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Looking through the mirror,

Looking into your world,

Knowing how you are truly doing,
Its the hardest thing to know.

So close to you, yet so far away.
We are nearly the same.

Your feelings hidden so deep within,
That they will never, ever show.

Every day I come,
To know what you are thinking,
To see what is within,
But is it ever to be known?

Ill try again tomorrow,
Until I can no longer breathe,

But promise,
Promise me,

When you lay before the throne,
That your hearts convictions never killed.


The tree fell on a large concrete slab. The slab was so thick and high that it was nearly 10
feet into the sky.
Soon, other trees were leaning heavily on this great foundation, for the world around the
slab was shaking so violently that more trees were falling. They fell hard upon the firsts, relying
on the strength of the firsts to hold them up. But these seconds put such weight on the firsts that
the firsts began to creak and split beneath the seconds, but the slab grew long and the slab grew
Before the firsts split, the seconds rolled off, finding stability against the slab. The firsts
were healed and the seconds became stronger as they rested against the ever growing foundation.
The firsts and the seconds were joined by the thirds and the fourths. Each new group brought
more and more weight, but the slab grew larger and the slab grew stronger.

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