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Project Summary

The Childrens Heart Foundation

sponsors a summer camp every year.
This camp is to allow children to get
outside of their comfort zone and
engage in activities they would not
normally do.
My role for this camp was a volunteer
counselor. I was In charge of a group
boys. We rocked climbed together,
canoed, swam, and many more
Project Highlights

we were doing archery, and as a
counselor I stepped aside and allowed
for the campers to do it by
themselves. One of my campers,
Juan, he hit shot out 5 balloons and
every time he was so excited.
Spinning around and yelling, Wyatt! I
got one!
What Ive learned is that each kid is
great, with their own strengths and
weaknesses. Most of them don't let
their ailments get in the way of living
their lives.
My experience has made me more
patient, it has allowed me to affect the
lives of a few. to be right there with
these kids I wouldn't trade for

Childrens Heart Foundation
Wyatt Currie-Diamond
Community engagement
my counselor in training, Richard, and I. taken at the hospital
while we were waiting for the buses to arrive
My team and I on the last day of camp. Outside of our cabin.
Great group of kids, I miss them very much.
From My Journal
13 august
we get up to the ranch before the campers
and start the process for setting up. We get to know
the new people, play some camp games, do camp
cheers, and build our relationships with everyone.
we cant stay up late tonight, we have to go back to
the hospital at 6 in the morning to get the campers.
Let it begin!

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