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Build an Atom

Use protons, neutrons, and electrons to build different elements.
Create rules for an atoms identity, mass, and charge.
1. Click the simulator link.
2. Choose Atom.
3. Click on the + signs next to Net Charge and Mass Number.
4. Check Stable/Unstable on the bottom where it says Show.
5. Answer the following questions using the Build an Atom simulator by clicking
and dragging subatomic particles into the atom. Use full sentences for explanations.
Data and Data Analysis:
1. Build an atom that has the following components:
3 protons
4 neutrons
3 electrons

Draw a picture of the atom and label the protons, neutrons, and electrons.

2. Which element is this?

3. The mass of this atom is:
a. 3 mass units
b. 4 mass units
c. 6 mass units Explain what ideas you used to choose an answer
d. 7 mass units
e. 11 mass units

4. The charge of this atom is:
a. 0, this is a neutral atom
b. -3
c. -1 Explain what ideas you used to choose an answer
d. +1
e. +3


5. What parts go in the center of the atom? What is the center called?

Play until you discover a good rule for making the center of the atom stable.
6. What seems to make the center of the atom unstable?

7. Complete the table below in your lab notebook at least 1 stable and at least 1 unstable atom that shows your
rules for stability work and include a drawing of your nucleus.

What is in your nucleus? Draw your nucleus Is it stable or unstable? What Element is it?



8. Complete the following table in your lab notebook.

Atom or Ion has What Element is it?
# of protons: 6
# of neutrons: 6
# of electrons: 6

# of protons: 7
# of neutrons: 6
# of electrons: 6

# of protons: 6
# of neutrons: 7
# of electrons: 7

Play until you discover some good rules about the charge of your atom or ion.
9. What is a rule for making:
A neutral atom which has no charge?
A positive ion which has positive charge?
A negative ion which has negative charge?
10. Identify three examples of atoms and ions (1 neutral with 0 extra charges, 1 with a positive charge, and 1 with a
negative charge) that show your rules for charge. (All of your examples should also have a stable nucleus.)

What is in your
atom or ions?
Draw your
atom or ion
What is
Is it a neutral atom,
positive ion,
or negative ion?
# of protons:
# of neutrons:
# of electrons:

# of protons:
# of neutrons:
# of electrons:

# of protons:
# of neutrons:
# of electrons:

Play until you discover some good rules about the mass of your atom or ion.

11. What is a rule for determining the mass?
Using all of your rules, figure out what changes in the cases below.

Design challenges: Try these with your partner.

12. Design a positive ion with a charge of +2 13. Design neutral, stable atom with a mass of 7amu
include a drawing: include a drawing:

What element is your ion? What element is your atom?
What mass is your ion? What is the charge of you atom?
Is the nucleus of your ion stable or unstable?

Conclusion: (This should be one paragraph)
1) Restate the objective.
2) Refer back to specific data you collected to say if you met the objective or not.
3) State the rules you created.
Make the change: What changes also? Element name, charge, mass?
Add a proton
Remove a neutron
Remove an electron
Add an electron
Number of protons __
Number of neutrons__
Number of electrons__
Number of protons __
Number of neutrons__
Number of electrons__

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