Video Storyboard: (Sketch Screen Here Noting Color, Place, Size of Graphics If Any)

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Video Storyboard

Name of video:Intro Description of this scene: This slide will be the

introduction slide to my presentation.
Screen _____1____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white&Sacramento and
*oseph Sans& +2, -.
/ctual te0t:
%reatin" a blo" in
1ordpress by 2atie 3ead
3i and welcome to my
presentation on how to
create an optimi'ed lo"
within wordpress
/udio: Intro ac!"round
Transition to ne0t clip: Ne0t button
/nimation: None
/udience Interaction:
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Video Storyboard
Name of video: Intro 2 Description of this scene: This slide will tal! about
what a blo" is and the reason people ma!e them.
Screen _____2____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white, blac!&Troccni
and *osefin Sans& +2, 28
/ctual te0t:
1hy ma!e a blo"9 To
share information with
others who have common
: ;ersonal 6e0. fitness
: ;rofessional 6e0. #atest
mar!etin" trends7
:3ow to learn wordpress
Narration: I will e0plain
why people ma!e blo"s
and the different types of
blo"s the student can
/udio: Narration
Transition to ne0t clip: Ne0t button
/nimation: ullets will come up one at a time
/udience Interaction:
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Video Storyboard
Name of video: )b<ectives Description of this scene: This slide will "ive the
overview of the course
Screen _____-____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white, blac!&Troccni
and *osefin Sans& +2, 28
/ctual te0t:
:%reatin" a new blo" and
"ettin" Started
:%ustomi'in" your blo"
and creatin" a homepa"e
:%reatin" posts and pa"es
:Settin" up a navi"ation
:/ddin" wid"ets to your
;ublishin" your lo"
I will "ive an overview of
the ob<ectives listed in
the bullets.
/udio: Narration
Transition to ne0t clip: Ne0t button
/nimation: ullets will come up one at a time
/udience Interaction:
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Video Storyboard
Name of video: $ettin" Started Description of this scene: This slide will let the
viewer !now we are startin", then transition to the
first screencast
Screen _____8____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white, blac!&Troccni
and *osefin Sans& +2, 28
/ctual te0t:
In this se"ment we will
learn how to create our
first lo" and use the
1ord;ress Dashboard
Narration: I will wal! the
viewer throu"h the initial
steps of si"nin" up for
1ord;ress, addin" a new
blo", then "ivin" a brief
overview of the
1ord;ress dashboard. I
will then tell the audience
that they should move to
the ne0t step when they
are ready
/udio: Narration
Transition to ne0t clip: Slide leadin" into a Screencast usin" the ne0t button 6possibly addin" the screencast to the slide if
/nimation: None
/udience Interaction: None
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Video Storyboard
Name of video: %hoosin" /
Description of this scene: This slide will introduce
templates, then a screencast will wal! throu"h
pic!in" and modifyin" a template
Screen _____+____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white, blac!&Troccni
and *osefin Sans& +2, 28
/ctual te0t:
%hoosin" / Template.
1ord;ress allows you to
easily pic! and modify
templates based on your
Narration: I will wal! the
viewer throu"h chan"in"
the template from the
initial one 1ord;ress
"ives, then modifyin" the
desi"n on the template
/udio: Narration
Transition to ne0t clip: Slide leadin" into a Screencast usin" the ne0t button 6possibly addin" the screencast to the slide if
/nimation: None
/udience Interaction: None
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Video Storyboard
Name of video: %reatin" ;a"es and
Description of this scene: This slide will introduce
pa"es and posts, I will then show the viewer how to
ma!e these with a screencast.
Screen _____.____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white, blac!&Troccni
and *osefin Sans& +2, 28
/ctual te0t:
%reatin" / ;a"e&;ost.
1ord;ress allows you to
easily pic! and modify
templates based on your
Narration: I will tal! the
viewer throu"h the
difference between a
pa"e and a posts 6pa"e
is placeholder for
content, posts is actual
content7. Then show how
to publish both.
/udio: Narration
Transition to ne0t clip: Slide leadin" into a Screencast usin" the ne0t button 6possibly addin" the screencast to the slide if
/nimation: None
/udience Interaction: None
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Video Storyboard
Name of video: /ddin" 4edia Description of this scene: This slide will introduce
the topic and the screencast will show how to add
photos and videos into pa"es and posts.
Screen _____=____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white, blac!&Troccni
and *osefin Sans& +2, 28
/ctual te0t:
/ddin" 4edia. >ou can
easily add photos and
video to your blo" to help
enhance your site. This
se"ment shows how to add
and format media
Narration: I will tal! the
viewer throu"h addin"
photos and videos. I will
then show how to format
these on the pa"e, and
around copy.
/udio: Narration
Transition to ne0t clip: Slide leadin" into a Screencast usin" the ne0t button 6possibly addin" the screencast to the slide if
/nimation: None
/udience Interaction: None
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Video Storyboard
Name of video: %reatin" / Site
Description of this scene: This slide will introduce
the site structure video, which will e0plain settin" a
homepa"e and creatin" navi"ation.
Screen _____?____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white, blac!&Troccni
and *osefin Sans& +2, 28
/ctual te0t:
%reatin" / Site Structure
In This Se"ment we will
learn how to set your pa"e
as home, and how to
customi'e a navi"ation
with your pa"es.
Narration: I will first tal!
the viewer throu"h
ta!in" one of the pa"es
we have created and
settin" as the homepa"e.
I will then show how to
assi"n blo" posts to
pa"es. (inally I will show
how to arran"e pa"es in
the navi"ation
/udio: Narration
Transition to ne0t clip: Slide leadin" into a Screencast usin" the ne0t button 6possibly addin" the screencast to the slide if
/nimation: None
/udience Interaction: None
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Video Storyboard
Name of video: /ddin" 1id"ets Description of this scene: This slide e0plains what
wid"ets are, and how to add them to the viewer@s
Screen _____5____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white, blac!&Troccni
and *osefin Sans& +2, 28
/ctual te0t:
/ddin" 1id"ets
1id"ets are all of the
Ae0trasA that can ta!e your
blo" to the ne0t level
Narration: I will "ive an
overview of the different
wid"ets 1ord;ress
offers, and how to
inte"rate them into the
homepa"e and other
areas of the blo".
/udio: Narration
Transition to ne0t clip: Slide leadin" into a Screencast usin" the ne0t button 6possibly addin" the screencast to the slide if
/nimation: None
/udience Interaction: None
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Video Storyboard
Name of video: %hoosin" >our
Description of this scene: This slide e0plains shows
the different options for choosin" domains and
Screen _____1B____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white, blac!&Troccni
and *osefin Sans& +2, 28
/ctual te0t: %hoosin" >our
>ou can easily choose
another domain from your
default 6wordpress.com7,
and set up hostin" that is
affordable for blo""ers
Narration: I will e0plain
the default domain vs.
purchasin" a domain,
and what the benefits
are. I will then e0plain to
the student some hostin"
options for their blo".
/udio: Narration
Transition to ne0t clip: Slide leadin" into a Screencast usin" the ne0t button 6possibly addin" the screencast to the slide if
/nimation: None
/udience Interaction: None
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Video Storyboard
Name of video: )ptimi'in" (or SC) Description of this scene: This slide will e0plain why
you should optimi'e for SC) and how to implement.
Screen _____11____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white, blac!&Troccni
and *osefin Sans& +2, 28
/ctual te0t: 1ord;ress
offers tools that can ma!e
your blo" be found more
easily in search en"ines.
3ere is how to implement
these tools
Narration: I will e0plain
what search en"ine
optimi'ation is, and why
your blo" needs this. I
will then wal! throu"h
the tools wordpress
offers, and show how to
use these tools to the
/udio: Narration
Transition to ne0t clip: Slide leadin" into a Screencast usin" the ne0t button 6possibly addin" the screencast to the slide if
/nimation: None
/udience Interaction: None
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Video Storyboard
Name of video: %losin" Slide Description of this scene: 1e will review topics
covered and offer additional resources
Screen _____12____ of
ac!"round: #i"ht $reen
%olor&Type&Si'e of (ont:
)ff white, blac!&Troccni and
*osefin Sans& +2, 28
/ctual te0t: In review.
1ord;ress offers tools that can
ma!e your blo" be found more
easily in search en"ines. 3ere
is how to implement these
tools. Settin" up a blo" in
:%ustomi'in" a template
:%reatin" pa"es and posts with
:Settin" up a site structure
:Dsin" wid"ets and SC) tools
to enhance your blo"
:Settin" up your own domain.
To learn more "o to:
or email:
Narration: I review the
topics covered today and
"ive a brief overview of
what we covered in each
se"ment. I will then tell
the students about
additional resources for
buildin" their blo".
/udio: Narration
Transition to ne0t clip: Slide leadin" into a Screencast usin" the ne0t button 6possibly addin" the screencast to the slide if
/nimation: ullets will come out one by one
/udience Interaction: None
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html
Screen si'e: __1.:5________
6S!etch screen here notin" color, place, si'e of "raphics if any7
Inspiration for this document: 4aricopa %ommunity %olle"e. http:&&"&studio&inde0.html

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