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Test ur brilliance...

One murder happens in a village n police inspector askd two constbles to reach the spot n take the FIR..
As it was night n too far frm the station, two consbls didn't go there n instd made a fake FIR..after reading the re
port the inspector suspended both of thm for making a fake report with out reachng the spot...
Question is...How did the inspector find that its fake n they didn't reach there?
The FIR is written as....
When we reachd the spot, the door was open and one man aged about 40 -45 was found died in a chair, one bulb
is blown in the room,fan is also switchd on,one table is there infront of the dead body, and on top f the table wa
s :one open bottle of poisen ,one half filled drinkng watr bottle,one pen , one news paper was opend as pages 9-1
One table top calendar opend as date of june 20,one 5 rupee coin,one notebook,one bed was also there in the roo
Seems that the person has committed suicide.

Can anybody give the right answer ??

Ans: The ans is in the first line itself. It was a murder. Not a suicide!

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