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HCC Ladder of Feedback Guide for

Classroom Observations
Adapted from AGQTP group Seeing Learning 2013
Feedback for: Feedback from:
What class is being observed &

What is the focus of the
(Select 2 from The Heatherton 7)

During the observation:
Take notes in whatever way is most helpful to make the discussion productive.
Consider the focus.
Try to note specific examples, comments, scraps of conversation, action all
evidence that will help to avoid generalisations like The children were really
engaged and encourage the focus on specific incidents When Edward was writing
a response, I noticed that he asked his partner to check his plan and also that...
If you have to rush to class afterwards, please send an email to the observed
teacher with one warm comment about what the lesson made you think about.

1. Clarify (2 mins)
Are there aspects of the class or
lesson that you dont believe you

2. Value (3 mins)
What did you see in the class that
you find to be particularly
impressive, innovative, strong, or
Valuing reminds your colleague of the
parts of his/her lesson that should be
preserved when making improvements.

The discussion of Step 2 value and Step 3 comments/suggestions should
be between the observers. The teacher should take notes but remain silent
until step 4.
3. Make comments and/or
suggestions about the
teachers question or focus for
the lesson. (5 mins)
What questions and learning
challenges were raised for you within
the lesson from the lens of the
teachers particular focus or question?

You may find the following prompts
- "It might be interesting to explore . . .
- I wonder what would happen if . . .
- "Perhaps you have thought about this,
- A question this raised for me was . . .
- One of the things this got me thinking
about was . . .
- Observing the class made me more
aware of the tension between . . ?
- it might be interesting to follow up on that
issue of___, by...

4. Response from observed
teacher (3 mins)
1. What do you think the students
learnt / gained from the lesson and
HOW do you know this?

2. This is the opportunity for the
teacher to respond to any aspects
of the discussion she chooses; to
elaborate, to pose further
questions, to seek clarification.

5. Thank (2 mins)
How has observing and giving
feedback enhanced your own
understanding of teaching and
- This lesson has made me think more
about how I might ...

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