Strategy 5

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Sunshine Malaluan

Strategy Name: Strategy #:

Skimming and Scanning (Allen) 5

Brief Description (in your own words):

This strategy requires the students to look at a provided text or reading and quickly.
During this time the students would find important pieces of information about the
text such as titles, headings, visuals, and bolded words.

How you plan to use this strategy in your Practicum, Internship, Student
Teaching, or in your own classroom:

I plan to use this strategy in the future by adding on literacy activities in my class. I
want to help my students practice their critical reading skills. I plan to give them
primary source articles that are related to our topic and ask them to read it and
answer the following questions about the reading. First, I would teach them the
skimming and scanning strategy. I would ask them to look at the text and perform
this strategy to predict what the reading would be about. Then, in their science
comp books, to practice writing, I would ask them to write down what they think the
reading would be about and any other information they gathered during the
skimming and scanning session that they think would be useful in reading the

For example (From my mentor teacher):

Optical Telescopes
Optical telescopes, which are the most common type of telescope, are used to study
visible light from objects in the universe. Without using an optical telescope, you can see
at most about 3,000 stars in the night sky. Using an optical telescope, however you can
see millions and other objects.
An optical telescope collects visible light and focuses it to a focal point for closer
observation. A focal point is the point where the rays of light that pass through a lens or
that reflect from a mirror converge. The simplest optical telescope has two lenses. One
lens, classed the objective lens, collects light and forms an image at the back of the
telescope. The bigger the objective lens is, the more light the telescope can gather. The
second lens is located in the eyepiece of the telescope. This lens magnifies the image
produced by the objective lens. By using telescopes people can study objects such as the
moon in greater detail.

In the students notebook:

Topic: Optical Telescopes
Bolded Words: focal point, objective lens

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