Doodle Bug Lessonplan

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Lesson: Doodle bugs

Big Idea: Artists observe the world around us, discover and create
Grade: First
Narrative: The students will begin the lesson with a description of lines. The students will understand
the meaning of lines, how they are an element of art, what kinds of lines there are, where we can see
them around us. These descriptions will be shown by demonstration, technology and verbal discussion.
The students will practice their different types of lines by drawing them on a practice paper. The
students must come up with as many ideas as they can. The students will then be taken into the
computer lab and they will research all kinds of bugs. They will use the programs Pebble Go and World
Book Web to research. The students will take their information they learned and use other resources
such as bug drawings, bug images, bug 3d visuals to sketch practice bugs. They will choose one bug out
of their practice sketches and create a good copy with added lines in each shape of the bug. The bug will
be outlined, colored in, and background painted in.
Objectives: the student will be able to.
.understand how line is an element of art
.Discover how lines are all around us in the world and they make up everything
.Develop how to manipulate the drawing media
.Identify different bugs and retain information that was researched
Implement skills to use the computers and programs associated with the lesson

Key Questions:
What is an element of art? Why are they important?
How are the elements used to create?
What is a line?
What different types of lines are there in the world?
What kinds of research can be used in assisting our artwork?
What kinds of technology can help us in the research for artwork?

Materials: Pencils, sketch paper, computers, PebbleGo program, World Book Web program, Sharpies,
crayons, colored pencils, paint, paintbrushes, 3d bug references
Lines- a mark that goes further than a dot
Various Bug names
Elements of Art- the tools that make up art

Day One-Introduction
1. Open the class with the question of What is a line? and assess who knows and doesnt know
quite yet an answer to the question.
2. Description of lines via technology and verbal discussion will be given. Videos showing how to
start making a line and different examples of various lines will be shown as well.
3. The students will begin practice of lines in pencil. The students will think of as many ideas as
they can of different lines
Day Two- computer lab
1. The students will be assessed on what they learned the previous day about lines. The teacher
will ask how many lines they now know of and how they can be described.
2. The students will be in the computer lab starting their research on bugs.
a. Pebble Go and World book Web programs will be used
b. Review and instruction of the programs will be given
3. Students will use these two programs to research as many bugs as they can. The programs will
have images, written information, informational videos and verbal information
4. The students will be assessed on what they learned.
Day Three: Bug Sketches
1. The students will use their acquired knowledge from the technology provided and in class bug
references to draw sketches of different kinds of bugs
2. The students will choose their favorite sketch of a bug and color it in
3. The students will then draw the one they have chosen in a slightly bigger area and review line
4. Different lines will be drawn in each shape of the bug that was drawn
Day Four: Good Copy Bug
1. The bug sketches will be looked at while the students will draw a large good copy on large white
paper in pencil.
2. The students will draw the lines on the inside of the bug making it into a nice design
3. The idea of composition will be taught depending on the vertical or horizontal image of the
students bugs.
4. The students will outline their bug in sharpie marker to highlight the lines and shapes.
Day Five/six: Color in the bug/paint the background
1. The students will review what they have learned up to this point about lines and bug good
2. The students will color in their large bugs with crayon or colored pencils. The students must use
their creative abilities to color in the bugs.
3. After the bug is colored in with good craftsmanship, the students will be able to create a
background for their bug with drawn pencil.
4. The students can paint in the background using tempera.

Assessment: The students will be assessed on their creative abilities that they have shown during the
process. They will be assessed on what they can achieve next time. What their creative process was
during the project, and how their behavior was during the project. What was one thing that they can
improve on, what is it that an instructor can help with?

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