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Unit 1 p.9-11
Exercise 1: Complete
likeness/ dominant/ demand/ construct/ indicate/ cooperate/ associate
1. create an idea/ build
2. require
3. work together to achiee a goal
!. similarit"
#. make a connection in "our mind between one thing or person and
$. the most power%ul& success%ul or important
'. show
Exercise 2: Complete (You may need to put the verbs into correct tense or
passive voice)
speak out/ establish/ emigrate/ alternative/ refect/ immigrate/ slightly/
appeal/ familiar/ expand
1. * had. no but to report him to the police.
2. +illions o% ,ermans . %rom Europe to -merica in
the centur".
3. /he oice on the phone sounded..
!. 0is %ace . in the mirror.
#. *1m . worried that she1ll get lost on the wa".
$. /he committee. in 1.12.
'. - child1s ocabular" . through reading.
2. -bout $.$ million people . to the 3nited 4tates in
the 1.'5s.
.. 0e was the onl" one to . against the decision.
15. /he 6eatles hae neer reall" lost their..
Exercise 3: 7rite the meaning
1. 8udge ..
2. critical thinking..
3. drop out o%..
!. settle..

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