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Julie J Farrington

3406 Blakeley Avenue

Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715 37!"#33#
I'm a people person frst which allows me to maximize an interest in creating good
relations with others whether it is with co-workers or customers. This has allowed me to be
successful in all of my previous employment ventures.

!umulative of "# months experience serving customers
$egister experience for approximately " years in retail environment
$eceptionist%administration work for & months
!ertifed in the application of acrylic nails and 'eratin !omplex hair treatments
(ducated in the use of )icrosoft *+ce programs

/elevant E01erien)e
,hear Inspiration ,alon and ,pa -anuary "./0 - current
(au !laire1 2I
3ractice services o4ered in a salon setting to include5 hair coloring1 hair cutting1 hair styling1
nail applications1 manicures and pedicures. I excelled at promoting extra products and
services to current customers. 3erform receptionist duties when not servicing clients.
(au !laire1 2I 7ebruary "81 "./8--une
2orked in a retail environment promoting merchandise and perfume products to customers.
9lso performed customer service to clients in fnding merchandise and providing ftting room
for them to try on merchandise. I also helped with putting new shipments and stock on
display shelves and racks.
'mart *ctober "./0 : -uly "./0
(au !laire1 2I
I handled cash1 credit1 and check transactions while attempting to up sale or o4er incentives
for repeat business. *ther tasks include ensuring point of purchase zone was presentable as
often as possible. Interaction with customers to fulfll their needs was common during all
!;T! <ealth !enter 9ugust "..= : )ay "..#
(au !laire1 2I
9s a receptionist I answered and redirected phone calls to proper designations. 6uties also
included data entry to minimize retrieval time of relevant information when conducting a
search. 9ttention to detail was re>uired to ensure accuracy during data collection.

?arber%!osmetology 3rogram 9ugust "./0 : !urrent
!hippewa ;alley Technical !ollege

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