Your Tutor's Name Is Your Course Director Is Martha Lucia Bulla López Your Group Number Is

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Lets talk about you

a. Whats your name?

My name is Daniel Antonio Rodriguez Rivera
b. Ho old are you?
!m "# years old
$. Where do you live? %&ity and neighborhood'
! live in (ogota) &olombia
d. What are you studying?
(usiness Administration
e. What do you do in your *ree time?
!n my *ree time ! Love ride my bike and en+oy ith my dogs ) also !m a
,hotogra,hy *an so ! love taking ,i$tures and on -undays ! love to $hill out
*. Who do you live ith?
! live ith my i*e
Lets talk about the $ourse
.our tutors name is
/0R12 L3!- &HA425
.our $ourse dire$tor is
.our grou, number is
a' What $an you *ind in 8es 9orum?
We $an *ind information and instructions that will support our larnin! procss
b' b' What $an you *ind in 1eneral 9orum?
We $an $onta$t the :utor; e $an $ommuni$ate ith him<her and ,arti$i,ate in
the sub+e$ts they o,ened.
$' What is the link =Duties and Rights= about?
Well) the title is sel* e>,lanatory) is about our duties and rights as students o*
this $ourse the $om,onents a$tivities) $om,onents and assignments o* the
!s 2nglish im,ortant in your li*e? Why? !s 2nglish im,ortant in your $areer?
0* $ourse it is) the im,ortan$e o* 2nglish in my li*e is very s,e$ial be$ause is
linked to my *avorites a$tivities) hobbies ) my musi$ ) and the most ,art o* the
in*ormation ! need on my daily basis $omes in 2nglish. 8oadays ith all the
$hanges on the orld ) globalization) multi$ultural tenden$ies 2nglish is a
must in almost every single business .Regarding my $arreer 2nglish is very
im,ortant *or business) the multi$ultural tenden$es o* global administration
re?uires knoledge o* the language to do business ith *oreign ,artners ) to
a$?uire and a,,ly in*ormation) and o* $ourse on bog $om,anies em,loyees
sometimes must to move to another $ountries to develo, or learn ne skills )
here is ere 2nglish ,lays a big role on a manager $arreer.
Hi everybody) Mi name is Daniel Rodriguez !@m "# years old) !@m *rom (ogota
right no !m studying *or (usiness Management degree) ! have a lot o*
e>,e$tations about this $ourse) and !m very e>$ited to star all the a$tivities
My $onta$t in*ormationA
Bhone "677#CDEF7
2mail danielantoniorGhotmail.$om
Daniel RodrHguez

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