Pe-Counseling Problem Solving Mini Unit

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Physical Education and School Counseling

Joint Team Building Mini-Unit

Fall 2013 201!
Number of Classes: 3-4
Notes: Below is outlined a tentative curriculum some activities may be shorter or last longer
than anticipated, it is alright if the activity selection in adjusted to meet the needs of the class
Unit "#$ecti%e& !tudents will learn and practice implementing a problem solving method
through e"periential learning activities
'SC' P(o)essional Standa(ds : #:#$3, #:#3%, #:#3&, C:#%4-&, C:#$%, C:C$$-3,
'!:#%(-), '!:#$*-+, '!:B%%-4, '!:B%*, '!:B%%,, '!:C%&
Physical Education Standa(ds& *'SPE& Standa(d ! - -he physically literate individual
e"hibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others +e(mont PE&
'.%%: Students show safe behavior for self and others bywor/ing together to complete a
challenging tas/ '.%$: Students show appropriate social interactions byusing the problem
solving tactics, communicating with one another and wor/ing together
*" *E,'T-+-T.& *" negati%e comments/ i) something negati%e is said that student must
sta(t again0
Class 1&
% !tudents will be introduced to and learn the #BC1. problem solving method
$ !tudents will implement the #BC1. method
3 !tudents will use different communication styles
- 3arm up
- 0o over #BC1. problem solving model 4was pre-taught in 3
grade, 5eference
#dventures in 'eace 6a/ing, pgs $&4-$&+7
- 2ine 8orms 9ere 4 5eference #dventures in 'eace 6a/ing pg *&7
- 2and 6ines 45eference attachment7
o 6aterials: blind folds, cones
- 8ro:en Bean bags 45eference #dventures in 'eace 6a/ing pg *%7
o 6aterials: Bean bags or beanie babies
- 'rocess at the end of each activity
Class 2&
% !tudents will practice the #BC1. problem solving model in the individual, small
group and classroom setting
- 3arm ;p
- 8ro:en Bean Bag 45eference #dventures in 'eace 6a/ing pg *%7
o 6aterials: Bean bags or beanie babies
- 2ily 'ad 45eference #dventure in 'eace 6a/ing pg +$7
o 6aterials: !pot 6ar/ers one for each student, 8leece balls, boundary mar/ers
- !tand ;p 4$ small groups, sitting in a circle, bac/s facing inward, arms lin/ed students try
to stand up together7
- 'rocess at the end of each activity
Class 3&
% !tudents will practice wor/ing collaboratively together in a group
$ !tudents will identify alternative solutions to a problem
- 3arm ;p
- 9uman <not 45eference #dventures in 'eace 6a/ing pg *37
- 0iants, 3i:ards, and .lves 45eference #dventures in 'eace 6a/ing pg +&7
o 6aterials: a %& to $, foot long rope, 4 cones
- -rust Circle 45eference 'roject #dventure attachment, brea/ students up into two small
- 'rocess at the end of each activity
Class !&
% !tudents will successful implement the #BC1. problem solving model
$ !tudents will be respectful of alternative viewpoints
- 3arm ;p
- # fourth class will be held at the discretion of the teachers, based upon scheduling and
class progress Class four can be used to ma/e up missed activities or to do one of the following
activities depending on the progress of the class
- 1on=t 8orget 45eference #dventures in 'eace 6a/ing, pg &47
o 6aterials: 2ong 5ope
- 5iver Crossing 45eference -eam Building #ctivities !heet7
o 6aterials: scooter, $ long jump ropes, $-3 dec/ rings
- 'rocess the activities

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