Shelton Standoff Statement

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Joel W. Hurliman Phone: (!"# $%&'(%%
Chie) o) Poli*e +a,: (!"# $%&!-!
By: Lt. Robert Kozlowsky
October 2, 2014
Standoff with Police ends Successfully
On 10-2-14 at approxiately !:1" #$, %&elton #olice recei'e( a )11 call *ro a
*eale w&o was reportin+ t&at a ale was o,tsi(e in t&e backyar( on Lon+'iew R( an(
t&e ale &a( t&reatene( to &ar &isel*. -&e *eale (i( know t&e ale.
%&elton #olice respon(e( to t&e scene an( set ,p an initial perieter aro,n( t&e
yar(. #olice locate( t&e ale w&o was in possession o* a *irear. #olice e'ac,ate( t&e
ie(iate 'icinity an( &a( resi(ences aro,n( t&e e'ac,ate( area s&elter in place. %&elton
#olice %er+eant #eter .aksewicz an( O**icer /o&n 0apoleone respon(e( to t&e scene an(
be+an to ne+otiate wit& t&e 41 year ol( ale.
-&e %o,t&west Re+ion 2 %pecial Response -ea 1a tactical ,nit coprise( o*
$il*or(, 2nsonia, 3oo(bri(+e, Oran+e, an( %&elton #olice O**icers4 respon(e( to t&e
scene an( took coan( o* t&e perieter. -&e 5onnectic,t %tate #olice also respon(e(
to t&e scene.
2t approxiately 6:00 #$, ne+otiators were able to +et t&e ale to peace*,lly
s,rren(er to police. -&e ale was taken into c,sto(y *or a ental &ealt& e'al,ation.
2t t&is tie t&ere are no c&ar+es pen(in+ a+ainst t&e ale. #olice an( (etecti'es
are c,rrently in'esti+atin+ t&e inci(ent.
72ll t&e o**icers t&at respon(e( to t&e scene acte( (ili+ently an( patiently w&ic&
pre'ente( a potential tra+ic sit,ation. %er+eant .aksewicz an( O**icer 0apoleone (i( an
o,tstan(in+ 8ob talkin+ to t&e ale *or alost ! &o,rs. -&e %o,t&west Re+ion 2 %pecial
Response -ea was a +reat asset *or t&is inci(ent an( we are pro,( to be recent ebers
in t&is elite ,nit.9

85 Wheeler Street, Shelton, Connecticut 06484

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