now I want to invert direction of motor, I know I have to update
period to Ch1 = period*2/3 and Ch3 = period/3, but I don't know how to update period value.
Now i change TIM4_Configuration() function to 2 function:
Would you have another way for me update the period to invert direction?!
Thanks you very much!
TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = ( Per i od / 6) ; / / CH1 60 + 0 Degr ees
TI M_OC1I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = ( Per i od / 6) + ( Per i od / 3) ; / / CH2 60 + 120
Degr ees
TI M_OC2I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = ( Per i od / 6) + ( ( Per i od * 2) / 3) ; / / CH3 60
+ 240 Degr ees
TI M_OC3I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;
Show Quoted Messages
Posted: 4/16/2014 4:12 PM View Properties/Attachments Reply
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The period relates to the speed. To reverse the phase relationship, you'd presumably swap ch 1 & 3 settings.
Edited: 4/16/2014 6:57 PM View Properties/Attachments Reply
Posts : 3
oh, I'msorry. I want to talk about the pulse.
The pulse is set in TIM4_Configuration() function, and I want update the pulse for 3 channel:
TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0; / / CH1 0 + 0 Degr ees
TI M_OC1I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0 + ( Per i od / 3) ; / / CH2 0 + 120 Degr ees
TI M_OC2I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0 + ( ( Per i od * 2) / 3) ; / / CH3 0 + 240 Degr ees
TI M_OC3I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;
TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0+ ( ( Per i od * 2) / 3) ; / / CH1 0 + 240 Degr ees
Forum- [HELP] STM32F4 generatePWM 3 cha... - STMicroelectronics!&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D75800084C20D8867EAD444A5987D47BE638E0F&currentviews=59[23/04/2014 18:00:48]
TI M_OC1I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0 + ( Per i od / 3) ; / / CH2 0 + 120 Degr ees
TI M_OC2I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0; / / CH3 0 + 0 Degr ees
TI M_OC3I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;
But I don't know how to update it in while loop, so now I write 2 function TIM4_Configuration_left()
voi d TI M4_Conf i gur at i on_l ef t ( voi d)
TI M_Ti meBaseI ni t TypeDef TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e;
TI M_OCI ni t TypeDef TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e; / / dung cho PWM
i nt Pr escal er , Per i od;

Pr escal er = ( ( Syst emCor eCl ock / 2) / 20000) ; / / 20 KHz t i mebase, assumes APB1
H/ 4 TI MCLK4 H/ 2

Per i od = 20000 / 1; / / 1 Hz
/ *
Pr escal er = ( ( Syst emCor eCl ock / 2) / 360000) ; / / ~360 KHz t i mebase,
assumes APB1 H/ 4 TI MCLK4 H/ 2
Per i od = 36000; / / ~10 Hz - > ~ 5 Hz

/ * Ti me base conf i gur at i on */
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Per i od = Per i od - 1;
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Pr escal er = ( Pr escal er - 1) / 20; / / 10 Hz
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Cl ockDi vi si on = 0;
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Count er Mode = TI M_Count er Mode_Up;
TI M_Ti meBaseI ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e) ;

/ * Out put Compar e Toggl e Mode conf i gur at i on: Channel 1, 2 & 3 */
TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_OCMode = TI M_OCMode_Toggl e;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Out put St at e = TI M_Out put St at e_Enabl e;
TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_OCPol ar i t y = TI M_OCPol ar i t y_Hi gh;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0; / / CH1 0 + 0 Degr ees
TI M_OC1I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0 + ( Per i od / 3) ; / / CH2 0 + 120 Degr ees
TI M_OC2I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0 + ( ( Per i od * 2) / 3) ; / / CH3 0 + 240
Degr ees
TI M_OC3I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_ARRPr el oadConf i g( TI M4, ENABLE) ;

/ * TI M4 enabl e count er */
TI M_Cmd( TI M4, ENABLE) ;
and TIM4_Configuration_right()
voi d TI M4_Conf i gur at i on_r i ght ( voi d)
TI M_Ti meBaseI ni t TypeDef TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e;
TI M_OCI ni t TypeDef TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e; / / dung cho PWM
i nt Pr escal er , Per i od;

Pr escal er = ( ( Syst emCor eCl ock / 2) / 20000) ; / / 20 KHz t i mebase, assumes APB1
H/ 4 TI MCLK4 H/ 2

Per i od = 20000 / 1; / / 1 Hz
/ *
Pr escal er = ( ( Syst emCor eCl ock / 2) / 360000) ; / / ~360 KHz t i mebase,
assumes APB1 H/ 4 TI MCLK4 H/ 2
Per i od = 36000; / / ~10 Hz - > ~ 5 Hz

/ * Ti me base conf i gur at i on */
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Per i od = Per i od - 1;
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Pr escal er = ( Pr escal er - 1) / 20; / / 10 Hz
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Cl ockDi vi si on = 0;
TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e. TI M_Count er Mode = TI M_Count er Mode_Up;
TI M_Ti meBaseI ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_Ti meBaseSt r uct ur e) ;

/ * Out put Compar e Toggl e Mode conf i gur at i on: Channel 1, 2 & 3 */
TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_OCMode = TI M_OCMode_Toggl e;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Out put St at e = TI M_Out put St at e_Enabl e;
TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_OCPol ar i t y = TI M_OCPol ar i t y_Hi gh;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0+ ( ( Per i od * 2) / 3) ; / / CH1 0 + 240 Degr ees
TI M_OC1I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;
Forum- [HELP] STM32F4 generatePWM 3 cha... - STMicroelectronics!&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D75800084C20D8867EAD444A5987D47BE638E0F&currentviews=59[23/04/2014 18:00:48]

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0 + ( Per i od / 3) ; / / CH2 0 + 120 Degr ees
TI M_OC2I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e. TI M_Pul se = 0; / / CH3 0 + 0 Degr ees
TI M_OC3I ni t ( TI M4, &TI M_OCI ni t St r uct ur e) ;

TI M_ARRPr el oadConf i g( TI M4, ENABLE) ;

/ * TI M4 enabl e count er */
TI M_Cmd( TI M4, ENABLE) ;
And the main program:
i nt mai n( voi d)
RCC_Conf i gur at i on( ) ;
GPI O_Conf i gur at i on( ) ;

whi l e( 1) / * I nf i ni t e l oop */
TI M4_Conf i gur at i on_l ef t ( ) ;
del ay( ) ;
TI M4_Conf i gur at i on_r i ght ( ) ;
del ay( ) ;
But I think it 's not good, I think to have another way to invert direction without reconfig the Timer.
Hope you see what I want to say! hihi
Thank you!
Posted: 4/16/2014 7:38 PM View Properties/Attachments Reply
Posts :
The total reconfiguration seems rather unnecessary.
Why wouldn't you simply reprogramthe TIMx->CCR1, TIMx->CCR2, TIMx->CCR3 in the Update
I would recommend you read the chapter(s) on the TIM peripherals in the reference manual.

Forum- [HELP] STM32F4 generatePWM 3 cha... - STMicroelectronics!&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D75800084C20D8867EAD444A5987D47BE638E0F&currentviews=59[23/04/2014 18:00:48]

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