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Choose a picture of a landmark.

Assignment 1. (1 0 marks)

1. Student has a title and landmark picture is visible /1 mark

2. Student explains why this is considered a landmark /1 mark

3. Student identifies its natural or physical features that make that place
- Ie. Student explains the definition of (natural or physical features) in
their own words
And provides at least 2 examples related to their picture. /3 mark

4. Student identifies its human-made characteristics that make that place
- Ie. Student explains the definition of (human-made characteristics) in
their own words
And provides at least 2 examples related to their picture. /3 mark

5. Completion/ on time /1 mark

6. Student took their time to make it look nice and neat. /1 mark

*Helpful hint: use chapter 1 in your textbook for support.

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