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Diploma in Civil Engine€ring/ Dtdoru

in Electriel & Mechani@tEnsine€rthq

Term-End E\amination
Dam6er, zOOa


Note : Qu€srioi no. 1 is comp!t.o4, Ansderan,

two gues.bnshad th. t hoinrns querions.

t. Answq an9 r[ree ol rhe foltooins] g,1O=30

(i) Whal do 9ou undentand b! Audi€nc€
Analysis2 Discu$ the naed and hporrance ol
nddieh@analt5js i| l€lrri.dl .oedunic,rid
Des.ribe thr€€ sLse of rechnical
qdting wilh suitableexamples.
Whal is a Progles Raporr? Discusslanous
oI a ProgressRepon

What do you und?stahd b9 Inbhuctions and

Manuals? Discu$ iheir us€sand ioFonance
giling suiiabfeexanptes.

{v) Enlistvaiiousbasicmedia lypas availableror
graphicaidslor oral presadtalion. Dasribe anv
iwo highlishlins thair major leaturei.

a pnmary
2 . Preparea poject Pbposal,or@nstruclins
A$ume anydalaif requted.

3 . A muLLtsloreyo{'na 6npki !qd4 css(n€t.n

collape.l lasl nishl. You are ask€dby your sup?lio6
to so and visit tha sit€ ol conslDction Prcpare the

ln vour new consituclion PrcjecL, rain water

haryestinghas been mada nandalory. This is bei.g
lntoduced 'inr tme in any oi your projecis Ftepa'€
an o€L p@se.tatiitrnma(dioL uriteup and $.phic
aids- ld acquinl lha rcrk lorce ansasedin the

5 . Wriie shott noreso! a.! r@o ol the lotLwi.s ;

lii) Fomal el.bentsot a report

Des.riplionol nechanhm

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